Should Shawn Micheals Be The Ref At Mania

HBK Being The Ref In The Undertakers Match

  • Yes

  • No

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I voted for yes; but only on the basis of assuming that Sting is the Undertaker's opponent. Will Michaels call it down the middle? Or will he have animosity knowing that Sting is in his spot? Will there be favoritism? Two icons head to head plus one of the greatest ever refereeing.
I say why not, but there needs to be a twist, of course. Michaels should count Taker's opponent's shoulders down, 1, 2, 3, but someone should run in for HBK to Sweet Chin Music right before the count. Let’s see…

If Taker’s opponent is (A) then the run-in should be (B).

Cena or Orton

Lex Luger or Kevin Nash
Orton or Cena
Shawn needs to stay far away from wrestling as possible, with the exception of the HOF ceremony the night before. It was only a year ago that Shawn retired...and him being on WWE TV will do two things: 1.) Give the fans false hope of a comeback and 2.) It will only suck him back into the business and the only thing that's worse than giving the fans false hope, is if he DOES actually come back for one match and ruin everything.

Absense makes the heart grow fonder...For god's sake PLEASE stay away for a couple years!
If WWE play their card right, this match could be build like Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 where Taker & HBK first met again after 11 years. HHH is a legend now unlike 10 years ago, so with the right build up this can be another once in a lifetime experience IMO. And HHH is in a dire need of another Wrestlemania classic. I mean come on, the last time he got a WM classic was at WM 20. That was ages ago when dinosaurs were still roaming around.

With the right in-ring psychology, Taker/HHH can give Taker/HBK a run for the best Wrestlemania match ever status.

I just hope HBK refuse to participate as ref because his presence would be too distracting and may hurt the match's overall quality, just like he did to Bret vs Taker at Summerslam 1997 and Rock vs HHH at Judgment Day 2000.

Taker vs HHH is cheap enough way to a desperate buyrate, adding HBK is insulting. It's as if Taker/HHH isn't a big enough draw on their own
Yes and No!! Hear me out!

Now some rumours are saying it maybe HHH, if it is, then I would say no to the HBK being the ref, but also would be amazing to see the 3 count from HBK and HHH career ending!

Other than that, I don't really think he needs to do anything at Mania! I mean, we're still going to see him at WrestleMania anyway!
HBK being involved in a reported streak vs. career match between Taker & Triple H will only build interest in seeing the match. The past two WrestleManias, HBK's goal was to end the undefeated streak and gave us two of the best wrestling matches of the past decade in my opinion. Ultimately, however, Shawn Michaels failed to end the streak and "lost" his career in the process.

Triple H is Shawn Michaels' best friend and the match can easily be built with Triple H having harbored deep resentment over Taker ending HBK's in-ring career. A man wanting to avenge his fallen best friend is a classic story arc that's been used time and time again in forms of media. It's an easy concept to grasp, understand and invest your time in caring about.

With Triple H being a WWE executive and possibly being prepared to take over running the company, this gives him a way out and does so in a way that can bring a lot of emotions into the mix. WrestleMania 27 could be the last time Triple H ever wrestles. This could be the last chance for fans to watch Triple H in the ring as a wrestler for the rest of his life. It could be another great, emotional moment.

Also, the question of whether HBK would be fair or not will be played up as well. After all, here would be his opportunity to at least have a hand in ending the undefeated streak of The Undertaker. All the WWE would have to do is portray HBK as someone that still thinks about it as the one great goal in his career that he never accomplished. Fans could wonder if HBK would screw Taker as a means of revenge and means of HBK generating another big WrestleMania moment.
This is a great idea, and would help build the feud even more. If the rumors are true and it is Undertaker/Triple H streak vs Career, then why wouldn't he be involved? Triple H is seeking revenge for Undertaker ending his best friends career. He says he wants to end the streak this year and induct his best friend in the Hall of Fame the night before. Undertaker says he can have a match on one condition, if he puts his career on the line just like HBK did. Triple H accepts and every week HBK tries talking him out of it, then eventually Mr. McMahon can announce that HBK will be the ref. The odds will be stacked against Taker and it would build a lot of hype. Everybody will think Shawn is going to screw Taker over, but Shawn vowes to call it right down the middle. When Wrestlemania comes around Shawn can call it down the middle but gets involved with an altercation with Taker. He tries to hit Sweet Chin music on Taker but Undertaker moves out the way and hits Triple H. The match goes on for a while and eventually Taker will hit the tombstone and go for the pin. Shawn Michaels doesn't want to count the three but realizes it's the right thing to do. So he counts very softly, 1....2.... and before 3 he says, "I'm sorry, I love you" just like he did with Flair. He finally counts three and then hugs Hunter.

