Should Ric Flair the Nature Boy Retire????

Ive been looking at some other threads and there has been people suggetin Ric 'Natche' Flair to retire, I rekon he is one of the best in ring promos that i have evr seen. Has anyones seen the rivarly between him and eric bischoff the nWo vs the fou horseman??, well ahve a look at it in his DVD and Also the Monday Night Wars DVD, he is apsolutly the king of promos, and having flair gone, that missng peice of the puzzle will show!. Vince is really a dumbass and has to put Flair in the same fued as an examlpe like with Mick Foley, it was great, and also his Flair and Vince's fued back in 2002, suriously no way would such a ledgend, with 100% pops even if he is Heel!!! loll, suriously i want to see ur excuses for suggesting him to retire, ok he is old, but that mouth will keep on rollin even if he is 65!
As far as Flair still being in the ring actively? The proper question is actually: "Why hasn't he retired already?" Answer...Divorce! Homeboy has to pay his wife who is bleeding him dry in a situation not unlike Ricky Steamboat is in (although Flair at least gets to use his in-ring name, whereas Ricky's wife has possession of her ex's). No one is disputing the effectiveness of his promos, but I don't watch wrestling strictly for the goddamn promos. Wrestling is why I watch wrestling, and Flair can't do it worth a damn anymore. He's been relegated to putting over greenhorns and doing basement feuds with the exception of a couple bones the front office threw him in the last couple of years that were anti-climactic except for him almost getting killed in a ladder match with Edge. He needs to become management for a wrestler or stable that needs help getting over. He doesn't need to get in the ring anymore and continue to tarnish his legacy. Watch him on any given Raw since his return and you'd be hard pressed to find the average person that could believe he's a 16-time world champion. This stuff becomes more apparent every Raw I see him wrestle, and every time I flip in one of his old matches where he moves about three speeds faster and doesn't keep reverting to chops for every other move.
U Havsome points, but look my point is, have flair in promos to lead to a huge match, someone only in his league in wrestling type etc. Then yes have him manage a stable, like he did with HHH, thats why i brought up the thread of the horseman, he has to make a stable and make wrestlers, like Orton and Batista are now, flair helped them out with evolution.
Perfect, then. He could manage a number of young guns who need help in the personality department. Kenny Dyskstra and The WGTT are prime candidates of guys with loads of ability that will need some help getting and staying established. My point was basically that I don't want to see Flair anywhere near a ring unless he's either A. Talking or B. Interfering in his wrestler's match to try and get him/them a win. I posted in the Horsemen thread that I'd like to see a fresh group of youngsters that Flair could help develop the characters of and groom to be the New Horsemen. I think it could be a great opportunity to have Flair do something meaningful besides lay down for Kenny Dykstra and pretty much negate his title runs.
I agree that Flair is awful in the ring. It's not like Hogan wrestling now, because Hoagn was never a great wrestler anyway. If he insist's on wrestling then it should be on a yearly basis. He's become such a jobber over the past few year's that beating him mean's nothing. I'm worried that younger wrestling fan's wont recognise how good Flair used to be. 10 to 15 year old's are probably only going to remember him as just an old jobber, which is a shame.
flair still got 2 year on his contrac he sign a 3 year contrac for the wwe last year. so we still got 2 years of him +_+
Every one of his matches is the exact same thing. Knife edge chops, Flair runs toward his opponent but gets thrown over their shoulder, and Flair gets up on the top rope but never actually hits the move.
When I suggested Flair retire in the other thread I was saying so purely out of my own personal feelings, not giving a shit about the buisness and what he can do for it. He has done enough. I live dead center in the middle of Flair country-Charlotte. I have watched Flair since I was five. I remember going to the Independence Arena and seeing old NWA shows live when Flair was the champ. That is the guy who I want to remember. Not some jobber for shit talent who would be better suited cleaning up piss in the arena bathrooms. Flair IS wreslting to me and many other throughtout North and South Carolina. I don't wanna see him manage, I don't wanna see him interfere. If anything let him be RAW'S General Manager. He can still have time on the mic and get over with the crowd. Vince, stop ****ing out our icon!
No. Ric Flair is one of the greatest performers in the ring I've ever seen, if not the best. He is just too damn good to see him go now. No matter if you like him or not, he still works his ass off to make people like you proud. Ric Flair is probably the best wrestler i'm ever going to watch so i'm going to say that one more year won't hurt. He's the hardest working ''legend'' and i'm not afraid to say that. He's been one of the greatest since the 80's and is one of the most respected guys in the back. I respect that if you want Ric Flair to retire then say it. Don't go off and start bashing him saying that his whole legacy is ruined.
Listen, this is a man who in 1975 broke his damn back in a plane crash, and he can still outwork 75% of the guys on the card! He's been in just about every match imaginable: 2 out of 3 Falls, I quit, Street Fights, TLC, World, U.S., Tag Team matches. Hell he even ran Raw for a while. I dont think he should retire. Not in the next year. I still see one more world title run for him. He's done far more than Hogan to solidify his mark as the greatest ever. Did Hogan ever roll around in thumbtacks and fall off ladders, and still be remember for his wrestling classics with Rick Steamboat and Sting? Didnt think so. Flair has one more year in him, and one more world title run
Flair shouldn't retire until:

