Should the WWE bring back Interview segments?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Should the Wwe have more intervirew segments like "The Cutting Edge" or "Highlight Reel"? Or would you like to see more talk shows like the Barber Shop? Also who would you want to do theses segments?

My choices would be the Miz and Santino. The Miz once did Miz TV and I think it would be a good idea to bring that back. I am not sure how Santino's would work out but I can see his being pretty funny.

What do you guys think about bring back theses type segments?
I don't like them because they always end up with the host and the guest fighting so it gets boring real quickly but thats just me
I think the way they do Pipers pit right now is pretty effective, these segments need to be used sparingly and the 'E is always looking for ways to get the legends on TV. Much like contract signings, they're used to further a feud when they have two good promo guys and nothing else for them to really say.
It would be a solid win/win and in this digital age there is zero reason to not do it. It does not even have to be on RAW or Smackdown keep it on, You Tube, or WWE Network (fill in the blank) talent uses that time to promote house shows, put themselves over. One thing I miss about the 80's and Arizona house shows was the monthly shows had continuous SL's that played out and Superstars would have interviews with Gene Oakerlund talking about those events that set up the next show with out having them over explained.
If it were backstage and not in the ring it would be great. It is good if its used sparingly. If its all the time it will eat up valuable time and the quality would deplete. I'd like to see it like the old days of Piper's Pit/ Barber Shop etc etc.
It sure isn't a bad idea.

I liked the segments and i wouldn't mind one or two.

Miz could actually use a Talk Show. It could help him develop his character more.
I wouldn't care either way, but they all end up one of two ways.

Host interviews someone. Then host and interviewee fight.
Host interviews someone. Someone comes out to fight the interviewee.

They're just a waste of time, and the spot used for these segments could be used legitimately furthering storylines.
I think its a great idea if done correctly and not made to end in pointless brawls constantly. The interview segments can be great for furthering fueds, enabling more unorthodox mic work and allowing superstars not foten given the chance to shine on the mic an opportunity to speak and express some personality.

I also think your dead on when you say the Miz and Santino would make excellent hosts theyr both great talkers, funny and could help carry some superstars who may be slightly weaker at mic work. I actually think Michael Cole could be pretty good at this as well in the sense that hes a commentator so would be able to ask more in-depth questions and probe superstars more deeply without necessarily having to consider his own character. He would of course have to tone the combativeness down a bit but I think he would be capable of giving a really good, insightful interview.
Miz could use his talk show host gig to get him more time on Conan, where he's already popular. Miz being on Conan will open up a new audience to wrestling, so that's good. Plus, when they watch WWE Miz will introduce the rest of the talent by interviewing them. Considering he's out of the main event this would be a better use of him.

Santino is good for the same thing. If Miz does a talk show segment on Raw, maybe Santino could do one on Smackdown. They should be simple, like TNA's spin cycle but happening during the show. That's a good way to introduce celebrity feuds like Shaq vs. Big Show, they can have a war of words and the fans get to see it progress on WWE TV.
It depends. In-ring promo segments/"talk shows" like The Cutting Edge being brought back occassionally as part of the build to a major program appeals to me far more than just giving someone different their own "talk show". There are more than enough promo segments going on both in the ring & backstage in my view, so something like this would be more entertaining, to me at least, if it was used only for special circumstances.

For instance, I think it'd be cool to have Cena & The Rock as guests on Piper's Pit. It'd be a good reason to bring Roddy Piper back on camera, which in and of itself signifies that it's a little more than just another promo segment.
I like the reach into the past with things like the Barber Shop or Piper's Pit but I think an earlier poster hit the nail on the head when he talked about Mean Gene's interviews. Josh Matthews is alright backstage but I would love to see something like Mean Gene used to do back in the day, interview the wrestlers out infront of the audience, not in the ring right on the stage. It's something little like that, that would make the show just alittle better and a nod to the old school.
I remember the highlight reel on RAW back in 2003 being the catalyst for dozens of feuds that Jericho wasn't even apart of. I like the idea of maybe doing it backstage because it doesn't need to take away time from the show by having to take stuff out of the ring but I doubt we will be seeing the return of any soon.
The Heartbreak Hotel was an good place for interviews for WWF superstars and a good thing for to see the development for feud story.
Shawn michaels must do restart this for one or two times in year.
I think they should do backstage interviews instead. I never really cared for the talk show segments. The ring is for fighting not for talking.
you need to have the right guy. The Cutting Edge, Pipers Pit and the Highlight Reel were all fine but the VIP Lounge with MVP was just stupid.

Guys like Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio and all should host these things.

very minimal faces should hot. (Although I could see R-truth doing something of this type)
I could not think of anything worse than an interview segment hosted by alberto del rio. Nobody can understand the guy and no doubt he'll have ricardo with him being a twat. The only person that could have a heel like interview segment is dolph ziggler.

The best interview segment was The Highlight Reel. Awesome, suited Jericho whether he was a face or heel. The Cutting Edge was good but was under used!

I personally would love it, especially giving it to a dolph or cody. Give them more time to get over, giving them air time and that
What I'd like is to go back to the old pre-taped, 30-second interviews before matches. It allows talent to practice their mic work and have more time in-ring. RAW has become unwatchable with the amount of time dedicated to extremely average promo work and 3 minute squash matches.
If done correctly hell yah it can help!! Further story lines but only a select few guys can pull taht off successful! Highlight Reel,Cutting Edge or Pipers pit!! IMO i think Pipers pit will interview the rock and Cena on his show that would be awesome i could see that happening one or two weeks away from Mania!! But no fighting just have them do a debate on whos the best face to face!!

Also IMO i think the MIZ needs his own show the guy can talk and it would help further his heel persona alot more. Have him interview other heels that again IMO would be great!! The miz can talk and rile up people like no one else can
Good idea....would be a great angle for the Miz like you said too. This could bring him back into the spotlight and open up new fueds for him consistantly. It also can be used as a platform to launch fued for other wrestlers. He could sometimes have two guys on there at once and stir crap up between them to get fueds started....always medeling in peoples biz-ness and trying to start stuff. I think one thing that needs to be done old school with interview shows to make them work is having them have there own set on a stage, and not just having a set up in the ring. I agree the ring is for wrestling not for talking. I think one of the reasons that made the old shows worked (Orginal Pipers Pit,Snake Pit, Body Shop, Funeral Parlor,Flower Shop, and the Barber Shop....I guess there were ALOT of SHOPS!) is that they had there own sets, set aside on a stage and were not just some cheesey little set up with a carpet and a couple stools in the ring!
The whole wrestler themed-gimmick interview segment thing has been done to death. No current generation WWE Superstar can match Piper, Jericho, or Edge in their interviews and they'd fail miserably trying.

I think WWE needs to go back to old school interviews that are concise and direct and air them right before and right after matches. It sets up the story and also lets people speak to the audience.

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