Should TNA go the ECW Route?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay so if you watch TNA on a weekly basis most of the matches end in a no contest or DQ. So do you think it would help TNA going the ECW route and having all extreme rules matches? If this works it could bring in the "extreme fans". Also ECW had a lot of wrestlers who worked overseas as well just like TNA has. Thoughts/Comments?
I dont think so. No Contest and DQ finishes have their place in Wrestling. They are needed in some instances to build a story. With that being said, TNA uses them far to much and it makes them look like idiots.

The problem with going all Extreme Rules is you desensitize the audience. If you had a steel cage match every week, steel cages wouldnt be exciting anymore. In the end if you went Extreme Rules it would just be a regular match and they would find some other way to swerve the fans, knowing Russo it would be a billion run ins.
NO. NO, NO , NO!

I simply don't want anything that would make TNA (or any wrestling show) look like that old-time, overrated show with TERRIBLE fans. Sorry, but my opinion is... just NO.
I loved ECW and all but I think that woud deminish their product and more than likely run tna into the ground. Most people who like tna like it because of the actual wrestling...they have some of the best actual wrestlers out there. Like an above poster said dqs and such have their place it just needs to be cut way down. I think tna would be way better if they just restored the x-division back to what it used to be.
I don't think it would help, the ending of the matches are booked that way. If they changed it to the way described, they would just find another way to book it for a similar result.

Change the booking.
I don't think they should abolish disqualifications, I just think they should have more clean pinfalls.

Not everyone has to be screwed out of a win, sometimes they just lose.
No, not at all. For one thing, TNA doesn't need the "extreme fans". Hardcore wrestling in the United States is virtually dead and that's the way it should be. Fans can't care about the welfare and general health of wrestlers while, simultaneously, want to see them in the human equivalent of chicken fights at the same time. ECW is dead, it's gone and anything associated with it really needs to stay that way.

There've been a lot of high profile matches on iMPACT! lately that've ended in no contests and it's just gotten annoying. No contest finishes can be useful every so often in really building the intensity of a feud but TNA, and sometimes WWE, does it too often for it to mean anything.
Okay Being a ECW Fan sense 1994 I think if TNA did go the ECW route one it would be a slap in the face to all the ECW fans that know the real ECW and with the WWE debacle of there WWECW, yeah TNA has fans that chant TNA and two what ECW did back in the day you can not duplecate it what so ever .
That would be horrible for TNA it would devalue the product and make it all the less entertaining. Its bad enought 2 or 3 wrestlers blade week in and week out mostly Flair. And if you think people bash TNA managment now it would be ten times worse if this were to happen.
as much as i think this was a great move for ECW i DONT think its a good move for TNA because sometimes a DQ or countout ending is needed in wrestling to help build up a fued besides if TNA went the ECW route there would be so many run ins during matches there wouldnt be any matches immortal wouldnt turn it into a huge beatdown with the faces making the save and it just turning into a massive clusterfuck brawl....if TNA would have very few run ins and let people win or lose cleanly then id say go for it but honestly no matter what they do i think hogan,bishoff and russo r quickly killing TNA and unless they get taken out of their the company will be dead in under a year anyway :disappointed:
Garbage wrestling worked for ECW because at the time, it was fresh, and you didn't see it everywhere.

Back when ECW was first gaining traction (95/96/97) you didn't see death matches in WCW or WWE. Guys hitting each other with barbwire baseball bats and slamming each other on tacks was attention grabbing.

But things have changed, and while those matches still have a place in wrestling, they aren't as exciting as they used to be. It's just been done too many times.

In fact, the fan's interest seems to have moved in the complete opposite direction. ROH is in a position very similar to ECW's, and it predominantly focuses on technical, clean, high spot wrestling.
I believe the result of said idea would be CZW. Not a pretty sight. Why does TNA need it? They do save the blow offs for major angles for PPV, so I don't really see what's so out of place when a match on TV ends in DQ and such. They further the story without a clear winner coming out until the proper time.
Okay so if you watch TNA on a weekly basis most of the matches end in a no contest or DQ. So do you think it would help TNA going the ECW route and having all extreme rules matches? If this works it could bring in the "extreme fans". Also ECW had a lot of wrestlers who worked overseas as well just like TNA has. Thoughts/Comments?

Nah, I wouldn't watch it, nor would a large portion of the wrestling audience. Pure hardcore wrestling is followed by a smaller audience, a cult following. That's all ECW had, and most of their recognition came after they went down. For a a small promotion run out of a bingo hall, that's good. For a low budget film, a cult following is great. For the second biggest wrestling company in North America, that's not what they want. They would have to cut their roster in half, and probably lose their TV deal eventually because of the audience they would lose. A few extreme matches now and then will keep the hardcore fans happy and they will also enjoy the matches they currently have.
I don't think it's a good idea at all TNA needs to be original not a watered down version of a dead company. TNA already takes a lot of criticism for rehashing old storylines and not being original. If they did that they would be panned ECW 2.0 instead of WCW 2.0 as some of their critics refer to them now. The ECW reunion PPV they did last year wasn't well received. It would be worse if they did it in the long term.

