Should the WWE have TV Seasons?

Highway Boots

Dark Match Winner
I just read a comment posted on the front page of this site asking that same question. Here are my thoughts:

Yes, But I think that due to the fact they have 2 big name shows. they should keep the rosters the same but rotate the shows every 6 months like have SD run Apr - Sep and Raw run Oct - Mar and have Wrestlmania be the only interpromotional show of the year. I think we'd see less injuries and I'm sure there would be better morale backstage! as far as ECW they could do 3 shows every other month and still be a contributing factor. And lets say they want to build up a good feud for Wrestlmania they coulf bring back a few good Raw rivalries to SD for a build up. Also they could alternate the seasons every other year between the shows. The biggest thing we gotta remember is that these wrestlers are humans just like us here who watch the shows and they do need some personal time to heal their wounds and be with their families :thumbsup:
I honestly think that would be an awesome idea. Think about it, no one would get sick of a face champion (Cough, Cena, Cough) constantly winning because he'd only be around half the year. Seeing a random Raw superstar pop up on Smackdown would actually be something special. Also the use and abuse of pain killers and other drugs would be reduced because the wrestlers wouldnt be beating the crap out of their bodies so much

In another thread i suggested another change that would bring about almost all of the positive changes of 'seasons' and that was dropping house shows so wrestlers dont have to work 6 nights a week and can rest
In another thread i suggested another change that would bring about almost all of the positive changes of 'seasons' and that was dropping house shows so wrestlers dont have to work 6 nights a week and can rest

That would coincide with the plan when Raw/SD is off TV there would be no need for a Raw/SD brand house show either because the talent is on personal time for 6 months other than maybe the occasional return to build up for Wrestlemania :headbanger:
Good idea but what if the wrestlers got half their pay for half a year? Sure moneys not everything but new guys would need it. Its ok for established guys like Cena, UT ECT but the vote has to go back to the workers. Also the angles and storylines would have to be settled in time or settled at wrestlemania
i don't think it would b a success, other than the fact that wwe would lose a ton of money, the story lines wouldnt get enough time.

What I think of a good idea is the 3-4 month leading up to wrestlemaina have Raw vs Smackdown type storylines, and have some sort of stipulation that which ever brand wins more matchs at WM has more TV time or something like that?
This would never work. Wrestlers would lose their heat if they were off TV for six months a year. I think this is taking the fact that they do need time off to the extreme. I was talking to a friend about this only yesterday and about how each wrestler should get four to six weeks off a year, just to take some time off and rest. People could cut Promos form home during the time if needed, they could even acknowlege it on TV that this person is off on "holiday" of whatever.

It would make sense rather than having at a lot of the roster getting small injuries through the year and either having to take a lot of the year off or work through it. It would take a lot of the stress off of the wrestlers which is what we are looking to do.
the answer is quite obvious

every wrestler must have 2 separate months off per year written into their contract.

this would solve all the problems:

wrestlers would not need to lose loads of money
no loss of tv shows
vince would not lose money
wrestlers would have family time, R&R, time for niggly injuries to heal
gives chance for other talent to have a bit of main event exposure
keep the viewers interested especialy for when the top stars return
good pr for wwe

any more

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