Should the WWE sign Ken Shamrock to a legends deal?

CM Steel

A REAL American
In a recent radio interview featuring former WWE star & MMA icon Ken Shamrock, the world's most dangerous man stated that he indeed would like to return to the world of pro wrestling with either the WWE or TNA. Ken Shamrock did make some history during his time in the then-WWF. He was the first MMA star to crossover to pro wrestling/sports entertainment. He debuted in the WWF in 1997 during the pre-attitude era going through the attitude era until he left the WWF after his feud with Chris Jericho in '99.

Ken Shamrock is:

-A former IC champion
-A former tag team champion (w/o the late Big Boss Man)
-A former King of the Ring in 1998

Ken Shamrock was a bonafied main eventer in the attitude era, but Stone Cold Steve Austin had the number one spot locked back then. But now with Shamrock having a desire to return to a wrestling ring. Should the WWE sign Ken Shamrock to a legends deal? I mean what does the E have to lose at this point?
Shamrock was a professional wrestler before he got into mma. He trained in the late 80s and started wrestling in 1990. Then he transitioned to mma.

As far as a legends deal I wouldn't be opposed to it. I know he said in the interview the only person who seems to have a problem with him is Hunter. I don't know if that's true or not but if it is then I could see it being hard for him to get a deal.
Dan Severn also crossed over, holding the NWA Heavyweight Title for four years, I believe this was before Shamrock signing with WWE. Yeah Shamrock wrestled as Vince Torelli in the mid90s on the indy scene.
Regarding a Legends contract, I cannot see any harm in it, but how could they really use him.....? He has been destroyed in his past how many fights, he is closer to 50 than 40 now so any thought of pushing him as a deadly MMA fighter is out of the window, especially as they have Lesnar and have booked him to lose to Cena and HHH and allow plenty of offense to Punk. The only way I could see Shamrock being used would be if he was inducted into Class of 2014, which I wouldn't have an issue with, and when being interviewed on Raw in the weeks leading up, Lesnar could come out and decimate him. Lesnar could have this as his slow build to make him look like an animal leading to Mania 30
Lets be honest, Triple H may hate him but if Ken Shamrock is 'good for business' he will be invited back to the WWE family with open arms. Paul Heyman was and we all know what Vince, Steph and Trips think of him!!! Triple H needs to look past his own nose (yes, I said it) and learn to let sleeping dogs lie like Vince has on numerous occasions with Bret, Hogan, Brock etc.

Shamrock would be a great addition to the roster. He wouldnt need to be full time but an RVD type deal where he shows up for a few months at a time would be great.

I would love to see Shamrock go against CM Punk or Brock Lesnar. Put these on Extreme Rules or another B PPV and see it draw better.
I would love to see Shamrock back in the WWE, whether it be a surprise entrance in a Rumble, surprise IC challenger like Goldust, D Lo, etc. were c. 2008, or even for a short run or two.

However, I suspect WWE aren't all that interested in him, and he'll end up in TNA to scratch an itch. WWE doesn't exactly need him, but they could use him and find something for him to do. I'm not sure he'd get a huge pop but if they used him correctly he'd be cool to watch and win some people over.

He could teach some of the youngsters a thing or two as well. But I suspect if WWE weren't interested since 2002 with all the other people they have brought back over the years for surpise or nostalgic apperances then Shamrock's time is pretty much over, unless he can offer the WWE something big.
When I first started reading this my first thought was I couldnt see why WWE would want the guy back after all these years. He was often overly aggressive and he frequently botched moves. Not to mention his post WWE days have consisted of a run in TNA and losing multiple fights so he's hardly a big name anymore BUT I've thought of 2 ways he could be used currently.

He could be brought in to work with Jack Swagger. Shamrock was one of the first guys to do the ankle lock in pro wrestling so him and Jack have a common bond there. Bring Shamrock into the fold with the Real Americans to give them a more aggressive in ring style or have him just work with Swagger on aggression which could trigger the eventual break up between he and a face Cessaro.

