Should Tank Abbott get inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame?


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Not the most flattering picture, I know, but that's Tank Abbott for you.

Anyways, Tank Abbott is one of the most popular fighters from the "old" UFC. He won countless fans over with his "Bar-Room Brawl" style and knockout power. He was also a foul-mouth, charismatic individual. He didn't win all his fights, but whenever Tank Abbott was billed on a card, you knew you were going to be in for one hell of a show, which is why Tank Abbott was perhaps the biggest draw in the UFC until Tito Ortiz came along.

However, as entertaining as Abbott was... some people look at him as a shit stain spot in the sport's history. He was extremely out of shape and continuously boasted that he never trained; that he was there only to fight, not play around on the ground. And his fights made all those statements seem true, because all Abbott would do is come out and swing wild punches. If the fight made it's way to the ground... pretty much every time Tank got submitted.

So, that's how it is, basically, when it comes to Tank Abbott. To some Tank is considered a legend who was one of the most fun fighters to ever watch, while to others the guy was an absolute joke. Which side are you on? Does he deserve to be in the UFC Hall of Fame, or should the UFC try to erase every memory they ever had of the man? Let me hear it...
Honestly I like Tank. The guy was an ugly, fat motherfucker but he was an entertaining one. Like you said if he was on the card you knew you were in for a fun fucking fight. I consider him a legend just because of how over he was, but I do not think he should be in the Hall of Fame. In my opinion he just did not do enough to be considered one of the best ever, or as someone who changed the history of the sport. When you think of the UFC you think of guys like Tito Ortiz, Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, and Royce Gracie. Tank just isn't someone whos' name comes straight to mind when thinking about legends of the sport. While I consider him a legend of the sport, he just isn't on the level of the others in the HOF.
Tank Abbott is a guilty pleasure of mine. The dude was a warrior in the cage and it was fun to see someone who just seemed like a normal guy in the cage fighting. He wasn't well rounded and was as one dimensional as they come, but he was fun. He also hyped his fights up and you always got your moneys worth.

As far as being a hall of famer goes though, I don't think so. He was fun to watch but I don't really think he was ever an elite fighter, something Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock, guys who I have heard arguments against, were at one time. Tank was just a brawler and he would win some and lose some. He is most certainly a legend of the sport and even a mythical figure of sorts. His name may be forever known because of his brawls in the "old" UFC, but he never really accomplished anything that was great enough to land himself a spot in the hall of fame.

However I could be wrong. Dana may someday induct Tank, but if and when that day comes Jeremy Horn and Evan Tanner both better be inducted as well. Those two are way more deserving, especially Tanner.
However I could be wrong. Dana may someday induct Tank, but if and when that day comes Jeremy Horn and Evan Tanner both better be inducted as well. Those two are way more deserving, especially Tanner.

Evan Tanner does not belong in the UFC HOF. He's one of my all time favorites and his death was really shitty, but he doesn't belong in there because he died so young. By that token, we'd have to put Justin Eilers in the HOF, too.

Both of them were great fighters as well as men, but the simple fact that their lives were cut short at such an early age doesn't make their credentials in the sport worthy of the Hall.

That being said, there's no way in HELL that Tank belongs in the HOF for the UFC. Unless you want to induct his fucking hilarious post-fight speeches. I'm all for that.
Evan Tanner does not belong in the UFC HOF. He's one of my all time favorites and his death was really shitty, but he doesn't belong in there because he died so young. By that token, we'd have to put Justin Eilers in the HOF, too.

Both of them were great fighters as well as men, but the simple fact that their lives were cut short at such an early age doesn't make their credentials in the sport worthy of the Hall.

That being said, there's no way in HELL that Tank belongs in the HOF for the UFC. Unless you want to induct his fucking hilarious post-fight speeches. I'm all for that.

Actually I am not suggesting putting Evan Tanner in the UFC hall of fame because of his untimely death. I would actually induct him under the fact that he was a UFC Middleweight champion. Granted it wasn't a long reign or one of substance, but he was a champion. Justin Eilers is no where near on par with Evan Tanner. Eilers death was untimely but he wasn't a champion. And, if you had really read my post you would have noticed that I said if Tank got inducted then someone like Tanner, a greater fighter, should be inducted as well. I wasn't just randomly suggesting Tanner should get in because he died.
Actually I am not suggesting putting Evan Tanner in the UFC hall of fame because of his untimely death. I would actually induct him under the fact that he was a UFC Middleweight champion. Granted it wasn't a long reign or one of substance, but he was a champion. Justin Eilers is no where near on par with Evan Tanner. Eilers death was untimely but he wasn't a champion. And, if you had really read my post you would have noticed that I said if Tank got inducted then someone like Tanner, a greater fighter, should be inducted as well. I wasn't just randomly suggesting Tanner should get in because he died.

I did read your post and I actually think that I should have clarified. This was something I thought about at the time, but got too busy to say something. I realize that you weren't advocating Tanner. You were, totally, saying IF we induct Tank, then Tanner should be in there as well.

