Should TNA Return to Having Just Three Titles?


Championship Contender
As the title said, Should TNA return to having just three title. In the good old days TNA had just the World Title, the Tag Titles and the X division title. Every title got its moment to shine and all three titles seemed prestigious. These days you now have the Knockouts title and the TV title and while I don't have a problem with either one, it now means that you have Five titles to put the spotlight on instead. But if you were to drop both titles and return to just having three, would it make the other titles fell more Prestigous again and help the Tag division and the X division get back to what they were.
Well, eliminating the KO title is not an option, but I'd be okay with eliminating the KO Tag and the TV title. Honestly though, it doesn't really matter how many titles are there. 2 Hours is more than enough time to put proper focus on all of the titles. But that would mean the stories have to revolve around the titles themselves instead of being a soap opera.
I don't see why they should get rid of the Knocked Up title if they're going to continue to have female wrestlers, but if they're going to continue to feature them minimally and decrease their numbers then they don't seem to have a need for the Knockouts tag titles. They hardly seem to have a need for the regular tag titles as it is. I agree that there is enough time to focus on all the titles, especially if they drastically cut down on time spent on non-wrestlers. I love storylines, but work in storylines that are tied to each title, not just storylines for the sake of storylines. I'm starting to think the Bully/Brooke one is to get random people interested. "Hulk Hogan's daughter's getting married on tv?" and all that. And that's only if people actually care, which I'm not sure about. Thinking about it, though, I definitely think there should be a storyline surrounding each title each episode, whatever the storyline is. Storylines can add prestige to belts by showing why the wrestlers want them so badly, even if it's just because they want to beat the person who has it for something unrelated/punish them by taking away something so important to them.
I don't think the current number of titles is a problem so long as each of them represents a distinct and unique division with the depth to support it. The X division and Knockouts titles represent unique divisions, so I have no problem with them having their own titles. The Knockouts tag titles could be dumped, as there currently isn't enough depth in the division to warrant their existence. The TV title doesn't really add or subtract anything from the show, so I wouldn't really care if it was removed (plus, I don't care for titles that have no kayfabe justification for existing. What is the point of a TV title that gets defended on PPV?).

Obviously it's not 'wrasslin, but for an example of an organization that makes numerous titles work, just look at UFC: every division has it's stars and it's rivalries, and each seems to draw. If there's a problem with the different titles in TNA, it seems to be that nobody is doing anything with them. Title matches are being slapped together the week of the ppv, and titles are going weeks without being mentioned. The problem seems to be more symptomatic of a lack of direction and focus in TNA than with the number of titles.
A belt is a good prop for getting talent over. If you have a bunch of smaller guys who aren't in the main-event, create a cruiserweight title (see all those WWE complaints on the opic). If you have a bunch of women, create a women's title. If you have a whole lot of good wrestlers that aren't doing anything, that's your B-title (read "tv-title").

If you don't have or create lots of women's tag teams, rather not have the knockouts tag-title. The same can be said for the men's tag-team championship. TNA has a PHENOMINAL roster, but they are getting old and it could use some fleshing out. Why not bring in the young guns here?
Meh, going back to three titles won't change all that much. The problem is that TNA is doing so little with so many of their titles at this point in time.

When it comes to the title picture in TNA, I think its biggest problem is that it hasn't really had a viable mid-card title scene in a long time. The X Division Championship, at one time, was seen as a potential stepping stone to the TNA WHC. Now, and for most of the past several years, it's become just a Cruiserweight title with a flashy name. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself, or there wouldn't be if TNA had another viable mid-card title. The TNA Television Championship is probably just one notch or so above the KO tag team titles. The title itself has had trouble since it was first created and, to me, has never gotten past the image of being nothing more than a prop for someone to carry around for a while before giving it to someone else.

TNA's mid-card right now consists of the passion less RVD with a title that's doing him no good, Devon sitting on a title that's yet to do anybody any good and a bunch of wrestlers who are just kind of there with no real goal to strive for.

