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Should The WWE Turn Superstars Into Another Brand?


Occasional Pre-Show
I was thinking about how today is Thursday and how I NEVER watch wwe superstars except for one time and it bored the hell out of me. So I was thought that maybe the reason that i wasn't interested is because there aren't any storylines "technically" on superstars. Now I don't want them to split the guys from smackdown, raw, and ecw, because they are seriously lacking talent besides the veterans. But what about having the guys down in FCW get some national tv time and have them ONLY face EACH OTHER. It'll get the fans knowing about new talent, it may even get them over some. It'll be wrestling "Before The Big Time WWE".

Now I know they are kind of doing this with ECW but, it's really only for guys that should have gotten a push long ago so they are throwing the ECW Strap on them. (i.e. Kane, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, Christian).

So, I want to know everyone's opinion on this, and perhaps they can put it on a channel that people ACTUALLY WATCH!!!!

Okay virtually what I'm saying is putting FCW on television replacing superstars and treating it as a brand minus being on ppv and all that stuff. So there you go.
i thought of the same thing.. I always forget about Superstars, but i do DVR it, i always fast forward and never really pay attention to it much.. but my idea was to just scrap Superstars, take that hour and add it onto ECW and make ECW a 2 hour show and scrap the ECW name and just make it a televised FCW show that we can all watch :)
I don't have the channel that Superstars is on, and I do not know how many other people are in the same boat as me, so I do not think it is a good idea. And the WWE would have to do like what they did when they brought ECW back and do another draft and make another title for Superstars.
I think that would be a bad idea. THe reason being is it's just for the people who are mid-carders or lower to wrestle. If it was turned into a brand we would need a lot of superstars who are mid-carders or lower from each brand. This would make less contenders for the US and IC title so I say a big fat please don't ever do this Vince
I agree with trashboy and say make it into FCW since ECW is officially DEAD.Im actually still pissed at vince for his lack of creativity and killing the ECW brand all together.But overall it will be better to bring the guys over from FCW so that way they can get their name up,since they are using ECW as the brand for newcomers anyways.
Superstars shouldn't be its own brand, they struggle enough to get a decent roster spread amongst three brands let alone four, however you make a valid point. Personally, I'd make Superstars the family show. I believe I am correct in saying its the only one that airs before 9pm in the US, and its first showing is on a Friday teatime in this country.

Superstars should feature wrestlers that kids like in individual storylines that play out on that brand entirely. Right now the show is an afterthought and any meaningful match that it shows will have a storyline that progresses on the wrestlers' home brands as it were. Give Superstars an individual feeling and its own storylines, and you may make it more successful than it already is.

Even if Superstars was shown on a channel that people have heard of before, it should not be its own brand because it's just a reviving of Velocity followed by a reviving of Heat merged together into the same show with a different name. It is complicated enough having ECW as the third brand, making a 4th brand would be a terrible idea because it would turn the rosters into even more of a cluster-mess, and they would have to create a new world title that isn't a world title, it would be equal to the ECW title, if not less prestigious.

Moving Superstars to a channel that people have actually heard of would be a good idea, but making it a brand is not a great idea at all. It would only further complicate things as a 4th brand when we only needed Raw and Smackdown to begin with.
I've suggested countless times that Superstars is a useless show. All they really do is feature talent from each brand that wasn't used on their respective brand's show that week, and I don't really watch it most of the time. Some people will argue that, like ECW, it's more fun to watch because it's mostly actual wrestling, but it still doesn't peak my interest, especially since the logo for the show reminds me of some kind of anime show. Anyway, in relation to all this, I believe WWE should also scrap ECW, expand the RAW and Smackdown rosters, and move Smackdown to Thursday nights. That would be great.
I don't think that Superstar should become a brand like ECW is but I agree that the show really doesn't capture my interest. Who care's what happenes on the show, you know if it was important that it would either happen on Raw, SD, or ECW. If WWE really wants to find something to air then I think that they should air FCW instead. At least there will be a storyline and they can introduce new superstars to us. That way the E can see how the fans feel about some of their developmental talent. It really couldn't hurt WWE replacing the Superstars show with FCW.
I think Superstars should be more of the recap show, the show for men and women who have little time, and the show where smaller storylines can continue. I do think the show could benefit from brief appearances more by Cena, Rey, and other over faces, against the smaller time heels, just to get them over more. But as for an actual brand, I don't know who would want to watch it, I don't think the WWE should have more belts, and I dont think they should have more Pay Per Views, all something that another brand could cause.
I dont think it should be another brand they have two many, what they should do is maybe turn it into velocity or evan heat. If that dont work then just scrap it, or they could merge it with ECW, or htey could jsut use it as a recap show. But it should not be another brand htey dont need 4 brands, Heck just use ECW as the superstar show or something.

