Should The WWE HOF Induct More Announcers & Referees?

Midnite Express 2009

Getting Noticed By Management
I know there's been hundreds of posts on here about the WWE Hall of Fame, who should & should not be inducted, why some people are left off while others get the nod and a whole host of other thought worthy topics concerning the Hall. But I was watching the DVD, The Rise and Fall of WCW and I started thinking about a few things when it comes down to the Hall of Fame and it got me to thinking, why aren't there any referees in the HOF and more announcers?

As far as I know, the only two pure announcers in the Hall of Fame are Gordon Solie & Jim Ross. Bobby Heenan is in the Hall of course, but he was also a manager, so I look at his induction as being apart of the manager's side. Gorilla Monson is also apart of it, but of course, Gorilla was a wrestler before being an announcer, as is Jerry Lawler. I don't consider Michael Cole going in any time soon so there's no need of including him. That leaves a tremendous amount of announcers from all over the old territories that have either never been thought of or overlooked when it comes down to induction into the Hall of Fame.

On the same hand, referees have not been added, not to my knowledge. I'm sure most people can't name five referees, but still, without the ref, the match can't begin. The ref is as major a portion of the match as the wrestlers themselves and I have to wonder why not a single referee has ever been inducted as of yet.

I say WWE should strongly consider placing more announcers and a few referees into their Hall of Fame. Men like Lance Russel from Memphis & Bob Caudlie from Mid-Atlantic & later the closing days of the NWA alongside Jim Ross are men who come to mind who were both as exciting & entertaining as any of these guys today. Even Bill Mercer of the World Class Promotion was better than what is being offered today, IMO.

As far as referees, one name comes to mind instantly, and that's Tommy Young. If you're too young to remember Tommy, he was THE MAN when it came down to referees. Hands down, he was the best ref in the business during not only the NWA's heyday but Ric Flair's as well, refereeing in almost every major bout and especially the NWA's PPV main events. The way he would get so involved with the matches, either by his trademark flinches whenever Ric Flair would chop somebody, or the way he would make his counts, running around & sliding out of the ring like a baseball player if the wrestler was too out of the way to make the count, was simply amazing. I can watch a match which includes Tommy Young & find myself watching more of Tommy than the match sometimes. Also, Earl Hebner is someone who comes to mind as well. He was the WWF's Tommy Young, but just on a less exciting way. Even Nick Patrick deserves consideration from his WCW days, and before WCW he was a referee in the NWA.

So what do you think? Since these persons are apart of the business as well, either by calling the action or making the three count, they were all important branches and I believe the Hall of Fame should heavily consider inducting more announcers and some referees. If you agree, who comes to mind first? If you disagree, please let me know why. Thanks.
If Howard Finkel is in, I think Tony Chimmel should be in as well due to how long he has been in the business and is so great to listen to. Lillian got on my nerves. Justin Roberts is ok but he's not as good. I LOVE Ricardo Rodriguez but he'll probably debut as Chimera soon. Fink and Chimmel are the two greatest announcers in the history of the company while Michael Buffer from WCW also I think is worthy of consideration. WCW played a huge part of my childhood as I had no idea until like 1998 or 1999 that the WWF even existed. Michael Buffer was such a huge part of the WCW main events.

As far as referees go, spot on with Earl Hebner- possibly the most famous WWF ref out there. As well as Nick Patrick, who was the referee partial toward the N.W.O. that really changed the landscape of the business.
After seeing Drew Carey get his spotlight, I'd say go for it.

Those men you mentioned did a million times more work towards the industry than someone like that. Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, and Nick Patrick are the only ones I can see from this generation that should go in for refs.

Announcer wise, I have a feeling Michael Cole makes it by the end of his tenure, and JR/King are already rightfully a part of it. The other pure announcers of this generation have some time to go, none of them are even close at the moment.
After seeing Drew Carey get his spotlight, I'd say go for it.

Those men you mentioned did a million times more work towards the industry than someone like that. Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, and Nick Patrick are the only ones I can see from this generation that should go in for refs.

Announcer wise, I have a feeling Michael Cole makes it by the end of his tenure, and JR/King are already rightfully a part of it. The other pure announcers of this generation have some time to go, none of them are even close at the moment.

That's the thing, "this generation" of announcers and/or referees pales in comparison to those who paved the way. One of my personal all-time favorite announcers is without a doubt Lance Russell. I'm not sure how many of you have ever had the pleasure of seeing Memphis wrestling, but it was one of the greatest promotions ever. Certainly Jerry Lawler was light years away from the ass kisser he is today, but when Lance Russell would call a match, he'd call a match. The guy is a legend who is certainly overlooked. If anyone gets a chance to, please see the movie Memphis Heat. That's all you need to know about that promotion and it's announcer.
I think that the ref's do deserve some notoriety, especially guys like Earl Hebner. As far as announcers go I think WWE is looking for more guys synonymous with the WWE/F. It looks like Vince is running out of talent to put in the hall of fame so a referee/announcer ceremony wouldnt be much of a bad idea. Theres no wrong in praising them if they help keep the show going.
Referee's absolutely and announcers no. I believe the right announcers ARE inducted, maybe some from the 70s-80s but currently to the 90s than no.
But before Announcers and ref's going in
Savage, Roberts, Davey boy, Owen (doubtful) Pillman, Nash & Hall (go in as Outsiders) hell even Anvil & Marty should be inducted, thou Doane and Mike Keowder (spelling) are the two refs I'd induct.
I'm not all that crazy about WWE's "celebrity wing" in the HOF. Truth is, I kinda hate it but it does make sense in some ways when you consider all the celebrity involvement the WWE has used over the years to put WWE in mainstream view among other forms of entertainment. I don't like it, but I do see why they have it.

