Should TNA Return To Their Roots?


Simply Amazing
I was on facebook a few minutes ago and on the impact wrestling page it had a poll to choose the best match of sacrifice on thing i noticed is alot of people chose kurt and chyna vs the jarretts. now IMO i think that it was because of chyna returning that people chose this match i personally chose kazarian vs max buck i loved that match and believe it was match of the night but as i voted i got to thinking about the kaz vs max buck match how good it was and started thinking to myself that if tna could go back to its roots of x division being the main spotlight they could truely be an alternative to the wwe but it seems from that poll that not everyone feels this way so my questions to you guys are

should tna return to its roots?

how would you market it?

and last if they did what do you think would happen to them as far as ratings go?
What TNA needs to do is stop trying to be innovative or clever and just keep things simple. The main feuds should be based around the tiles, and the champions should be presented as the top wrestlers in the company. Feuds short reach a climax and then finish. Impact should be full of matches showcasing the stars and the promos should be sparse or left to an online promo vid like the ROH videowire. Also, the best wrestlers should be in the top positions, and the main feuds should be based around the titles. Also, Hogan and Bishcoff should go or take up MUCH less TV time. The TV championship & X Division championships should be presented as almost as important as the Heavweight title. Same with the Tag Team titles.
They need to find a blend that works for them, that appeals to more than one type of fan. fans of the entertainment, fans of the in ring work, fans of larger than life characters, fans of people who just want to go out and win matches. different fans want different things, and they just need to find their mix to maxamize as many catagories as they can.
They've tried everything minus pushing their young talent.

bringing back Chyna was a good idea for about 5 minutes- Hogan and Bischoff did nothing more for TNA than speed up its inevitable demise.

note* the irony on wrestlezone forums is people are encouraged to post opinions but if they 'offend' someone than that someone will try to get you banned...censorship anyone..hypocrites
It's hard to say what TNA should do to get whatever ratings they are striving for.

When WCW hit it big they 1/ had an invading force (alluded) from the WWF and 2/ the biggest face of all time turned heel. Bischoff tried the latter in WCW again with Sting and then with Goldberg. Both failed. Then in TNA he tried with Styles and then with Hardy(and Hogan) bringing in a stable behind both of them like a Horsemen/nWo... this although peaked interest hasn't set the wrestling world alight. The next trick up Buischoff's sleeve is to recreate the Stone Cold Steve Austin which overtook the nWo in popularity by giving a similar gimmick to Mr Anderson. I'm not sure if this is working or not, it hasn't really sky rocketed the company that's for sure.

So what is TNA to do.. is it originality? Is there some big storyline that hasn't been used yet that doesn't invlove a company take over or feud with boss? What will TNA need to do light the spark?

Is wrestling the answer? Is throwing someone off a 20 foot high cage the answer? Is barbed wire massacre 3 the answer? Is signing another top WWE star the answer? Is going back to their "roots" the answer?

What were their roots? Jarrett as Champion for basically four straight years, tag team matches and no title matches in the main event of most ppvs? Sending Styles, Daniels, Joe back to the X Division?

This is indeed a hard question and one that is not easily answered. I want TNA to succeed... but I think they are looking for a lightning in a bottle, one I think does not exist at the moment.

I don't have one.
It's hard to say what TNA should do to get whatever ratings they are striving for.

When WCW hit it big they 1/ had an invading force (alluded) from the WWF and 2/ the biggest face of all time turned heel. Bischoff tried the latter in WCW again with Sting and then with Goldberg. Both failed. Then in TNA he tried with Styles and then with Hardy(and Hogan) bringing in a stable behind both of them like a Horsemen/nWo... this although peaked interest hasn't set the wrestling world alight. The next trick up Buischoff's sleeve is to recreate the Stone Cold Steve Austin which overtook the nWo in popularity by giving a similar gimmick to Mr Anderson. I'm not sure if this is working or not, it hasn't really sky rocketed the company that's for sure.

So what is TNA to do.. is it originality? Is there some big storyline that hasn't been used yet that doesn't invlove a company take over or feud with boss? What will TNA need to do light the spark?

Is wrestling the answer? Is throwing someone off a 20 foot high cage the answer? Is barbed wire massacre 3 the answer? Is signing another top WWE star the answer? Is going back to their "roots" the answer?

What were their roots? Jarrett as Champion for basically four straight years, tag team matches and no title matches in the main event of most ppvs? Sending Styles, Daniels, Joe back to the X Division?

This is indeed a hard question and one that is not easily answered. I want TNA to succeed... but I think they are looking for a lightning in a bottle, one I think does not exist at the moment.

I don't have one.

this pretty much sums it up, large growths in the past have had a spark that you could look at and say that's the spark that started the current movement. The legdrop on Savage and the following promo kicked off WCW, Austin 3:16 kicked off the Attitude in WWF. TNA is desperately trying to create one of these sparks, and I think they might actually being too hard. I believe the should simplify what they are doing, and put a compelling product, in which case the spark they need is bound to happen.
What TNA needs to do is stop trying to be innovative or clever and just keep things simple. The main feuds should be based around the tiles, and the champions should be presented as the top wrestlers in the company. Feuds short reach a climax and then finish. Impact should be full of matches showcasing the stars and the promos should be sparse or left to an online promo vid like the ROH videowire. Also, the best wrestlers should be in the top positions, and the main feuds should be based around the titles. Also, Hogan and Bishcoff should go or take up MUCH less TV time. The TV championship & X Division championships should be presented as almost as important as the Heavweight title. Same with the Tag Team titles.

Is this a TNA post, or some Danny Bryan love fest ad for ROH? If TNA goes the ROH route, and just does random matches with no story, they will sink faster than a fat guy after a buffet binge.

I'm still trying to figure out all the hate for Hogan and Bischoff. They weren't even on the PPV last Sunday, and have brought in guys like Anderson, and RVD. Sure not all their ideas didn't pan out, but not everyone is perfect.

Centering on the championships is fine, but you need a story to go along with it. You think the Rocky movies would have done anything if there wasn't some story of him getting a title shot, and so forth?
TNA should go back to it's roots.

Do you mean like when the tag team division was dominated by two guys dressed like genetalia, and an incestuous family of hillbillies? Almost forgot three guys dressed like Elvis.

Bring back "the dupp cup". And midgets abusing themselves in trash cans?

How about the transvestite wrestler who insisted he was "miss TNA,". Are those the roots you are talking about?

But, I know. There was a period that I also consider the "golden age" of TNA. I just wonder if everyone would agree on what the "roots" of TNA are.
putting the X division ahead of the world heavy weight championship is not the answer. the heavy weight title is the most important championship.
the likes of Sting/Anderson/RVD/ect, these are your main event wrestlers. these are who people want to see on TV, not the likes of Bucks/Amazing Red/Kendrick/ect. I've been one to say Brian Kendrick is absolutely useless and boring. last night I think was the first time he actually seemed normal and didn't make me want to change the channel.

I agree with what has been said. WCW hit gold with something that had never been done. it started with what people perceived as an invasion from Scott Hall(Razor Ramon) and then Kevin Nash(Diesel), and that lead to a heel turn from someone who had been a baby face for as long as anyone had known him. Hogan and Savage were both in WCW before then and it's not like that really helped WCW have great success.
Hogan/Bischoff tried this with TNA using Jeff Hardy and creating this heel stable in control, but this wasn't a surprise and some people already expected this before it even happened.

I don't think TNA should be cutting out the promos and put them on the internet. I doubt many general wrestling fans are going to take the time to watch wrestling promos online. Impact Wrestling is an entertainment program on TV and the promos are just as important as the wrestling.

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