Should Morrison become a member of Edge's Stable


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Simple question, should morrison become the newest member of Edge's Stable.

I think he should. The Morrison character has taken a back seat in recent months, thanks to the steroid scandal, but it's time for it to be a frontliner in ECW/Smackdown.

The gimmicks are similar enough, Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. It's that entire lifestyle and very similar look that the guys have. It almost feels like it would be a perfect fit in that stable.

Morrison can win the ECW title, and the Majors get tag gold, you're talking about a pretty powerful stable, plus an allicane with Orton at pay per views, a way for Edge to watch his old pals back.. It would give the WWE a legitimately strong cross brand schedule in control of the 3 major titles.

What do you think, Morrison in or out?
I actually love this idea. It gives John Morrison some direction, which is anything but what he currently has teaming with The Miz. (honestly, going back to being a Tag Team Champion is a step backwards in the career path, not forward)

I think Morrison would get buried under Edge's stardom however, but collectively it could be just like any other faction. There is always a Main Event star as the leader (Hogan for the n.W.o. & Triple H. for Evolution) & then there is always a solid Main Event - ish star under them. (Hogan had Savage & Nash -- whereas Triple H. had all 3, other, members of Evolution)

Therefore, I think Morrison could build off this & possibly end up feuding with Edge in the long shot of things. Either way, I'd love to see them work together.. but if you pair too many look-a-likes together, you only end up blurring reality & making everything too alike.
The only fall-back is that it puts both Edge and Morrison back in the tag team ranks, after both of them worked hard to get away from that.
Well Morrison is in need of a (bad pun coming) edginess. The character is right, but it lacks depth. Edge has been proven to be a heat magnet. The guy generates heat like no other currently, and he is capable of making almost anyone a star by simply being associated with him.

I can only see good things coming from this. In a perfect world Morrison has the ECW title and feuds with Punk again with it. All the while something amazing happens, an MVP face turn feud with Edge for the WHC over the summer. By the end of that, you could have Edge feuding with his complete antithesis in CM Punk, which would be a helluva feud, and his protege in Morrison, with a back history of them being associated with each other.

But I agree though, Morrison with tag gold is a step back, he needs either the US or ECW belt, which at this point, I think the US belt has more value then the ECW Belt.
I think he should, He has great talent, and its getting waisted by having to team with the Miz. Morrison could win back the ECW title and then the stable could all have gold, Edge the world title and the Majors could have the tag gold. They would dominate, with Edge being the main leader, but Morrison also a bit of leader as he could get the majors interfearing for him in his matches. This could be a great Stable if they use it right and i think if they add Morrison it could elevate all superstars involved especially Edge as the ultimate heel.
Edge is already elevated to a top heel on SmackDown.

Morrison WAS until he was suspended. The main reason they aren't giving him a big push is BECAUSE of that. I guess they figure teaming with Miz is punishment enough.

Even if Morrison were to side with Edge, that would just put him in a secondary role. Morrison would become the new "Christian", if you will. Although, I suppose I could see that as a setup for a Morrison/Edge feud somewhere down the line.
I think this is a great idea. Morrison's carreer is going on a downward spiral. This could relly help liven up his carreer. There is one problem thouugh, like Will said if there are too many look-a-likes it will cause confusion.

This is also great because WWE is in need of a good stable. This will help that problem. Another thing is that Morrison lacks of fan reaction, while Edge draws heel heat like no other. So Edge can help Morrison out there. The Majors could win tag gold, Morrison could win the ECW title, and Edge could could remain world champ. Already here you have the best stable since Evolution. Another issue is that WWE has no other stables, therefore the "Edge-Heads" have no one to feud with.
I quite like this idea Morrison would fit in with the Edge heads perfectly his gimmick is alot like Edges Hawkins' and Ryder's which is that "Crewd Lewd and Tattoed" gimmick which is quite heelish and it gets the fans angry and upset and that is the whole point of a heel.