As far as the TNA World Tag Team Championship, there just aren't any interesting teams on the roster apart from Daniels & Kazarian. They've already been champs so simply putting the titles back onto them won't do any good. The only other two real teams are Chavo & Hernandez and Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan, neither of which are exactly stellar.

The KO title is also just kind of there these days. It's now Velvet Sky's turn to go after the title and they'll probably set up some other kind of gimmick match featuring 3 or 4 Knockouts to determine the next monthly challenger of Velvet doesn't beat Tara.

The KO tag titles are the most worthless titles fielded by a major wrestling company in living memory, even more so than the WWE Hardcore Championship.

Going to three titles won't really solve anything. There just seems to be generally little interest among the TNA brass to put that much energy into many of their titles at this point.
I do not think TNA should return to having just 3 Championship Titles. The good old days only had those 3 Titles, because of 3 simple reasons.

1. TNA did not have enough “Stars” to have a Mid-Card Division. Yes, they had enough Light Heavyweights / Cruiserweights to make a separate brand for themselves, but not enough to make a division in-between the World Title and the “Specialty” Title. Any TNA Star that was too big for the X-Division and too “small” for the World Division, was simply paired with someone and placed in their Tag Team Division. It really wasn’t until 2008 and the emergence of the Main Event Mafia that we had enough for a Mid-Card Title.

2. TNA didn’t have a load of female Wrestlers. They had 2 or 3, but that was it. There was no need to crown a female Champion at the time. It wasn’t until 2007, where an influx of great Women came into TNA and took it by storm.

3. TNA started the Knockouts Division in 2007, but it wasn’t until 2009, where we had enough to warrant a Tag Team Division for the Knockouts. Let’s get real here, we all wanted to see Velvet Sky and Angelina Love win the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. I honestly believe that the KO Tag Titles were created for the Beautiful People.

Fast forward to today.

As long as there are Stars that are past the X-Division, in terms of weight or career, but are just not ready to headline a PPV, we could still use the TV Title, no other way around that.

As long as there are women, we could still use the Knockouts Title. The WWE had the Women’s and Divas Title, and unified them and got rid of one, not both. There will always be a use for the White strap.

As long as there are too many women, we could still use the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. We just need to get them off ODBEY or EYODB, whatever there Tag Team name is. I’m thinking of bringing in Gail Kim and Awesome Kong. Kong is the only Diva / Knockout believable enough to take out EY with a Pedigree. HAHA!!

My point is, we don’t need to get rid of Titles. As a matter of fact, I think the WWE should bring back the World Tag Team Titles and the Women’s Title. We just need to put more focus on the ones we have and build storylines around the Championships, not the other way around.
While I do agree that TNA should get rid of a couple of their titles, going down to only 3 is not the best route to take. They need the TNA World Championship, obviously, since someone has to be (within kayfabe) the best the federation has to offer. The X Division Championship needs to stay so that they have a midcard belt and it has far more value than the Television Championship does. The Tag Team Championship should stay as well, the division may not be as strong as it was a few years ago but it's still relevant.

Some might think that is all they need. TNA needs to at least keep the Knockouts Championship so that the girls have a belt they can fight for. In all fairness they deserve a championship to try to win. The Knockouts Tag Team Championships, however, need to be the first to go. Those belts are 100% worthless. The idea was cool when it first began. Sarita & Taylor Wilde were amazing with the belts and I also enjoyed the Beautiful People using the belts under the Freebird rule. Now they have become worthless. Eric Young is holding one of them. ERIC YOUNG!!!! The Television Championship is useless as well. Even when it was the Global Championship it was still the secondary midcard belt to the X Division Championship.

I say merge the Television Championship with the X Division Championship, keeping the X Division the active belt, and deactivate the Knockout Tag Team Championships entirely. The Television Championship being around is part of why the X Division title began to seem less important. The Knockouts Tag Team Championship speaks for itself, and not in a positive light. That leaves TNA with 4 championship tiers: world, midcard, tag team, and females. That's a format that works, so why not go back to that when they have titles they never truly needed in the first place?
i believe they should keep 4 titles for impact

X division
Xtreme champion as an hardcore belt. or for extreme rules

they should eliminate TV and KO tag titles but its not necessary to eliminate they should limit these two titles to Xplosion. like WWE used to do whn they had seperate titles for seperate brands.
Obviously it's not 'wrasslin, but for an example of an organization that makes numerous titles work, just look at UFC: every division has it's stars and it's rivalries, and each seems to draw.

