Should Teachers Carry Guns in Classroom?

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Me and friend were having this conversation about rather or not teachers should be allowed to carry guns in a classroom. While you would think schools should be a safe place for kids, but in this day in time that is not the case. As school shootings were a rare thing, now seem to be just one bad moment from happening.

I who plan on teaching in a High School soon believe that if I have the proper training and license should be able to carry gun in the classroom. Students now are not the same as they have no respect for teachers, hell they will fight a teacher as quick as they would fight another student. You have some students who believe that they should kill themselves and take out the kids who tormented them at school with them even if they kill innocent students.

In schools now you can’t spank the students anymore, you have parents who don’t care and think it’s the teacher’s job to do all the work. You have students with major psychological issues that are being missed by the parents and some teachers call them out on it but parents just say there child is different or quiet. Then when the child goes crazy and shoots the school up, they blame the schools for not having proper protection.

While it would be great to have police protection in the schools, its not possible and the only best option is for teacher to carry a firearm just in case something goes wrong. Now I don’t think teachers should just be given the gum without questions. I think teachers should go psychological questions to see if they are mentally fit for carrying a weapon.

My parents who were teachers remember the only problem you had at a school was someone either slashing your tires or spray painting the school walls, while now if you failed a kid you have to worry about the child coming back for you for revenge instead of accepting the fact that they failed.

I have a gun in my car now and I’m just a “TA” at a college and I believe I should carry it in class because you never know when one of the kids may snap.
That's fucking stupid. Are you going to get shot in a class room? Like most things it's a possiblity. Just not a probably one.

Problem children should be put in a problem class. The problem class teacher should be authoritative and strong.

Violent children shouldn't be in normal schools.

It's simple. People don't get shot in English schools. I'll let you guess why that is.
That's fucking stupid. Are you going to get shot in a class room? Like most things it's a possiblity. Just not a probably one.

Problem children should be put in a problem class. The problem class teacher should be authoritative and strong.

Violent children shouldn't be in normal schools.

It's simple. People don't get shot in English schools. I'll let you guess why that is.

But in America, it’s something that could happen on any day as I think we are raising a generation of *****es. I mean in my time in school you fought with your fist and didn’t need a gun, but now, you got kids who would rater get a gun instead of fighting like a man. As I tell kids, it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, the count is in how many times you get up. I stole it from a commercial, but its still good advice on how to fight like a man.

As for English school, I’m guessing because you still use corporal punishment and have parents who are involved.
That's fucking stupid.
Really all that needs to be said.

It never fails to amaze me how people want to solve violence by bringing more weapons into the equation, conveniently ignoring the weapons are the problem in the first place.

Let me ask this question. If you have a gun, where are you going to keep it? I mean, high school students on down have tendencies to wander and get into places and things that they should not, how are you going to keep the gun from them?

2) If you keep it someplace remote and locked up, what good will it do you when someone comes barging in with a gun ready to kill you? Are you just going to say, "Hold on a minute, I need to unlock my cabinent so I can pull my gun on"? Of course not.

3) If you leave it in your room, what good does it do you out of the room, which is where most junior high and high school shootings have taken place?

4) If you keep it on your person while you're teaching, then you're not providing a safe environment for students and you're intimidating them in the one place where they should never feel intimidated.

Stupid idea. In no way shape or form does it make sense to let teachers carry guns in the classroom.

Like Jake said, the most sensible way to handle things is to build alternative/reform schools, and send children who are consistently bothersome to those schools, creating a safer environment for students who actually want to be there. Because, despite your, once again, negative views toward education, the majority of parents WILL back a school and WILL try to discipline their own child. There just happens to be a few that will not, and those students cause the majority of the trouble.
But in America, it’s something that could happen on any day as I think we are raising a generation of *****es. I mean in my time in school you fought with your fist and didn’t need a gun, but now, you got kids who would rater get a gun instead of fighting like a man. As I tell kids, it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, the count is in how many times you get up. I stole it from a commercial, but its still good advice on how to fight like a man.

As for English school, I’m guessing because you still use corporal punishment and have parents who are involved.