Shawn Michaels would make the match, that much better.
This is a great idea, and would help build the feud even more. If the rumors are true and it is Undertaker/Triple H streak vs Career, then why wouldn't he be involved? Triple H is seeking revenge for Undertaker ending his best friends career. He says he wants to end the streak this year and induct his best friend in the Hall of Fame the night before. Undertaker says he can have a match on one condition, if he puts his career on the line just like HBK did. Triple H accepts and every week HBK tries talking him out of it, then eventually Mr. McMahon can announce that HBK will be the ref. The odds will be stacked against Taker and it would build a lot of hype. Everybody will think Shawn is going to screw Taker over, but Shawn vowes to call it right down the middle. When Wrestlemania comes around Shawn can call it down the middle but gets involved with an altercation with Taker. He tries to hit Sweet Chin music on Taker but Undertaker moves out the way and hits Triple H. The match goes on for a while and eventually Taker will hit the tombstone and go for the pin. Shawn Michaels doesn't want to count the three but realizes it's the right thing to do. So he counts very softly, 1....2.... and before 3 he says, "I'm sorry, I love you" just like he did with Flair. He finally counts three and then hugs Hunter.

Shawn Michaels would make the match, that much better.

I Like It But What If It Wasent A Carerr Threatning Match And Hbk Did EveryThing U Said But HHH Refuses The Hug And Pushes HBK And Hbk Super Kicks Him And Thus Making HHH Run As Heel A Heel Start And Could Team With Sheamus And Drew Mcytrye Making A Evoultion 2.0
I see no appeal in having HBK as a special guest referee. Why in the blue hell would The Undertaker agree to a match where the man he retired last year is the official ? I also don't see any logical reason why HBK would be there in the first place. If the match is about Triple H seeking vengence, than it would just seem stupid and counter productive to have that person involved directly in the match. It would be like a criminal going to court for murder and having a jury of people who were close to the victim.

I could see Shawn appearing in a backstage segement or something where he tries to talk HHH out of the match, but no more involvment than that. Remember, Shawn wasn't exactly upset to end his career, which would mean it would be Triple H's feelings feuling his grudge.
I see no appeal in having HBK as a special guest referee. Why in the blue hell would The Undertaker agree to a match where the man he retired last year is the official ? I also don't see any logical reason why HBK would be there in the first place. If the match is about Triple H seeking vengence, than it would just seem stupid and counter productive to have that person involved directly in the match. It would be like a criminal going to court for murder and having a jury of people who were close to the victim.

I could see Shawn appearing in a backstage segement or something where he tries to talk HHH out of the match, but no more involvment than that. Remember, Shawn wasn't exactly upset to end his career, which would mean it would be Triple H's feelings feuling his grudge.

I agree with you.

My only beef with this match is the possibility of Shawn Michaels being involved as the special referee.

If WWE play their card right, this match could be build like Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 where Taker & HBK first met again after 11 years. HHH is a legend now unlike 10 years ago, so with the right build up this can be another once in a lifetime experience IMO. And HHH is in a dire need of another Wrestlemania classic. I mean come on, the last time he got a WM classic was at WM 20. That was ages ago when dinosaurs were still roaming around. And before that, the WM 17 match with Taker. He doesn't have a match for the ages at WM like Hogan/Andre, Rock/Austin, and Taker/HBK despite being a legend and that's sad.