If he was to be inducted to the 2014 HOF a perfect way to bring him back would be for him to be the trainer for whomever fights Brock Lesnar at WM30. This story writes itself, WWE annouces Shamrock as a HOF inductee and as he's giving his welcome back speech Brock comes and takes him out. The following week Ken comes back for revenge and calls Brock out then when it looks like a repeat of the past week out comes who ever his WM30 opponet is for the save. Shamrock becomes the guys trainer for the match and then at Mania he can either have the guys back or screw him over and cost him the match.
Shamrock won't be coming back to the WWE to wrestle, I am almost certain of that. He isn't a big name any more after being hammered in many of his more recent MMA fights and he is nearly 50 years old, plus most of the younger fans will have no memory of him.

I am a fan of his though, always have been so a short return run would be entertaining to me, but could he really offer anything to the product at this stage? He could make a one-off return in a Royal Rumble or maybe do something with Jack Swagger regarding his use of the ankle lock, but I can't think of much else. And being a big Shamrock fan, I wouldn't want to see him brought back just for Brock Lesnar to destroy him as another ex-MMA fighter.

He was the first real MMA-WWE crossover, and was a pretty big deal back in the day so if WWE think they can make money on that then I wouldn't be surprised to see him return in some role on a Legends deal, but if he is right and than HHH and him don't see eye-to-eye, I can't really see it happening. As he hasn't made a single return AT ALL since 1999, not even on things like the RAW 1000th show, then I'm guessing we arent going to see him.
I understand that the term legend is often thrown around pretty casually, whether it's in wrestling or just about anything else. While I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to Shamrock getting a legends deal, I honestly can't see what Shamrock brings to the table. A lot of younger fans today don't know who he is and won't give a shit who he is or what he accomplished in WWE 15+ years ago. As far as being signed to a WWE contract as a wrestler, it'll be viewed exactly for what it is: a guy who used to be a wrestler and enjoyed some success back in the day wanting to come back for a good chunk of change despite not having much of anything to offer except for past glories.

When he signed to the WWF in the late 90s, he had a respectable MMA record of 23-5-2, was the first UFC Superfight Champion and had a good deal of buzz surrounding him from his success as an MMA fighter. As a pro wrestler, however, Shamrock was pretty damn forgettable. He had a great look and intensity, but that's about all that really made him stand out. It's also not as if WWF didn't give him a significant push. He feuded with Bret Hart and the Hart Foundation throughout 1997, he had WWF Championship matches, he won King of the Ring back in 1998, he had one of only 2 IC title runs during the Attitude Era to last 90 days or more, he was a member of the Corporation, etc. Shamrock just simply didn't have IT. Vince saw more money in guys like Austin, Rock, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Taker, Mankind and, frankly, he was 100% right.

Since leaving the WWF, he had a run in TNA when the company was just starting out, winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. But, in all honesty, nobody gave a shit as TNA was literally just starting out and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship hadn't meant anything in close to a decade. He also went back to MMA and really became something of a joke. Between 2000 and 2010, he fought an additional 15 MMA fights and lost 10 of them. He's no longer the "World's Most Dangerous Man" and no longer has that positive MMA buzz surrounding him.

In recent interviews, Shamrock has stated that he'd love to return to WWE but that he feels Triple H doesn't want him there. Allegedly, he & Trips never really got along all that well and he believes that's the reason why WWE isn't interested. That's certainly possible. After all, egos do get in the way sometimes. On the other hand, it's also possible that Triple H just doesn't see anything in Shamrock as he was never a big draw in WWE despite being given some pretty significant pushes, he's pushing 50 years of age and has the reputation of an aging fighter well past his prime who doesn't know when to let it go rather than badass incarnate.
NO...He is old and even when he was young, he wasn't a great wrestler. He has NO mic skills. The biggest reason I say NO is because half the crowd would have no clue who he is. They would almost have to reintroduce the guy as a new wrestler because the kids have never seen him before. That would make his return completely pointless. There is like a BILLION other people from the AE that it would make more sense bringing back. Shamrock is a NO GO
As far as being signed to a WWE contract as a wrestler, it'll be viewed exactly for what it is: a guy who used to be a wrestler and enjoyed some success back in the day wanting to come back for a good chunk of change despite not having much of anything to offer except for past glories.

That's what it amounts to, isn't it? Any prospective employer wants to know what skills and qualities you can bring their organization and if the only answer the interviewee can come up with "All the fabulous things I did for you 15 years ago".....he might be shown the door, quickly.