I agree w/ what you just said at every point. Im still in highschool and its exactly that. Someone would rather bring in a gun and not man up and fight about something if they felt so damn passionate about something. I play football and I always seemed to have a problem w/ one of the kids on the team. He has a mouth and lets shit pop off that he usually ends up regretting. I thought about it one day and told him that whenever everyone leaves itll be just you and me in the locker room and there wont be anything stopping us from just manning up and fighting. He never even thought like that. If he was going to fight it was going to be in front of everyone and he is the kind of kid that would bring a gun to that fight cause hes a pussy like the majority of kids that are being raised... Its a damn shame really
No way should guns be alowed in schools, even by teachers. You already have enough problems with students snapping and shooting people. Are you telling me that with all the shit teachers have to go through, some of them aren't on the verge of snapping too? Also that's almost saying it wouldn't be a bad thing to pull a gun on a student. While I do't think that's what you want happening, you can't tell me there wouldn't be a few teachers that wouldn't do it. Can't believe its even considered.
Really all that needs to be said.

It never fails to amaze me how people want to solve violence by bringing more weapons into the equation, conveniently ignoring the weapons are the problem in the first place.

Let me ask this question. If you have a gun, where are you going to keep it? I mean, high school students on down have tendencies to wander and get into places and things that they should not, how are you going to keep the gun from them?

2) If you keep it someplace remote and locked up, what good will it do you when someone comes barging in with a gun ready to kill you? Are you just going to say, "Hold on a minute, I need to unlock my cabinent so I can pull my gun on"? Of course not.

3) If you leave it in your room, what good does it do you out of the room, which is where most junior high and high school shootings have taken place?

4) If you keep it on your person while you're teaching, then you're not providing a safe environment for students and you're intimidating them in the one place where they should never feel intimidated.

Stupid idea. In no way shape or form does it make sense to let teachers carry guns in the classroom.

Like Jake said, the most sensible way to handle things is to build alternative/reform schools, and send children who are consistently bothersome to those schools, creating a safer environment for students who actually want to be there. Because, despite your, once again, negative views toward education, the majority of parents WILL back a school and WILL try to discipline their own child. There just happens to be a few that will not, and those students cause the majority of the trouble.

This is not a negative but a positive as most schools need security. While yes schools should be safe, they are not safe anymore as kid take the more dangerous route to solve problems. You have parents who are not involved in their child lives and think it’s the teacher’s job to do everything from brushing their hair to wiping their ass after they shit. So the kids have no guidance and they see the easy way as shooting up everyone because they didn’t get the love from home first.

I think teachers should carry the gun on their waist just like a cop carries theirs. Only the teachers who have the right mind should be allowed to carry guns and every year that teacher should be reevaluated to see if they are still fit to carry a weapon. The schools in my area are heavy in gangs and the police can’t patrol the schools all day and the schools can’t afford security, so why not let the one person responsible for the safety and well being of the students carry a weapon to possibly defend the students.

Seeing the gun I doubt would intimidate the students as they would get use to it like they would get use to seeing a cop with a gun. And in most schools discipline is a problem and it might be better for the students to be intimidated by the teacher a bit as they would be well behave and allow the teacher to do their job. It like a son who has a little fear of his father, it not to eh point were its dangerous, but to the point were you wouldn’t cross him and respect him. The intimidation may just work, just look up what happen to an art teacher in Baltimore when a student attacked her and beat her without malice. Not if the lady had a gun she should of pulled it on her, but at least the intimidation factor may would have had the girl afraid to attack the teacher.

Getting to a different conversation:

I like the old school way of teaching and that is spanking a child if they act up. No more of talking out problems as all talking is doing is wasting breath. Hell the problem with many kids now is that they didn’t get a good ass whooping at home when they act up, they talk back to their parents and think they can do the same to teachers.

See I’m crazy teacher, in the shape that no one would cross me or put their hands on me, because the students know from my time as a sub, that I will over step the line if I have too. I had this 18 year old boy who called me out my name and said he could whoop my ass. I told him seeing as he wants to be a man, lets go outside. I went to the football field and told the boy to come on and fight and he back down. School principal saw it, said they I was welcomed back anytime as I would never have a classroom control problem. I think that kids need to learn who the adult is and sometimes intimidation works.

Back to the gun conversation

We shouldn’t be in a time when the thought of teachers carry a gun should be an idea, but we are in that time. You never know when some kind will go crazy and want to take everyone out with him. I think it should be something teachers should have, just like schools have cameras and metal detectors. Its just something you need. I know that I would rather have a fighting chance than no chance at all if someday some kids lose it. I will say it again; we are raising a generation of *****es in kids who take the easy way out.
This is not a negative but a positive as most schools need security. While yes schools should be safe, they are not safe anymore as kid take the more dangerous route to solve problems. You have parents who are not involved in their child lives and think it’s the teacher’s job to do everything from brushing their hair to wiping their ass after they shit. So the kids have no guidance and they see the easy way as shooting up everyone because they didn’t get the love from home first.
You're talking about a VERY small percentage of children who are like this though. You make it appear as if this is a majority of kids, but it's a very small percentage who are like that. So, why are you going to make 99% of the students uneasy for 1% of the student population who MIGHT do something?

