Should TNA Go After Ted DiBiase Jr?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
so apparently Ted Dibiase JR is no longer with WWE.
I don't know the exact details, whether he quit, didn't resign, or what happened. all I know is I've been reading he is no longer with WWE.

I haven't really watched WWE much through recent years, so I haven't been able to watch Ted Dibiase JR.
he has a name going for him, being the son of former great Ted Dibiase SR, Million Dollar Man.
he has a good look.
since I haven't seen him much I don't remember what his wrestling ability was like, or what he sounds like on the mic. so can't really comment there. other than to maybe throw out wrestling ability I think is a minor detail and not entirely necessary to make someone good/great at professional wrestling.
others are probably going to have better opinions than what I have, so I ask..

should TNA be interested in Ted Dibiase JR?
would Ted Dibiase JR be interested in TNA?
Not so much as an individual. However, if he was brought in with his brother Mike as a permanent tag team I think they could help the tag team division a lot.
Why pursue him? TNA already has more talent than they know how to effectively promote. How will Ted Dibiase Junior influence ratings and attendance when Rampage Ortiz and Tito Jackson barely have had an impact?
Absolutely not. He has the personality of a doorknob. There's a reason WWE isn't going crazy trying to get him re-signed. There's no money in him. I get that he's young (enough) and has an OK look, but there's more money in Wes Brisco than there is in DiBiase Jr.
I don't see the point he wasn't exactly something special in TNA so if TNA is already having money issues why bother with a guy like Ted. Anyone disagree?
What part of TNA being broke don't you get and its not like he would change anything for that company they need to hide Dixie and let jj run it his way then think about bring in more talent time to let go of the ones that are over the hill or never used bring back the six sided ring and build the x division make that ur star something that wwe doesn't have
I don't think they should be interested in him. Hell, I'm not really interested in him I used to be but that's a story for a different time and if they signed him he wouldn't accomplish anything there and TNA wouldn't accomplish anything by signing him besides providing TNA haters with more ammo
Absolutely not. He has the personality of a doorknob. There's a reason WWE isn't going crazy trying to get him re-signed. There's no money in him. I get that he's young (enough) and has an OK look, but there's more money in Wes Brisco than there is in DiBiase Jr.

Considering Brisco was a guy WWE had and didn't ever bring to the main roster, I'd say you're completely wrong.

Now, I've never been a Dibiase Jr. fan but he's definitely better than Wes Brisco and he doesn't have that stupid leg tattoo so he's easily more marketable. The problem is, he's just not all that charismatic.

I'd pass on him, but not because TNA has better talent. Brisco and Bischoff aren't better but they are already employed so until they mercifully get cut, you don't have those roster spots.

Either way, I don't think I'd use it on this guy.
Nah. DiBiase seems like a nice enough guy and I liked the little bit I saw of him, but I rarely if ever saw anything special in him. He has a good look, but at the end of the day the only thing that got him a job was who his daddy was. The problem with that of course is if you use the same gimmick your father had, you better be able to do something special with it. Jr. never came close to doing that and I don't think people are going to notice he's gone.
Considering Brisco was a guy WWE had and didn't ever bring to the main roster, I'd say you're completely wrong.

Now, I've never been a Dibiase Jr. fan but he's definitely better than Wes Brisco and he doesn't have that stupid leg tattoo so he's easily more marketable. The problem is, he's just not all that charismatic.

I'd pass on him, but not because TNA has better talent. Brisco and Bischoff aren't better but they are already employed so until they mercifully get cut, you don't have those roster spots.

Either way, I don't think I'd use it on this guy.

Because making the WWE roster is the only measuring stick to define success or potential? Thanks, but I'd rather use who is and who isn't employed at the moment. Equally as subjective as your argument, but a much clearer picture than "made the WWE roster or not".

Fact is, DiBiase is gone for a reason. WWE isn't chasing him. He's leaving because he's not going anywhere, and he's not going anywhere because he lacks talent. Had he talent like others who've left the WWE or were fired, I'd be fine with picking him up. I never bought this new age "reject" nonsense, and you know how I feel about it. That's not the reason I don't want DiBiase. I'm not afraid of the "reject" talk. It's annoying, certainly, but annoying in a gnat at a barbeque kind of way. A swat or two and you're usually back to drinking and eating ribs. The reason I don't want DiBiase is because he's not good. He has no talent. He has a famous dad, and I'm pretty sure TNA has met it's yearly nepotism quota already between Brooke and Garrett. Well, just Garrett now, but you get the point.

Thanks, but no thanks.
He's always had potential, he just never progressed enough to be a star talent. Rhodes took the time to develop a personality, he progressed beyond the guy who teamed with Holly during his debut, Dibiase never seemed to become a character, which is strange considering his father was a great character.