But i am more towards Scraping, Superstars all together and have the talnt have some time on ECW or something.
No they shouldn't because the rosters on each show are fine. Yes some people may not appear every week but they do end up getting some air time on Superstars.
I'm in the camp that thinks it should remain as it is. Personally I like it and since it's aired in the UK have enjoyed the matches, especially the Ted DiBiase vs Chris Masters one. The commentators do well to give the matches some kind of meaning and gives regular TV time to guys like Chris Masters and Mike Knox.

WWE struggle enough with ECW in developing a clear brand identity and have come some way with the new talent who cut their TV teeth there. So I believe turning Superstars into a brand into it's own right would fail. The fact it isn't a brand, gives it more identity than it would being a brand.

Likewise I don't think turning FCW into a show is a good idea, simply because the majority of wrestlers there aren't ready for TV yet, some are still learning and too green while the better, more accomplished wrestlers will be called up to ECW to gain TV experience.
Definitely not. Superstars has turned into an undercard show, as was predicted when the show first began, and if that show became a separate brand, then people who may not deserve pushes will suddenly get them. Plus, it would make the house shows even more divided, meaning more people will have to work separate dates, increasing the chance of injury and overall lack of morale.
Well if WWE does eliminate ECW, I think making Superstars into that developmental type brand would be a good choice. Because right now I have never seen Superstars and I probably never will. The show is just regurgitated garbage from Raw/ECW/Smackdown and matches that weren't good enough to make it onto those shows. That way you don't get bitched at by old ECW marks and now you have a weekly show dedicated to up and comers. But turning Superstars into a 4th brand? Absolutely not. That would just magnify the lingering issues that are linked with the idea of brand extension. Hell I still don't like the idea of Raw and Smackdown being two different brands. First off, the idea of single brand PPV's were pretty awful for the most part. Well, Smackdown was always terrible, Raw had some solid ones due to its star power. But most of the single branded PPV's had a bunch of shitty filler that should have been on episodes of Raw and Smackdown. Also, by the end of the year, you want to fucking kill yourself because you know you're gonna see the same 5 guys wrestle on each show. Like take last night on Raw for example, you know you're gonna see Bourne and Henry in meaningless matches. And you know the main event is gonna involve DX somehow. Plus around this time we have just about seen all of the potential match ups on each brand, so it's pretty fucking boring right now.

Alright im ranting like crazy but basically I just think WWE should go back to one brand, Raw and Smackdown are weekly shows, then Superstars can be a developmental show. I understand why the brand extension was done due to the abundance of talent coming in from ECW and WCW and along with the established stars in WWE at the time. But we go week after week now seeing the same boring match ups. Yeah it's cool after the draft when everyone plays musical chairs and goes on a different show but that magic runs out after about a month. So please, WWE, give us one brand. If you recall, the one brand strategy didn't do too bad.
Because right now I have never seen Superstars and I probably never will. The show is just regurgitated garbage from Raw/ECW/Smackdown and matches that weren't good enough to make it onto those shows.

I'd have to disagree with you here, personally I think some of the matches have been pretty decent from a wrestling point of view. The WWE has the best pool of talent it's had in a long time and it gives guys regular TV time which they otherwise wouldn't have. Saying the matches aren't good enough because they're not on Raw/SmackDown is like saying the Indies don't have any good wrestlers becasue they aren't in the WWE. Which may be your opinion, I don't know, but you're certainly entitled to it.

But we go week after week now seeing the same boring match ups. .

You know where they don't have the same matches? Superstars.

People have been calling it the next Heat/ Velocity as if it's slanderous. I always enjoyed those shows and feel that they have a place in the WWE. They aren't going to draw the biggest numbers, but it showcases good matches. Did you ever see the series of matches between Jimmy Wang Yang and Paul London on Velocity, they were amazing!

I do agree however that stronger brand identities are needed. They looked like they were on the way with Bragging Rights, but promptly dropped the idea afterwards. It would make talent transfer more impactful and create some strong rivalries.
For the love of God no. People barely watch ECW as it is, making 'superstars' (which is what they're all called) wouldn't make any sense as it's own brand. Superstars should be used to showcase the lower/middle card and nothing more with maybe once in a while a big time main event. Last thing we need is 'another' world title that WWE can bastardize to float around since all three of them are essentially about as 'glamourous' as the paper it was printed on.

What they CAN do is eliminate all the world Titles except for one and make him Tri Branded. Make the Diva's title and scrap it all together and turn that belt BACK into the Cruiserweight Title and make that Exclusive to ECW. Make the Women's champion tri branded. The Tag Titles Tri Branded and leave Raw and Smackdown with the U.S. and I.C. Title.

Essentially, the 'big' champions would be on every show but it would refresh the 'world' titles and grant them more worth. Also, this means the under/middle card gets a bigger spotlight with the I.C. and U.S. titles being exclusive to their brand with that being the major 'tv' title.

This formula worked before and it can work again. Too many titles diminish the meaning.
I think they shud merge ECW and Superstars to creat a real third pillar on television.
At the minute Raw and Smackdown are miles ahead and I feel a third big show would benifit the superstars on the smaller shows, let them shine and progress.

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