The rest of his WM matches are pathetic. WM 12 match with Warrior was worse than Taker vs Gonzales. His WM 15 match with Kane was a mess. The main event in WM 16 & 18 s*cked balls big time. His WM 19, 21, 22, and 24 matches were average. His WM 25 match was insanely unwatchable. His WM 26 match bored the crowd to tears. And now his retirement match is going to be remembered for the participation of his best friend? Wow, he's forever second fiddle to HBK? With the right in-ring psychology, Taker/HHH can give Taker/HBK a run for the best Wrestlemania match ever status. And I'm not joking.

I just hope HBK refuse to participate as ref because his presence would be too distracting and may hurt the match's overall quality, just like he did to Bret vs Taker at Summerslam 1997 and Rock vs HHH at Judgment Day 2000. The whole time people was busy imagining whether HBK will screw Bret or not and the other time whether he will help HHH or not SO MUCH it makes both matches completely underrated despite being two wrestling clinics. I mean, have u ever seen someone praised Taker/Bret in Summerslam 1997 or Rock/HHH in Judgment Day 2000 here in WZ? I've been reading WZ and WF forums for at least two years as well as joining Wrestling Section in Y/A! for more than two years, but I can barely recall seeing any praise for either of these two underrated gems.

I mean, no offense to HBK cause I'm not his hater, but come on, he already screwed two classics but still going to screw the third one? He screwed enough no? And no, I don't believe third time's the charm. That's BS.

Taker vs HHH is cheap enough way to a desperate buyrate (I say cheap cause that means all the push Sheamus got for a year would be nothing and The Streak will add yet another same name instead of new credible name like Vince McMahon. And I only said Vince's name cause Jericho's not here whereas WWE will never book Taker vs Cena at any Wrestlemania), adding HBK is insulting. It's as if Taker/HHH isn't a big enough draw on their own. Taker & HHH can be as big as Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK if WWE let them do their in-ring psychology thing, HBK's presence will be too distracting because people will focus more on a possibility of a screwjob rather than enjoying the match like they did Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK. Because I guarantee you if Austin was playing special ref in Hogan/Rock or Bret was playing special ref in HBK/Taker, I doubt both matches will be remembered for their quality as they are today, but more for the fact "Austin didn't screw Rock" or "Bret didn't screw HBK".

And in all honesty, I find it completely stupid if we got a match of Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK caliber ruined by an unneeded cheap tactic. Even now in Wrestling Section in Y/A!, a large number of users have been discussing the possibility of HBK screwing Taker rather than talking about how good Taker/HHH match would be and that only further prove my point. I can even see it in this thread. It would be ironic if HHH's last match ever will be remembered in the future not as a match for the ages like say Rock/Austin or Hogan/Warrior but a match where HBK didn't screw Undertaker. It's ironic, dumb, and cheap all in one package.

If WWE insist doing this Career vs Streak, I'd rather see it HHH vs Taker PURE! For all I care, Diesel and HBK can come out after the match is over and join HHH in his loss (The Streak will never end. FACT). That's more like it.

Then again, Vince and WWE ALWAYS find a way to ruin something good it's almost scary, as if it's written in the stars like it's a destiny waiting to happen. And no, I'm not trying to bash HBK, I'm trying to bash Vince and the so called creative writers. I only hope Shawn Michaels has the decency to know what's right and refuse to participate as special ref if they go with this match, because I think if my best friend is about to have the biggest match of his lifetime, I would want my best friend to be remembered for his performance not because of my presence.
Yes. We all know that Taker's streak is not and will never end so if its indeed HHH vs Taker in a Career vs Streak match, then its blatantly obvious that its curtains for The Game. However, with Michaels added into the match, its adds a whole new different dimension into the match. While it might not change the outcome, it is intriguing to find out if HBK will count his best friend into retirement.
Yes. We all know that Taker's streak is not and will never end so if its indeed HHH vs Taker in a Career vs Streak match, then its blatantly obvious that its curtains for The Game. However, with Michaels added into the match, its adds a whole new different dimension into the match. While it might not change the outcome, it is intriguing to find out if HBK will count his best friend into retirement.

