Should TNA Just Cut Hulk Hogan Loose?


It's been recently reported that Hulk Hogan was recently hospitalized yet again and underwent a 10 hour surgical procedure that's described as basically being a complete repair of his spine. Over the course of the past 5 months or so, Hulk Hogan has been in and out of the hospital and had one procedure after another due to the fact that his back is, pretty much, in the worst shape possible while still enabling a human being to walk to any degree.

Hogan's back problems have kept him away from appearances on TNA programming for extended periods of time while he recovers, though he hasn't really had time to recover. Whenever he seems healthy enough to undergo another procedure or extended hospital stay, that's exactly what happens. We've all read multiple articles from multiple sites on the net talking about how much more money that TNA has spent on talent in 2010 with no real pay off in terms of tv ratings or house show revenue. I haven't heard or read anything regarding Hogan's deal with TNA as far as numbers go but I'm assuming he's making top dollar and is not working on a per appearance agreement with the company.

Hogan's wrestling days are behind him, they have to be. If his back is in as bad of shape as has been reported, then one good back bump will land him in the ICU for who knows how long. When he's on iMPACT!, I don't personally see him as contributing anything that TNA simply can't do without because, quite frankly, Hulk Hogan isn't a draw in TNA. His drawing potential was one of the chief reasons he was brought into TNA.

Would it be just overall better for TNA to future endeavour Hulk Hogan at this point? It just seems like the only one in this business relationship between Hogan & TNA has been Hogan. I'm not saying that TNA actually could let him go right now if they wanted to, that might depend upon whatever is actually in the contract, but Hulk Hogan just seems more like an unnecessary drain on company resources rather than an asset.
Oh, people know my opinion on Hulk Hogan.

I've never understood Hulk Hogan's appeal, ever. I hated him as a kid, when even I knew the vitamins Hulk was taking usually ended in -zol. I was annoyed by him in WCW, as he'd repeatedly make more athletic, entertaining wrestlers slow down their pace for him, and only on PPV. The one run in which I found him remotely tolerable was his last WWE run, and even then, I wouldn't go so far as to say I "liked" it.

Dirty secret about Hulk Hogan- he cannot interview well. At all. If you've seen one Hulk Hogan promo, you've seen them all. On the microphone, he gets by on simply 'being' Hulk Hogan; whip out a 'brother' here and cup your ear for the crowd there (either as a heel or a face), go to the back and make sure they spell the check B-O-L-L-E-A, and do it again next week. He has such mainstream recognition (you don't see Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels or HHH cutting many national commercials, and a couple of those guys could use the money) that he doesn't have to do anything new. Much like listening to commercial radio, people will tune in to see the same thing they've seen before.

Bitching about Hogan aside, I don't see what he brings to the table for TNA going forward. He can't wrestle anymore, and half of the original appeal of him in TNA was wondering when he'd eventually step into the ring. (They hotshot it on a Monday Impact, if you've forgotten.) His promos are bleh, and his star power isn't enhancing the people he's stabled with; if anything, he's sucking some of the star power out of the people he's stabled with, like some sort of Q-rating vampire.

With less Hulk Hogan, there's more room for the future of the company to grow. This is Hogan's last run- it can't be about promoting Hulk Hogan again.
Let's face facts... even though TNA's buyrates haven't spiked because of Hogan, when he's on-screen, people want to tune in. I think the biggest reason why TNA hasn't benefited from Hogan's role in the company is because of his detrimental health. He really hasn't been able to become a long term onscreen character due to his surgeries and the pain that he endures on a daily basis causing him to constantly miss Impact tapings.

Granted, there was a period of time when Hogan was the first, middle, and last thing we saw on EVERY episode of Impact, but over time, TNA learned from this mistake and toned it down. Too bad it was just in time for Hogan to go under the knife again. But I think that once Hogan heals, TNA will finally figure out the proper formula with how to utilize Hogan for the benefit of TNA. Even though I don't see Hogan as the "savior" of the promotion, he would definitely benefit the program... especially if he could make a comeback after all of this horrific work that's been done to his spine. America loves an underdog and a good comeback story and I truly feel that is Hogan stays at rock bottom for a bit longer only to persevere, people will tune in to see his advancements.
He is an egomaniac, and I'm quite happy with the fact he has rarley been on TV in a while. He's probabaly more money than he's worth. It's not like iMPACT! is going to plumet in the ratings if they do let him go, and he can't wrestle anymore. So yeah they probabaly should let him.
I don't see any reason to bring Hulk Hogan in TNA in the first place, i mean for ratings purposes or what??? He wrestle like what 3 times and look what happen to him now. In and out of the hospital. I don't see a point where he needs to be in TNA right now. I don't mind Ric Flair being in TNA and Eric Bischoff as heel boss.