I like this analogy and I think it makes a lot of sense. It's not that having them is the problem; it's what they're doing with them. Because if if they reduced the number of titles, you would still have the problem of a bunch of wrestlers "not doing anything" Maybe that could encourage them to make more storylines, but even to me that sounds too optimistic.

In any case, if they reduced the titles, then we would come on here talking about how they used to have this title and that title, like people do with the Cruiserweight Championship that used to be over at Vinnie Mac's place. I've never liked a TV title in any promotion; it always sounded strange to me because aren't they defending all of them on TV? :icon_neutral: I kind of like the idea of the introduction of a hardcore belt. I've been noticing that they've kind of stepped away from the more hardcore matches, as well as the swearing. They ain't slick.
before even making this comment I'm guessing many are going to disagree with me.

it's the X division championship that is holding back the TV championship.
firstly I think the name "television" championship is not a good name, so that hurts it too. it should have a better name.
but it's the X division championship that many seem to think is more meaningful than it currently really is, and I think that's because of the history of TNA and what the X division championship has meant to TNA in the past. but that's in the past and TNA needs to move forward. the "X division" right now is a cruiser weight division, and most of the wrestlers in this division are nobodies. even when Austin Aries was champion for a lengthy time period, he didn't really have much/any real competition. at least now it has a name value with RVD as the champion. RVD could lose the X division championship and still be a contender in the mid card or even heavyweight level.
TNA has long time fans of the history, so it seems TNA is trying to make the X division relevant, but really it's not. they created this stipulation (or whatever you call it) where the X division champion can cash that in for a world heavyweight championship match at Destination X, the way Austin Aries did this last year. but now with TNA cutting down on PPV, there is no more Destination X. so what happens to that stipulation? they might as well forget about it.
because of the history of TNA and the X division, I think it would be difficult for them to just scrap this championship. even if I think that would be the better move.

either that or make the X division championship the mid card title, and use it without any weight limit for actual mid card wrestlers, rather than little cruiser weight nobodies. guys like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, RVD, Christopher Daniels, Devon, Kazarian, or whoever else you want to be using in the mid card at the time, Anderson? Aries? Morgan? Angle?

I think you could still use the smaller type wrestlers like Zema Ion, Jesse Sorenson, Kid Kash, Kenny King, ect.. in tag team action, where they are teaming with someone bigger. similar to right now with Chavo/Hernandez and Matt Morgan/Joey Ryan. you could end up having one true mid card championship, plus build back up the tag team division.

that's my opinion.
I've said this before but I believe the TV title and X Division title should be unified, with of course the X Division title taking precedence for a single midcard title. You take off the weight limit of course, and thus you have the whole midcard in that scene. Always keep the emphasis on fast paced matches though since that's what we love about the X Division! Any midcarders left over can bolster the tag division.

So you have world title, X division as the midcard title, tag titles, and knockout title. Scrap KO tag titles and there you have four titles.
Going back to 3 titles would be a stupid move.

The roster that TNA has is easily big enough to accomadate additional titles, and I always think a wrestling company should have a World, Midcard, Lightweight, Tag Team and Womens title, so that all wrestlers on the roster are relevant to a title.

The midcard title- which TNA has neglected numerous times, leading to it being renamed again and again is (or should be) beneficial in helping to build-up new main eventers, much like the Intercontinental Title has been in WWE, or the US title was in WCW. Wretlers are supposed to work their way up the card to eventually become World Champion, and the Mid Card belt is a great stepping stone when used right.

The Knockouts were one of TNA's strong points a while ago and can be again. With a division with talent like Tara, Mickie, Tess, Velvet, Gail, Madison and more there is no reason to drop the title. However, the KO Tag Titles need to to, they are a total waste of time.

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