Should there be multiple Money In The Bank contracts?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm a bit tired of the WHC MitB contracts because...well, it seemed like the bulk of last year was dedicated to Seth Rollins' case. I'm just burned out on it.

But I was wondering if they should do two MitB contract matches, one designed for the WHC and the other designed for...anything else. The second one would have the option on cashing in on the IC, U.S and Tag Team (if he finds a partner) belts. This would add a lot more unpredictability to the midcard title matches. If not, I wonder why there isn't a Diva's variation. Maybe it's because ladder matches are dangerous and WWE doesn't want any pretty faces getting damaged? Or maybe it's just because half of the diva roster is comprised of models, not real wrestlers. But I think that division could use an equivalent to Money in the Bank.

But what do you guys think? Is one contract fine? Should every belt have one? Should the Diva's get one?
They tried it when they had two contracts. One for the WWE title and one for the WHC title it was eh then as well.

As to whether they should have contracts for the tag, IC, US and Diva titles well that's something TNA has been doing with their Feast Or Fired matches which while I think are ok I don't think would work in a WWE setting.

Plus there would be the whole WWE stealing from TNA/WWE doing something with a TNA idea argument thing which is annoying as hell as it is.
I can see why people would think it's a good idea but it would just be overkill and water down the impact and prestigeof the MITB briefcase. Too much of anything means it loses its importance- just like I don't care about Hell In A Cell matches as much as I used to, because we know we are going to see them at set times in the year.

There aren't enough women on the roster to make it worthwhile having a MITB contract for them, same as there aren't enough worthy tag-teams to have team-specific one, and introducing MITB matches for each title belt is far, far too much. I don't think the MITB should be it's own PPV anyway, I preferred it more as a match on the WrestleMania card.
MITB has always been reserved for the World Championship, or championships when the WHC was around, and while it might be kinda fun to see it applied to other title, I'd rather see some sort of other gimmick applied to the one of the other titles. There were two MITB briefcase for so long in the first place and, personally, having only one briefcase instead of 2, 3 or 4 makes the concept feel more meaningful.

One idea that popped into my head was to maybe make the KOTR tournament an annual thing, but something that actually has some degree of meaning to it. Maybe repackage it altogether and do away with the crown, scepter and cloak bit because it's kinda corny really. At one time, way back in the day, WWE allegedly toyed with a King of the Ring Championship belt, images of which can be found online, that was allegedly made for when Mabel, AKA Viscera, won the tournament back in '95. I say allegedly because I don't know if it's actually true or if it was just something that a belt maker decided to create just for the novelty of creating it.

At any rate, I was thinking that the KOTR tournament could be extended during the post WrestleMania season and made into something of a series rather than single elimination tournament, sorta like the BFG Series was. While some will complain about the whole "WWE ripping off TNA" or vice versa, which I agree is annoying, it doesn't make the idea any less interesting to me. Perhaps feature 10 or so guys who're booked to be relevant and strong, given some relevance, matches happen at all WWE events, include a few big level stars in it like Randy Orton, etc. I'd also instigate a less redundant point system in that only points can be awarded via pinfall or submission, thereby leading far less cheap finishes, there can still be tons of cheating but the notion of someone possibly winning the whole thing due to a few points earned via DQ or count out bugs me. The winners of the matches will earn earn 7 points via pinfall and 10 for submissions with a gimmick match tossed in every so often. After a certain amount of time, the two wrestlers with the most points then engage in a best of 5, possibly 7, series to determine the King of the Ring Champion with the final bout being arranged to take place at SummerSlam. Whomever is crowned KOTR Champion has a choice of either challenging for the Intercontinental or United States Championship at any point between then and the beginning of the next tournament, but he can't "cash in anytime and anywhere" in the same sense as the MITB briefcase.

There are concepts in the thing borrowed from the BFG Series and the MITB concept, of course. I enjoy tournaments generally, but I feel there should be a reason for them and I feel that the winner of said tournament should actually benefit from it somehow. For instance, poor Wade Barrett is heading back down the road to being a glorified jobber after winning KOTR.
I don't see one being held for the secondary titles at least till the point where they truly mean something. You could say the US Title is important right now but thats because the biggest name in the company is holding it. I want to see what happens 12 months from the point that John Cena drops it. It will probably lose the meaning and prestige it has with him.

The second thing is the WWE did the two briefcase thing when they had the WHC and the WWE championships as separate titles. The thing with that was that it wasn't as special as seeing one guy cash in during the 12 month time span he has. I mean think about it.. one guy cashes in on the WWE champion and most likely wins it while the other one cashes in on a much less significant title and wins it. The reaction would be completely different.

