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Should Wrestlemania 30 be about the future


Championship Contender
In recent weeks the speculation for the Wrestlemania card has heated up and the likes of Sting, Hogan, Rock, Austin, Michaels and others have had there names come up as superstars WWE wants to have on the card. This looks like WWE are planning a Wrestlemania focused around superstars of the past.

However I would rather see WWE use Wrestlemania 30 to focus on the future not the past. WWE has an abundance of good young talent and for each legend that returns 1 losses there spot on the card. With future stars such as Shield, Wyatt family, Uso's, Real Americans, Big E, Woods, Cody Rhodes, Sandow, Bryan, Ziggler and Ryback. That's 17 guys and when you add the veterans on the active roster I feel there is no need for to bring back any legends except Taker and Lesnar.

I feel WWE's focus should be on the future not the past at Wrestlemania 30. What are your thoughts on the idea.
I feel like with it being WrestleMania 30, yes you do make it about the future. But you also make sure you incorporate the past as well. I think it would be great to get guys like Hogan, Austin, Bret Hart, HBK, Foley, Warrior etc all. on the card and play some sort of role. These guys are a HUGE part of why WWE is as successful as it is today, and not having them there and a part of #30 would be like a slap in the face to the history of the company.

So my thought is to make it a longer show than normal(yes I know it will jack up the ppv price). And you make the stars of today the main draw but you have these HOFer's/future HOFer's play a huge role as well. Don't be putting the older guys in say the main events, but you do what you hafta do to get as many of them in the show as you can! As I posted in the Hogan Thread, I like the idea of a Legend's Battle Royal to try and get as many of them out there as possible.

One thing I do know is they shouldn't make something like a CM Punk/Daniel Bryan match, which will be EPIC when it takes place especially if it was at Mania, take a backseat to a bunch of part timers. Because I think a feud like Punk/Bryan could be a storyline that you could make the main feud of the company for an entire year(the possibilities are endless). But it would be a crying shame if they had to take a backseat to say HBK/HHH.

With all the great up and coming superstars and established stars in the company right now, mixed in with the right legends, I think WrestleMania 30 could truly be the greatest pay per view card of all time!
I really agree with your idea.
First I think the only part timers that should be in this years WM are Taker & Lesnar & Maybe HHH if he let a young guy over him.
Also I want to see at least one world title match {Personally I hope it will be the WHC title match} which will include only young guys who are ready for the Main Event chance.This group includes:Cody Rhodes & Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns & Dolph Ziggler & Antonio Cesaro.In my opinion it will be great to see Reigns vs Ambrose for the title at mania or Cesaro vs Reigns.
The WWE Title match should only be Cm Punk vs Daniel Bryan.This 2 man is who will lead the company after John Cena will leave {I Hope}.
Then there will be 2 matches that will include Part timers:RyBack vs Lesnar and Cena vs Taker.Maybe you can add Rhodes vs Goldust and 1/2 filler matches & a divas match & the kickoff and you got a card.
WrestleMania, in some ways, has become something of a double edged sword as far as the talent goes. WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year, so it's natural to want to do everything you possibly can to jack up ppv buys. It's also the biggest payday of the year for the WWE locker room. For all the alleged pissing & moaning some in the locker room did about The Rock's participation, his presence helped make their bank balance a bit bigger and they didn't seem to have any issues with that.

However, whenever WM starts to get anywhere close to being around the corner, there's always this talk of which legends will show up. People always say that it'd be great to see Austin come back for one more match, they say it about Hogan, they keep speculating about Sting, etc.

I might be wrong, but I don't think there'll be too many legends popping up at WM XXX. Hulk Hogan almost certainly won't be wrestling due to his condition, as I highly doubt he could come through all the exams he'd be put through and still be medically cleared. That's even if WWE is at all interested in having him in the first place.

All signs point to The Rock not being part of WM XXX at all due to his relentless film schedule and the injury he suffered against Cena. Months back, there were articles out reporting that WWE informed the company that makes their merchandise not to produce any new Rock stuff for 2014.

As far as Sting goes, he's pretty loyal to TNA. Reportedly, at one time, Vince was very interested in bringing him in but now, allegedly, he's lost interest. After all, there's only so many times you can be told no before you decide to just give it up and move on. Triple H is relentless and would do everything he could to have Sting be part of WrestleMania XXX but, again, Sting is comfy in TNA. The odds of him being part of WrestleMania XXX aren't very good at all.

