Should TNA fans Make A Petition To SpikeTV To Promote TNA??

Should TNA fans Petition To SpikeTV?

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Ever since we've had threads talking about the lack of marketing, promotion, and advertisement on SpikeTV's part regarding TNA, I've been thinking of how much of a good idea it may be to send in a petition or for every TNA fan to at least write a letter to Spiketv and get them to start promoting the TNA product. TNA is not the best program ever but they put on a decent enough product to draw more than they should. It's no reason why SpikeTV can't promote them.nnI think it's been well established that Spiketv treats TNA as a bastard child even though they are among the highest rated shows on their network and show a consistent growth. Spiketv seems to put all their eggs in the UFC basket and not do the same for TNA and I don't think it's fair or right at all.

Spiketv pays half of Sting's TNA salary and even Sting has addressed the issue of Spike not advertising TNA but yet SPIKEtv wonders why Sting can't draw like he should. Even Nash has complained about this. TNA clearly needs SpikeTV's support.

Like we've said time and time again, if Spiketv could put up some billboards and start airing Impact commercial ads during WWE hours, it could really help TNA and themselves. Spiketv doesn't even have enough decency to have Impact ads running during UFC and any other programming during their network. The only time Impact seems to get promotion is during the time that it's on!:banghead::banghead: It seems like SpikeTV has a habit of treating any non-WWE promotion this way. Look at the original ECW when they were on SpikeTV back when it was known as TNN. Paul Heyman was crying for Spiketv/TNN to give them promotion but outside their videogame, they were never advertised.

Take a look at this. TNA is going through the same situation, but unlike Paul Heyman, Dixie & Jeff Jarrett are being much more humble than Paul Heyman.

It just irks me so bad and I'm so passionate to see TNA compete in terms of viewership and Spiketv seems to be screwing them out of their potential numbers for whatever reason. To cut it short, do we petition to Spiketv? If no one wants to lead this thing, I'll lead it but since I have no experience with petitions, anybody can rightfully so lead this thing and I will not care.

TNA fans abroad may not experience this problem with their tv stations that air TNA but if you are a true TNA fan, I encourage you to take part as well because the success of TNA in America is crucial and has it's effect on the international market as well.

These are some contact details incase any TNA fans wants to go through with this. I got this from their site.

To reach their advertising department:

[email protected]

SPIKE TV Show Support:
[email protected]


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I see that some of you guys voted in here. To those who voted no, why? To those who agree, how should we go about this? Do we send in one letter where people sign their name or does each and every TNA fan go about this individually? I need some dialogue in here!
I agree with the petition. SpikeTV is invested in TNA and should do more to help grow the brand. I think Spike's lack of support is part of the reason why WWE Raw left and returned to USA. I may be wrong but I don't think any show on SpikeTV has ever gotten big ratings. It's just not a very good network. Spikes owned by Viacom so TNA should be getting advertised on all of their various channels.
i voted "yes" to this, but only because it couldn't possibly hurt. spike broadcasts tna for reasons, among them:
wrestling is year round programing
it skews to the key demo
it's audience is practically built in. any decent wrestling show will draw ratings near the highest spike draws anyway
it is low maintenance, given the independence of the promotions
it is rather cheap original programming

those last few are key to why there is no point in sending any petitions, but i personally would sign one and hope for the best
I think yes, too, actually. I don't normally really support these online petitions, but in this case it's pretty apt.

Show me the money!

TNA definetly needs to improve it's advertising if it wants to gain more viewers. However, I don't see why anyone should be mad a SpikeTV for the lack of advertising they've done. Obviously they are going to spend more time on UFC because it is more popular than TNA at the moment. If TNA really wants to get more fans, they should take it upon themselves to make improvements. And in reality, a petition isn't going to make much of a difference.
TNA definetly needs to improve it's advertising if it wants to gain more viewers. However, I don't see why anyone should be mad a SpikeTV for the lack of advertising they've done. Obviously they are going to spend more time on UFC because it is more popular than TNA at the moment. If TNA really wants to get more fans, they should take it upon themselves to make improvements. And in reality, a petition isn't going to make much of a difference.

TNA making improvements has nothing to do with TNA not getting anymore fans. The TNA product is not the problem. Simple advertisements on tv could do them wonders and get them a better number than what they've been receiving had they been doing this long ago. A petition to SpikeTV will show that TNA has a passionate and loyal following and fans who care about the product's well being which can make SpikeTV realize that they have a special product and may listen to the request to let TNA reach a broader audience. Even if they don't take the request, they will at least turn their head in that direction and may start to pay attention to tna a bit more. There shouldn't be a choice between TNA & UFC for Spiketv anyway. Spiketv should be promoting TNA on it's own to make it popular so they can benefit as a station as well.
I don't think there should be any stupid petition to have Spike advertise TNA. Spike should be doing this on their own. TNA isn't exactly in the same league as Pepsi, or Coke, or McDonalds in terms of companies that would still be around if they never spent another dollar on advertising for the remainder of their existance. I'd be surprised if there's a wrestling fan out there that doesn't know TNA exists on Spike from 9-11 on Thursdays... but they do need to advertise. It'd work wonders for them in terms of gaining a new fan or a few thousand fans. They need to make themselves more known to people. Some of that does fall on TNA's shoulders though as far as how they currently do come off to many fans. They're perceived as "hey... we are the OTHER guy and we have a 6-sided ring." and that's about it. They need to capitalize on what sets them apart from the E. Their X-Division. This is what hooked me on TNA in the first place. If they hooked me with the X-Division, they sure as hell can do it with others. Quit talking about the damn MEM who is all over 40 and Sting is 50, and make people want to watch your product in the future for your younger talent which is... SURPRISE... THE FRIGGIN X-DIVISION.

