Should some Title or Grudge Matches end in a Count Down?


Getting Noticed By Management
First of all not a count out but count down , ergo when you cant get up after a 10 count from the ref..... I've noticed in some matches the ref randomly starts counting down two competitors while they are in a normal match and full of exhaustion and sometimes they don't.... I understand that the Last Man Standing Match exist for a reason but sometimes refs try to count down some wrestlers during a regular match..... So the option of winning or losing or drawing under a count down is possible

Should more grudge or title matches end this way? It would sell the competitors getting to the point of exhaustion but their spirits don't let them quit or be defeated but their bodies are too tired to continue....

They only count if both of them are in the mat, so that would only work for draws. It could be done to improve an angle or a feud no doubt, but shouldn't be something regular. I would like to see for instance Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton fighting at Night of Champions to a draw, but it's hard to pull that of because people want to see PPV's because of the idea that "what matters will happen there", if that happens some would be thinking "oh well, I just spend $50 for nothing, it's not worth it" - however when a match gets the storytelling, the psychology and two great wrestlers that really leave it all out there and just end up for not having the energy to carry on that type of finish may work to the please of a larger portion.

Something similar is time-limit for a match, it shouldn't be used regularly, it's just another way to develop a feud. Last Man Standing rules is different, you can win by "count down", regular matches you just can't.
There've been times that I've watched some really good matches in which you don't really want to see either wrestler come out on the short end of the stick. So, every once in a while, I'd love to see some of them end with both guys having just gone at it to such a degree that they're simply not able to continue; that they've taken each other to their very limits.

One way of changing that formula up slightly would be to have a double count out after the two have had a long, physical bout. They're outside the ring still going at it like a couple of rabid weasels, so focused on beating the piss out of the other guy that they don't pay any attention to the ref's count. They get counted out, but they don't care that the match is over with; they still go at it and keep going at it until damn near half the locker room is emptied to keep them separated. I don't think such an ending needs to be used too much. Such an ending every now and then can be a nice novelty. When such an ending becomes common place, the novelty wears off and it just becomes part of the status quo.

As usual, there'll something of a drawback with such an ending when it comes to a championship match. If people pay $40 or more to watch a ppv, there's generally an understanding that there'll be some degree of finality when it comes to the winners and losers of championship matches. Ending a title match on television his way, however, would be much easier to get away with and would be perfectly acceptable for most people. It might even whet their appetite to see what would come next if wrestler's A & B had another title match at a ppv in the near future. It also really, really depends on if there are any particular gimmicks or stipulations to the match. At Final Resolution 2011, Bobby Roode & AJ Styles wrestled to a draw during a 30 minute Iron Man match. Iron Man matches most definitely should not end in draws and this hosed a lot of people off, understandably so in my opinion.
If it happened once after an incredible match then I actually wouldn't mind. If, for example, Bryan/Cena ended in a double count out/down then we would get a rematch; Cena wouldn't lose clean and Bryan wouldn't lose momentum. It would tick plenty of boxes and give allow the feud to go a little longer.

If it happened several times then I would start to get annoyed. It would just look like lazy booking.
Yes! One of my favorite matches of all time was Triple H vs Shawn Michaels Royal Rumble 2003. It was a very personal feud over the WHC, and that match was great! and the way it ended (draw by count down) was incredible!

I would only like to see it happen in real personal feuds, maybe once every year or two.
The only time it should happen in a title match if the "Insurance" was there to cut off the challenger. An example. DDP vs Johnny B. Badd for the TV title with Maxx Muscles being that "Insurance"

Grudge matches should only end in count out to have a falls count anywhere, a cage match, or the underdogg finally win with the help from some "Insurance"

These should be the only way that count out should be allowed. I don't care if you the World Champion! The Champ should never lose on count out unless it benefits a feud, later.
First of all not a count out but count down , ergo when you cant get up after a 10 count from the ref..... I've noticed in some matches the ref randomly starts counting down two competitors while they are in a normal match and full of exhaustion and sometimes they don't.... I understand that the Last Man Standing Match exist for a reason but sometimes refs try to count down some wrestlers during a regular match..... So the option of winning or losing or drawing under a count down is possible

Should more grudge or title matches end this way? It would sell the competitors getting to the point of exhaustion but their spirits don't let them quit or be defeated but their bodies are too tired to continue....


its not a count down, its still referred to as a count out even though i differs from being counted out of the ring, in this case if both wrestlers are lying on the mat for a count of 10, they are counted out of the match and its a draw, so remember its not called a count down, thats something a top watch can do.
well, it's techically a count out since the ref usually does it when BOTH men are down, the ref usually doesnt count when one man is lying on the mat though. as for if i would use this as a finish, i would use it in a finish if 1) the Feud doesnt end or 2) the company doesnt want to give the wrestler they pushing a loss.......for me, i wouldnt mind seeing this as a finish in a WWE title match. if WWE is planning for a long term Bryan and Orton feud, maybe have him DQ himself at one ppv, then have this finish at another ppv to then set up a no DQ, no count out match where they can finally give Bryan a win, now i dont see WWE doing that, but that finish could be used in WWE or TNA if they want a feud to continue.

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