Allegedly, WWE has been interested in having Goldberg work WrestleMania XXX to wrestle against Ryback. A report came out last week stating, however, that most feel it's not gonna happen. Goldberg himself has stated that he has no desire to return only to wind up losing. If WWE felt that Goldberg was worth bringing in, I think they'd do it. They've had negotiations several times in the past and based on what limited info I've read about, it seems like Goldberg basically wanted everything under the sun and WWE officials feel that he's just not worth it.

As for HBK, it's 50/50 at this point in time as to what'll happen. The confrontation he had with Daniel Bryan lit up Twitter and immediately had people buzzing about him coming out of retirement for one more match, taking on Bryan at WM XXX. Michaels himself kept the speculation going by saying on Twitter, after a fan asked a question about him having some extended involvement, in which Michaels said that it's being discussed. A few months back, when WWE & Ultimate Warrior seemed to have mended some the issues between them, there was talk of Warrior headlining the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2014. If that doesn't happen, the back up plan is to have D-Generation X headline the show. I don't know if that means that WWE would push back their induction to another year if Warrior headlines the next show or if they'll still be inducted. If it's the former, then the possibility of HBK wrestling at next year's show increases since he'll be inducted as part of DX, making him the 2nd multiple entrant into the HOF.

As far as Austin goes, again, I'm not really seeing it happening as far as a match goes. Austin has a lot of other things going on in his life right now and, again, there are medical issues to consider. Austin looks great physically, but the reason he ultimately hung up his boots in the first place was due to injuries. Who knows if he'd be able to even come through the medical tests?

Generally speaking, WrestleMania isn't about the past or the future, it's about WWE doing what they think will ultimately earn them the most money. However, they're also realistic about it. They say that Vince can be damn near unbearable during WrestleMania season with his tendency to change his mind and obsess over every little thing. That obsessiveness, however, can pay off when he has people there who help him take a look at the big picture realistically. If they genuinely thought that Hogan vs. Cena or Hogan vs. Taker or whatever would help them draw a shitload of money, they'd book it
Absolutely not. This is an appalling idea!

When I pay my £20 to watch Wrestlemania, I don't pay to watch a glorified episode of Raw or a B PPV!!! The 'future' has 11 other PPV's and countless TV shows to make a name for themselves so for me Wrestlemania is all about nostalgia and the main eventers.

Give me Rock, Lesnar, Taker, Triple H and Hogan over Barrett, Ziggler, Miz, Kofi and Big E any day of the week!!!

Cena, Punk, Bryan, Orton, Sheamus simply do not have enough pull to carry the show on their own. Buy rates were on a slippery slope until Dwayne Johnson returned.
It would be great to see this or any Mania be about building future stars but the timing has to be right. The last time we really had a Mania that was focused on building new young stars was probably WrestleMania XXI. At that card we had Cena and Batista win World Titles over established vets (JBL and HHH) as well as Orton challenging Taker for his streak. Because of the success of that show and those wrestlers continuing to grow, guys like Cena, Orton and Batista remained in the main event for the remainder of their WWE careers.

The boat already passed with Punk as he has become a full fledged main eventer without a huge Mania moment. He has had big matches at the past two events, but they didn't make him into a star like Cena, Batista and Orton. Rather he became a star between those 2 events. That leaves Daniel Bryan and possibly Cody Rhodes as the only other guys on the roster who are in a position to be elevated into true main event status via Mania XXX. I doubt we will see it happen with Rhodes (at least not this Mania) but Bryan has been a breakout star in 2013 for the WWE and he is in a position to get that rub from Mania.

I think we will see it with Bryan as we wind down this calendar year and he finished up his program with Punk against the Wyatt's, Bryan's focus will shift back towards the WWE title. Really looking forward to the upcoming Rumble as it seems to be a two wrestler race between Punk and Bryan where I can't really call a favorite.
Absolutely not. This is an appalling idea!

When I pay my £20 to watch Wrestlemania, I don't pay to watch a glorified episode of Raw or a B PPV!!! The 'future' has 11 other PPV's and countless TV shows to make a name for themselves so for me Wrestlemania is all about nostalgia and the main eventers.

Give me Rock, Lesnar, Taker, Triple H and Hogan over Barrett, Ziggler, Miz, Kofi and Big E any day of the week!!!

Cena, Punk, Bryan, Orton, Sheamus simply do not have enough pull to carry the show on their own. Buy rates were on a slippery slope until Dwayne Johnson returned.
This is exactly right. I don't care about Kofi Kingston being in a tag team match on Raw, why would I shell out $50-$100 for a PPV to watch it again? The young talent has the entire year to produce as WWE superstars. However, I don't want to watch two olds battle it out. I want to see current talent against Legacy talent. I wanna see Cena carry Hulk through another match. I wanna see Austin take on CM Punk (or Taker. I think Austin is the only guy with the star power to take the Streak).