I think teachers should carry the gun on their waist just like a cop carries theirs. Only the teachers who have the right mind should be allowed to carry guns and every year that teacher should be reevaluated to see if they are still fit to carry a weapon. The schools in my area are heavy in gangs and the police can’t patrol the schools all day and the schools can’t afford security, so why not let the one person responsible for the safety and well being of the students carry a weapon to possibly defend the students.
Again, do you not understand the threatening implication that comes from trying to learn from someone who has a firearm on their side? Seriously, that would be infinitely more threatening and real than a student who MIGHT bring a gun to school.

Seeing the gun I doubt would intimidate the students as they would get use to it like they would get use to seeing a cop with a gun.
You may doubt it, but you're still wrong. School is supposed to be the one place they can go and not feel threatened, and now you are taking that away from them.

And in most schools discipline is a problem and it might be better for the students to be intimidated by the teacher a bit as they would be well behave and allow the teacher to do their job.
The only classes that have discipline problems are the ones where the teacher is poor in discipline. And that, then, goes back to the training of the teacher, not the students themselves. It is always easy to tell which students have a teacher with better discipline.

It like a son who has a little fear of his father, it not to eh point were its dangerous, but to the point were you wouldn’t cross him and respect him.
My father never carried a weapon capable of killing me instantaneously.

Did yours?

Getting to a different conversation:

I like the old school way of teaching and that is spanking a child if they act up. No more of talking out problems as all talking is doing is wasting breath. Hell the problem with many kids now is that they didn’t get a good ass whooping at home when they act up, they talk back to their parents and think they can do the same to teachers.
No, instead they got that good ass whooping at home simply because their parents were abusive and/or alcoholics.

Violence is a learned behavior, not a genetic one. Chances are if someone is violent at school, they've been around violence at home. And, trying to hit a child who's used to being hit is not going to drive home any point.

See I’m crazy teacher, in the shape that no one would cross me or put their hands on me, because the students know from my time as a sub, that I will over step the line if I have too. I had this 18 year old boy who called me out my name and said he could whoop my ass. I told him seeing as he wants to be a man, lets go outside. I went to the football field and told the boy to come on and fight and he back down. School principal saw it, said they I was welcomed back anytime as I would never have a classroom control problem. I think that kids need to learn who the adult is and sometimes intimidation works.
That's not being a crazy teacher, that's called being a reckless teacher who is out to lose their teaching license.
See in Australia we don't have this kind of problem in general. We HARDLY, ever have had something this dramatic come up in ...... almost anywhere in society. As for the issue of the guns, absolutely you shouldn't bring them into the picture. Think of it like this; you take away all the guns in the world. The world would be a much better place, but them problem is of course. People can still make guns even if they took them all away. Not to mention people woould be to affraid to take them away. The less weapons in the world the better and there is definately no need for more.
But in America, it’s something that could happen on any day as I think we are raising a generation of *****es. I mean in my time in school you fought with your fist and didn’t need a gun, but now, you got kids who would rater get a gun instead of fighting like a man. As I tell kids, it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, the count is in how many times you get up. I stole it from a commercial, but its still good advice on how to fight like a man.

I could get raped walking down the street. But I don't carry carry an anti-rape prevention device up my anus.

I could get hit by a car today. But I don't walk around covered in bubble wrap.

If a school shooting happens at your place of work then tough shit.

As for English school, I’m guessing because you still use corporal punishment and have parents who are involved.

You're talking about a VERY small percentage of children who are like this though. You make it appear as if this is a majority of kids, but it's a very small percentage who are like that. So, why are you going to make 99% of the students uneasy for 1% of the student population who MIGHT do something?

Again, do you not understand the threatening implication that comes from trying to learn from someone who has a firearm on their side? Seriously, that would be infinitely more threatening and real than a student who MIGHT bring a gun to school.

You may doubt it, but you're still wrong. School is supposed to be the one place they can go and not feel threatened, and now you are taking that away from them.