After reading some of ya'll post i can see that he doesn't have that kind of fan base like he did when he return to WWE to face The Rock at wrestlemania. I always wonder like other people said in post what did he bring to TNA. I mean seriously is he even helping the company. With that being said he needs to be helping the wrestlers improve themselves, but how can that work when their lack of Management going around. I had assume because they brought Hogan in and Bischoff and because of the experience they had working in WWE and WCW they would know how to fit TNA, but it seems like they have no clue what they are doing or don't have any ideas but to use a similar storliny like they did in WCW
Hogan's time in TNA has been about one thing, Hogan. He needs money plain and simple. I loved Hogan when I was a kid but that was 25 years ago. His time in WCW proved that he is only out for himself. I hoped that he would bring something to the table in TNA but knew it was not likely.
Hogan will always be a household name but his time was past long ago. Seeing him hobble to the ring is sad. It's time to go home and write a book or something nonwrestling related. The guy is going to be in a wheelchair soon and he has no one to blame but himself. Yes his wife took all his cash but there are other ways to make money. TNA should cut him loose and let him rest. I respect the man for what he has done but there is little to nothing he can do now.
I think the past year has shown Hogan and Bischoff (and Russo for that matter) haven't done much to elevate TNA. I didn't agree with what this regimes goal was in the first place: compete (directly for a while) with WWE. That was/is completely unnecessary. What's the purpose of trying to be bigger than or "defeat" WWE?? TNA spent 8 years building its brand and in my opinion did a great job in that short of a span. It was a very nice alternative to WWE before Hogan and Bischoff came aboard a year ago.

Before Hogan and Bishoff came aboard, TNA was attracting massive stars like Angle, Foley, Hardy the first time, go along with their outstanding "homegrown" young talent like Styles, Joe, Beer Money, etc...The way TNA has always been structured with the light travel will always attract stars.

Hogan has a gigantic ego and he and Bischoff have taken time away from the real stars with very stale story lines. It's time to bounce them and get back to what made TNA a nice alternative for 8 years prior to their regime.
The quick, no thought answer is yes. Let him go. As an on Air personality Hulkamania has in fact died. Hulk Hogan is at his best these days good for a once in a while appearance as an authority figure. He cannot wrestle, should not wrestle, and TNA should not be attempting to get him to wrestle.

However, I don't know how much money TNA is paying him. If he is making more or equal to AJ, Hardy, RVD, Anderson, etc, then they are not getting a return on their investment. But, if he is getting paid an amount equivalent to Vince Russo or a behind the scenes personality who occasionally appears on air, then keep him. How many other guys does TNA have who are instantly recognizable by the mainstream public? If you walk down the street and ask a non wrestling fan what the WWF/E is they can tell you. If you ask that same person who Hulk Hogan is, they can tell you. If you ask them have you ever heard of TNA, they won't know. Hogan is that connection. Hogan doesn't need TNA to get public appearances. He will land on the late night talk shows occasionally. He will have reality TV shows. He will get commercials. All of those will occur without TNA. He is TNA's connection to that world.

If you look at WWE, their main star is always connected to the outside world. They use this to bring in a viewership that isn't there already. Hulk, The Rock, Austin, and Cena have been connected to a mainstream that TNA doesn't have. Hulk is that connection. Until TNA is able to produce a star big enough to crossover, Hulk is good for business. He will sell shirts to old timers. He will mention he works for TNA in interviews and on his reality show. TNA is getting promotional work out of him.

What needs to happen is that Hulk's on show personality and usage needs to dimenish. He needs to accept he isn't the star of the show. Flair has somewhat done this. He is a manager who is heavily involved but he realizes he isn't winning anymore championships. Hulk needs to be okay with working behind the scenes. You can't say he isn't smart at self promotion. He needs to apply this to others. Help them become famous. He in return will become known again in a new light.