If they even BOOK the Wyatts for WMXXX, it's a no buy for me. If they decide to have Dean Ambrose on WMXXX, no thanks, I'll catch the Youtube later so I can skip it. I won't pay to watch spot monkey fly around the ring. I want to see my childhood/teenage WWF years at WM. This is why I don't buy the 11 other PPVs.
I understand the issues that people have with regards to Mania and young talent. Firstly, these guys are working every single week; TV, house shows and PPV. If they don't get the opportunity at Mania that really must suck. For example, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow had their match cut off at the last second. I can't imagine what that would feel like sitting there watching The Rock getting paid a shitload of money to work one of his three matches this year. Of course, he has earned his spot over many years and is obviously more talented but I'm sure that wouldn't matter to Rhodes/Sandow. It would feel like an injustice.

Moreover, there is the fact that they should be building to the future. Guys like Lesnar, The Rock, Hogan, Austin etc. may be fantastic for the here and now but in the long-term that isn't doing any good. The younger guys are the ones that will be selling PPV's and Manias in the years to come so surely having them do something significant could be more beneficial in the long run.

However, Wrestlemania has never been strictly about building stars. It has been the place where the stars shine the brightest - HBK, Taker, Austin, Edge prove that. Anyway, what do we mean about the future. Does Big E facing Curtis Axel result in either becoming the next John Cena or Steve Austin. No. It is what the wrestlers do in the other 364 days that make them stars not one match at Mania. Austin had his 3:16 promo at King of the Ring; Punk had his pipebomb; Bryan could main event because of Yes chants. Guys like Benoit, Angle, Jericho just simply rose to the top by being great wrestlers. I don't think there is any perfect method for building stars and giving them a spot at Wrestemania doesn't change that.

In everyone's favourite era: the attitude era, the overall quality of the roster was pretty shit. People constantly overlook that but there was a lot of average talent. Now, there is a lot of great mid-carders and the majority are young. We want them all to feature on the biggest night of the year when that is not a possibility. At WM 15 or 16 they were probably looking around trying to find someone to fill a spot rather than being forced to pick one fantastic talent or another.

I honestly don't think that leaving guys of the WM card is that detrimental to their career or the WWE's long term future. I could say, what if Edge was never booked in those tag-team matches at 16 and 17. Well, he would still have probably risen to the top. John Cena faced JBL at 21 because was a fantastic mid-card champion in the previous year and deserved it.

If someone honestly thinks that having Xavier Woods on the Wrestlemania card this year, perhaps jobbing to Dean Ambrose is going to make them the next Hulk Hogan then they are a fucking moron. Fandango beat Chris Jericho. That achieved nothing. Would I have rather seen Jericho face RVD? Obviously.

As a fan, I simply want to watch the best PPV possible. That is the opinion shared by casual fans as well. I want to see the legends return because I want a fucking awesome PPV. This is Wrestlemania not Payback. I can see Big E wrestle anytime I want. For that one night of the year I want to see the big names return.

Finally, the best young guys will get their chance regardless. The Shield, Big E, Rhodes, Wyatt will all almost certainly be on the card. They will get their chance in the future but when I tune in to WM30, I want to see the very best PPV that the WWE can offer and utilising the legends is the only way to do that.
No it should not and here's why:

If people won't pay to see the up and comers appear at the 10 other PPV events, why would they pay to see them at WrestleMania for an ever higher price? It's as simple as that. It all comes down to business, the part returning names from the past face off against the current top echelon of stars in WWE.

No one wants to see John Cena vs Big E Langston because that is a match that we can see happen anytime of the year. We want to see John Cena face off against The Undertaker or Brock Lesnar face off against The Undertaker. If The Rock is planning on being there then The Rock vs Brock II would be a match that any fan would want to see.