The only classes that have discipline problems are the ones where the teacher is poor in discipline. And that, then, goes back to the training of the teacher, not the students themselves. It is always easy to tell which students have a teacher with better discipline.

My father never carried a weapon capable of killing me instantaneously.

Did yours?

No, instead they got that good ass whooping at home simply because their parents were abusive and/or alcoholics.

Violence is a learned behavior, not a genetic one. Chances are if someone is violent at school, they've been around violence at home. And, trying to hit a child who's used to being hit is not going to drive home any point.

That's not being a crazy teacher, that's called being a reckless teacher who is out to lose their teaching license.

Yeah it’s a small percentage of school shootings, but it would be nice to have it just in case. Like when you drive a car and have a seat belt, there is a small percentage you may have a wreck and get thrown from the car, but you wear the seatbelt just in case. I would like to carry a gun and never use it, but if something went wrong like a shooter on campus at least I have something for protection. Hell schools aren’t safe anymore and you see that in the new technology being made like Bulletproof backpacks for kids because while you hope it never happens, it a just in case method. I wish schools were safe, I do think they should be safe, but they are not safe as they use to be.

As for intimidation and fear. With my father he spanked me maybe four times in my whole life. He is a big man who I’m afraid of out of respect, because I would want to cross him because of the fear of the unknown and I think intimidation as a teacher over a student may be a little bit ok as brings order to the classroom and lets the student know who the adult is.

A good ass whooping is different than a beating. I don’t mean knocking a child out with a fist to the face, I’m talking about a belt to the butt and that’s it. People want to talk with kids now too much & it stupid, just spank and let him know what he did wrong. Of the few whooping I got from my dad, I remember them all and never did what I did wrong again.

AS for losing my license, I wouldn’t have a problem with that as students know me as crazy already from my time as a sub and the stories of me in High School so after that one student tried to cross me, not another one has tried since and no one will ever. Because they have the fear with me of the unknown.

Back to the topic of guns, I just think it’s a good idea because of what might happen. Because I doubt schools will hire a full security force to patrol the schools so the best security could be the teachers themselves. Now with me, when I start hopefully next year, I wouldn’t have a problem carry gun as I have a license and in my district if you are Deputize by the county Sheriff, you can carry a concealed weapon on you as you would have the same rights and authority as a cop. And seeing as my dad is friends with the sheriff, he has already told me we will give me that right as he son will be starting high school soon and wants every protection possible for his child. So if some students tries to go crazy, I will be ready to go to my ankle holster.

Is it because you country has gun-control.
How stupid. Seriously. Teachers having guns in a school? You spent most of your posts saying how bad students are, and yet you don't expect them to go for the gun? Where in the world would the teacher keep it? How can you think adding more weapons into the equation will somehow equal less violence?

And furthermore, what teacher would actually shoot a student? Honestly? And students know this. If it was normal for a teacher to bring a gun into school, it won't stop people. Hell it'll just make students think they should bring their guns in too to protect themselves from the dangers of teachers. Makes no sense at all.
Yeah it’s a small percentage of school shootings, but it would be nice to have it just in case. Like when you drive a car and have a seat belt, there is a small percentage you may have a wreck and get thrown from the car, but you wear the seatbelt just in case.

The chances of being in a car accident is so many times higher than a kid bringing a gun to school and shooting people, I'm not sure I can finish this post because I'm laughing so hard.

I would like to carry a gun and never use it, but if something went wrong like a shooter on campus at least I have something for protection. Hell schools aren’t safe anymore and you see that in the new technology being made like Bulletproof backpacks for kids because while you hope it never happens, it a just in case method. I wish schools were safe, I do think they should be safe, but they are not safe as they use to be.
Adding more weapons to schools do not make them safer. If you do not understand this, then there really is no need for you to post any longer.

As for intimidation and fear. With my father he spanked me maybe four times in my whole life. He is a big man who I’m afraid of out of respect, because I would want to cross him because of the fear of the unknown and I think intimidation as a teacher over a student may be a little bit ok as brings order to the classroom and lets the student know who the adult is.
Yeah, but your father might would whip your ass if you did something really wrong.

But he would never shoot you fatally. There's the difference. Well, that and the fact you actually know your father and know that he loves you.

A good ass whooping is different than a beating. I don’t mean knocking a child out with a fist to the face, I’m talking about a belt to the butt and that’s it. People want to talk with kids now too much & it stupid, just spank and let him know what he did wrong. Of the few whooping I got from my dad, I remember them all and never did what I did wrong again.
I wasn't talking about punching a student out either, I'm talking about the fact that so many children get beaten at home, it's not something that needs to happen at school.