If Morrison, The Edge Heads and Edge all had the titles it would make quite a powerful stable it would be like Evolution straight after Armageddon 2003 but in a Rock & Roll sort of way it would be a great idea and maybe egnite some of the fire WWE used to have back in the day of Evolution.
this is a great idea and would give morrison the Rejuvenation that he so desparately needs

this can be so easily done aswell, have gm vickie set up a match for 'the edge heads'(cheesy) vs miz morrison have morrison turn on miz then we've got a solution to two problems miz is gone and we've got a better stable
morrison is a hell of an wrestler he should be in edge stable just to lead up to them having a feud which might turn morrison to a face and with a push like that and title talk that can may money out the you know what.
I have responded indirectly to this idea in a factions post but after reading this its a awesome idea...before the edgeheads were added to edge i thought edge should build a team with Helms and morrison. Morrison is a realy good wrestler and i hate that he is buried with the that guy sucks. I still hope to see Edge, Morrison, Helms and EHeads....
shit man this ideas almost too good for WWE, this could benefite absulutely everyone involved lets go down the list

Morrisson: Good performer but couldnt draw heat, working with Edge automatically draws heat and having him participate in Edges dirty tactics can only bring more heat to him

Majors: a tag team with no gimmick, bam theyre the Edge heads they screwed over everyones faorites Batista and the Undertaker and bam instant heat and a solid potential tag team title reign under their belts.

Edge: makes him a more solidified main eventer if there was any doubt before, leads the top stable in the WWE and jut keeps on drawing great heat.

and most importantly

the WWE: this will bring up the rating on both ECW and Smackdown because people will want to tune in every week to see the Edge army running rampant all over every show and theyll draw the best ratings theyve had in a while.

this is a win-win situation the WWE just needs to not be stupid about it and execute it correctly
Devils Advocate in 3, 2, 1...

There is one flaw in this idea. Morrison was a big part of ECW for the last year as a former champion. If they throw Morrison under Edge, it basically confirms what we all knew and feared - the ECW Championship is on par with the Intercontinental and US Titles, not the WWE and World Heavyweight titles. Morrison UNDER Edge would discredit the ECW Title.

Now if they put Morrison with Edge similar to what was done with Team Rated RKO, it'd work better. Morrison as a quasi-equal. I'd even keep the Miz with Morrison, and throwing Helms in is a great idea! But don't make Morrison into Edge's lackey, and DO NOT call him an "Edge Head." Talk about being buried.
There you go...if you think being Tag Team champion with Miz is a step backwards in your career, try being another lacky to Edge. What a truly stupid idea! Morrison has had his share of bad luck, most of it self imposed, but let the guy up. He was the IC champion and ECW Heavyweight Champion. Becoming an Edgehead is a one way ticket to the back of the short bus. Instead of killing his career for good the WWE should give him a chance to prove he can show case. He don't fit ECW so a move to Smackdown or Raw would be a positive (Anything getting him away from the reality show joke is actually a positive). A solid run as US or IC Champion could make him into a future asset to the company and give them the next World Champion or WWE Champion they so desperatly need with so few main eventers. Also keeping him a heel is his best bet. People hate him, he comes off as a huge jerk so why change what he appears to be best at.
I think this is an excellent idea for a great stable. Just keep Morrison the mid card guy. You got Edge as world champ, and the new edge heads running the tag division so put Morrison in the US title picture. i dont care for morrison but the whole Jim Morrison gimmick kind of flows with the Edge rock star thing.
Umm...No. Morrison is a pretty big single star in his own right. Plus taking Stars off ECW Would hurt the show. Also Edge has already got 2 young stars to help put over, adding Morrison would just create more pressure and more camera time needed. It just wouldn't work, not at this stage.
I think Edge needs someone to be the "United States/Intercontinental Champion" below him, like Orlando Jordan in JBLs cabinet, most stables have 4 people, main eventer, mid carder, and tag team, thats the way Evolution was, JBLs cabinet, DX (kinda), and The 4 Horsemen, but that mid carder can't be Morrison, he needs to stop taging with Miz and go back and beat MVP or Hardy for their titles, which would allow for MVP or Hardy to go on to the main event, which is where they're heading
Boy oh boy, people actually think Morrison is a bigger name then what he actually is? Teaming with the Miz is a better option then being the number two guy to the man that gets the most insane amount of heat in the company? I just don't understand that thinking.

