Should WWE rehire Johnny Stamboli?

GW Emperor

Occasional Pre-Show
With John Hugger (a.k.a. Johnny Stamboli) recently released from his contract with TNA, where he worked as Rellik, I was wondering would anyone out their like to see WWE rehire this wrestler?

In my opinion John Hugger is a great wrestler who has featured in many entertaining matches. He has gained experience all over the world, this in the biggest of promotions (i.e. WWE, WCW, TNA, New Japan and CMLL), has good skills on the microphone, and has unbelievable strength, this to the point that he can amazingly press lift guys like Rikishi and Jamal (Umaga) straight above his head.
With all of this in mind he is the type of wrestler that WWE would like and would usually employ, and I believe that they should most definately employ this individual. This time however I believe that he should be pushed into the areas he belongs, for instance constantly in either upper mid card or main event level, as this guy has been heavily and unfairly underused for the majority of his time in wrestling.
So what do you fellow wrestling fans think?
I honestly don't see the point. In a 3-brand roster filled already with talent thats going bad just being wasted on the sidelines, adding one more guy that will never become anything major seems rather pointless.

If he were capable of being a Road Agent, possibly. If he had the ability to work the mic better, then perhaps a management role could be in order. However if you're asking on if you believe they should hire him back as a Professional Wrestler, then I would say no.

Short of them wanting to attempt running something with him and Palumbo again, which recent reports have shown Palumbo's move to Raw wasn't meant in a good way, I doubt that'll be happening. And Samboli didn't really work that great during his last run with the company.

Sure the guy might be powerful and strong, but does it really matter? Mark Henry covers that on E.C.W. Big Show covers that on Smackdown. And a lot of guys handle the position on Raw. So there isn't a rush or need to pick up another "strong man."

Furthermore, if Stamboli didn't make it in T.N.A., even with the possibility of remarketing him as something else. (when honestly the Rellik gimmick was pretty neat for a halloween thing) If he couldn't hack it in T.N.A., I doubt seriously he'll cut it at all in the W.W.E.
I'd have to say no as well. The only thing he was ever even decent at was being in the FBI, and that's dead and buried. As Rellik, that's too much like Boogeyman. A monster that would show up every now and then to scare people. He'd be given a very short monster push, then be fed to some midcard face and never heard from again. He just doesn't bring much to the table overall. He was ok in WCW and TNA, but his time in WWE is forgettable at best. I'd have to pass here.
Actually I am going to go against much respected Will and KB on this one. Stamboli is just what WWE could use right now for their ECW brand. He ha a freak character in Rellik that would satisfy the ever clamoring Sci Fi channels need for a freak. He does the gimmick well and is at least 100 times better that the Boogie Man and is much scarier. He is a legitmate powerhouse and has a good look and nice strength to really push the gimmick home. He also is quick, also a high flyer and risk taker, and has a nice moveset to boot. He was trained in the good group of Power Plant guys and has honed his skills on a worldwide scale. If the WWE signed him, he could be utilized very flexibly as he can work several different gimmicks. Of course, I would still like to see him in the Rellik one for a bit.
Thing is, the Sci Fi aspect has been gone since the second week the show was on the air. It does make sense though to have Rellik show up, as you're right, he is better than Boogeyman. He's got more experience, and most importantly, he's healthy, and a full 12 years younger. However, I'm still not entirely sold on the guy. He seems like a guy that would just fill a roster spot and collect a salary, without making a huge contribution. He would fill the need for the more supernatural element, but it would seem to me that a spot like that could be given to a host of people, especially with ECW being made into a glorified minor league now. It does make more sense though after a second though.
He still could be used to help put over younger talent and they can finally purge the roster of the ECW originals. Stabolli is young, athletic, has a good look, speed, power, and is hungry. He's been booked badly when people get their hands on him. Maybe another stint in the WWE would finally open up people's eyes to what this young man has to offer. I still remember the hardcore match that he had with Terry Funk where he did that crazy leg drop from the top rope and broke his pelvic bone and still finished the match limping. The kid has heart, always has. And now he has international experience. Something that WWE will need when they explore franchising into worldwide markets.
No. There is no reason that they should bring him back. With the rosters being overcrowded, and not all the talent getting TV time as it is they don't need another waste of space. There is nothing exciting about Stamboli at all, not even when he was Rellik (which is Killer spelled backwards if you didn't know). He would just get hired, do some dark matches, then they would realize that he sucks and release him once again.
Im not sure. It depends how they would use him. I always thought he was a good worker is his WCW days and if they had proper plans for him other than teaming with Nunzio and jobbing every week then he might be worth a punt.
well if they were going to bring him back why not bring him in as santino's bodyguard. we've been hearing that he has supposed to be having a bodyguard for months now and why not stamboli. he has played the italian thug/enforcer role before and him and santino both have an italian gimmick. i can't think of anyone in development or on the current roster maybe besides palumbo (but who wants to see that) who can be his bodyguard

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