Precisely my point, HBK would be too distracting. Don't u find it ironic if HHH's retirement match isn't remembered for his possible performance of a lifetime but for the fact his best friend didn't screw anyone in the match?
Precisely my point, HBK would be too distracting. Don't u find it ironic if HHH's retirement match isn't remembered for his possible performance of a lifetime but for the fact his best friend didn't screw anyone in the match?

You've got a stupendous point right there, however, the fact that we know that if the clash between Taker and The Game happens and it will be The Cerebral Assassin's retirement match, its only us and the majority of us here in these forums. Others and especially the little kids, the fact that HBK possibly donning the black and white may appeal to them.

And if the creative does it right, in the weeks leading up to Mania. They can have HBK make it perfectly clear that he is going to be an impartial referee and not tease whether is he going to screw Taker or HHH for that matter. HBK as the ref will not have a major impact on the match, or the quality of it.
With all the history that the Showstopper have with these 2 ICONs, putting him as the man in charge makes sense, especially if they build this as The Game trying to avenge his best friend's defeat.

I'm in no way suggesting that Undertaker vs Triple H isn't big enough to draw on its own.(In fact, far from that) But Michaels as the referee is not the most atrocious idea in the world.
You've got a stupendous point right there, however, the fact that we know that if the clash between Taker and The Game happens and it will be The Cerebral Assassin's retirement match, its only us and the majority of us here in these forums. Others and especially the little kids, the fact that HBK possibly donning the black and white may appeal to them.

Appeal to them, insulting to HHH's career. It's basically saying "Oh, Hunter's career isn't a big enough money at the stake, let's bring back HBK as ref so no one will notice the quality of the match because they will have all their eyes at HBK, waiting whether he will screw anyone or not".

But with this I do know one thing for sure: HBK's one time presence is considered to be far far far far bigger than HHH's whole career.

Poor u, Hunter, forever second fiddle to legends like Hogan, Flair, Bret, Austin, Rock, Taker, and HBK. Your career isn't even worth against one time appearance from any of them.

And if the creative does it right, in the weeks leading up to Mania. They can have HBK make it perfectly clear that he is going to be an impartial referee and not tease whether is he going to screw Taker or HHH for that matter. HBK as the ref will not have a major impact on the match, or the quality of it.

That's what he said during Bret vs Taker at Summerslam 1997 and Rock vs HHH at Judgment Day 2000. Regardless of what he say, people's mind can't be averted from the possible screw-job. In IWC, Taker vs Bret at Summerslam 1997 is known more as 'the match where HBK screwed Taker thus setting up their legendary feud" than a wrestling clinic.

And I remember watching Judgment Day 2000 with 3 of my friends and after the match they were talking about "HBK didn't screw Rock!" and "How cool it was Taker came as a biker!". Until now, I can't recall any of them talking about the wrestling clinic put by Rock & HHH that night.

Do u realize it now HBK's participation will only overshadow the quality of the match itself? Precisely my point.

Austin's retirement match at WM 19 and HBK's retirement match at WM 26 are both remembered as two legendary matches. I don't know whether it's funny or ironic if HHH's retirement match turns out to be perhaps the most underrated retirement match of all time.

With all the history that the Showstopper have with these 2 ICONs, putting him as the man in charge makes sense, especially if they build this as The Game trying to avenge his best friend's defeat.

I'll make this clear again. Taker & HHH can be as big as Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK if WWE let them do their in-ring psychology thing, HBK's presence will be too distracting because people will focus more on a possibility of a screwjob rather than enjoying the match like they did Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK. Because I guarantee you if Austin was playing special ref in Hogan/Rock or Bret was playing special ref in HBK/Taker, I doubt both matches will be remembered for their quality as they are today, but more for the fact "Austin didn't screw Rock" or "Bret didn't screw HBK".

But for argument's sake, if we're talking about history, this year is Taker vs HHH at WM 17 10th anniversary. That plus HHH's career is HUGE enough history for me.

I'm in no way suggesting that Undertaker vs Triple H isn't big enough to draw on its own.(In fact, far from that) But Michaels as the referee is not the most atrocious idea in the world.

