Should Steen,Neville,KENTA, Sami Zayn, & Deviett be a Stable?

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
Just like the thread asks, Should the IWC stars in NXT come to the main roster as a stable. I saw a WWE.COM article calling them the Leaders of the New School. I think a big mistake WWE made in the past was to not capitalize on the Kliq. Imagine if the Kliq was an on-screen stable. I make that point because I think these guys could be a new age Kliq, a bigger SHIELD if you will...

I know I would LOVE to see it. My question to you is would You??Yes or No, & why.
Eh personally the prospect doesn't excites me much.

Especially because while I see Zayn and possibly kenta as really good face (Zayn in the more classic kissing babies and shaking hand and kenta in a more "badass brawler" way), I'd really love for Steen to go back to doing some heel work.
It could be interesting, almost like something similar to what Nexus was back in 2010. I'd have a lot more faith in such a concept if Vince ultimately kept his hands off it and allowed Triple H to make the creative decisions concerning these guys. These are all guys that Triple H wanted in NXT, pursued and managed to sign. He has faith in them and would want to see them succeed. Vince's booking is just too inconsistent these days for my liking, he's more into the "sports entertainment" style of booking than Trips and "sports entertainment" isn't what would work with these guys. I'm not turning into a Vince hater or anything, but it's just how it is. When Vince allows Triple H to make the final creative decisions on Raw or SD!, there's a lot more consistency with the storylines and feuds while simultaneously cutting out a lot of silliness. I'd have more faith with Trips making the final call on this because he has more of a stock invested in these guys, so he'd want to do everything he could to help get them over whereas Vince's roaming attention span could cause him to lose interest in these guys after 3 weeks.
Prince Dev's career exploded as heel. I don't see Sami Zayn as a heel. I was disappointed that article wasn't a video. But that doesn't matter, WWE just needs to keep Devitt very close to his NJPW character. Gets over easily. Is this the future? Er...maybe so. They've all got the skills to make it happen but father time might nix the idea.
No, they shouldn't, and frankly I'm sick of the indy-gasm people are having over the newly signed talent. WWE shouldn't even consider capitalizing on their past popularity. It's over and done with. This is a new company. Nexus worked because they were NXT rookies. The Shield worked because they were NXT rookies. Not because any of them had any success on the independent scene.
I'm usually all for stables but this one is a no for me.

The ones what have been there a while are doing just fine and the ones who just came in need a chance to show off their talents.

Nexus was okay for a couple weeks but it ended in shitty fashion,

Just let the guys come up and wrestle.
I like the idea of these five (especially the new three) guys having unity amongst themselves and totally owning the typical WWE prototypes. Having said that, I feel that they would be able to showcase their wrestling skills much more conveniently (as well as each of them developing a distinct and unique character) if they fight in singles matches instead of 3-on-3 or 5-on-5 ones. Their friendship could be acknowledged, but not used to turn them into a permanent stable. They could team up together once or twice eventually, like Sheamus and Drew McIntyre, but that should be it. I would however, not prefer to see them as heels, since they would reach a dead end once they're done with the weak Kofis, Zigglers and Mizs, and eventually run into Cena, Bryan or Reigns. If they ever team up, it should be as faces, in response to another stable or an uncontrollable beast like Brock Lesnar, or even as Daniel Bryan's answer to The Authority upon his return.
WWE shouldn't even consider capitalizing on their past popularity. It's over and done with. This is a new company.

Should the talents be pushed solely based on the fact that they were successful elsewhere? Obviously not. They should earn their stripes in WWE. But to just completely say, "It doesn't matter what they did before. They need to restart." is just ignorant. Just because it's a new company doesn't mean their past is irrelevant. It means they can carry those fans with them. Fans who may have not watched WWE before, but will now because they're favorite wrestlers are in the company. The entire reason KENTA got signed is because he's a mega star in Japan. So no, WWE shouldn't push them because they're indy stars, but they shouldn't just ignore it either. It really bugs me when they do that. They should push them because they're good talents, which they have proven elsewhere. If you sign a talent who has had success elsewhere, why wouldn't you factor it in to who they are. That's what UFC does. They don't focus only on a person's UFC career. If UFC has a former PRIDE Champion, or a former Strikeforce champion, they let people know. By telling people that this talent has been successful elsewhere, it gives that talent a level of credibility. Should they bill these guys just as Indy stars? No. Should they completely start over? No. I think they've done a fine job so far. They've done it with Zayn and Neville, and they'll do it with the other three. All they have to do is say, "This guy has had success around the world. He's spent years working, and now he's come here to take that next step up." And then build from there. If you have an asset such as the history of these performers, why would you ignore it and handicap not the only performers, but also yourself. WWE shouldn't consider capitalizing on their past popularity. They should just use it as an advantage that they already have.

As far as the idea for the group goes, I like it a lot. But I just don't feel it is necessary. Zayn and Nevill have done fantastic jobs on their own. And I have all the reasons in the world to believe Steen, Devitt, and KENTA will do the same. They would probably all be better served doing their own thing, and building their own identity. Not to mention given the similarities with Nexus and the Shield, it may come off as a little repetitive. Probably wouldn't but you never know. Besides, as people have stated before, some of these guys are faces, some of them should be heels. Steen is no doubt better as a heel. Prince Devitt is a great heel too. Adrian Neville's style is a baby face style. He can't do all his moves and be a heel. And that's his gimmick. There's no reason to make him a heel and change his style. Same with Zayn. He can be like Rey Mysterio or Ricky Steamboat. A career babyface. And given KENTA's status as a Japanese Superstar, it may be better off leaving him face to help business in Japan. It may be a cool idea a few years down the road, after they've all made their main roster debuts and created their own identities to put them together and say, "We are the leaders of this new generation, and together we will show everyone why we are the best in this industry." Just my ideas.
I wouldn't be happy just randomly putting them in a stable together and having them invade Raw. I mean, it worked with the Nexus, it worked with the Shield, but if you keep trying to retread, it just gets old. WWE's already busy cannibalizing itself.
NO OFFENCE but this is the stupidest idea i have ever seen. yes put all these major nxt stars together so they can't face each other great idea. listen you should have thought this out better because this is bad.

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