Should WWE bring back the women's championship?

Frozen Fire

Dark Match Winner
the divas title has been nothing short of a joke. it was good enough for the barbie doll "divas" that carried it but Wid Kharma soon to debut and Beth Phoenix back in action on Raw should WWE consider scrapping d divas title and bring back d original women's championship. (d divas title will look really stupid on either of d 2)
i feel d original had more prestige attached to it. it was good on d part of WWE to have launched d divas title to save d original from being disgraced week in and week out.
but now, finally when things could look up in d women's division should WWE be bringing it back? your opinions!!!!
the womens championship belt is, er, was the oldest belt in the wwe. them retiring it was a sad day. i would love to see the title reinstated and the divas champion on the opposite show or retired instead. but thats just me, most of the divas in the diva division are jokes so i dunno. theres some good female wrestlers though.
I had to read this a couple of times to get past the "d" used instead of "the". I'm not saying use proper grammar but make it look "semi-partially" professional.

Anyways, the WWE Women's Championship should stay retired. The Divas Championship may look absolutely stupid but the name of the title fits with what WWE calls their female performers. Hmm. Divas fighting for the Divas Championship. Makes perfect sense to me. Let the Women's Championship rest peacefully. The Women's Championship doesn't deserve to have holders likes of Eve Torres, Brie Bella, and Jillian Hall on its list of champions with the likes of The Fabulous Moolah, Trish Stratus, and Lita. The WWE wants its past to be its past and that's fine with me. Let the title fade. It's never coming back.
ok first of all before you post again learn to frickin talk right! because i couldnt understand 90% of what the hell u were saying :lol:

but back to the topic at hand....the womens title should come back it should have never gone away plain and simple.
In a word yes they should the divas title was brought in so that the wwe divas on SD would have something to compete for. Now the divas title is on Raw and again the divas on SD have nothing to fight for. So there are two shows and two types of divas the ones that can wrestle and the ones that could use some work so this is what I suggest to WWE:

Raw (womens championship)
Beth Phoenix
Gail Kim
Eve Torres
Michelle McCool

Smackdown (Divas Title)
Nikki Bella
Brie Bella
Kelly Kelly
Rosa Mendes
Alicia Fox

I know a lot of people wont agree with putting Eve with the womens title but to me Eve has improved a lot and is trying her best to keep improving and could bring some prestige to the title.

This way all divas will have a title to fight for and the girls who need improvement can fight for the divas title and the divas who are already good in the ring can fight for the womens title. Then again you have to wonder how this will be able to bring prestige to the divas title, but I see no other way except fire all the divas who cant fight and want to be just models and hire girls that can. Also keep the girls who can fight and the girls who want to improve and are willing to. I would love to see them bring back the womens title because I would love to be a wwe diva one day and hold that title that was held by my favorite divas of all time Lita and Mickie James
The women's championship should remain retired. Compare todays divas to the likes of trish tratus and lita etc, giving someone like brie bella that championship would just be an insult. Sure girls like Kharma, Beth, Nattie, Tamina, Melina, Gail kim and McCool could pull it of but most of the divas are just models who have cat-fights while most viewers take bathroom breaks and go for beer =P
The Diva's Title is ...for what its worth The New Womens Title. In theory, it doesnt matter what show the Diva is on she can go for that title. What matters is who is feuding with who at the time. Obviously, a Smackdown Diva could pick a fight with a RAW diva and earn the title shot and be spotlighted.

Its much like the tag team titles although WWE has never offically said so. Other wise it would be pointless to have divas on the other brand at all. Its a belt that the women of the WWE can go for. I havent seen any barbie doll divas go after it lately.

I am one of those that feel Eve has performed better than and learned quicker than the likes of Trish and even Kelly Kelly was showing up the other divas months ago just some fans just will not let it go that women can wrestle too.

Also, above someone mentioned shouldnt be won by the likes of Jillian Hall...well Jillian Hall was considered very talented until she got to the WWE and got the singing gimmick...everyone hated the gimmick so some how that translated to she sucks. She didnt wrestle for what seemed like months at a time and when she did all the fans saw was that annoying singer they didnt see the wrestler.

The same could be said about other Divas who have came and gone through out the years. Tori (not Torrie Wilson) was very talented and showed it off a lot but during that DX Era she got some heat here and there. I feel sorry for those Tough Enough Kids this year... if I was a girl and I wanted to a wrestler...I would rather be trained by Tori..not Trish. Sorry.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculous question? What difference could it possibly make? The Diva's Championship is the Women's Championship. It's the same damn thing. Yeah the butterfly belt looks stupid, but bringing the old belt back or calling it the Women's Championship again wouldn't make one bit of difference in the division.
First of all, i apologize for being grammatically incorrect in my first post. this is only my 2nd post here, so am still getting used to it.
now for the topic on hand.
well, to say the diva's championship is the women's championship, is to say that brie and nikki bella have the same skills and stature as trish stratus and the fabulous moolah.
i agree with Nicole13Edge/HardyFan. as it is the women on SD don't compete for a championship.... so why not put all the models on SD and only women with some wrestling skill on Raw?
i think if Beth phoenix, Natalya, and Kharma along with the likes of Gail kim, Melina and few others are put on 1 brand, they are capable of lifting the women's division to a watchable standard .... and for this they need to be fighting for something prestigious, not some piece of bringing the original title back can make a difference...
Women's champion, Diva's champion, does it really matter? It's all the same.