1)He is given one last run with the WWE Championship- Not a long run, maybe a month at most. After all we all saw he can still go in certain matches(ie, Ladder match with Edge last year).

2)Has a rubber match with HHH, b/c their feud was one of the best in 2005 and their matches stole the show at Taboo Tuesday and Survivor Series of that year. Maybe they could meet up at WrestleMania 24.

3)He has a WWE PPV Match with Hogan. These two have never had a PPV match in WWE(I believe) and I for one would like it to happen. It could have the same feel Flair/Sting had at the final Nitro in 2001 (knowing it is the final time they will meet one on one in the center of the ring).
I would just rather see Flair go out with a bang than with a whimper so if giving him one last world title run is what needs to be done than so be it. But don't let him punk out to a 20 year old who has barely gotten his f*cking feet wet.
Flair shouldn't retire until:

1)He is given one last run with the WWE Championship- Not a long run, maybe a month at most. After all we all saw he can still go in certain matches(ie, Ladder match with Edge last year).

2)Has a rubber match with HHH, b/c their feud was one of the best in 2005 and their matches stole the show at Taboo Tuesday and Survivor Series of that year. Maybe they could meet up at WrestleMania 24.

3)He has a WWE PPV Match with Hogan. These two have never had a PPV match in WWE(I believe) and I for one would like it to happen. It could have the same feel Flair/Sting had at the final Nitro in 2001 (knowing it is the final time they will meet one on one in the center of the ring).

I 100% Agree with the match with hogan, as well i would LOVE to have a Hogan w/Bischoff vs Flair that would be apsolutly awsome!!!!, as yes i rekon him having another title run would be mad, suriously lets say for example he wins it, the next raw ratings will go in the roof!!! i would like the WWE Championship for young guns like kennedy, cena orton etc, but te World Heavyweigt Championship for the oldies like Undertaker, Kane, Hogan , Flair, HHH, HBK, !! dnt i have a point!!
Yeah you got a point. However consider this, if Flair won the WWE Championship it would give them a reason to go back to the traditional belt(the one JBL held before losing it to Cena), cause Flair is a traditional champion and wouldn't want to carry around Cena's spinning belt.

We've seen Cena lose that belt before to Edge and RVD and they kept it around. And as much as I like that belt,which I do very much, I think it's time to go back to the traditional one and having a Flair title victory would do just that.

A month later Flair could drop the title to Orton,Edge, or even Nitro(who is next to be elevater imo) while at the same time giving the much needed rub to get them over as main eventers.

However, seeing him holding the World Heavyweight Championship again...wouldn't be too bad either.