Ken made his choice back then; he wanted to fight "for real" instead of the pro wrestling way.....and yes, in those days, many fans either damned him for leaving or praised him for following his heart. That's all fine, but now that his martial arts fighting career is shot and his body can no longer stand the rigors of "real" fighting, he's going to be subject to the whims of the pro wrestling organization; it's no longer his call.

As always, Vince McMahon surprises us by doing business with people we figured he wouldn't get within 1000 feet of. Maybe Shamrock is one of them.....stranger things have happened.
i can see Ken shamrock coming back to more of a backstage role at first, then slowly he can try for that "one more match" if he still wants it. he definitely can be in the hall of fame one day though. i dont know why hunter hates him but hunter is pretty much running the company so if he does come back he will have to prove his worth again somehow. if its not in the ring then it has to be backstage mentoring the new talent they have on the roster.
Why not? He'll work for relative peanuts these days, and he'd be good for a quick return like Nash, Golddust, and so many others we've seen into the WWE over the past few years. He'll be a good ol' days pop, and the WWE loves those.

But if money's an issue, there's no point to bother. If the issue is "the WWE won't pay me what I think I'm worth", the most memorable fight Ken Shamrock has had in the past decade was avoiding an overhyped Kimbo Slice with a very suspicious day-of cut over the eye. (Who the hell does hard practice the morning of a fight?!?!?!)

There's no great reason to do it, but no real reason not to do it either.
I am beginning to wonder who the current fan base will remember upon their return. At Raw it Pittsburgh last week they showed the new video game commercial featuring The Ultimate Warrior. I would have thought the whole arena's grandma died it was so quite. On the other hand Nash got a huge pop when he came back for the Rumble. Shamrock came in later than Nash so maybe his pop would be good. If anything though that is all I would do with him. Bring him in for a surprise Rumble appearance, and then maybe an interview. At most he could possibly manage someone that is going for the "real" fighter gimmick, but other than that I am not sure that WWE would benefit much from a Shamrock return.
Over the past 10 or so years, Mr. Shamrock has been a non-stop clusterf*ck. From the Kimbo Slice "incident" to failed PED tests to his constant war of words with Dana White, I don't know that the E needs to bring in an unreliable loudmouth with an overinflated sense of worth. It's going to be all sorts of drama from day one.
while I would in no way like to see Shamrock return full time, A possible return at the Royal Rumble and possibly A appearance at Wrestlemania 30 would be fine by me. I also think that if he did return, his time would be better spent helping to put over the mid card guys as the rest of the Legends always end up facing somebody like Cena, When they could be used to put over some of the younger guys.
I would say yes, but for one reason and one reason only: Make him the unique ref for all no holds barred matches. First, it'd force WWE to keep it as a special gimmick. second, it would make for a difference between NHB and no DQ, which we know are basically the same, but could be made to be different.
The problem Shamrock has is not even Triple H (although saying he thinks it is has probably created an issue, whether one was there or not) but if WWE is going to bring guys back from the past, there are better ones they can choose.

X-Pac can still go and offer something in terms of a gimmick/place in the story and back up a decent match with someone like Bryan or Punk. Shelton Benjamin or Harry Smith could walk back into the roster and have something to offer, ditto for John Morrison or going further back the Godfather, Val Venis, D. Lo or Matt Morgan. All of those guys would be ahead of Shamrock in terms of pop from the crowd and options once they are in. Even Eugene has more of a shot of a return and more upside.

It was telling that even Bob Backlund still seemed over during that Heath stuff last year... that was Shamrock's window and they went with Bob instead. While they may have been testing the water for his HOF induction, that moment was tailor made for Ken's music to hit... but they clearly thought that not enough of the crowd would remember him or pop as they would for those they picked. They may have felt Ken has let himself go (Backlund was in INSANE shape for a man his age) or Ken may have even talked himself out of it by angling for more or a longer deal if they did call him.

One role I could conceivably see working is him coming in to work with Wade Barrett - like someone suggested, perhaps as a mentor/trainer who Barrett can then turn on. That being said I think Barrett should be a Horseman first in the Anderson "enforcer" role and would much rather see that.

