Should Primo form a team with Tito Colon?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Over the weeks we're getting more and more tag matches and the announcers are also empathizing that the tag division is going to get revamped. As of right now we have three teams the Uso's, Otunga/Henning and Kofi/bourne.

Now I was looking at the FCW roster and Tito Colon who is Primos cousin has been on there for a pretty long time now. The point of this thread is do you think Tito will called up to team up with Primo? Would you like to see it?
if they do i hope they keep it only a team story,not like carlito and primo,they failed after carlitos heel turn, but it would be good to have the Colons again,diffrent but the same,
They should. There was never a wrong thing with the original Colon's pairing. But leave it to WWE to throw the old (and boy is it old) spatting bro's cliche for no given reason. They can redo it now. Let's hope they don't drop the ball a second time if they do.
They should. There was never a wrong thing with the original Colon's pairing. But leave it to WWE to throw the old (and boy is it old) spatting bro's cliche for no given reason. They can redo it now. Let's hope they don't drop the ball a second time if they do.

It would be spatting cousins though. Theres a massive difference.......ok, maybe not. Yeh good point - Hardys, Taker/Kane, Edge/Christian, Bret/Owen, Colons....anybody else??!!! Dont think the Dudleys ever did in WWE. Could be wrong.

Yeh put them together. One is doing nothing, the other is in FCW.
Yes! Primo is very talented and is being wasted. He works well in tag teams. The only issue is that I don't remember him ever really cutting a promo. Carlito did most of the talking for them. Not sure how Tito is on the mic but they would be a perfect team for Vickie's new stable if WWE sticks with that idea. If not her than maybe Jimmy Hart.
At this point I feel that's what Primo needs. A tag partner to help build both of them. They're both talented and could make good feuds with the Uso's.
I've Seen Primo Live When I Was At Raw Show In London Earlier This Year He Faced "Showtime" Percy Watson In The Dark Match And Cut A Good Heel Promo... Got A Good Reaction From The Crowd Then Lost To Percy In A Decent Back And Forth Match... The Same Night R-Truth Turned Heel Lol
I wouldnt mind seeing the team debut as heels I think Primo would be able to put on a fun 6-7 minute match with Kofi or Bourne to further advance the program.

I saw a couple of Titos match the guy botched some moves but was very smooth in transitioning from one move to another. I think this is what WWE should do with all the curiserweights (pair them up with another).
That would be a good idea. Ever since Carlito left, Primo has not been in any decent action. Being in a tag team would give him a chance to showcase his talent and would also be good for the revival of the tag-team division.

Hopefully, they will be a tag team for a decent amount of time rather than a two month program followed by a split and feud.
Yeah I think they should team. They would be a pretty exciting team as both men can put on exciting matches. They wouldn't be a team that are just two wrestlers thrown together (although I think Kofi and Bourne will be good) because they're cousins. I think it would be the best thing for Primo as he won't be doing anything in the near future but he's still a talented guy and having him team with Tito will atleast keep him on tv.
Primo still works for WWE?

Seriously, that was my initial reaction to this thread. That being said, if they bring up Tito to team with Primo then hopefully they do not try to recreate the Carlito and Primo team. They sucked. However if the two teamed up then I would support the idea since it would give Primo something to do and it could help the tag team division which desparately is in need of more people.

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