I think what's best for him is a couple tours in Japan, along with him working with his father and other vets to develop a personality. At that point, he could have improved both in the ring and as a character, and could be a valuable asset to either company. Right now, he has the jobber odor to him, along with the aforementioned lack of a personality, which would make him toxic to TNA.
Should TNA go after Ted Jr? Absolutely. However, who is to say he is interested in wrestling now anyway? He may be looking to enter another occupation (i.e Tyler Rex) Im pretty sure Ted hasn't been booked consistently enough in the last 2 years, so he's probably lost his passion for the business...

BUT... and this is a big BUT.. they need to get their deal with AJ done first, and after that, they probably don't have the financial means to go after a name like Ted Dibiase Jr.

TNA have to choose between AJ Styles or Ken Anderson in the next couple weeks..they won't be able to keep both.

The only way Ted Dibiase JR. would work in TNA is if his father was brought in with him as his manager and that simply is not a possibility...he's doing other things
Why the hell not. Good look, decent skills, and still very young. Natural connection to Hogan through his father's old rivalry. Also, has to come cheaper than some of the guys they are rollin with.
they can't afford the bills they already have, why would they want another person that hasn't anything. Oh wait that sums up half the roster like that.

It's always possible but he did state he wanted to leave so he could be with his family, why would he want to be on the road in another company
I saw this elsehwere with an interview of Ted Dibiase Sr.
During a recent interview conducted by, Ted DiBiase Sr. had the following to say regarding his son Ted DiBiase Jr's spot in WWE. This interview took place prior to DiBiase Jr revealing that he does not intend to re-sign with WWE:

"The reason he's not been back on TV is they don't want to just throw him back out there. I've had a lot of frustration there, too, as a dad, in trying not to be biased. I asked all my friends - Arn Anderson, Mike Rotunda, the guys who are the producers now - I said, 'Did I miss something? Is there something wrong with my kid? Does he not have it?' They say, 'Oh no, he's one of the best wrestlers we got.' I said, 'What's the deal?' They said, 'We just have to find something for him.'"

one of the best wrestlers they have (had) ?
or are they just saying that to make Sr happy?
Jr is only 30 years old.
TNA is in cost cutting mode right now so they have to be really careful about how they spend their money. There is one very important question that needs to be asked about Ted and any other ex-wwe guys when it comes to TNA.

What can this person do that TNA couldn't get an indy guy to do for less money?

The same goes for, chris masters, carlito, John Morrison, and the recently released Tara.
TNA is in cost cutting mode right now so they have to be really careful about how they spend their money. There is one very important question that needs to be asked about Ted and any other ex-wwe guys when it comes to TNA.

What can this person do that TNA couldn't get an indy guy to do for less money?

The same goes for, chris masters, carlito, John Morrison, and the recently released Tara.

for a TV show Ted Dibiase can bring a much more recognizable name for most of your viewers. guys not in TNA/WWE right now most of your viewers aren't even going to know who they are.
Dixie was already working on getting Ted DiBiase Jr to TNA it seems to have worked for her. Today The most underrated worker right now, in my opinion, has got to be Ted Dibiase Jr. He’s young, he’s athletic, he’s in great shape. And more importantly, he can work. The guy is very good in the ring, he’s one of the future stars of this business.
Ted DiBiase Jr. announced today that he is not re-signing with WWE in the video up top.
He said he wanted to be a dad and that he would miss everyone in the company and the fans. You can watch the video up top. Ted DiBiase Jr has already been seen at TNA headquarters. TNA has been trying to get him for months now . TNA has been sending him fillers for a while and told him he will be much more successful in a TNA ring. TNA wanted him to be one of the original members of the Aces and eights. It is believed he will face off with Mr Anderson over vice president of aces and eights.

Dixie was already working on getting Ted DiBiase Jr to TNA it seems to have worked for her. Today The most underrated worker right now, in my opinion, has got to be Ted Dibiase Jr. He’s young, he’s athletic, he’s in great shape. And more importantly, he can work. The guy is very good in the ring, he’s one of the future stars of this business.
Ted DiBiase Jr. announced today that he is not re-signing with WWE in the video up top.
He said he wanted to be a dad and that he would miss everyone in the company and the fans. You can watch the video up top. Ted DiBiase Jr has already been seen at TNA headquarters. TNA has been trying to get him for months now . TNA has been sending him fillers for a while and told him he will be much more successful in a TNA ring. TNA wanted him to be one of the original members of the Aces and eights. It is believed he will face off with Mr Anderson over vice president of aces and eights.

No offense, but there's no reason to trust that bush league site. Everybody knows that you TNA can't "get him" while he was under contract, so they couldn't have been trying for months. I also highly doubt they said "Gee, we wish that Ted Dibiase could be in Aces and Eights when it forms." Plus he can't compete on TV for another 88 days and I doubt Aces and Eights will be around that long, especially if Anderson doesn't resign in September. Add that to the fact that there's an article on that site saying Total Divas is the worst show on E! just because of something Nikki said speaks a lot of that site.