I think one briefcase is fine and I believe it is something that should be held every alternate year. Maybe do Elimination Chamber one year and MITB the next. However, over the past few years I believe that MITB has become a huge show. I'd put it in the top 4 PPVs since John Cena Vs. CM Punk happened.
It was quite fun to watch the MITB last year because WWE had two ladder matches, one for the Vacant WWE-WHC title and another one for the Contract. It'll be worthful to watch WWE bring back that idea once again, but next year. This year we already have a MainEvent match featuring WWE-WHC title on the line so It'll be a disdain to include contenders in that match and turn it into a ladder match. And many people were complaining about the Qualification match for the MITB has been cancelled! But come on fellas we just have two weeks between two PPVs!

And I corroborate with many other's opinion that having multiple contracts would water down the prestige of the title Mr.Money in the Bank. And aren't we already gonna see some new #1 contender apart from Mr.MITB for every PPV till it got cashed in??

They should hold the MITB every two years, and between that have a King of the Ring Tournament for a chance at the WWE title. That way it would change it up a little. You can still have multiple wrestlers vying for the chance but it won't be the same old, same old.

This year's KOTR was a hurried affair, which quite frankly was crap. You need to hold it over many weeks, and have the final matches on a PPV. There is no need for a MITB for every single title. Can you imagine 4 or 5 wrestlers running around holding briefcases, the concept would be stale after a few months of it.

It's fine as it stands, just interject something else to keep us interested.
Is one contract fine? Should every belt have one? Should the Diva's get one?

My preference would be to have......none.

In my opinion, MITB is a concept that's had a longer life than I ever thought possible. It's inherently unfair; the notion of a fresh challenger cashing in on an exhausted, depleted champion is the crappiest way to win a world title in any circumstance. The few good guys who've held the briefcase try to do it the way I figured it was supposed to be done: let the referee know the MITB holder is claiming his chance in advance and giving the champion an opportunity to prepare. That's how I (foolishly) thought it was going to work.

But okay, for the past 10 years, they've been doing it this way. Far from adding more MITB events, I think it's time to retire the one they have.

Incidentally, the reason the Seth Rollins' MITB chase tired everyone out was the fact there was no champion around to cash in on after Brock won the belt. The original allure of the concept was for fans to know the champion was in peril every time he stepped in the ring; he'd have to keep his head on a swivel in case the MITB holder was lurking, especially after the champ finished his own match. With Brock as champ, we never got to experience that tension because he was never around.

I think a person should be able to win a world championship only by facing the champ on even grounds. Get rid of MITB.
The concept has really overstayed its welcome. It definitely gave us some great cash ins. Edge's second cash in, RVD's, Punk's, even Miz's held that element of surprise. Then there's forgettable cash ins and weak champions like Swagger, Kane, Sandow, ADR, and even Bryan's cash in was forgettable, though his reign lead to the whole yes thing.

MITB has always existed as a means for creative to get over a guy as being main event level without having to do the work of actually getting them over. WWE should be listening to crowd reactions when determining who to push next, but this gives them another tool to push who they want when they want to.

Other briefcases will water down the concept and make those special cash in moments even less special, something the majority of them struggle to be. The Divas division needs loads of work. Cena puts the U.S. Title on the line every week anyway. The IC title scene just received a fresh champion who has a ways to go. The tag title scene recently received some much needed depth.

I would say all those divisions as they were need a little time to brew and become actual divisions before briefcases can be introduced. I would like to see a women's briefcase most of all, but that division needs a lot of work before it's possible.

Good thought, but it waters down the concept. TNA has done it, so WWE is unlikely to follow suit.
I liked the idea of Feast and Fired in TNA, especially with the Fired briefcase being included. Seeing Christopher Daniels getting the briefcase twice was pretty damn funny for me and those who knew he was Curry Man.

I originally thought it would be great to have Money In The Bank with 5 briefcases, one in each corner and one above the center of the ring. One case would be for the WWE Championship Title shot, one case would be for the World Heavyweight Championship Title shot, one for the Intercontinental Championship Title shot, one for the United States Championship Title shot, and the last one would be for the WWE World Tag Team Championship Title shot. Then after they unified the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship Titles, I changed my mind. It really would water down the concept, having 5 different SuperStars walking around with all different briefcases. It would look damn near silly to see 6 Champions and 5 briefcase holders every Raw and Smackdown. I think one is enough. It would almost be like having a Raw Royal Rumble winner and a Smackdown Royal Rumble winner or a King Of The Red Ring and King Of The Blue Ring.
Money in the bank has become almost as must see WrestleMania. The MITB match itself is always nominated for match of the year in the Slammy's. I like to watch it because the match always promises cool action, and usually, stuff you haven't seen before, moves, crashes, etc..