No, but go ask yourself, is it really necessary?If HBK is booked as ref in Taker/HHH what will people care about more:

a. Will HBK screw Taker?
b. How good Taker/HHH is?

Dunno about u, but by the reaction on WS, WF, and WZ, I'm leaning toward option A. By the end of the match, almost the entire crowd will think "Thank God HBK didn't screw anyone" instead "The match rocks! And when I thought HBK/Taker can't be rivaled!".

I'm going to ask this one more time, doesn't anyone here find it ironic if HHH's retirement match isn't remembered for his possible performance of a lifetime but for the fact his best friend didn't screw anyone in the match?
Appeal to them, insulting to HHH's career. It's basically saying "Oh, Hunter's career isn't a big enough money at the stake, let's bring back HBK as ref so no one will notice the quality of the match because they will have all their eyes at HBK, waiting whether he will screw anyone or not".

But with this I do know one thing for sure: HBK's one time presence is considered to be far far far far bigger than HHH's whole career.

Poor u, Hunter, forever second fiddle to legends like Hogan, Flair, Bret, Austin, Rock, Taker, and HBK. Your career isn't even worth against one time appearance from any of them.

You are exaggerating things here. I said that with Michaels as the man in charge, it MAY appeal to the fans and especially the kids. In their minds, they will think ''What difference is there between last year's Streak vs Career match and this year's? The match is recycled and Taker will obviously win. But with HBK added as the ref, there is an air of unpredictability surrounding it. (Will it overshadow Hunter vs Taker? It may very well be that way), is it disrespectful to HHH's career? It may very well be that way too) but will they care? I doubt so.

That's what he said during Bret vs Taker at Summerslam 1997 and Rock vs HHH at Judgment Day 2000. Regardless of what he say, people's mind can't be averted from the possible screw-job. In IWC, Taker vs Bret at Summerslam 1997 is known more as 'the match where HBK screwed Taker thus setting up their legendary feud" than a wrestling clinic.

And I remember watching Judgment Day 2000 with 3 of my friends and after the match they were talking about "HBK didn't screw Rock!" and "How cool it was Taker came as a biker!". Until now, I can't recall any of them talking about the wrestling clinic put by Rock & HHH that night.

Do u realize it now HBK's participation will only overshadow the quality of the match itself? Precisely my point.

Austin's retirement match at WM 19 and HBK's retirement match at WM 26 are both remembered as two legendary matches. I don't know whether it's funny or ironic if HHH's retirement match turns out to be perhaps the most underrated retirement match of all time.

Perhaps you are right, the feeling of a possible-screwjob is inevitable. Its down to the WWE then and how they book it.

I'll make this clear again. Taker & HHH can be as big as Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK if WWE let them do their in-ring psychology thing, HBK's presence will be too distracting because people will focus more on a possibility of a screwjob rather than enjoying the match like they did Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK. Because I guarantee you if Austin was playing special ref in Hogan/Rock or Bret was playing special ref in HBK/Taker, I doubt both matches will be remembered for their quality as they are today, but more for the fact "Austin didn't screw Rock" or "Bret didn't screw HBK".

But for argument's sake, if we're talking about history, this year is Taker vs HHH at WM 17 10th anniversary. That plus HHH's career is HUGE enough history for me.

Its huge enough, no doubts about it and The Undertaker vs Triple H Streak vs Career is definitely big enough to be one of the best matches in Wrestlemania history, I have never suggested otherwise.

No, but go ask yourself, is it really necessary?If HBK is booked as ref in Taker/HHH what will people care about more:

a. Will HBK screw Taker?
b. How good Taker/HHH is?

Dunno about u, but by the reaction on WS, WF, and WZ, I'm leaning toward option A. By the end of the match, almost the entire crowd will think "Thank God HBK didn't screw anyone" instead "The match rocks! And when I thought HBK/Taker can't be rivaled!".

I'm going to ask this one more time, doesn't anyone here find it ironic if HHH's retirement match isn't remembered for his possible performance of a lifetime but for the fact his best friend didn't screw anyone in the match?