Yeah, that butterfly belt is a bit of an insult to serious performers (because it looks like the TNA championship belt). Let that be an incentive to the divas: Improve wrestling wise and you'll get back a real wrestling belt.

WWE has fallen into a weird habit of exchanging existing belts with ones that reflect how much prestige those titles have lost. Just look at the tag titles.
It's funny how people say stuff like "giving the Women's title to Brie Bella would be a joke" and then completely forget that Sable was a women's champion... multiple times. If that's not a joke of a champion then I don't know what is.

As for the main topic at hand, I honestly wouldn't mind them bringing that title back. It's not entirely a bad idea because the women on Smackdown definitely need a title to compete for. I'm honestly one of the few people on these forums that thinks the Bellas (I'm saying they both reign) are a perfect fit and I probable get a lot of bad rep... but the thing is, whether they like to admit it or not, the Bellas get a huge reaction everytime they're in the ring, and they can somewhat move.

Sure, Nikki is better than Brie but the two still work. As a face, they got the cheers. As a heel, they get the boos... and unlike the boos Drew got on Smackdown, they aren't fake.

I seriously can see Nikki and Brie making the Diva's title into something prestigious... And who knows, they may even be the ones to bring in Kharma and use her as a body guard to protect them against the other barbies.... It's not an impossible storyline, you know.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculous question? What difference could it possibly make? The Diva's Championship is the Women's Championship. It's the same damn thing. Yeah the butterfly belt looks stupid, but bringing the old belt back or calling it the Women's Championship again wouldn't make one bit of difference in the division.

No you aren't however the WOmen's wrestling/championship is not the same as the Diva's division.

Diva's are not performers for the most part, they are just there for eye candy.
Few of them deserve to be pout in the same league as the Women's champions of the past.

WWE has moved away from Wrestling, Women are Diva's not female wreslters, Men are Superstars not Male wrestlers. Those days are gone along with it the prestige of holding those titles that made so many famous and unless Vinnie Mac kicks the bucket and someone else with a brain takes over and gets rid of the idea of distancing yourself from what made you and spreading so thin that everything is just cookie cutter, it's beyond our control.
I really do want it back, they can keep the divas title but bring back the womens title, it has so much history and was the title held longest by one person. Hopefully they will bring it back once or if the divas division ever makes a comeback at all.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculous question? What difference could it possibly make? The Diva's Championship is the Women's Championship. It's the same damn thing. Yeah the butterfly belt looks stupid, but bringing the old belt back or calling it the Women's Championship again wouldn't make one bit of difference in the division.

That hasn't stopped people from bitching about the spinner belt.

That said, I personally would like to see them go back to the women's title belt. I'm trying to visualize Kong with the Butterfly Belt, and it just isn't happening. If she gets the belt, I see a good opportunity to either bring back the old belt or create a new badass custom belt for her that could also look good on the other divas.

I just hate the excuse they made for ditching the old belt: The Butterfly Belt looks pwetty in HD. Why not just polish up the old belt to make it look better? That's what they did with the World Heavyweight Title.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculous question? What difference could it possibly make? The Diva's Championship is the Women's Championship. It's the same damn thing. Yeah the butterfly belt looks stupid, but bringing the old belt back or calling it the Women's Championship again wouldn't make one bit of difference in the division.

To be fair the "stupid butterfly belt" has a far worse look/appeal than the proper, professional sounding Women's Championship.

But ultimately Brain is very right, if WWE wants improvement (and clearly it doesn't) then way they book that division needs to be entirely revamped; bringing back some old title won't change anything.

However my hopes are for Kharma winning butterfly and then dropping it in a bin or something before replacing it with a newly designed one. Which probably won't happen. It's my wishful thinking at work here.
IMO yes. If the WWE wants to have the Divas in ring, even for 2 minutes, they ned a reason. matches for matches sake makes no sense. So yes they need to return the women's championship. They have 2 WORLD CHAMPIONS and 2 idcard tiles so why not?
Why does it really matter? I see a woman carring around a belt and I'm going to think oh hey! She's the woman champ. In reality I've seen someone toss around the idea of bringing it back to have two womens titles like before. How with a lacking devision are you going to have that? The divas are allredy cross branded I believe. Why keep them on one show? They get more air time, and with Kong coming we are allmost sure to see at least 1 or two good matches back in the division. It's just a belt, we all know what it is.

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