It certainly keeps you thinking 'I wonder if he'll cash it in at this PPV' as long as it's being carried. When it finally cashes in its almost always a pleasant surprise, one of those times when you actually get excited while watching.

I think MITB is one of the things they are doing well, and wouldn't want to see it dilluted by mid card titles that switch hands every few months anyways.

I would agree that Rollins' MITB reign was dragged out way too long, but after seeing the culmination, I think I know why. The Rollins title reign has gone well, and it was probably the plan from the begining and we all spazzed out about Roman winning the title at WM31 for 3 months and in hindsight it certainly looks like Rollins was the planned champ from the begining. And that is what MITB can do in it's current form, it can make even the smarkiest internet wrestling fan mark the freak out.
I'm a bit tired of the WHC MitB contracts because...well, it seemed like the bulk of last year was dedicated to Seth Rollins' case. I'm just burned out on it.

But I was wondering if they should do two MitB contract matches, one designed for the WHC and the other designed for...anything else. The second one would have the option on cashing in on the IC, U.S and Tag Team (if he finds a partner) belts. This would add a lot more unpredictability to the midcard title matches. If not, I wonder why there isn't a Diva's variation. Maybe it's because ladder matches are dangerous and WWE doesn't want any pretty faces getting damaged? Or maybe it's just because half of the diva roster is comprised of models, not real wrestlers. But I think that division could use an equivalent to Money in the Bank.

But what do you guys think? Is one contract fine? Should every belt have one? Should the Diva's get one?

Which is why I say you put MITB on a three year rotation with KOTR and Night Of Champions and reduce the number of PPVs from 12 to 8. (None of us ever bought all 12 PPVs before the network so don't cry about what you never routinely had)

MITB - a shot at the WHC
KOTR - a shot at the IC
NOC - cool ppv name but needs to freshen up its 'catch'

HIAC ELC and ExRls can also go on a three year rotation.
They should definitely do Money In The Bank briefcases for more titles. The World Heavyweight Championship briefcase concept obviously should stick around. I may be in the minority but I liked the days of having both a red and blue briefcase. I'd use the red one for the World Heavyweight Championship and the blue one for the Intercontinental Championship. The other title tiers could all in theory have a briefcase. Why not? People want to see something new with Money In The Bank. This would add something different to the concept.

I picked the Intercontinental Championship for the midcard briefcase because that belt in particular needs it more. It's even fallen further in importance ever since Cena's Open Challenges have finally made the US Championship special again. I wouldn't be against a Tag Team Championship briefcase either. We've had a tag team Elimination Chamber and we finally have enough teams that would fill the participation numbers, so why not? They could try it out and see how it goes. I'd make the Tag Team Championship briefcase green.

I'd even be open to a Mrs Money In The Bank briefcase for the divas. In order to do this I would have divas pick male midcard wrestlers to represent them in the match for the Intercontinental Championship's briefcase, so the winning midcarder does still get his blue briefcase but the winning wrestler's diva gets awarded a pink briefcase that she can cash in on the Divas Champion, she would be Mrs Money In The Bank. This angle would give attention to the Intercontinental AND Divas Championship at the same time, while also preventing us from having to see divas who can't even work standard matches get put into a dangerous Ladder Match.

Red Briefcase - World Heavyweight Championship title shot
Blue Briefcase - Intercontinental Championship title shot
Green Briefcase - Tag Team Championship title shot
Pink Briefcase - Divas Championship title shot

They could add more rules to make things more interesting too if they added more briefcases such as only one briefcase can be cashed in on the same show, or having the blue briefcase holder having his pick between the Intercontinental and US Championship when he cashes in. Heck, they could do something similar to TNA's Option C thing where if a wrestler successfully holds onto a midcard briefcase long enough he can cash it on the World Champion instead at a specific PPV event.