Hopefully he gets one last run ala Hogan back in 2002.
I think Flair should win the rumble, go on to 'mania for his shot, win and retire the next night on raw as Champion. He deserves to leave the sport as a champion. I dont care what you say about Hart, Hogan or anyone else in this sport, there is no one as great as the Natre Boy
Ive been looking at some other threads and there has been people suggetin Ric 'Natche' Flair to retire, I rekon he is one of the best in ring promos that i have evr seen. Has anyones seen the rivarly between him and eric bischoff the nWo vs the fou horseman??, well ahve a look at it in his DVD and Also the Monday Night Wars DVD, he is apsolutly the king of promos, and having flair gone, that missng peice of the puzzle will show!. Vince is really a dumbass and has to put Flair in the same fued as an examlpe like with Mick Foley, it was great, and also his Flair and Vince's fued back in 2002, suriously no way would such a ledgend, with 100% pops even if he is Heel!!! loll, suriously i want to see ur excuses for suggesting him to retire, ok he is old, but that mouth will keep on rollin even if he is 65!


i want to see the old four horsemen back arn anderson
Listen, this is a man who in 1975 broke his damn back in a plane crash, and he can still outwork 75% of the guys on the card! He's been in just about every match imaginable: 2 out of 3 Falls, I quit, Street Fights, TLC, World, U.S., Tag Team matches. Hell he even ran Raw for a while. I dont think he should retire. Not in the next year. I still see one more world title run for him. He's done far more than Hogan to solidify his mark as the greatest ever. Did Hogan ever roll around in thumbtacks and fall off ladders, and still be remember for his wrestling classics with Rick Steamboat and Sting? Didnt think so. Flair has one more year in him, and one more world title run
Yes, we know his history. And it isn't 1975 anymore. Outworking 75% of the guys on a lousy show isn't something to run around town bragging about. How do you rationalize a world title run for a guy doing jobs to Kenny Dykrsta? That's right. You can't. Hogan has the same problem as Flair: He doesn't know when to hang up the boots for good and stay the hell away from the ring. Look, I love his classics with Steamboat and Sting as much as the next diehard smark, however, that doens't justify a fossil running around the ring with the speed of a snail using a basement arsenal of his old offensive repertoire. If you can watch some of his old classics and then his current performances, and still say that he should keep going, you must have your medication upped. He does need to retire. A long time ago.
I would just rather see Flair go out with a bang than with a whimper so if giving him one last world title run is what needs to be done than so be it. But don't let him punk out to a 20 year old who has barely gotten his f*cking feet wet.
That's just it. He's not going to get a title run and he has been punked out by a greenhorn and will likely continue to do so. I mean, how many title shots has Flair even received in the last few years? Can't remember any? Neither can I. He needs to retire and stay retired immediately. Otherwise, it'll be a slow death for his career and he'll be nothing more than a sideshow attraction, rather than what he used to be: the starred attraction.
As much as I respect Flair, enough is enough. They should have him have one last match with Triple H (when he gets back), have him go over, and then he can retire. While one more title run would be nice, he just couldn't carry the show anymore like he could back in the day. He needs to retire before he kills himself.
Flair to retire he still has name value whether or not u agree but he still has something to offer (i hope he becomes Michaels Manager damn that would be cool considering as ive said b4 he is in the top 4 as best manager ever)
I agree! Flair could always fall back to managing. He's great on and the mic and such a natural heel that he could easily get over someone like Kenny Dykstra as the next big thing in the wwe.
WWE needs to make Ric Flair a heel before he retires. When Ric Flair was a heel those were some of his best days back in the 80's winning world championships and also one of the greatest factions of all time the four horsemen breaking the rules even before DX or the NWO were around. It will help RAW out alot for the absence of Triple H.
Oh look, him as a heel is a very good idea, no matter how ric flair uses his heel type role, his mic work will be fantastic as he can really piss off his opponent.

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