Should WWE go for Nick Aldis?

Piss Bucket

Future British World Champ

Former Global Force Wrestling/TNA Wrestling star Nick "Magnus" Aldis has recently announced that he's a "Free Agent", do you think WWE should reach out to him? With the impending departure of Wade Barrett when his contract runs out in June, I think WWE could use a big English guy like Nick to possibly even replace Wade in the League of Nations as their token Englishman.

Anyone agree?
Its certainly an addition to NXT that couldn't hurt. Experienced guy who has been the lead in a company before, and has worked many solid matches.
I'm going to suggest another rout. If memory serves me correctly Barrett and Aldis are actually friends. What would possibly work best for both would be to form a tag team and tour the globe for a while. By playing off one another's strengths and their recognizable faces they shouldn't have any trouble finding work.
He's got the body WWE wants, so if they do go for him, they'll push him. They might be in want of a new British star with rumours of Barrett leaving. He's in his prime, only 29. Significantly younger than other TNA ex-pats Styles and Aries.

Styles and Aries were big deals in TNA, whereas Magnus only had one world title reign before they seemed to get bored of him and move onto pushing others. I'm honestly a lapsed TNA fan, and I'm only posting here because I'll have the least bias.

From what I've seem, Nick Aldis seems fairly mediocre. He's got a great look, which WWE loves, but he isn't exactly magic in the ring. Not everyone has to be that amazing match technician, but it's kind of what you want in your top draws, avoiding an emperor has no clothes situation.

The major thing that I could see stopping WWE from going after him - his marriage to Mickie James. That may stop him from going there.

Aldis has a great look, but isn't one you can look to for carrying a match. He's younger than most of the recent debuts, but WWE has had a lot of recent TNA debuts, all of whom seem to be far more talented. I'd like to hear from any Magnus supporters out there. I stopped following TNA years ago, and never really saw much more in him than a midcard guy.
I would say he's more than good enough to be a solid hand for NXT and being only 29 still has time to improve himself over a couple of years or so before maybe stepping up to the main roster where he could be a solid midcard guy. I always thought that he & Barrett would make for a great partnership and its a shame Barrett is leaving the company or maybe they could have worked something out.
Realistically, Magnus would be a great talent for WWE in terms of his marketability "abroad". He's got a great look, he's a young guy, and he can work at a very high level. He may not be World title material (than again he just may be), but he is certainly somebody that would be a solid hand in whatever role they give him.

It seemed like Barrett was supposed to be the "face" of UK wrestling in the WWE, but it obviously never panned out. Sheamus is on the downward swing. Magnus is a decent choice to replace these guys further down the line. There's no reason for WWE not to go after him, especially considering they'd probably get MJ right along with Magnus.
I'm not so sure on Barrett now... I fully expect he and Sheamus to get the tag titles for a while - it's not the main event both should be in, but look at what a similar team did for Miz all those years ago... I get the feeling that Barrett pulled the same move Ziggler did a little while ago, made clear things had to change for him or he was going... and they are still interested in keeping him and he'll still end up re-signing... they folded with Doplh so they probably will with Barrett. Cos the reality is, they don't have many guys with the mic skills that he has on the roster.... He's wrestling more again and now getting tag title shots... a 2 month run with the belt (until Gallows and Anderson) and a face turn/ feud with LoN and suddenly Wade Barrett can be not only over, but making money.

As for Aldis - the idea of a tag team is a very good one, but not with Barrett... They should go for Harry Smith and bring he and Aldis in as a new British Bulldogs team, Barrett or someone from NXT like Hugo Kniox could potentially also be there and make it a 3 man unit. Aldis does't have the ring skill that Harry does, but he has the Charisma the Harry doesn't...

As for Mickie being an issue, I doubt it... as long as he doesn't try to get her back in, they won't care who he has at home...
In one sentence, Yes, Why not?

I would be really happy to see him in NxT. He is only 29 years old unlike other ex-TNA wrestlers who joined NxT like Austin Aries, Samoa Joe etc. For me, Aldis can be suitable for a Tyler Breeze-esque role in NxT. He can remain on NxT for 1 or 1.5 years and make his name credible enough in NxT and then winning the NxT Championship.