Hardcore wrestling doesn't work in the mainstream, which is one of the reasons ECW never made it past a cult following.

To the Moderators I don't know how my post got on here twice.
I don't think it's a good idea at all TNA needs to be original not a watered down version of a dead company. TNA already takes a lot of criticism for rehashing old storylines and not being original. If they did that they would be panned ECW 2.0 instead of WCW 2.0 as some of their critics refer to them now. The ECW reunion PPV they did last year wasn't well received. It would be worse if they did it in the long term.

Hardcore wrestling doesn't work in the mainstream, which is one of the reasons ECW never made it past a cult following.
Maybe they are going the route of EVERY match on Impact ends in DQ/No Contest and then only have clean finishes on PPV. That way you have to buy it. ;)
i remember a few years ago when TNA wasn't trying too hard, most of the matches were no DQ. and i remember that titles could change hands on a DQ or count-out
no because it could cause more injuries, plus there's no need for a crazy show like ECW was. ECW had weapons and tables and other things used in all their matches and while it's exciting it may not be a thing that the wrestlers like. TNA just needs to have better storylines and finishes to them. For example, th Joe-Pope feud is a good idea (since it turns Pope heel), but the whole cameraman following Pope is kinda lame, though it did do a good thing which was turn Pope heel, i dont mind no dq matches once in a while, but i dont like them all the time in one show. i would like to see the X-Division title with no dq rules, but it's still good without the no dq rules. Oh one more thing, TNA needs to build the television title up, that's one of the problems. the TV title isnt really noticed and because of it, no one cares for it. i thought it would've been a good idea to give it to either Hernandez or Morgan and let them feud with it and build it up, but instead they gave it to Gunner who hasnt had many matches in the company, that's just going to bring the title down unless he has great match and shows that the title is wanted with great feuds.
Garbage wrestling worked for ECW because at the time, it was fresh, and you didn't see it everywhere.

Back when ECW was first gaining traction (95/96/97) you didn't see death matches in WCW or WWE. Guys hitting each other with barbwire baseball bats and slamming each other on tacks was attention grabbing.

But things have changed, and while those matches still have a place in wrestling, they aren't as exciting as they used to be. It's just been done too many times.

In fact, the fan's interest seems to have moved in the complete opposite direction. ROH is in a position very similar to ECW's, and it predominantly focuses on technical, clean, high spot wrestling.

What you are failing to realize is the technical, clean, high spot wrestler that ROH is known for is the american-indy style that ECW perfected and revolutionized over its last couple years in business. Go back and watch those last two years or so of PPVs and count all of these "death matches" and the like. They were rare. ECW was about constant high-level chain wrestling, mixed with well-constructed spots that took advantage of the lack of limitations the extreme rules provided. Not to mention the best american fanbase in the history of the business.

As stated before I am all for "extreme rules" title-defenses because they GUARANTEE FINISHES. It is also a nice element to allow guys like RVD to incorporate chair spots like Van-Damminators, etc. Not to mention giving X-athletes the chance to pull things off like top-rope-to-the-floor hurricanrannas through tables, etc. that adds flair to the product and give the crowd the chance to chant "TNA-TNA-TNA".

If done right it is a GREAT idea. No DQ finishes doesn't automatically turn TNA into JCW or some Japanese death match DVD. That will only happen if its booked that way, which it shouldn't be.

Heyman proved through the constantly top-flight A+ match quality that ECW delivered over its last couple years that with the right athletes(which ECW had alot of, and TNA defintely has) the No-DQ stipulation can increase the options for top-of-the-food-chain wrestlers to create spots and build amazing matches.

There is never anything bad about Guaranteeing your fans finishes to title bouts.
No, ECW is dead get over it. TNA has to remain the way it is, a mix of old veterans with young talent. Thats why i watch TNA, because they have the wrestlers that i want to see i.e those that were from WWE/WCW/ECW and new wrestlers that i want to know more about them i.e guys that are coming from ROH, NWA: Anarchy etc. etc.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo TNA should be TNA and its hard enough to get them to do that correctly. They were WCW and then they decided to be TNA for a bit, then brought in ECW...and now we're back to WCW style again. I've pretty much lost all hope for TNA right now since they aren't doing anything remotely interesting. I just want them to be their own company, not trying to re-live the past. No ECW route or the company will die most def.

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