My idea is simple so TNA... listen and do it. Another TNA show... showcasing the X-Division and the X-Division only. This will do you wonders.
Can someone here on wrestlezone who is on twitter please tell Dixie Carter to find a way to run some ads promoting tna on tv or to put pressure on spiketv to start to promote TNA?? Please somebody!
I don't think there should be any stupid petition to have Spike advertise TNA. Spike should be doing this on their own.

Exactly. How they they expect to increase ratings if they don't get their own word out. TNA has no control of what Spike puts on. Spike TV should be doing this during EVERY UFC show.

Poor marketing.
I'll put this in the simplest terms possible. If you are trying to tell a company that they should promote something, the best way of doing it doesn't involve showing them that hundreds of thousands of people know that they provide said product, as it would show them that they don't need to promote it. If you have to petition them, which absolutely won't work by the way, then you pretty much have to say that you wished they had a programme that was edgy, etc. They'd realise they have one, and voila, advertisment would come TNA's way. Well not really, it's a shit idea, but a better idea then telling someone to invest in advertising something you are already aware of.
By all means, go for it. While I think TNA should be responsible for about 50% of their own marketing and promotion outside of Spike TV and across the US, Spike needs to spread the word about TNA and (gasp) HULK HOGAN throughout its programming. Not just one or two announcements about 15 minutes before Impact starts. They have tons of UFC programming, and hours and hours of shows aimed at young men. Show an image of the Knockouts, some X Division stuff, whatever it takes.
i voted yes because TNA needs way more exposure which spike tv is not giving them. I do see lots of commercials on Spike for the show but that is the only place that i ever see it mentioned.

TNA is soo closed off from everything non-spike and you never see it anywhere. I balme this partly for why tna hasn't made that large jump that they need. Comparing their advertising to that of wwe is just obsured. The name wwe is known all over and you see it on more channels than just the home of each show.

Spike tv needs to start looking into further advertisiing TNA in other ways than just a commercial now and then!
Time for some business lessons here.

If you want to write a petition, which like Tastycles said simply won't work, you would need to send it to TNA, not Spike. For one thing, TNA is the company that buys the time on Spike or whatever channel to air commercials for their product. Spike airs commercials for the companies that buy time from them. Second, why would you want to advertise your company on a channel that it's already on? The smart move would be to advertise on another channel. Get people from another market. Spike is marketed more or less as TV for guys. Guys tend to like wrestling more than women. In other words, if the marketing works right, people that are going to watch wrestling might be watching something on Spike already. In other words, by advertising on Spike you would be preaching to the choir. The smart thing to do would be to advertise on other networks and in other areas to expand the audience into a group that hasn't heard of the product yet.

So no, the petition shouldn't be made as it would be a complete failure.
Spike advertises UFC, why not TNA? TNA could get a bunch of ratings if it got advertised through out all of Viacam.
Are there enough fans for Spike to actually give a damn about and believe can bring in the dough day in and out? That's the question, silly blind TNA worshippers. It's why marijuana isn't legal yet; there aren't many supporters to back the cause.
Time for some business lessons here.

If you want to write a petition, which like Tastycles said simply won't work, you would need to send it to TNA, not Spike. For one thing, TNA is the company that buys the time on Spike or whatever channel to air commercials for their product. Spike airs commercials for the companies that buy time from them. Second, why would you want to advertise your company on a channel that it's already on? The smart move would be to advertise on another channel. Get people from another market. Spike is marketed more or less as TV for guys. Guys tend to like wrestling more than women. In other words, if the marketing works right, people that are going to watch wrestling might be watching something on Spike already. In other words, by advertising on Spike you would be preaching to the choir. The smart thing to do would be to advertise on other networks and in other areas to expand the audience into a group that hasn't heard of the product yet.

So no, the petition shouldn't be made as it would be a complete failure.

Umm where in my post did I say that Spiketv should solely advertise TNA on Spiketv? I said that SpikeTV needs to advertise TNA period. I watch Ultimate Fighter on UFC and very rarely do I see an Impact commercial. 1 of the Ultimate Fighter shows, the one where Kimbo fought brought in about 6.7 million people. That is an entirely new audience that came to that channel for that day and not 1 Impact commercial was shown. Out of that 6.7 million, they could've got 300,000-1 million new viewers to comeback the next day if advertised.

My point is that Spike needs to advertise TNA on their network and all over.

Are there enough fans for Spike to actually give a damn about and believe can bring in the dough day in and out? That's the question, silly blind TNA worshippers. It's why marijuana isn't legal yet; there aren't many supporters to back the cause.

You of all people have the nerve to call anyone silly! Fix your grammar so I could understand you and possibly not see you as a joke pal!
There are more ways to promote yourself than TV. TNA needs to shoulder the blame on this one just as much as Spike does. And when does anyone watch Spike anyway? According to ratings, their highest rated show is The Ultimate Fighter. Last time I watched that I'm positive I saw a TNA promo or two. So calm down. Spike has shown considerable confidence in TNA's product as of late, and with ratings that (very slowly) increase, TNA isn't going anywhere because of a lack of promotion.
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