Do you have any idea of the number of cases of child abuse? Do you have any idea how many go unreported, or if are reported, nothing is done about it? Hell, we had students at our school whose parents were convicted of sexual misconduct with their children and still had legal guardianship of them. And, from the stories I've heard, probably beat them as well.

The last thing a child needs is to go to school and be beaten again.

AS for losing my license, I wouldn’t have a problem with that as students know me as crazy already from my time as a sub and the stories of me in High School so after that one student tried to cross me, not another one has tried since and no one will ever. Because they have the fear with me of the unknown.
Who gives a fuck? You willing instigate in an altercation where you strike a student, you're fucked. Do you think those same students will be at the school forever or something?
I really wish I had discovered this thread earlier, so I could've busted my gut laughing my ass off earlier.

By far, the STUPIDEST FUCKING IDEA EVER. Are you insane?

There is literally not a SINGLE point you could make for having a gun in school that isn't shot down immediately and with little effort at best.

Protection? Thats why you call the cops. Cops come too late? Too fucking bad. It's only about 20,000 times more common to be shot in the streets, so why not just give EVERYONE a gun at birth? That is the exact logic you are using here. You want to stop gun violence, with gun violence. Do you not see how very flawed of an idea that is?

Seriously, give me a single positive reason for you having a gun in school, and I will be more then glad to destroy that point with little to no effort. Thats how ridiculious your idea is.
HBK-olic: In a previous post, I said that the teacher would carry the gun on their waist just like a cop carries their gun on their waist. And only trained teachers with the right mind would be allowed to carry guns. And trust me, if a student came in a classroom shooting, I think a Teacher who had a gun, would shoot back to protect the class of innocent children.

Sly: I believe that adding weapons makes the school safe as it might scare a student from trying to shoot up a school or any other violent act against a teacher or another student with a dangerous weapon. It’s the same reason Cop’s carry guns, its just in case.

If a parent is convicted of sexual misconduct with their child, they lose all rights and that is a fact. They can have more kids, but the ones they have touch in a wrong manner will be taken away and given to the state till they are 18 unless you live somewhere that they let pedo’s run free.

As far as students being there forever, No duh, but the stories will stay there forever.

At the school I plan teaching next year, my high school alma mater, they had five guns taken way from random students in the school who hid them in a locker. Three students got into a fight with a teacher. One of the students tried to stab the teacher because the teacher gave him a ”f” on a report card. That would never happen to me, because unless they sneak up behind me, you come in my face to fight or stab me, I will let you get off that first swing and then beat the shit out of the kid and claim self-defense.

Xfearbefore: The United States Constitution, the right to bare arms. I carry gun with me every where I go for protection just in case. That’s all I’m talking about is just in case and it’s a legit argument that’s been made by many people as for one, you may never know what will happen.

Its one of those things that you don’t want to happen or expect to happen, but if it did happen at least you have something for the protection of the students. That’s all I’m talking about is that. I mean you have school shootings or students with a gun on campus happen a lot more than what people think, but are not reported because the schools are not white America friendly. The schools shooting may be just one student shooting another student, but the potential for what could happen next is what worries me and I would at least like to have something in the classroom that would protect me and the 40 kids I would be teaching. That’s just a logical reason, its for safety.
HBK-olic: In a previous post, I said that the teacher would carry the gun on their waist just like a cop carries their gun on their waist. And only trained teachers with the right mind would be allowed to carry guns. And trust me, if a student came in a classroom shooting, I think a Teacher who had a gun, would shoot back to protect the class of innocent children.

I saw the earlier post of yours. Yet still I think it's a ridiculous idea. Really, you want to stop people getting shot by bringing more guns into the equation. It's a concept no one should have to get their head around, because it beggars belief.

How weird do you think it'd be for the students to know their teacher could shoot them at any moment? That there is a loaded gun literally feet from them. I'd feel a lot more unsafe going into that environment than I do now with no guns.