Here's where your logic is flawed, Tank was a fan favorite during a minimal time in the UFC. He pushed a sport that was, by most accounts, human cock fighting, at the time. Tanner didn't do any of this. He was simply a one time, generic, champ. He wasn't even able to defend it. Your equivalent would be Rashad Evans, he lost the title the first time he defended it.

Tank, on the other hand, was a main event staple during the early stages of this sport. He was a draw that people wanted to see and, unfortunately, STILL wanted to see even when he was washed up.

That being said, he doesn't belong in the HOF. But to say I didn't read your post or that you're using sound logic when comparing the two is flawed.
Had to google this guy to know him properly. I knew I had heard the name before through wrestling. Now his win loss record is definitely nothing to brag about. But just because he hasn't accomplished an undefeated or nearly undefeated streak like Fedor or someone else. It doesn't make him any less deserving.

I believe that just like wrestling - Accomplishments or not. Serving many years for a company or a business you're bound to get some kind of recognition. I don't see why Tank shouldn't be allowed to join the Hall of Fame.

JMT you said it yourself. Indy said it as well - He's entertaining. He brings entertainment to the business. Sports or not - Entertainment can always be used. And Tank is not without accomplishments.

Tank has been very unlucky with having a 10-14 win / loss record. But I really don't believe that should be enough to tell him "No you can't be in our Hall of Fame".

But that's just me. I know I'm nowhere near as seasoned a MMA fan as you guys. But I believe anybody who contributes in some manner to a sport. Someone you'll remember. Be it bad or be it great memories. Anything will do. I say he's a worthy nomination.
Maybe not right now since there are less than 10 guys in the HOF but sometime in the future. Tank was a pioneer of the sport and everyone's favorite fighter for a long time. Of course he wasn't the most technically sound fighter but fighting in the UFC's infancy should count for something. I think he'll be inducted once a few more names get in, I just don't see how you can have Mask in the Hall and not have Tank.
No, he shouldn't. Tank is nothing more than a punk. He wasn't a very good fighter, he never trained, had a turrible win/loss record and was butt fucking ugly. He may have been a few peoples favorite fighters and whatnot but the guy didn't accomplish much at all.

He is also a complete asshole and someone I would NOT want representing my company, especially in a hall of fame, he simply does not deserve it. So yea, Tank should definitley NOT be in the UFC hall of fame.
This is a prickly discussion only because both sides of the argument are really strong. But I'll go with.....

Yes he should be in the Hall Of Fame.

Tank Abbott was a brawler first and foremost, he made a name of knocking people out and going for broke. He had the fans support because he was just like a normal person. He was in your face, smash-mouth and came to throw down. He mightn't have been the best fighter or the most skilled but he was there to simply brawl and that is why he should be considered in the hall of fame.
I'll keep this short: if he is ever inducted it shouldn't be anytime soon. There are far more deserving names that have truly cemented their legacies in the sport. The word ''legacy'' doesn't really fit into any sentence that contains Tank Abbott's name. Not a knock against Abbott though; he was surely entertaining. Everyone wants to see a big, fat normal looking biker swinging wildly to knockout his opponent out. Unfortunately for Tank he was just that: fat, slow, ugly and unpolished but a guy who just so happened to have knockout power. Would I throw a fit he were inducted? No, but there are so many other names that need to be inducted first.
To be fair, armbar, Tank was a boxer. In an effort to make him look like the everyman, they claimed he was a bar-room brawler. This was far from the truth. It's well known amongst people from Orange County (of which I am one) that Tank could box very well and was actually EXTREMELY fit even if he looked fat. But, I agree with you, he should not be inducted.
To be fair, armbar, Tank was a boxer. In an effort to make him look like the everyman, they claimed he was a bar-room brawler. This was far from the truth. It's well known amongst people from Orange County (of which I am one) that Tank could box very well and was actually EXTREMELY fit even if he looked fat. But, I agree with you, he should not be inducted.

An amatuer boxer. Even that is a stretch, they were glorified street fights. To call him a boxer is grasping at straws here. Maybe in the world of early mma they classified him as a boxer only so they didn't have to make him sound like a scrub of the street. I'm not trying to be harsh of Tank, but really he was nothing more than what I described him as. He has been knocked down/out multiple times even in his prime. Against guys that weren't ''boxers''. He was in good shape for his size, but that will only get you so far without any actual mma training.
An amatuer boxer. Even that is a stretch, they were glorified street fights. To call him a boxer is grasping at straws here. Maybe in the world of early mma they classified him as a boxer only so they didn't have to make him sound like a scrub of the street. I'm not trying to be harsh of Tank, but really he was nothing more than what I described him as. He has been knocked down/out multiple times even in his prime. Against guys that weren't ''boxers''. He was in good shape for his size, but that will only get you so far without any actual mma training.

Back in those days the most ridiculous styles on the planet fought in the octagon. Even amateur boxing was a step up from some of the people that fought in the UFC. I mean really, anyone remember this douchebag?

To think, he was accomplished. I'm not even coming close to saying David Abbott should be inducted, he should not, but he was a much better fighter than people gave him credit form.

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