Should Sheamus be main event material?


Pre-Show Stalwart
In my opinion yes. I think he is a fantastic talent! I can't understand how he has dropped slightly to the US Title ranks. He is so much better than that. He has the looks and the build of a heavyweight main eventer and he has a great character/gimmick.

As much as I'm looking forward to his apparent near future rivalry with Sin Cara, I still think he should be up there challenging Cena, Miz, Edge etc...he wwas a great addition to the main event card.

What do you folks think?

The guy is one of the better in-ring workers in the business, his matches with John Morrison were phenomenal.

I've been waiting to give this match a shout out... so here it is... Sheamus Vs John Morrison at TLC in the Ladder Match has got to be one of the BEST ladder matches I have ever seen. They did several things in that match that I have NEVER seen in a ladder match before. If you haven't seen that match, or if you don't remember it.. I think you should check it out.

Now Sheamus has been in the WWE for 1 1/2 years or so, people defiantly know who he is, defiantly one of the top heels. There just isn't room for everybody at the top. With The Miz as champion, I think Sheamus is doing a good thing going back and winning the United States Championship, he can sort of work his way back into the spotlight.

Sheamus should be a main stay for several years at the top.
He is definitely good enough, but I am reallly liking him in this U.S. title picture. He puts on good matches whit guys who can really go, and he has a belt. I don't see this as much of a downgrade. He took the belt off Bryan, who is legit, and now looks prime to feud with Sin Cara. This can only be a great thing for Sheamus.

I really buy Sheamus as a monster in the U.S. division vs Bryan, Cara, Bourne etc. He is much bigger than most of them and it shows. When he faces Cena, or Orton, although he is bigger, you can't really see because of how big both of those men are.

I think this can ONLY help Sheamus' career, a U.S. title doesn't look bad on your resume. Sheamus will be back in the WWE or World title picture sooner than later, but for now enjoy how good these next few weeks/months will be for Sheamus and the U.S. title.
Size - Check
Mic skills - Check
Gimmick - Check
Creditability - 2 Time World Champion
Charisma - People like him, or hate him, whichever you expect from an imposing heel.

He has everything that's required to Main event, and I see nothing keeping him from breaking back into the ME when the current set gets stale, besides booking.

He's fine to play around in the midcard for a bit, if nothing else, it's going to make Sin Cara look that much better, while not hurting Sheamus at all.
Most assuredly.

There's nothing wrong with holding a belt OTHER than the WWE Championship.

Besides: Cena vs. Miz. Orton vs. Punk

There's no face other than Morrison or Bryan of any worth to battle Sheamus while those 4 are dancing at the top of the card.

Beats being relegated to Superstars only.
Certainly. To be honest, I think he could be a top babyface in the company. His heel run has been pretty good, but I see him more as a no-nonsense (with a little bit of comedy thrown in) ass-kicking dominant good guy. I somewhat wish it was Sheamus in Orton's position, except having Sheamus be a little more likeable. I can already hear the crowd chanting "Oy-Oy-Oy" as he lays out a group of heels with brough kicks.
Yes, out of all the heels on Raw who gets the most heat? (Besides Cole of course). Sheamus. He has what it takes to main event. He's big, strong, violent, physical, and great on the mic. Im shocked what WWE has done with him after his first title push. He was up against HHH at WM26 then one year later he's in a DARK MATCH battle royal prior to WM27, which he loses to The Great Khali? Glad he got rid of the "King Sheamus" gig, The Celtic Warrior is a much better character
I am a huge fan of Sheamus, however i am not a fan of how he was booked throughout 2010. When you have a man with that size, look and in ring ability, you don't book him as a cowardly ultimate opportunist heel (e.g. fleeing the scene of the cena cage match after the nexus assit), when that horse has been flogged to death by edge and now the miz.

The fact that there was no finish to the Celtic Warrior's fued with Triple H was criminal. He should of been booked for at least one clean victory against the game to solidify him as a main eventer.

The way to revitalise his main event status is to switch him to smackdown at the draft and have him unleash hell on the smackdown roster, I'm talking Celtic Crosses through tables, off the smackdown stage until finally he's put into a lengthy fued with Edge, which would be awesome IMO.

In answer to the original question, of course he deserves to main event material. The fact that he held his own with triple h so early in his career, and the matches he has put on with orton, morrison and daniel bryan only goes to show this.
I think that Sheamus is in a good position, he has the United States Championship, his gimmick is ok, and i think he would do good aganist Sin Cara.
I think Sheamus is really awesome. His mic skills are good, has some pretty good in ring work, and can sell. I was a little PO'ed when they dropped him to mid-card but I am looking forward to his feud over the U.S. title with Sin Cara who we all know will take the belt from him. But I really do hope the have Sheamus in the main event picture again and locked.
He's certainly main event worthy. Sure, he's been knocked down a few notches for the time being, but I think it's to rebuild his Celtic Warrior steam again. Anyway, the one thing I want to see Sheamus do once he gets propelled to main event status again is brogue kick the hell out of Randy Orton and pin him clean. It's kind of ridiculous looking back at how many matches Sheamus lost to Orton. I mean, we're talking about a guy that has already beaten John Cena and Triple H as a rookie. Randy Orton stopped Sheamus' momentum to the point of predictability. Enough.
The Same thread can be made about Barrett. He has all the qualities of a main event player, but is holding the IC title. Your problem is you look at the glass half empty.

You guys seem to think Sheamus took a step down to hold the US title, I think Sheamus and Barrett have added prestige back to the titles. I hope they can help to elevate other talents so the mid card belts will mean something again. Just my 2 cents.
I want sheamus back into the world title picture too but you have to think that being the US champion is not a step down at all. Where he was before winning was jobbing to mark henry so this is probably his way back into the world titles. He can be a great US champion, drop it to sin cara maybe and graduate to the world title.
In my opinion yes. I think he is a fantastic talent! I can't understand how he has dropped slightly to the US Title ranks. He is so much better than that. He has the looks and the build of a heavyweight main eventer and he has a great character/gimmick.