And, you act as if every other student walks into the lesson carrying guns and shooting like it's a game. Obviously not true. Truth is, you could get shot at any time. So in the same mind set, everyone should have a gun with them at all time. It's stupid really.
Dude, do you seriously think that is a student came into the classroom shooting that the teacher is going to shoot back?!, dude the teachers natural reaction is going to be to get the fuck down, and why the hell wouldn't the student just shoot the teacher first, seriously, would it not make sense to shoot the only person that can shoot back first?, what next you gonna say well the teacher should wear a bulletproof vest, fuck maybe full body armor?!, oh and what happens if the teacher accidentally shoots a kid who doesn't have a gun, face it dude the idea is just fucking stupid, and just from reading your posts, I am terrified that people like you actually have a influence on kids today, if I was a parent I would seriously pull my kids from your class out of fear for their fucking safety, I may not like Sly, but I'd feel alot better with the idea of him teaching my kids, after all he's not out to challenge them to fights or try to shoot them
HBK-olic: In a previous post, I said that the teacher would carry the gun on their waist just like a cop carries their gun on their waist. And only trained teachers with the right mind would be allowed to carry guns. And trust me, if a student came in a classroom shooting, I think a Teacher who had a gun, would shoot back to protect the class of innocent children.

So let me get this straight, the gun will be on your waist like a cop? And you don't think that A) It's going to intimidate and scare the fuck out of your students, or B) A student can just take the gun out of your holster behind your back, or for that matter two very strong kids could easily subdue you and take it from you? And then the students would have a gun. Supplied by you. You don't see the problem here?

You are BRINGING A GUN INTO A SCHOOL. Do I really need to explain further why this is a bad idea?

Sly: I believe that adding weapons makes the school safe as it might scare a student from trying to shoot up a school or any other violent act against a teacher or another student with a dangerous weapon. It’s the same reason Cop’s carry guns, its just in case.

Apparently I do. How exactly is this gun on your waist going to stop someone from shooting you in the face while the gun is in your holster? It isn't. Do you really think that having weapons around makes a place safe?

Yeah, those prisons that are filled with cops with guns are some of the safest places you can go, for sure.

At the school I plan teaching next year, my high school alma mater, they had five guns taken way from random students in the school who hid them in a locker. Three students got into a fight with a teacher. One of the students tried to stab the teacher because the teacher gave him a ”f” on a report card. That would never happen to me, because unless they sneak up behind me, you come in my face to fight or stab me, I will let you get off that first swing and then beat the shit out of the kid and claim self-defense.

Man, you sound so ridiculious right now. How old are you? Mid 20's I'm assuming? You don't think a couple of big 18 year olds could take you? For that matter, two kids could take you with a gun.

From the way you describe your school, it's a very dangerous place, full od dangerous students. So why do you want to present them with this gun your bringing in again? Here's a better idea then having a gun on you: police in the school. You know, the people that the kids will actually fear?

Xfearbefore: The United States Constitution, the right to bare arms. I carry gun with me every where I go for protection just in case. That’s all I’m talking about is just in case and it’s a legit argument that’s been made by many people as for one, you may never know what will happen.

I love it when gun lovers recite the Constitution. So, you're starting an armed militia are ya? Because that's what the 2nd ammendment is. I agree with an individual's right to bear arms actually, but I find it funny how people mention the 2nd ammendment as though they just started a militia, in which case they'd be tracked down and arrested by the FBI anyways.

But there are RESTRICTIONS on owning a gun, and rightfully so. One of those restrictions is bringing a gun, on your waist, into a school. Apparently you don't want restrictions on gun control as a form of preventing gun violence? How does that make sense? Do you also believe that anyone has the right to own a gun? Which is what I was getting at. If everyone carried a gun "just in case", how would a nation of armed citizens prevent gun violence? I'm baffled here.

Its one of those things that you don’t want to happen or expect to happen, but if it did happen at least you have something for the protection of the students.

Thats why most school's have a police officer in them, with a gun. So you don't need to carry one, and become a major safety risk. Fuck, what if a teacher with a gun like yourself decided to go crazy one day and just shoot up the school? What then would the school have to say to the media, "Oh we gave him the gun that he shot up the school with because we wanted to prevent someone from shooting up the school"?

That’s all I’m talking about is that. I mean you have school shootings or students with a gun on campus happen a lot more than what people think, but are not reported because the schools are not white America friendly.

What are you talking about? What's funny here is that gun deaths among teenagers and children have been decreasing for years now. Same with gun deaths in schools. You're talking about what is roughly a 1 in 1000 chance of this happening to you at your school. Probably 1 in 1 million around my area.