The only other two ways to change up Money In The Bank without adding more briefcases are either for someone to win the World Heavyweight Championship while also still having the briefcase, or for two consecutive cash-in's to take place in the same night. The former is much more likely to happen than the latter, as someone would have to hold onto their briefcase an entire calendar year, then cash in on the World Champion that night, only to get cash'ed in on by the new briefcase holder who had just won theirs earlier in the show. I'd be up for seeing someone use the briefcase defensively rather than offensively though. Imagine a heel winning the briefcase and then getting title shots before using it like Seth Rollins did, but he wins the belt BEFORE using the briefcase. He just earned an extra attempt at defending it, his challenger could have to defeat him twice in the same night.

There's still ways left to change up the concept, but it's more likely we will just continue to see more of the same. Annual Ladder Match, opportunistic cash-in on a weakened World Champion. It's been done. I'm fine with no changes coming to the concept despite it having become predictable, but even though I know I'm in the minority in this opinion I'd love to see briefcases added for the other titles.
Justing pointing it out to people that TNA does Feast or Fired which is basically a variation of MITB where there is one for every title (and one gets fired)
i think the biggest problem with this years MiTB match is two fold.

A) its almost a gurantee that Reigns wins.(Kofi? Neville? Really?)
B) so much of late '14 early '15 focused on rollins n that case. so much so that we barely have moved on from rollins cashing in, when lo and behold.....MiTB time...yay.

*Side note: i think kofi winning via help from new day would be interesting. you almost know for sure that that case will dissolve their unity, but who gets to actually cash in?

only problem with that is that it kinda downgrades the case, as everyone will know itd be a failed cash in.
My word of the day is prestige. The WWE WHC is already prestigious. It's already the thing of childhood dreams. It doesn't need help. Now from the look of the product they are really trying to elevate the midcard belts. I agree that the midcard titles do not need a MITB contract just for them. The MITB is for a WWE championship match, now the midcard titles are a WWE title. If they want the prestige of those titles up, continue with the chases of them, but at least tease the cash in on a midcard belt. The final cash in can be on the big main belt, but the teased cash ins show that "hey, someone really wants that title" and it raises the bar on that title. Cena has an open challenge every week, have someone (like Owens) beat the hell out of him, and out comes Mr. MITB, and teases a cash in before Owens lays them out as well.
I think it would be a nifty idea to try. The WWEWHC one of course will have to stay, and having one for the mid-card IC/US titles would be a great way to add attention to them. A women's ladder match could either bring a lot of needed attention to the division, or it could also risk showing that they simply can't compete in that style (I'd be hoping for the former, of course). However, a tag team one would be a bit of a cluster (see the Elimination Chamber), and they would also have to make more of the current teams seem credible (they seem to be on their way to doing as such).

Now, if this was the case, we'd have a MitB event that features basically all MitB matches. This would be a bad idea if they were still in the PPV market, as they would risk having the people who like actual one-on-one wrestling matches not willing to shell out $50 for the show. But, now that these are all "events", it's perfectly fine to try it at least once to see how it falls out. Of course, having them all cash in after a match on a beaten down opponent would grow tedious very fast, so it would be nice to see some people cash them in in advance, setting up a match down the road (a face would have to do this, or a heel starting a slow-burn-face-turn). It may be overkill having that many cases at the same time, but there is a LOT of T.V. time to fill (way too much, in my opinion, but that's another story), so why not? Maybe even have an NXT MitB match, to give the NXT stars time to shine on a WWE event.

Now, all that being said, I've seen mention of doing away with the MitB, or at least making it bi-annually instead of annually, and having tournaments instead. I'm all for this notion, as I love tournaments, and winning a tournament is much more credible (unless it's a thrown-together KotR, that doesn't even get featured on RAW, and your last name starts with B) than cashing in on someone after climbing a ladder and grabbing a box in the air. I'd even like to see some type of best-of-7 series (I'm in Playoff mode, so there is a bit of bias here), with the winner getting a chance to face the champion, or even have the champion be part of the best-of series. Maybe have a tournament (featured on your actual shows and events), and the winner of said tournament then starts a best-of series with the champion. Although, this would of course take up a lot more time than one single event, but at least it would have continuity to keep people tuned in.
wwe will never do this, but i think a BFG type series would be fresh n interesting on the wwe stage.(obviously itll never happen since tna did/does it already)

have 10-12 guys compete in a 3 month long points based tournament


Nice thing about it is that wwe wouldnt be forced to come up with storylines, as the main focus would be to win, get points n earn the title shot.

Maybe halfway thru, wwe can build a couple feuds between some of the ppl most likely to not win.(Ryback v Sheamus for example)

im kinda rambling, but idk....something new would be nice lol

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