As much as I'm looking forward to his apparent near future rivalry with Sin Cara, I still think he should be up there challenging Cena, Miz, Edge etc...he wwas a great addition to the main event card.

What do you folks think?

I like Sheamus, the guy has one hell of a look. He's good in the ring and his mic skills have really improved.

I have no problem with him in the midcard right now, Miz basically bumped him off the top and they need him to do something. So it's fine.
I think the he is going to be the top heel of the WWE for years to come. Like what has been posted befor me he has a great look and he is good on the mic. I just hope that they can find a good rivalry for him so he can work his way back up to the main event. I personaly would like to see him team up with Miz for a while and then watch them turn on each other for the right to be the top heel in the WWE.
Well so far it seems as if no one disagrees, not even the OP. Unfortunately, I can't be the one to stop the circle jerk. I can't lie to myself and try to suggest that Sheamus isn't a main event player, he is. One of the few times they tried to force someone onto us without a whole lot of build(seriously, he went from squashing Jamie Noble to main eventing in like, 3 weeks) and it actually worked.

I give the WWE credit for the find, but I give him most of the credit for finding a way to sustain his own momentum. They essentially did the same thing with him that they did with others like Swagger, but it actually worked because Sheamus has a personality and he can work the mic. He's no slouch in the ring either.

So yeah, he definitely belongs as a main event talent. The only problem I see with him is that he's already had programs with all of the top faces on Raw(Cena, Orton, HHH, Morrison.) It's time for him to move to Smackdown.
Sheamus is totally main event stuff. The guy has a very, very unique look. Sure, it gets mocked.. A lot.. But it is better than look like some jack ass they pulled off the street.

With his style you know he means business when he gets into the ring. And there's just something about him that makes him interesting to watch. He has adopted a fantastic Stan Hansen/Terry Gordy-quese philosophy of making the other guy who is shit sell for you (ala Morrison). I don't think he is as confident on the mic as others in this thread, but when you are too busy Irish hammering the shit out of people, it is understandable.

I also think his true calling is to be a babyface. He has a smile and laugh to die for. I really do think that all that needs to be done to turn him face to change the direction of his Brogue Kick to a bad guy.
Sheamus is awesome. Truthfully out of all the current wrestlers (excluding the oldies like HHH, Undertaker, Kane) he's my favorite. They guy has 2 good finishers, has the look, the ability, he's the whole package. I would also say that I hope he is around for years to come. I think that at some period of time he could even become a face and flow smoothly between the two.

What's funny is I was absolutely pissed about the US Title match not being on WM. Then as time kept going on and on and on on Raw, I thought it got dropped again and I told my buddy that if they dropped this match I would be irate. Luckily it was basically the Main Event, although I wish they still would have had a WM match. I'm excited for this current rivalry with Sin Cara.
I was a fan of Sheamus really from the beginning of the unexpected, monster push he got in late 2009. Or, I guess I should say that I was at least willing to give the guy an opportunity to prove himself before I shit all over him like a lot of others did.

Sheamus is someone that's definitely proven himself in my opinion. He's just an all around good pro wrestler and the fact that he went from an unknown heel to a heel WWE Champion that generated great amounts of heat with the fans in such a short span of time is something that can't be or shouldn't be ignored. Sheamus showed in 2010 that he's main event material and I've no doubt he'll be back in the picture at some point down the line.

Right now though, I'm enjoying his run as United States Champion. It's kind of rare in the WWE to see a former World Champion have a run with a mid-card title afterward and it's something I'd like to see happen more often.
Agree with everyone in this thread.

I enjoy everything about Sheamus, his look, his wrestling style, his personality, his entrance music...everything. For a guy his size he can put on tremendous matches.

He has really gotten over with the crowd. He has started that transition from a very quiet reception, to lots of boos, to a mixed reaction still leaning towards boos. I would not be shocked if Sheamus turned Face within the next year or so.

I am cautiously optimistic about WWE putting emphasis on the Mid Card Titles again. Reason for this, is every time they seem to put some value behind them, they get lost in the shuffle and someone has a rather meaningless long term reign.

I am really looking forward to the Sin Cara/Sheamus feud assuming it happens. I hope this is a nice feud that lasts a couple months with Sin Cara coming out on top and then Sheamus going back into the Main Event Scene. Sheamus does a nice job putting someone over, then goes back to the Main Event Scene (like Jericho has done many times before).
Shemus is one of the best in the business today. He along with Wade Barrett are perfect examples of "talent shining beyond booking". The ability to look good even when you are booked like crap is rare. Sheamus has it.

He had some truly memorable matches and feuds this past year, and has come out better and more rounded than he was before. Hell, he managed to carry John Morrison through some compelling matches, and carry the mic work throughout. Not many people can do that.

Would I prefer him on the main event scene as opposed to being the United States champion? Absolutely. But some good booking could really bring prestige back to the tarnished title, as well as catapult Sheamus into the main event again in an even more dominant fashion.

Sheamus might not be the best, but there's certainly no one better.
Sheamus has everything to be that monster heel and one of the best heels in the company. At times he has been THE top heel. Some could say Miz being the chickenshit champ makes sense but guess what, it shouldn't make sense for Sheamus. Why should he be a cowardy champ? He could beat Orton, he could beat Cena and you know what? IT'D BE BELIEVABLE!!! Despite his accent, terrific mic skills, exceptional in the ring, I have no problem with him being in the midcard now. But I'll be damned if he doesn't main event again.

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