TNA should keep him, but they shouldn't be paying him like he is the company's top star. Pay him as a behind the scenes, marketing spokesperson. That's it.
Hogan's time in TNA has been about one thing, Hogan. He needs money plain and simple.
Oh my God! You mean a guy is going to work in order to make money? And he's working in the business that previously made him a millionaire! *gasp*

No offense intended, but that's just a stupid thing to say. Why else does anyone go to work? For the love of it? Please that's just stupid. Wrestlers may love their jobs, but they don't do them for free.

As far as keeping Hulk Hogan, why let him go? What's the benefit? Hogan was hired to work behind the curtain, not in front of it. With the incredible amount of publicity his hiring got, TNA would have been stupid to not put him on screen, at least for a little while. And they may still use him from time to time, since he is such a big name. But Hogan's work is done behind the scenes, not in front of the camera. And so, I fail to see what injuries have to do with the work he does behind the curtain.
Regardless of how messed up his back is, having Hogan with TNA is always going to be a plus. He's still the most recognizable name in wrestling and can help them from a publicity and behind the scenes standpoint I'm sure.

To be effective Hogan doesn't have to be a weekly on-screen character at all. Just the fact that he's still a part of the company is enough and we he does make a TV appearance every now and then it'll be that much more special.
Well I have no love lost towards Hulk Hogan but let us face facts. If Hogan goes, Bischoff goes as well and I think Bischoff is an integral part of the booking team of TNA nothwithstanding his constant denials. Also I not know when Hogan's contract expires but I do know TNA have pooled in a lot of money to get Hogan. And if they release him prior to the expiring of his contract Hogan will obviously demand a lot of money for his release and TNA cannot afford to lose any money at this point.

Also Bischoff has been selling around Reaction as his idea. So maybe he has the creative rights to the show. If Bischoff goes Reaction goes too and I like reaction as a concept and I would not like to see the show get cancelled.
Is Hulk Hogan the most recognizeable, largest name in wrestling history. Without a doubt. If you ask the casual wrestling fan, or those who dont watch wrestling who they think of when they hear the words "professional wrestling", you're likely to get one of two answers: John Cena, or Hulk Hogan.

So why would TNA want to part with their most marketable persona? Im not talking wrestler, Im talking persona. Personal life and problems aside, he's the most recognizeable name in the history of the business. How can that not be of benefit to TNA?

I think TNA learned their lesson at the beginning when they first brought Hulk in. People do tune in and pay to see storyline development and wrestling on a wrestling show, and Impact at the time of his arrival was the Hulk Hogan and friends variety hour(s). Whether it be for health reasons, or to focus on making names for the actual active wrestlers, Hogan's airtime has decreased, and most of his friends have all left the company. Smart move.

But TNA, just by association with Hogan, is in a better place. Whether he's truly an on-screen character(as Bischoff touted himself to be) or a backstage presence, his name and face recognition as well as his knowledge of the business can't be underestimated. Whether he's an egomaniac, drug addict, drama king, or any other nonsense is irrelevant. The question that has to be asked is: What does Hulk Hogan bring to the table? And that's a larger then life on-screen persona, and an intimate knowledge of the business due to the creative pull in whatever company he's worked in. TNA is better off with Hogan the without him.
I am going to have to say YES!.

Keep the Hulkster around until his contract is up, but by no means give him an extention. Hogan peaked ratings at the beginning and then again for the live special but after that the ratings returned to normal. I think it would be better to keep Bischoff, he seems to actually have added something creative (Reaction) and is a good heel character on Impact (even though he can take up too much time). If Bischoff stays then maybe Hulk can make the odd appearence as one offs and get paid accordingly.

For me Hulk has not added anything special to TNA. He has a poor on screen character and looks foolish trying to walk down the ramp. I actually think this could have been one of the reasons TNA tried that shitty ramp that joined the ring earlier in the year.

Anyway dump him once his contract is up, take the money and use it to advertise some more. Let Hogan bang his Brooke lookalike wifey and enjoy his retirement and whatever pension he can take.
Should they cut him? Maybe. There are two sides to this. While Hogan certainly hasn't brought them the hype that he said he was going toand the ratings haven't gone up substantially at all, the highest rating they've ever had is Hogan's debut and you can't deny that. Hogan is still the biggest name of all time and having him as a troubleshooter or GM is fine.

