Should WWE PPV's be Hosted outside of the U.S. and Canada?

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
As should be known by all, the WWE is an American wrestling company that broadcasts basically all of its television programming such as RAW and SmackDown! on American soil. For a couple of times a year, the WWE venture to Canada and host a few shows there a year, as well as going to the United Kingdom (mainly England) for maybe one week a year. So, the WWE taped audiences are made up of these three countries:

- America
- Canada
- UK (England)

Now, the WWE have tried to an extent to find new areas where they could possibly host a televised event. Around when New Year's Revolution was around, the year of 2005 saw that they held the event in Puerto Rico. If I remember correctly, the fans weren't the best and only came alive for the main even matches only.

Since WWE is such a huge name, has the resources to set up these TV shows other than the three specified above and a lot of countries sell out the house shows when they come to countries such as Australia... Would it be a good idea for WWE to branch out to other countries and host weekly televised programming for shows like PPV's, RAW, etc.?

For me, I'd say it wouldn't hurt to try maybe one event like a C-grade PPV to venture out into somewhere with a demand for WWE that is relatively high and put the entire proceedings on the television. They have the funds to try risky business decisions like this every 8 months or so and would not affect financials at all, considering WWE sells crazy merchandise and tickets when they do overseas house shows.

Any thoughts?

EDIT: For those like Milky who could get confused, WWE is broadcasted over the world, of course. What I ask is if they should host events.
As should be known by all, the WWE is an American wrestling company that broadcasts basically all of its television programming such as RAW and SmackDown! on American soil.

Actually the WWE is an international company, broadcasted all around the world. To my knowledge it is watchable by 145 diffrent countries, in 30 diffrent languages. Most all the shows are hosted in the Americas, but overall, the WWE generates money from all around the world.

For a couple of times a year, the WWE venture to Canada and host a few shows there a year, as well as going to the United Kingdom (mainly England) for maybe one week a year. So, the WWE taped audiences are made up of these three countries:

- America
- Canada
- UK (England)

Are we talking simply hosted, or are we talking who can view the WWE? Just so you know, the reason this is the way it is, is because this are the easiest places to host their televised shows. The reasoning behind why WWE doesn't go to all these diffrent countries is simple, it costs immense amounts of money for the WWE to travel. You have to buy each employee passports for each country, you have to have work visa's, etc. It costs way too much to simply "Expand" the way you want to. Honestly, it would probably cost more than its worth.

Since WWE is such a huge name, has the resources to set up these TV shows other than the three specified above and a lot of countries sell out the house shows when they come to countries such as Australia.

They may have the resources, but the price would probably be outragous to go to Australia. You have to look at flying, equipment, etc. The WWE might as well set up an entire fleet of ships just to get over there. Canada, England, and America all already have massive wrestling promotions in which the WWE can easily hall their much needed materials across.

.. Would it be a good idea for WWE to branch out to other countries and host weekly televised programming for shows like PPV's, RAW, etc.?

I doubt it.

For me, I'd say it wouldn't hurt to try maybe one event like a C-grade PPV to venture out into somewhere with a demand for WWE that is relatively high and put the entire proceedings on the television.

It probably wouldn't hurt, but it may not help either.

They have the funds to try risky business decisions like this every 8 months or so and would not affect financials at all, considering WWE sells crazy merchandise and tickets when they do overseas house shows.

Why do risky business, when Vince allready has the American people out of his hands, and the every so often out of country thing, where you yourself stated sell crazy amounts of merchandise and tickets.

Any thoughts?

You should be able to pick up by now my thoughts :p
It's a good enough idea but I think one of the main reasons they don't hold live PPVs or Raws outside of America and Canada is to do with the time difference. In an fairly recent interview Stephanie McMahon was asked:

For WWE to grow into a "truly global brand", I assume the company will have to stage more live events and television tapings outside the US and Canada. But how about pay-per-views: do you envisage WWE promoting any from overseas markets?

SM: There will definitely be more live events. The problem with pay-per-view overseas is finding the right times and dates to accomodate the time difference. It also helps if we have big stars from those areas of the world: that helps us make inroads into their countries, a lower level wrestler does not make much difference. Look at Great Khali, for example: he's revered in India because he's been the World Champion.

Danny Flexen, Powerslam Magazine. Issue 184.

So while I would love to be able to head down to my local arena to see a WWE PPV, I don't think it'll happen. They used to do PPVs from the UK but obviously those have all ceased...
It just seems like too much work. Not just financially but the whole logistics of it would be a huge pain. Why bother when they are already drainig people in the USA, Canada and UK? As long as other countries can purchase PPVs and Merchandise, they'll still earn a profit from other countries and be a global product without having to deal with the brutal logistics under such high pressure circumstances.
The WWE is broadasted to some ridicoulous amount of countries worldwide so it's not like their reach is limited.

It would be really counterproductive to have a WWE Pay Per View in a smaller less economically and financially able country. Canada and The United States are also very close so the time difference doesn't have an effect.

I imagine that the PPV's are very important to creative and management and to the wrestlers itself. So I doubt they want any lagging from the shift in time zones thus don't expect the WWE to shift the locations of PPV's any time soon if ever.
I would love to see a Wrestlemania hosted in London, England.. Purely cos it costs way too much money just to get to America from the UK never mind the cost of a Hotel and tickets to the show.
As much as a WWE event would be a huge draw in London, or maybe even one of the big Australian cities, cost has to be taken into account, as does practicality. A PPV would have to go out live, which would either mean an afternoon airing, or filming it at 1 o'clock in the morning. Also, the production is worse in Britain. They use less pyro, and the stage is smaller, so a big PPV production would look a bit shit in comparison. I don't know, I think it's one of those things that is a great idea in principle, but once you start considering the practicality of it, it doesn't seem very workable.
imagine a ppv in ireland thomond park or crogh park cud easily hold a crowd equal to a small venue in the states..... no bother in selling out either as england is only a hop skip and a jump away
I have heard reports about WWE wanting to do a Wrestlemania in Mexico City, but I have never known the truth behind that. I always thought that a Summerslam in Mexico City would be a great event, and I have a feeling it would be able to sell quite well. Summerslam has lost some moment as a big pay per view, so I think it should be used to go to venues across the world, such as Wembley Stadium, Toronto, Australia, and even Sao Paulo.
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