Honestly, the guy has had some of the most forgettable title reigns in the WWE. The WWE tries to make him a great tag wrestler, but the tag division is shit. He puts on a below average ladder match with Hardy for an IC title that has had zero value for the last five years, and he has one of the worst reigns as a "world champion" with his brief but terrible ECW title. No one cares about this guy. How could sticking him with a guy that just smiles and gets booed out of the building be such a bad idea? Especially if Morrison is going to be the lead heel of ECW, he needs something to give him credibility.
It could work, they can dominate Smackdown!

First have Morrison traded to Smackdown, and have Matt Hardy win US Title. Then have Morrison win the title, and then he joins up with Edge saying they have similar goals in life...Sex,Money,Drugs,Violence,Rock and Roll. they join up, Tag TEam Champs, US Champ, WHC.
Yeah I think its a great idea, going back to evolution look what happened to all the members.Triple H added lots of world title reign's, Ric Flair's career was revived, Batista is a 3 time world champ, Randy Orton is a 2 time wwe champ and youngest world champ. I'm just saying being in a faction like that has sucess written all over it.
Yeah I think its a great idea, going back to evolution look what happened to all the members.Triple H added lots of world title reign's, Ric Flair's career was revived, Batista is a 3 time world champ, Randy Orton is a 2 time wwe champ and youngest world champ. I'm just saying being in a faction like that has sucess written all over it.

The thing is i think it would be a slap in the face to the ecw title and morrison, he cannot go back to mid card because he is a proven main eventer, yes he needs time to develop, i like the tag title situation do to the fact that him an the miz are proven main eventers in ecw, the miz himself is developing due to the fact that he is partnering with morisson, so my answer is no they want a midcarder take mvp not morrison
WTF? No! Basically if Morrison joins Edge then he turns into A.J. Styles. TNA fucked that guy up by taking him from main eventer and making him a kiss-ass sidekick. Morrison can be a main eventer so they shouldn't bury him like that. It's good for the Major Brothers because this actually moves them up but for Morrison that would be a HUGE step down.
morrison is probally the most talented wrestler in wwe as far as wrestling in the ring goes and his mic work is pretty good so he should be by himself move him to raw and give him the world title
morrison is probally the most talented wrestler in wwe as far as wrestling in the ring goes and his mic work is pretty good so he should be by himself move him to raw and give him the world title

First, I just want to say I love the way you think.. because I wish Morrison would become the next version of Edge in the future. (The guy who noone could've pictured being a cornerstone for the company, but grew into a Main Event spot)

However, moving him to Raw would only kill him instantly. Raw is the fast lane for already known mega stars. Mr. Kennedy is currently being killed, along with Umaga, & Carlito. Granted, some would argue any of them having true Main Event status.. but still.

The point is, John Morrison was a mid-carder on Raw, but became a Main Eventer on E.C.W. His next step is Smackdown, to possibly become face & feud with Edge, or become the next Main Event heel, to feud with the likes of Rey Mysterio & maybe even the Undertaker.

The only thing is, its so hard for me to imagine Morrison v. Undertaker, without it being Taker killing him. Whereas I can see Edge beating Taker at Wrestlemania, so in that.. Morrison needs to continue working on everything, to prove he has what it takes.
this is a great idea and would give morrison the Rejuvenation that he so desparately needs

this can be so easily done aswell, have gm vickie set up a match for 'the edge heads'(cheesy) vs miz morrison have morrison turn on miz then we've got a solution to two problems miz is gone and we've got a better stable

This is a very good point, and I have a feeling we may see a Miz and Morrison V Edgeheads match soon, problem is it's heels vs heels and by Morrision turning it makes Miz face, can anyone really see that happening?!

I love the idea of Morrison with Edge and cronies and I don't think he looks that similair, he's slightly taller and more ripped, plus his hair is dark brown, not blonde any more. Seems like its perfect for right now, do it WWE! please.

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