Or rather He and Barrett can go to NJPW/ROH filling the space of Anderson and Gallows. :rolleyes:

I could see him being brought in to NXT, if you believe the rumored callups after Mania. I mean, NXT is supposedly going to lose Balor, Enzo, Cass and Carmella (all of whom are the most over acts not named Bayley in NXT), and now they're never going to get Gallows and Anderson.

The show is going have a serious lack of star power, and adding another guy that has some previous name value would make a lot of sense.

All in all, I guess we'll see.
If only just to keep him being used by TNA or GFW, as a talent he's not bad barring if he's a complete dick backstage, woulda been perfect to team him with Barrett instead of the League of Pointlessness, but Barrett leaving would quash any plans for that happening.

Until he joined Dixie i thought he had loads of potential but that fell flat.
As far as i'm aware, he burnt his bridges with WWE when he threatened Cena via phone call with something concerning Mickie James
As far as i'm aware, he burnt his bridges with WWE when he threatened Cena via phone call with something concerning Mickie James

I don't remember hearing anything about that, but it would be rather stupid of him if he did it. Considering that Cena is the top guy at WWE and has been for so long, even if he quit wrestling tomorrow he'd still have Vince's ear. Cena is the last person you'd want to piss off if you ever wanted to work for Vince and Co.

Besides are Aldis and James married with a child now? Cena is dating Nikki Bella, so any past relationship is just that, a past relationship. I'm sure that Cena and James aren't the first two wrestlers to have been together. While Aldis might be a tad jealous, my advice to him would be to grow a set and don't dwell in the past. It's not like he can change it or anything.
As far as i'm aware, he burnt his bridges with WWE when he threatened Cena via phone call with something concerning Mickie James

That wasn't Nick that said or did that as Nick and Mickie got together during both of their time in TNA. As far as whom probably it was it was Ken Doane aka Kenny Dykstra as him and Micke were together then.

As far as Nick in the WWE it would be a great thing to possibly have him and Mickie James back on the Roster now that The Bellas are winding down their current stay.
I don't remember hearing anything about that, but it would be rather stupid of him if he did it. Considering that Cena is the top guy at WWE and has been for so long, even if he quit wrestling tomorrow he'd still have Vince's ear. Cena is the last person you'd want to piss off if you ever wanted to work for Vince and Co.

Besides are Aldis and James married with a child now? Cena is dating Nikki Bella, so any past relationship is just that, a past relationship. I'm sure that Cena and James aren't the first two wrestlers to have been together. While Aldis might be a tad jealous, my advice to him would be to grow a set and don't dwell in the past. It's not like he can change it or anything.

It was during Mickie's time in TNA and I think not long after she had got together with Nick, Cena rang her for a booty call which pissed Nick off. Thats what I heard, but its all chinese whispers at the end of the day in the wrestling world...
It was during Mickie's time in TNA and I think not long after she had got together with Nick, Cena rang her for a booty call which pissed Nick off. Thats what I heard, but its all chinese whispers at the end of the day in the wrestling world...

Okay I'm not really a fan of Nikki Bella, but she is much better looking than Mickie James, so can't see why Cena would pick James over Nikki. That being said, that's something a dirt sheet writer would make up to stir the pot. This kind of rumormongering is crap really unless you can show us the source for what you say?
He was a solid heel, good on the mic and a good look. Their aren't many talented guys with believable looks these days so he should be signed should do pretty well if booked right.
Okay I'm not really a fan of Nikki Bella, but she is much better looking than Mickie James, so can't see why Cena would pick James over Nikki. That being said, that's something a dirt sheet writer would make up to stir the pot. This kind of rumormongering is crap really unless you can show us the source for what you say?

It's not all about looks ya know! I'm just giving my 2 cents on what I heard from someone in british wrestling. Nothing against Magnus either, I really enjoyed his run up to his Bound for Glory match with Sting.

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