Having him as the co-leader of the super heel stable however is not fine. At the end of the day, the leader of a stable like Immortal would have to fight eventually. With Hogan and Bischoff being non-wrestlers at this point, it's kind of hard to say that they should be having such prominent roles. Make Hogan a special attraction, such as having him on once a month or as the boss like he was for awhile and I'd be fine with it. I would however, cut him from the creative aspect of things as his writing/booking has never been something that goes anywhere for my tastes.
However, I don't know how much money TNA is paying him. If he is making more or equal to AJ, Hardy, RVD, Anderson, etc, then they are not getting a return on their investment. But, if he is getting paid an amount equivalent to Vince Russo or a behind the scenes personality who occasionally appears on air, then keep him.

I would bet that he is making more than all of them combined. TNA should NOT cut Hulk Hogan. Lets be honest, wrestling companies don't succeed without some level of mainstream notarity.

The bottom line is WRESTLERS ARE NOT FAMOUS!. They aren't household names, and they sure as hell don't have mainstream recognition. In the last 30 years there have been a hand full of famous wrestlers: Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Andre The Giant, Dusty Rhodes, Stone Cold, The Rock, Goldberg, Triple H, and John Cena. Guys like Triple H, Roddy Piper, and Randy Savage are only on that list because of the things they have done outside of wrestling. And to be honest Flair and Dusty are really only famous in the South. 99.9% of the people in this country have NO idea who AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, RVD, Mr. Anderson, or anyone else in TNA are.

99.9% of the people in this country DO KNOW who Hulk Hogan is. He is the ultimate household name in this industry. He is the only person TNA could ever hope to get on a show like Leno or Fallon. TNA will always benefit from being able to say that Hulk Hogan works for them, even if he is only on TV once a year.
Should they cut him loose, yeah. What's the point of having him around anymore when he can't work? His hiring didn't do much at all for TNA. His behind the scenes work is even more horrendous than his in ring work and that's saying something. So why waste money on someone who's not going to help the product?
Oh my God! You mean a guy is going to work in order to make money? And he's working in the business that previously made him a millionaire! *gasp*

No offense intended, but that's just a stupid thing to say. Why else does anyone go to work? For the love of it? Please that's just stupid. Wrestlers may love their jobs, but they don't do them for free.
It's actually not as stupid thing to say. The way you responded was stupid because you know exactly what he means.

Hogan doesn't give a flying fuck about TNA. Hogan doesn't care about the wrestling business in general unless it makes him money. Nothing wrong with making money but don't be an ass about it like Hogan has always been. He never cared if he left wrestling in a worse condition after he left as long as Hogan looked good.
Well, I'll use Bischoff's logic here.

If Hogan hasn't helped the company's ratings go up and he should be cut, doesn't that mean that everyone else should be let go? Why blame it just on Hogan? Noone blames Dixie for example, and she's the President of TNA. Why not blame Russo, or Styles, or Kazarian, or some backstage goon.

Hulk Hogan is an asset for any company. Screw his real life, that guy seems like a piece of crap to me, I'm talking professionally here. Ratings are the same, if not lower by a fraction, but Hogan has more roles backstage and as much as we'd like to know, we couldn't, and the guy could be pretty beneficial to the company in other ways.

The only down side to having Hogan is his health. Honestly, I hope this doesn't happen, but we might see The Hulkster in a wheel chair in the foreseeable future if things get worse and it seems they are. I pray to God it doesn't happen, noone deserves that no matter how screwed up you were/are.

Case and point - Hulk Hogan CLEARLY isn't "the one" to propell TNA into the stars. I don't think that one or two guys can do it. The only one that can do it is TNA as a whole, period. But, Hogan can do a good job at whatever the fuck he's doing and he's a good on-air character. He's not all over the show like he used to, so cutting him would be unnecessary unless something terrible happens with his health or if it continues to be like that. He's got some value to TNA and we don't know what it is.