As far as refs go, I have to say no. I know that it's natural for people to want to see people that've been loyal and good workers get some recognition for that. But...c'mon's a referee...Referrees are a dime a dozen. It takes nobody special whatsoever to do the job of the referee. When Heath Ledger won the posthumous Oscar for his portrayal as The Joker, they didn't give one to the camera man who shot Ledger's first close up while in character. The fact of the matter is that refs are faceless, voicless props. Most fans don't even know their names, nor do they care to.

As far as announcers go, well they're a bit different. The viewers do have something of an opportunity to get a feel for them if they're around for a long time. We all grew up listening to Howard Finkel. He had a terrific announcing voice and generations of WWE fans grew up watching him do the intros of some of the biggest matches in wrestling history. It's the same thing with Lilian Garcia and even Tony Chimmel.
I think the ref's and announcers should be inducted into the HOF. But I think they should have been in the wwe for at least 20 years prior same with wrestlers. as for the celebrity wing I wouldnt be surprised if chuck norris gets inducted soon for his past involvement in the wwe
I'm not against referees and certainly announcers being inducted.

They have yet to induct any referees into the HOF. Midnite Express pretty much already stated the refs that should be inducted. Tommy Young is probably considered the greatest referee in the history of the business. The problem is he never worked for WWE. Now of course WWE has inducted plenty of people that never worked for the WWE, but the thing is the people from outside promotions that they inducted were promotors and/or wrestlers. People that were far more notable than referees. The WWE will happily induct a guy like Sting or Verne Gagne or Nick Bockwinkel who were huge stars in their time, and in the case of Sting could still sell out a HOF ceremony. Tommy Young? 98% of the current WWE fanbase has never even heard of him. So to get a ref in, I don't see Vince going for someone that never was in his company. Though Tommy Young deserves it.

As for WWF/E refs, the Hebner twins are the biggest ones. Dave and Earl Hebner. They were the lead refs in the WWE for over 20 years and were at the center for two of the most controversial storylines in WWE history, the Hogan screwjob of 1988 (which was scripted of course) and the Montreal Screwjob (which wasn't).

I could see Joey Marella also being inducted. He was one of the lead refs in the late '80s/early '90s including being the referee for the Andre/Hogan match at Wrestlemania III. He was also the son of Gorilla Monsoon.

Mike Chioda is I believe the current longest serving ref in the WWE right now.

Charles Robinson was one of the lead refs in WCW, so he's a possibility. Other famous WCW referees include the late Mark Curtis (Brian Hildebrand) and the late Randy Anderson. And of course Nick Patrick.

Although someone's comment about Patrick's alliance with the NWO changing the landscape of wrestling isn't exactly so. He wasn't the first heel referee. That was actually Danny Davis in the WWF in the mid 1980's. His alliance with Jimmy Hart and the Hart Foundation was the real groundbreaker for heel referees go. So I wouldn't be against his induction.

All of those mentioned are possibilities, but I somewhat agree with Jack-Hammer in that referees aren't so important that the majority of them should be inducted. I think a select few should be inducted, but only a minimal amount.

I would say Tommy Young, Earl Hebner, Mike Chioda, Danny Davis, and Charles Robinson would be the leading referee candidates.

As far as announcers go, I think they're about done with that ship. Certainly when it comes to WWE announcers. Mean Gene, Howard Finkel, and Jim Ross IMO are the only flat out WWE announcers that should be in there. Jesse Ventura, Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect, and Jerry Lawler should also be in (all are except Macho Man), but not for their announcing exploits but for their wrestling exploits.

If the WWE is going to induct more announcers, then it makes sense to go beyond WWE and induct announcers from other promotions which I think is perfectly acceptable. Lance Russell is the No. 1 candidate in my eyes, and Lawler has lobbied for him for years actually. I also feel that Tony Schivaone should be inducted as well. He was one of the most famous wrestling announcers for almost 20 years. He's well deserving. Bob Caudle is another possibility. And then there is of course the infamous Ed Whalen of the Stampede territory.

As for ring announcers, instead of Michael Buffer (a great announcer btw) who only announced the main event matches during the peak years of WCW, why not go with the guy that I think of when it comes to WCW ring announcing, Gary Michael Cappetta? Along with Howard Finkel, he is the most famous ring announcer ever. David Penzer was also a very recognizable voice for WCW. Those are the two guys I would choose for ring announcers to join Howard Finkel.
If you wanna throw an announcer in there I would look firstly at Tony Shiavone. Granted he is no JR or Solie BUT he has been around since the late 70's calling NWA all the way through WWF and WCW. He was the voice of WCW especially during the MNW. He does know his wrestling history and I say give credit where credit is due.
Earl and Dave Hebner easily should be given the first picks. These guys are the best refs of all time and have been apart of the best storylines and made those matches awesome.

Im sorry but who the fuck is this tommy young guy? I dont care if hes a great ref. Did he referee ANY great history making matches? I cant think of any. Hes not apart of history and is one of those guys people would be like....."Uhhh who is this guy?"

As for other guys who did actually achieve something id say nick patric even though he has the worst 3 counts in history. He slams the mat like his arm is broken or like a 2 year old toddler. It always looked to damn weird. He cant count worth a shit. Theres so many times where he slaps the mat 3+ times and it makes for bad tv. But he was apart of WCW and was in some good matches. He gets the nod.

Everyone else is meh. Charles robinson is okay and i cant think of another noteworthy referee besides teddy long....but he sucked anyway.

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