It all comes down to business and what sells the most and what draws. WrestleMania is NOT the place to be putting over younger talent, that is what the other 9 months of the year are for and they seem to struggle with that these days. So in conclusion, part time top star vs full time top star=more interest=more buys= a more successful event.
The Past three WM's have been subpar to say the least.. Its not necessarily about the past or future its about WM! As far as legends go,

Austin:While i would love to see SCSA at WM,hell who wouldnt,i just dont see it happening. Austin is quite well off,doing very well for himself.. He hung up his boots because of injuries I highly doubt he would wanna come back and risk permanent injury on himself.. He apparently has a lot on his plate

Hogan:The most likely scenario is hogan appearing at WM.. While there is no way in hell i wanna see him compete,no doctor worth his/her worth would clear him to wrestle as this mans body is a complete wreck.. While i love Hogan,and completely respect the fact that basically he helped save pro wrestling he should be in guest spots here and there at WM! He should have a huge part in it IMO

HBK: Twitter Went crazy about him possibly coming back for one more match against Daniel Bryan. While i would love for it to happen,i just dont think it will.. HBK retired,im sure he doesnt wanna spit on what he and the undertaker did at WM26. Not that it would necessarily be spitting,if he were to come back i would want him to have undertakers blessing. I dont want HBK to pull a Flair you know if your retired then your retired!

Goldberg: No thank you.. Never cared for him,the guy is a jackass and IMO he doesnt have the clout in saying if hes gonna put someone over or not. As far as him asking for the moon and stars if he were to return,I totally believe it.. IF he were to have a match against Ryback,please dont waste a valuable roster spot at WM for this one!!

Sting: We might have to consider the fact,that stinger may never step foot in WWE. He obviously is quite comfy in TNA,has a light light schedule and probably can call his own Shots! I would have wanted sting in the WWE some 5 years ago,but not now.. Too much time has passed and now its just what could have been..

Ultimate Warrior: This is the wild card IMO! As JH has said,the plan is for him to headline the HOF,if he doesnt then its DX.. I dont want DX as HHH should go in solo before DX but i digress. Has anyone seen the UW recently? The man is what 53,54 years old right now? Would it be impossible to have him do some kind of run in hoist someone over his head and help out maybe Cena (This is just speculation)to overthrow the Authority? UW as of late has kissed and made up with the WWE so really its anyones guess
I agree with most people here saying that it shoouldnt really be about building stars.

WM is once a year and although the mark inside us wants to see all matches be skinny guys from the indies putting 5,5(5) star matches at the same time that would get old really fast.

WM is for the big ppv buys, its a chance to show people a slice of the past ( and cash in on it ofc ).The guys we all like can certainly have their moments outside of Wrestlemania.U dont really need a WM moment that is planned.U need something organic. U need someone to do so good throghout the year, or his career that when he gets that match, the moment magically happens because the match, the emotion in the ring is so so good.

The best example off the top of my head is Triple H vs undertaker, their 2nd match.It was a brutal, non technical, non "ROH 5star match" , fkn beatdown of a bout.It was drama at its finest.Would a 5star match between Antonio Cesaro and DB be awesome instead of that sure.But I for one love the drama and good matches can be had in other places on the card.

People these days have no patience and unless someone is 10 WWE champion and mainevent wrestlemania, they are being burried.And if they do get to that lvl, they say they are being shoved down our throats.

I would bet my mom's apartment in which I live in and that she pays for that in a lot of cases ( SO NOT ALL CASES !!!! ) someone who wants a wrestler to succeed will turn his back on him immediatly after he does just that, looking for his next underdog to support because the dude who made it is being a corporate sellout kissing asses and being jammed down our throats.

Dudes who like only people from the indies can talk all they want , the fact is WM PPV buys are very important and those people dont draw.If they think DB vs Fandangoo will draw millions then they will book it.This hurts me to say but who do you think will draw more money ( in the moment ) The Rock, Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker or some up'n'coming underdog like DB or someone else from the indies. ( edit : I realise that vs an underdog the crowd might be even hotter for the match, a.k.a santino marella at elimination chamber , but when it comes to the actual money to be made, the legend vs legend will always be better , unless they are 60 and limping)

WM is the place to make the big bucks ,it's their Super-Bowl.As long as I have PPV with good matches ( like what the Shield did in their debut match ) I can bare with WM being a more attraction driven PPV.( tho even at WM we get a lot of classic matches , but its usually between legends/or already made guys ).
Wrestlemania XXX will be great. Rewind to Wrestlemania XX and look at what was set in stone then, You had Cena win his first singles title and Benoit finally won the World Title in the main event.

WWE will of course put on faces from the past but I will put my money on the show ending with a new face. I honestly think Randy Orton will still be Champion come Mania and the likely opponent for him would have to be CM Punk which isn't really fresh considering their last encounter happened at Mania 27. It won't be the main event but it will still be a good match on the card.