P.S: Please, to all the people who call the guy "egomaniac", "he's there for the money", "it's all about him", "he doesn't give a fuck"... if he was an egomaniac he would've held a few belts so far and won him some matches, don't you think? If he doesn't give a fuck then why the hell did he sign a 1 or 2 year contract with TNA? Would you please turn the auto-pilot off? You repeat the stuff you've heard around the internet and act like you know the fucking guy. That's a luxury we can't afford so don't make asses out of yourselves by sounding stupid and harsh, eh?
The only possible contribution Hulk Hogan could have had for TNA is wide-spread mainstream exposure, and that failed miserably. He can contribute nothing further that is not either in his own interest, or in the interest of his friends.
No. The interest in the Hogan name is still there but TNA has not been able to tap into it for ratings. He gets mainstream coverage and attracts interest of non-current wrestling fans like no one else in TNA. If he starts up another reality show that could be a great place to cross promote TNA. Why pay him to do nothing? While you have him and there is still potential there giving up seems dumb. When his contract comes up they can make a determination if he is worth it but until then it would be dumb to build ill will and get nothing out of the money.
Hogan doesn't give a flying fuck about TNA.
Why should he? Why should anyone? TNA is a paycheck, and the good workers care about it because it makes them money. I don't know why people have this vision of wrestlers as being some kind of noble warriors, but they're not. They take the best check possible, and that's who they are loyal to. Which is completely okay, because the promotion has the same extent of loyalty.

Hogan doesn't care about the wrestling business in general unless it makes him money.
This statement is so fucking absurd, it can only come from someone who has their head up their ass. Hulk Hogan has spent over 30 years in the wrestling business. And Hogan's not like other doesn't matter where Hogan goes, he's always Hulk Hogan. When AJ Styles gets off of work, he gets to be Allen Jones. When Chris Masters goes out to buy a t-shirt, he gets to be Chris Mordetsky. But when Hulk Hogan gets off work, he's still Hulk Hogan. He still signs autographs every where he goes, he still talks with kids and interacts with fans. He doesn't get to be Terry Bollea. Hulk Hogan has been Hulk Hogan for over thirty years.

To say he doesn't care about the wrestling business is just absurd. Brock Lesnar didn't care about the wrestling business, and so he left because he couldn't handle it. Bobby Lashley didn't care about the wrestling business, so he left because he couldn't handle it. Hulk Hogan cares VERY much for the wrestling business and its fans. He's just smart enough, and has worked hard enough to be in the fairly unique position of being able to not bow down to the will of a wrestling promotion. There are very few wrestlers who have ever earned that ability, but Hogan's one of them. Remember how I mentioned loyalty of a promotion to its workers before? Hogan is savvy enough to know to never depend on loyalty from a promotion.

But to say Hogan doesn't care about the wrestling business is just stupid, and can only come from someone who knows nothing about the business.

Nothing wrong with making money but don't be an ass about it like Hogan has always been. He never cared if he left wrestling in a worse condition after he left as long as Hogan looked good.
Again, just a completely false statement. Hogan has put over so many guys, and has made money for so many guys its ridiculous. We still know who King Kong Bundy is because of Hulk Hogan. We still remember the name Zeus because of Hulk Hogan. He put Warrior over clean. He put Yokozuna over. He put Big Show, Luger, Sting and Goldberg over. He laid down to Billy fuckin' Kidman. He tapped to Kurt Angle. He got squashed by Brock Lesnar on free TV.

But he did far more to help the wrestling business than just putting guys over. According to Bret Hart on his website, wrestlers used to come up and thank Hogan for the food he'd put on their table. In fact, let me just quote Hart for you:

Bret Hart said:
I can remember, even during the glory days of Hulkamania, how Terry would come into the dressing room and say hi to every single wrestler. Every night he headlined there was a sell out and throughout the night all the wrestlers would come up to him and whoever his opponent was and thank them both for the house, for putting food on their tables and making wrestling something worth respecting.

I can say that Hulk Hogan was not only a hero to millions of Hulkamaniacs, but to all the wrestlers too.

Hulk Hogan made wrestling mainstream in the 80s. He made it cool to like wrestling in the 90s. Hogan is responsible for the fast improvements wrestling made in the area of merchandising. Hogan is responsible for PPVs. Hogan is the reason we have fucking Wrestlemania.

To say Hogan never cared about the business or the way he left it is just stupid. And now Hogan is in TNA. Is it because he wants money? Absolutely, it's why anyone works. But there would be a lot more money in the WWE for him. Why would he go to TNA? Because he has a chance to do something in TNA he can't do in the WWE. He has a chance to help create the future of pro wrestling. In the WWE he'd be one voice amongst many. In TNA, he gets an active role in helping the next generation.