This is where I am going to make my point. Last year's Mania drew 885,000 buys which is considered to be disappointing even though UFC ran a PPV the night before. Rumours are circulating that Vince is hell-bent on breaking a million buys this year, so obviously he would want to make the main event as attractive as possible. Of course HHH vs The Undertaker (Career vs Streak) is more than attractive. However, Vince is pressurising the creative to make as attractive as possible. So:

Will The Undertaker vs Triple H (Streak vs Career) draw?
- YES, no doubts about that


Will The Undertaker vs Triple H (Streak vs Career) w/ Shawn Michaels as the Special Guest Referee draw MORE?
- I don't know about you but i think the answer for the majority is YES.

Some fans will look back one year ago and this year. And they may be disappointed by the fact that the match is recycled and a desperate attempt to Draw ratings without some of its top stars.(With that being said, WWE can only blame themselves for the hole that they have dug)However, with Michaels added as the X-Factor, some of the fans might buy the event instead of steering clear of it because of some lazy booking by the WWE. The majority of them will buy the PPV but the X-Factor will draw more, it won't have a detrimental effect to the buyrates.

And in fact, you can't be 100% positive that The Streak will never end, it may and there is some fans out that that is begging for The Streak to come to a screeching halt. If the match goes as plan, it represents the best chance of The Streak coming to an end than all the other matches.

And if the match goes according to plan and HHH loses, who said it will definitely be his last match? We all know that The Game will be affiliated with the company and who can rule out that he will make a return in the squared circle even if he loses. There have been many that don't honour the word 'RETIREMENT' and since we all know that HHH will still be with the company backstage, behind the scenes and having every possibility that he will take over the company in the future. I don't rule out him making a return, not by a long shot.
I'm torn. Having HBK as the special ref could be good or it could be bad. It would be good, because having the fact that It's HHH and the fact HBK could be seeking revenge against the undertaker could make it a little less predictable.

On the other hand, It could be a bad idea because It will take away from the actual match, people will be to busy waiting to see what HBK would do, instead of the actual match.

Also, HBK is going to be inducted into the HOF as a face, the last thing they need to do is make him hated if he was to screw the undertaker.
You are exaggerating things here. I said that with Michaels as the man in charge, it MAY appeal to the fans and especially the kids. In their minds, they will think ''What difference is there between last year's Streak vs Career match and this year's? The match is recycled and Taker will obviously win. But with HBK added as the ref, there is an air of unpredictability surrounding it. (Will it overshadow Hunter vs Taker? It may very well be that way), is it disrespectful to HHH's career? It may very well be that way too) but will they care? I doubt so.

Suppose they don't, what about you?

Perhaps you are right, the feeling of a possible-screwjob is inevitable. Its down to the WWE then and how they book it.

They can book it like Shakespeare would, but that feeling will still come.

However, with Michaels added as the X-Factor, some of the fans might buy the event instead of steering clear of it because of some lazy booking by the WWE. The majority of them will buy the PPV but the X-Factor will draw more, it won't have a detrimental effect to the buyrates.

Suppose Michaels didn't screw anyone and the match ended fairly. Will people still buy the DVD? Cause u know, if he didn't screw Taker then why buy the DVD? What's there to be remembered? He didn't screw anyone and that's huge? Is WWE actually trying to sell HHH's retirement or HBK's possibly screwing anyone?

People purchase a WWE PPV if the matches are good or at least famous. I already made my point about Shawn's presence will undeniably overshadow the whole quality of the match no matter how good or how once in a lifetime it is. That means, the mind of the viewers will go like this:

1. Shawn didn't screw anyone.
2. The match wasn't special. (Actually it was, but people didn't even begin to realize about it cause their mind were too pinned on Michaels' presence. U know, the quintessence of magic is misdirection).
3. Nothing special on it....why would I buy it? I can always watch it on youtube.

As I said before, if Bret were to referee Taker/HBK, the match would be remembered more for Bret didn't screw HBK instead of its quality. And quality matches are more important than X-factor in terms of people wanting to buy a PPV. If X-factor actually plays bigger role than the quality of the match itself, then Wrestlemania 14 should have had the biggest PPV buyrate of all time because Tyson (the X-factor) screwed HBK there. Same applied with Survivor Series 1997 with the Screwjob.

