Should The Boston Celtics Trade Rajon Rondo?


The Cerebral Assassin
There's been a lot of speculation lately with the NBA trade deadline approaching about the possibility of the Boston Celtics trading away Rajon Rondo. Obviously, the mere speculation that it may occur is causing a lot of controversy, as many feel Rondo is largely responsible for the Celtics barely staying afloat so far this season. As for the rumors- they seem rooted in some fact at least, as the Celtics brass has made it known that they've shopped Rondo numerous times in the past and are open to trading him now, meaning that we very well could see Rondo on another team by the end of the season.

Now those that think the Celtics shouldn't trade Rondo probably feel that way because he's arguably their best player when you factor in that he has youth on his side, he's a top PG in the league, he gives the team a rare sense of speed and explosiveness, and he seems to be a shot of life in an otherwise slow and elderly team. And I agree with all of those points, as they are valid. However, I believe the Celtics should trade Rajon Rondo, and here's why: The Celtics desperately need to start rebuilding, as the Big 3 are old and broken-down, and obviously aren't going to win another title together. Now, you could argue that they should be moved and that the Celtics should build their next generation around Rondo, but I don't think that's a good idea. Why? Because Rondo's game is augmented when he can be a true PG in the traditional sense of the position- he's a passer, not a shooter. He thrives having the Big 3 around him, even with their play on the decline. If the Celtics begin moving pieces, which they should/most likely will, they know that Rondo won't be able to carry a younger, developing team. He's not like a Chris Paul/Derrick Rose PG who can make his own shots and hit them. He's a passer, and if he has no one capable to pass to, he won't be able to do much and will be rendered much less effective than he is now. The Celtics know this, and thus that's why they want to move him.

In conclusion, the Celtics know they aren't going anywhere anymore with the combination of Rondo and the Big 3. They'll try to move some or all of those pieces, and since Rondo is regarded as the juiciest of those 4 and will garner the most trade interest, that's why they're eager to move him over the others. They're all practically equally "dead" pieces to the team, so that is why Rondo (who has the most trade interest) is being shopped and discussed the most by the Celtics brass. Although he doesn't really fit into the future picture of the Celtics by their reasoning, he could fit in well with a team who needs a PG with other pieces already in place.

So, in a weird way, although Rondo is arguably the best player on the Celtics and the most valuable, he doesn't seem to fit into the Celtics long-term plans, as he's not a piece that can be built around. Since that's the case, I think the Celtics are right in trying to move him (and some or all of the Big 3). Now, whether they can actually pull the trigger on some trades, no one knows. But obviously this is where the team's head is at, and it's sparking a bit of controversy and confusion on the surface to those that aren't looking into it, but the Celtic's train of thought makes perfect sense, and I agree with them- they should trade Rajon Rondo in my opinion.

What do you think? Do you think it makes sense to trade Rajon Rondo? How would you address the Cetlics' problems?
It depends on what the offer is. If it's the bullshit Rondo for Gasol straight up deal we've been hearing about then fuck no. However, if they can get a good offer then it's always worth a listen. Rondo is currently the best player on the Celtics roster and without him they aren't a playoff team, but he is never going to be a guy that can carry a team. He is a pure point guard in the truest sense of the word and while he is a great guy to build a team with, you can't do it with him as the star.

He's like a John Stockton, Jason Kidd type of player. Stockton had Malone and if it wasn't for being in the same era as MJ then they likely would have won a title. Kidd's best years came with a young Richard Jefferson and Kenyon Martin but they never won a title because they weren't good enough and didn't have a true superstar. The only reason they made the finals twice was because the Eastern Conference was the weakest it had ever been those two years. The Detroit Pistons are still the only team we have ever seen with no true superstar to win a title. However, they were able to offset that by finding a starting 5 of all star caliber players and a great bench. It also helped that they were one of the best defensive teams to ever play the game. My point is that those Pistons teams who were the class of the Eastern Conference are the exception, not the rule.

The Celtics need a star and Rondo is the only good asset they have but they can't be stupid about it. I highly doubt they can get an offer for Rondo that will make them a better team. KG and Ray Allen are both likely gone after this season. That leaves a core of Rondo, an aging Paul Pierce, Brandon Bass, and Jeff Green provided he can come back 100%. That isn't a bad team but it isn't one that can compete for a title either.

The Celtics need to make a decision. Either try to build around Rondo and go through a couple years minimum where they won't compete for a title or you have a fire sale and try to rebuild. The Pistons were faced with a similar dilemma a few years ago and they tried for one more shot at glory before rebuilding. It didn't work and it cost them a few years in the rebuilding process. The C's have a tough decision to make but they need to learn from what Detroit has gone through and not try to risk their future for one more shot at glory because the odds are against that working. Barring a can't miss offer they need to keep Rondo, build around the decent core they have, and cut dead weight.

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