I sincerely hope you take a few moments to think before your next post, because this post was incredibly short-sighted of you.
Hogan needs to go, but so does Dixie, Bischoff, Russo and anyone else that has been "in charge" over the last six years. Bring in someone with a new view on things. I'd suggest bringing in someone like Gabe Sapolsky who did amazing stuff in Ring of Honor in it's first six years or so. He's proven that he can take a company that had ZERO exposure and depended soley on DVD sales of there shows and make a pretty decent showing. Also he has shown that he only uses "big name" stars to build up others who are less known. You don't need a Hogan and I can tell you now that what ever they ate paying Hogan they could get A LOT better rate of return if they got rid of him and invested that money in anyone else
Tough question, under the current storyline - I'd have to go with yes. When the nWo was at it's zenith it was because they had Hogan as Champion and Easy E as the boss (think Hogan as Darth Vader, Bischoff as the Emperor). However, now we still have Easy E AND Hogan as the bosses. Unless creative can find some distinguishment between the two, Immortal will be weakened as they'll have two non-wrestlers to protect. It also gives the impression of to much fat - how many bosses do you need to come out and book matches/ make stipulations etcetra? A power struggle between the two could shake things up, but then again, this'd come across as just another failed TNA angle if one of the main characters does a swerve already.

Hogan is Wrestling's biggest ever star (I've to place him in front of SCSA, due to sheer longevity) and I don't think he's just in TNA to cash in checks - he diminished his rep when he put it on the line with the ill fated Monday Night fiasco and showed up at BFG despite the fact that it was only days after back surgery (the angle wouldn't have failed should he have done a 'live' satellite feed from his home/ hospital). He is also of great benefit to the organisation in the recruitment of new talent, as a backstage general (TNA has arguably far greater potential backstage generals than WWe - it would be a hard to name someone more iconic in WWF/e history than Hogan, than Flair in NWA, Sting in WCW and Dreamer in ECW) and in cross over potential.

Can TNA afford to keep Hulk Hogan if revenue doesn't significantly improve? Would he take a pay reduction or a share in the company? I don't see WWe interested in him, except for one off pops and other avenues might not be as plentiful as previous - I'd love him to stick it out with TNA and really cement his legacy by proving all of us doubters wrong by turning the distant 2nd Wrestling organisation into a truly viable alternative to the Entertainers.
I see this as a very double edged sword here. Granted, Hogan has never claimed to be the same person as far as in ring ability goes now as he was years ago. We all know that, and he makes no bones about that. But, does that stop him from being creative? I don't see why not. Just because your physical part is long over, doesn't mean you still can't contribute to another aspect of the company. I still am a skeptic about all this, and don't necessarily agree with everything in terms of the backstage politics involved with everything in TNA etc, but being someone who's battled with back issues myself, I can certainly sympathize with him in terms of the physical pain. As for the passion goes, it is a habit that is hard to break, as for any job/career you love and did for a long time, whether the pay was good or not, you will always find yourself coming back in some way, shape or form even if its detrimental to your health. Does that mean he should be cut? I'm still on the fence. I really can't say for sure, I know as many people who say yes, there are as many people who say no. I'd like to be an optimist and say to let the new year wipe the slate clean and hopefully with him being married, that can maybe let him re-evaluate his priorities, and that he would consider things in a new light, and take things a bit more easy and try not to carry such a heavy load on himself in terms of work, and mixing personal life with business since that's what contributed to his first downfall. I'd like to give him a chance and see what the new year brings.
What for, just because he's oft-injured right now? Based purely on his availability, no. Him being ready to perform on a near nightly-basis or even weekly isn't all that important to the company — certainly not as much as the readiness of their top stars in Anderson, Hardy, etc. to do so.

The only way Hogan should/would be let go of is if his financial cost begins to put them in the red, which is something none of us would know about no matter how many "informed" dirt sheet reports we read up on.
even if they do get in a financial crunch, they will still keep him. unfortunately tna will cut others instead.

hogan might not be able to wrestle like before, or have a credible on-air role, but he is still a draw. he needs to focus more on the backstage roll & let bischoff be the on air guy. hogan still has an eye for the business & can help tna. but things recently just have went backwards a bit. hopefully things will shake up in the near future. they need a backup plan because i dont think hardy is gonna be on tv for a good part of 2011. hogan needs to focus on his positive 'impact' on tna, & listen to the fans.

injured or not, he's not the champ or an active talent. he wasnt hired as a wrestler. so why would they cut him? thats like wwe giving hhh the axe because he hasnt been wrestling. not a smart idea & most likely hasnt even been discussed @ tna.

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