Shamrock nearly made it back in the day, Bret probably is the reason he didn't get it rather than Hunter... to this day I can see no fair reason Bret wouldn't do as suggested and drop the belt to Shamrock. Sure he'd have lost it immediately to Shawn but he'd have held it - and might be in a stronger position as a legend today. A lot of the guys they do bring back held that belt... Slaughter, Sid, Flair, Backlund... Shamrock was the Wade Barrett of his day, all the potential, no real reason for it not to happen other than his face didn't really fit with somebody in charge or circumstance just took it away.
I don't think its an awful idea. In no way would he be brought back to win the Heavyweight/WWE championship. But there's alway rumblings that the mid card titles could use a little more prestige. What better push than bringing back a former champ like Shamrock to feud with either Axel or Ambrose?
I'm not convinced if resigning Ken Shamrock is necessary. He was a solid mid-carder at his peak, nothing more. His return wouldn't create any significant buzz so surely he would just be taking up a spot on the roster.

I'm sure Shamrock is the kind off guy who would be still able to work a good match but to what extent would he actually be able to put someone over. I just don't think it is worth having Shamrock appear on TV. At best he could be an entrant to the Royal Rumble because admittedly, I would get pretty excited if his music hit.
It wouldn't really create a huge reaction from fans. Shamrock is an interesting footnote in very successful period in wrestling. It's also not like he would be useful in a backstage role. He's good for an appearance, but to be on a legends deal and be part of the ambassadors for WWE? Nope.

Ken Shamrock was a bonafied main eventer in the attitude era

Don't devalue the meaning of main eventer by using it on Ken Shamrock.
What do they have to lose? Money. If they pay Ken to share his insights as part of a Legends contract, they will have to pay him to do so.

This seems like a petty reason to deny this accolade to someone who did help make the attitude era shine as bright as it did, but I can see the WWE deciding that his current star power brings nothing to their current product.

On the other hand, the WWE has been getting very prolific with their DVD releases. If they can time a legends deal with the dvd release of Ken's WWF work as well as his mma work prior to his WWF work, it would pay for itself ten fold. Ken had many classic bouts before joining the WWF and was known as "The World's Most Dangerous Man" before he ever competed in the first UFC tournament. It would be a fun throwback and they might include the Goldberg interview where he admitted that the basis for his character was inspired by Ken's WWF work.
I dont think Vince owns the rights to screen any of UFC intellectual property on a dvd. Shamrock brings zero to the table in 2013. He could be brought in for one night as a legend to give a rub to a guy getting a push, but as stated earlier, most of todays fans dont even know who Ken Shamrock is/was,
Ken Shamrock is a complete bust out and Vince and company should stay as far away from him as possible.

Ken is to MMA what The Ultimate Warrior is to WWE, he has held up multiple small promotions for "Deposits" and then no showed events, he has been busted for steroids in his second to last win (against a 400 lb guy who went on to die of a heart attack shortly after the fight)

He lost a high profile lawsuit to the UFC and now owes them 6 figures, he has gone in to business for himself more times than anyone, even recently trying to hype a fight with James Tony that was never going to happen, just looking for a noob promoter to give him a cash deposit so he could burn them. He also recently tried getting a fight with his own brother to get some money in.

He is a bum, he was an insanely over rated fighter and an even worse wrestler. There is no positive insight he can give to any younger superstars, he can only hurt them his relationship with any wrestling company will blow up in everyones face eventually.

There are a ton of other guys from the same era that would be much better choices to throw a legends deal at then Ken.
A WWE Legends deal is basically a WWE retirement plan for old wrestlers coupled with an opportunity for them to make a few extra bucks to help pay for it as well. I don't see any reason why Shamrock shouldn't have one as well.
Ken Shamrock returning to pro wrestling/sports entertainment mainly with the WWE would and could be really what's "Good for Business". I mean even in Shamrock's current shape he could still put some mad hands on most of the WWE roster and put them over at the same time! Two birds, one stone. And it's not like Ken Shamrock is just another MMA guy who crossed over to wrestling and fell off ala Dan "the Beast" Sevren, Daniel Puder. This man made some history in the wrestling world long before the world knew who Brock Lesnar was! So I would say give the world's most dangerous man a legends deal or something WWE.

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