The schools shooting may be just one student shooting another student, but the potential for what could happen next is what worries me and I would at least like to have something in the classroom that would protect me and the 40 kids I would be teaching. That’s just a logical reason, its for safety.

Thats not a logical reason whatsoever, it's a very illogical one. You want to prevent gun violence by bringing in a gun? How is that going to prevent someone from shooting you? Seriously. If you have a gun in your desk or on your waist, and someone walks in, you will NOT have the time to shoot at them, because you will be dead. You can't argue that. There's no macho heroics thats going to prevent the 5 seconds it takes you to grab your gun from being all it takes for some kid to blast your brains against the chalkboard.

Sounds to me you pretty much just want to have this gun on you for YOURSELF to feel more safe, and no one else. Thats not a good enough reason to jeopardize the lives of children, which is what you're doing by bringing a gun into a school environment.
So let me get this straight, the gun will be on your waist like a cop? And you don't think that A) It's going to intimidate and scare the fuck out of your students, or B) A student can just take the gun out of your holster behind your back, or for that matter two very strong kids could easily subdue you and take it from you? And then the students would have a gun. Supplied by you. You don't see the problem here?

You are BRINGING A GUN INTO A SCHOOL. Do I really need to explain further why this is a bad idea?

Apparently I do. How exactly is this gun on your waist going to stop someone from shooting you in the face while the gun is in your holster? It isn't. Do you really think that having weapons around makes a place safe?

Yeah, those prisons that are filled with cops with guns are some of the safest places you can go, for sure.

Man, you sound so ridiculious right now. How old are you? Mid 20's I'm assuming? You don't think a couple of big 18 year olds could take you? For that matter, two kids could take you with a gun.

From the way you describe your school, it's a very dangerous place, full od dangerous students. So why do you want to present them with this gun your bringing in again? Here's a better idea then having a gun on you: police in the school. You know, the people that the kids will actually fear?

I love it when gun lovers recite the Constitution. So, you're starting an armed militia are ya? Because that's what the 2nd ammendment is. I agree with an individual's right to bear arms actually, but I find it funny how people mention the 2nd ammendment as though they just started a militia, in which case they'd be tracked down and arrested by the FBI anyways.

But there are RESTRICTIONS on owning a gun, and rightfully so. One of those restrictions is bringing a gun, on your waist, into a school. Apparently you don't want restrictions on gun control as a form of preventing gun violence? How does that make sense? Do you also believe that anyone has the right to own a gun? Which is what I was getting at. If everyone carried a gun "just in case", how would a nation of armed citizens prevent gun violence? I'm baffled here.

Thats why most school's have a police officer in them, with a gun. So you don't need to carry one, and become a major safety risk. Fuck, what if a teacher with a gun like yourself decided to go crazy one day and just shoot up the school? What then would the school have to say to the media, "Oh we gave him the gun that he shot up the school with because we wanted to prevent someone from shooting up the school"?

What are you talking about? What's funny here is that gun deaths among teenagers and children have been decreasing for years now. Same with gun deaths in schools. You're talking about what is roughly a 1 in 1000 chance of this happening to you at your school. Probably 1 in 1 million around my area.

Thats not a logical reason whatsoever, it's a very illogical one. You want to prevent gun violence by bringing in a gun? How is that going to prevent someone from shooting you? Seriously. If you have a gun in your desk or on your waist, and someone walks in, you will NOT have the time to shoot at them, because you will be dead. You can't argue that. There's no macho heroics thats going to prevent the 5 seconds it takes you to grab your gun from being all it takes for some kid to blast your brains against the chalkboard.

Sounds to me you pretty much just want to have this gun on you for YOURSELF to feel more safe, and no one else. Thats not a good enough reason to jeopardize the lives of children, which is what you're doing by bringing a gun into a school environment.
Like I said before only teachers trained enough to handle a gun should carry one just like cops carry a gun. So if a cop can carry a gun, so should a teacher if they have the same training. Plus cops on visit schools once in a day and can’t stay all day as they have other places to patrol and many schools can’t afford security, so let the teachers be the security. And with some teachers with a gun by their side, it may curve the idea of a student wanting to use a gun at a school out of the fear of what might happen and if something does happen the student could be stopped before a bunch of innocent lives are taken.

And while kids may be intimidated, like I said before they may be ok, because at least they would be quiet in the classroom & the teacher would be able tot each the lesson and after a while the students would be able to get use to the gun in the classroom and not pay attention to it. Intimidation with me is good thing as I’m the last teacher a student would want to try as I wouldn’t hesitate to knock the living sit out of a child. Because all that would happen is I would get fired, lose my license and get charge with a misdemeanor assault charge. Then I could just either teach at a private school or begin a career as a social worker as I have the degree for that as well.