Anyway, I don't think TNA should go after Ted. What could he add to TNA to make them better? Sure, he has his name to go off of, but that's it. He's not a mega star who will draw huge ratings or anything. How much will TNA pay him? They've been having financial issues for awhile and I doubt Ted would want to get screwed over that way, but would he want to make less than he could if he were to go back to the WWE? Would TNA have to let go of more people to sign him? At the end of the day, I don't think it's worth it. TNA just needs to focus on what they have.
Wow, it amazes me to see all the love for this guy now that he isn't re-signing and has a potential chance to come to TNA while he was lambasted as being a waste of time in WWE.

Ted, Jr. has a great look, he's athletic and is still a young man. So what? He still has the charisma and personality of a corpse left to rot in the summer heat for a month. Guys like him are a dime a dozen in pro wrestling and we've seen a good deal of them come through WWE and TNA over the years. Right now, your prototypical generic wrestler is someone that's young, has a nice tan, a nice looking face, a good body and one or more tattoos. All DiBiase needs is a tat to be a full fledged member.

Because of DiBiase's exposure in WWE and the fact that he happens to be the son of, possibly, the greatest pro wrestler in the past 35 years to have never been a World Champion, he'd wind up getting paid a lot more than most talents on the roster. I've seen nothing in the 5 years he's been on the roster to suggest that he's worth the extra money it'd cost TNA.
for a TV show Ted Dibiase can bring a much more recognizable name for most of your viewers. guys not in TNA/WWE right now most of your viewers aren't even going to know who they are.

No he doesn't. There is not one single person who currently doesn't watch TNA that is going to start watching because Ted Dibiase Jr. is there.
I haven't really watched WWE much through recent years, so I haven't been able to watch Ted Dibiase JR.

Yes, well, those of us who have been watching WWE haven't gotten to see much of him, either....... and that's really the point.

Wrestling organizations (presumably) have their eyes open when it comes to evaluating their performers. If someone has been given decent exposure by the company he/she works for and doesn't set the world on fire, they're usually relegated to the boiler room with good reason. If they hang around long enough and don't get their butts "future endeavored," there's always the chance a renewed push will come their way......a second chance.

Still, how many times have you seen that type of scenario wind up with the guy turning the wrestling world on it's ear? Not often, right?

So, why would it be different for Ted DiBiase, the Million Dollar Boy? He had a great chance to show his stuff with WWE and didn't get very far, so why think he'd turn his fortunes around in TNA?

One could argue that if a performer were booked more effectively, it would make all the difference in the world. Maybe, in a rare case, it would, but when you consider the guys who went from WWE to TNA, I can't think of any mid-carders with the big company that became superstars in Dixie-land, even if they were featured when first hired. [Ken (Kennedy) Anderson comes to mind)]

Lots of pro wrestlers can effectively work a match, Ted DiBiase being one of them. If TNA feels they can use him, then sure, bring him aboard if he wants to go. Actually, he's closer to the profile TNA has been following since abandoning their attempts to out-WWE the older company. He's young, capable and has a good presence. If they can get him at a reasonable price, there's no reason not to.
I love how him not being overweight and being in good physical shape suddenly means he has a "great look". Truthfully, he looks like any number of dudes walking the streets. He doesn't look unique, he doesn't have any particularly special moves in the ring, and he certainly doesn't have a larger-than-life personality. Thus, he brings almost nothing to the table, other than being the son of a once-famous former wrestler. But hey, he's a former WWE Superstar, therefore TNA should get him, right?

TNA has bigger fish to fry than worrying about a guy who pretty much had the keys to the car handed to him long ago in WWE, but could never seem to back that car out of the driveway. Teddy should go on the autograph signing circuit with Virgil. Someone needs to help him set up his little table and banner.
Yes they should, I think wwe missed the ball with Dibiase, I really thought after legacy he would accelerate and be a main eventer but wwe just lost interest. TNA should pick him up and maybe use the Million dollar gimmick (I'm sure TNA can make there own version) and have him buy his way to the Main Event. An idea could have him buy a title shot off of the winner of the Bound for Glory Series. Just an idea.
Absolutely not. He has the personality of a doorknob. There's a reason WWE isn't going crazy trying to get him re-signed. There's no money in him. I get that he's young (enough) and has an OK look, but there's more money in Wes Brisco than there is in DiBiase Jr.

dead on the money with this one.

seriously if these guys are stars WWE is not going to let them slip away lol HHH is head of talent..hes personally worked with Dibiase and Rhodes and u can see Rhodes shining now, while Dibiase is a "free agent"

but knowing TNA hell be there in 90 days after 4 days of a mysterious promo on there Youtube Page, or being teased under a big reveal storyline

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