But they didn't, did they? True, because X-factor never plays a big role on having high buyrates. The actual quality match does.

And in fact, you can't be 100% positive that The Streak will never end, it may and there is some fans out that that is begging for The Streak to come to a screeching halt. If the match goes as plan, it represents the best chance of The Streak coming to an end than all the other matches.

Goes as planned? You mean by having Michaels there? Doesn't that actually further prove my point, that HHH's career is nothing in front of Michaels' presence, to be even truer?

S*cks to be HHH, then. He's just named the most overrated wrestler of all time and now whether he wins a match against Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27 or not, the whole possibility of a screwjob will be remembered as a FAR bigger thing than his career.

And if the match goes according to plan and HHH loses, who said it will definitely be his last match? We all know that The Game will be affiliated with the company and who can rule out that he will make a return in the squared circle even if he loses. There have been many that don't honour the word 'RETIREMENT' and since we all know that HHH will still be with the company backstage, behind the scenes and having every possibility that he will take over the company in the future. I don't rule out him making a return, not by a long shot.

That means this match can possibly be as absurd as Undertaker vs Kane at Wrestlemania 20?

19-0 by defeating only 17 men. Only 12 of them are credible names. But 1 of them couldn't keep their word.

LOL at The Streak.
I explained this in another post I did, but I would have Shawn as referee in the Undertaker's match, especially if it is a "Career v Streak" match against Triple H.

Think of it. Triple H could tell Taker in a promo that he has an "ace" in his pocket for their match. Then, Shawn Michaels would come from behind, and give Taker the Sweet-Chin Music, and announce that he will be referee in their match at Wrestlemania.

This creates huge interest. Suddenly, Taker's streak is not guaranteed, because HBK is refereeing a match between his best friend, and the man who ended his career, (and stole his chance to perform at "Wrestlemania"). So, Taker's streak looks in dnager, as , for the first time, it isn't enough that Taker win, he has to rely on a possibly hostile referee counting his pin. It would also leave Michaels in a dilemma. Will he count the pin that ends his best friend, Triple H's career? Will he fast-count Taker, to get end Taker's career like Taker ended his? The speculation, and the storyline can really keep us on the edge of our seat, especially if HBK cuts promos.
I explained this in another post I did, but I would have Shawn as referee in the Undertaker's match, especially if it is a "Career v Streak" match against Triple H.

Think of it. Triple H could tell Taker in a promo that he has an "ace" in his pocket for their match. Then, Shawn Michaels would come from behind, and give Taker the Sweet-Chin Music, and announce that he will be referee in their match at Wrestlemania.

This creates huge interest. Suddenly, Taker's streak is not guaranteed, because HBK is refereeing a match between his best friend, and the man who ended his career, (and stole his chance to perform at "Wrestlemania"). So, Taker's streak looks in dnager, as , for the first time, it isn't enough that Taker win, he has to rely on a possibly hostile referee counting his pin. It would also leave Michaels in a dilemma. Will he count the pin that ends his best friend, Triple H's career? Will he fast-count Taker, to get end Taker's career like Taker ended his? The speculation, and the storyline can really keep us on the edge of our seat, especially if HBK cuts promos.

That also proves WWE can never let go of Taker/HBK. He already retired and he was proud of it, get over it. He respected his words and now he has to participate yet in another match featuring Undertaker? Wouldn't that cheapen his Hall of Fame Induction and his retirement as a whole? And what if he chooses to go fair and makes HHH lose? Another return to wrestling? One more match?

Despite his history as a special referee, I think HBK would be impartial in such a huge match, I mean let's take a look at his history as ref...

Bret Hart vs. Undertaker (Summerslam 1997)
HHH vs. The Rock WWE Title Match (Smackdown '99)
HHH vs. The Rock 60 Minute Ironman Match for the WWE Title (Judgment Day 2000)

These are the three I can remember....

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