But back to the gun conversation, its not bringing in a gun to fight a war in the schools, its just a precaution just like you have fire extinguishers in case of a fire, drills in case of a tornados, it’s a precaution. Like I said before the teacher could wear the gun on their waist like a cop or hide it and make it unaware to the students. Rather you think it or not, most teachers wouldn’t mind this idea as we opened the discussion up one of my classes and they all agreed that you wouldn’t want to bring guns in to stop guns, but it would ok for some teachers to carry just in case.

Their guidelines was that the teachers would have to do it on their own with training just as they would do cops, and that if you had military training that it would be ok. Schools are not as safe as they use to be, schools can’t afford security, so let the teachers be the security as many are the only security anyway. You may never know this, but one of your teachers may carry a gun in their purse or desk right now and a good friend of mine who is a vice principal of the school has one in his desk and the teachers all know including the principal. And like he told me, if something terrible happen and he shot a kid was trying to shot another one, he would get fired, but at least the lives of the innocent would be sparred.
How would bringing in more guns stop shooting wouldnt that increase the likelyhood of more shootings?

Correct me if im wrong but if a pupil shoots a teacher then how is the teacher meant to shoot back?

It dosnt make sense whos gonna shoot the teacher anyway i mean over here we just call em a wanker and get lunch duty.
Total Impact:

After reading all of this I am going to respectfully suggest that you should seriously consider another profession. If you honestly think that you need a gun in a school to be safe, you should not be in that position. A school, public or private, is still one of the safest places to be, regardless of what the media wants you to believe.

The media has hyped up the VERY rare incidents of gun violence in the schools. School shootings are not a phenomena in our society. The truth is that they are extremely rare. Over the past 2 decades, the media has hyped up gun violence in Post Offices. Does that mean that all postal employees should be able to carry a firearm at work, too?? For that matter, where do you draw the line? I remember on at least 2 occasions where some asshole entered a McDonald's and began shooting. Does that mean that all fast food employees should carry a weapon as well?
The only solution is to get rid of the widespread availability of guns in the US for there will always be those idiots who decide to kill a few people plus if there is less guns there is no need to own a gun for "protection" not that i think that "protection" argument holds anymore.

Here in the UK we need to stop guns being illegally imported other than that guns circulate in the UK for example one guy might buy a gun and then sell it on and then that guy might keep it and then sell it later ect.
Jesus Christ.

I won't lie, I'm a lurker. As much as I love to read what goes on, on this board, I have neither the knowledge nor the time to dedicate myself to becoming an active participate on this forum, but when I see things like this I can't help but lawl.

You're a teacher? Seriously, no bullshit; you're a teacher? Are you SHITTING me?! My God! I can only assume you're an American, and if that’s the case its people like you that continue to spread the belief that were nothing more then a raging group of imbeciles with our big ole guns.

If you're actually a teacher, I've got a quote for you from Rev. King.

"Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education"

Get it? Got it? Good. I have an honest question for you, how do you play on developing a student’s character if you're forcing them to comply through fear?

You know, at first, I actually thought your idea had some merit. I'm still in high school, I've been taught many times by a police officer and sometimes we didn't even know it was a cop. Yes, we could have worked it out but honestly, when you're just zoning out in class you don't really notice who's doing what. All that popped into my head was "Oh, he's got a gun." I didn't freak, nothing bad happened. It was okay, maybe that’s because I've been desensitized.

I digress. Go back and look at what you've said. I still have a hard time believing you're a teacher, but look at what you're saying. You're talking about physically assaulting your students. You want to know why kids bring guns to school? Pricks like you. You want to know why they shoot up schools? Because people like you who undermine their self-esteem and cut away at the very thing that allows them to learn, security. You believe that the sticks a better method of teaching instead of the carrot, if you will.

I'm not a bad student, I'm not perfect of course but I'm far from a trouble maker. I follow the rules for the most part, I do my work for the most part, normally I just roll through the day, but I can tell you that if I ever had a teacher like you you'd get nothing but lip for me. You want to threaten me? Okay, go ahead. People like you have no right to be teaching the next generation of students. Jesus, no matter what you say you've failed simply because you're willing to fight your students.

Jesus, this is ludicrous.

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