If you're closing Mania XXX then you've basically made it in the Sports Entertainment business. Closing Mania is bigger than any Championship and whomever gets that responsiblitie will indeed be the future. I do think this whole Daniel Bryan bumped down the card is WWE calming the wind before the storm. Look out for a Bryan Rumble win and going on to face John Cena for the World Championship in the main event. But the World Title is worthless? Not when Cena holds it, again though that match has just happened but it was a damn good match and Cena has yet to mention the fact he lost.

another ending is of course...The Undertaker walking away with Gold but thats unlikely due to his schedule. The other main event would be the Authority getting takin down but I'm up the wall on that one and who would compete. All will become clear after Royal Rumble and it will start to fit into place. But expect a stacked card considering its the 30th anniversary.
If the "future" doesn't draw the same money as the past then it would be smart to put the future on hold until they're ready. I wouldn't bank on very many of the younger guys to bring in the buy rates that Wrestlemania typically gets. And there's no reason to ruin the current talent by placing the stigma that they had their chance and didn't draw at Wrestlemania because they were put there before they were ready.
Both WrestleMania 10 and 20 were about the future. 10 saw Bret win his first (and actually only) WM WWF Title match and truly solidify himself as the top guy in the WWF. 20 saw both Benoit and Eddie Guerrero jump into the main event and cement their place (until Benoit became a murderer) among the WWE elite. I don't doubt that 30 will have someone else experience this (most likely Daniel Bryan) but as a WM30-ticket-holder I would love to see stars of the past on the card. Most notably Stone Cold Steve Austin, I would lose it if I got a chance to finally see him live and although I just saw HHH, Taker, Brock, Rock, and Y2J live this year at WrestleMania I definitely wouldn't object to see them this year as well as RVD. Nostalgia works wonderfully at WM in my opinion, especially since this event is often attended by casual fans who grew up watching stars of the past.

When I sat at WrestleMania 29, the guy next to me talked about how the only reason why he came was to see the Undertaker and that other than Shawn Michaels he hadn't heard of anyone else on the card (besides the The Rock) and didn't believe that Triple H was the guy he knew as Hunter Hearst Helmsley. He didn't give a damn about CM Punk's pipe bombs of 2011 or Kane & Daniel Bryan's sessions with Dr. Shelby - he was simply focused on reminiscing about the past via the Undertaker. For these types of fans, bringing the old guys back is great, and I personally would love it but I do agree there should be focus on the next generation. Like I said, I expect 30 to end with a new star standing tall (like Bret did at 10 and Benoit/Guerrero did at 20) but it certainly won't hurt the buyrate to have Austin, Rock, Brock, Taker, Sting, and Jericho appear to put on a show.
Not really it's the 30th anniversary of Wrestlemania.Legends like Hogan,Taker,Savage,Andre,Micheals,Steamboat,Rock,Austin,Warrior,HHH,Foley,Cena,Orton,Batista,Mysterio,Angle,Hart,Punk made Wrestlemania what it is if we are going to start a new era it should be the next night on Raw.But at Mania I think it should be....

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

WWE Champion Randy Orton vs CM Punk

World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs Daniel Bryan (Heel Turn for one of them)

Rey Mysterio jr. vs Sin Cara

Wade Barrett or Shane Mcmahon /w/ Vince Mcmahon vs Triple H (Stephanie as ref)

30 Years of Wrestlemania Legends Battle Royal
(Foley,Hart,Warrior,Steamboat,Lawler,JBL,Farooq,Booker T,X-Pac,Matt Hardy,Hogan,Flair,Snuka,etc.)

Tag Titles fatal 4 way (new match type maybe... Hell In A Cell Ladder Match)
Woods/Truth vs Wyatts vs New Age Outlaws

IC/US title ladder unification (Langston vs Axel vs Bray Wyatt vs Mcintyre vs The Miz vs Kofi Kingston vs RVD vs Christian

Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose (after Reigns win have Austin come out and give him a good luck stunner your not a star until you've recieved a stunner from Stone Cold and have JR do his Austin routine)

Legends (Kelly Kelly,Lita,Beth Phoniex,Trish Stratus,Mickie James,Victoria) vs Newbies (The Bellas,The Funkadactls,Kaitlyn,Aksana)

Divas title Natalya vs AJ Lee vs Summer Rae vs Tamina Snuka

Ring Announcer-Howard Finkel

Announce Table-Jim Ross,Lawler,Cole/2nd half-JR,Cole

Hall of Fame
The Rock,Ultimate Warrior,Jake "the snake" Roberts,Paul Bearer,Kevin Nash,The New Age Outlaws,William Regal,Lita

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