Should Money in the bank replace survivor series as one of the big four?


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I'll start this thread off by asking you guys to be patient with me. It's 5:10 am here in Australia, and I am fairly drunk.

Just a moment ago, I had a thought. Should Mitb replace survivor series as one of the big four?

Before you IWC yobbos start ranting and raving about how bad am idea this is, hear me out!

Think about it. Survivor series buy rates have been crap for years now,(despite being slightly up this year because of Rocky.), why not replace with a ppv with as big an impact as Mitb.

Everyone who has ever held the Mitb briefcase has gone on to cash it in successfully. So, considering the fact that Mitb has such a huge involvement in who ends up world champ, why is it not one of the big four?

When was the last time (before this year) that something important or groundbreaking happened at SS?

So, should Mitb replace SS as a member of the big four?

(for the record, I'm not suggesting SS
Should be abandoned, I'm just suggesting that Mitb is more important.)
I completely get what your saying, having said that I actually think MITB is better off where it is. It is forging a reputation as beiong one of the most exciting and important PPv's of the year without having to become one of the recognised top 4. This is reflected in its popularity as it crrently earns the WWE more money than any of the other non-big four PPV's I believe.

It will continue to earn a large amount of buys due to this regardless of its place on the WWE calendar and after last years brilliant show will possibly earn even more this year. I think if you moved Survivor Series out of its spot however, it would be as good as acknowledging its finished and would discourage viewers from buying it as it'd be like a public admission of its diminishing relevance. Theres a good chance it would fade into one of the generic PPv's of the year.

I think instead WWE needs to put more effort into revamping SS bringing back the traditional Survivor Series match-ups and featuring more big gimmick matches and make more effor with key stroylines building up to it in order to ake it feel like a monumental event again.
Absolutely not. MITB is nothing more than a gimmick to give midcard wrestlers who would never hold a world title otherwise a chance to hold one. Survivor Series needs to go back to the way it was when it first debuted in the 80's. It should be purely 4/5 on 4/5 tag team elimination matches, with an occasional title match thrown in as appropriate.

I wish MITB would just go away in all honesty. It devalues the world titles so much.
Survivor Series needs to get back to its original format of 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 matches. It has lost so much steam over the years and even The Rock couldn't save the Buyrates in 2011. Should MITB replace Survivor Series in the Big 4? Excellent question and I could argue for or against, but, did we not all think that King of The Ring should have been in the big 4 not so long ago, and what happened to that PPV? I say keep MITB where it is , it has meaning and suspense, just work on improving Survivor Series and bringing it back to its Glory days
Booking a decent Survivor Series card might be a good start. MITB obviously has more on the line, but I would honestly rather there only be one MITB match. Two is too much. Same with the Elimination Chamber. If it were later in the year with only one Chamber match it would free them up to get more creative with their booking and the chamber match itself would be an attraction instead of just a set up match for Wrestlemania. I would like to see King of the Ring brought back and have it be placed in EC's spot as the set up to WM. But it's a real shame that these ppvs are already more important than Survivor Series. It seems like it would be an easy fix if they actually cared to do so.
It's not a bad idea, given the importance that has been placed on the MITB matches, and the fact they essentially guarantee some sort of career elevation for the winner.

The problem would be in the timing. In order to really keep 'The Big Four' spread out, MITB would have to move in to that SS November slot. MITB tends to promote a lot of hot shot title changes, and that could be a bit dangerous going in to the RR and Wrestlermania season if not done properly.
I can understand where you're coming from and where you're going with this,but personally,I think the big 4 PPVs should remain the same. Why mess with tradition? Plus,I find it unnecessary to have 2 of the big 4 PPVs involve gimmick matches to determine the no. 1 contender for the WWE and World Heavyweight (YES! YES! YES!) Championship. We should leave each of the big 4 with their own selling point.

Survivor Series' drawing power is dwindling because it's lost its allure. It used to be full of traditional Survivor Series matches. Now it's maybe 1 or 2 of those matches,and then a bunch of singles matches. It's become a lot like a regular PPV in my opinion. What the WWE needs is to create a lot of smaller feuds in the lead-up to Survivor Series,so they can have at least 3 or 4 traditional Survivor Series matches. It doesn't even matter if the world champions don't defend their title at Survivor Series. The whole idea of Survivor Series is to have those traditional Series matches anyway. Hell,if they want the title defended,then add a stipulation in the match. Whoever's the winner of the match wins the title. That should add spice into the match.

MITB works well as one of the "smaller" PPVs which delivers the goods. Giving it the big 4 tag may put too much pressure on the product to live up to a certain expectation. Give it 20 years,then we'll see if MITB is still around.
It's not a bad idea, given the importance that has been placed on the MITB matches, and the fact they essentially guarantee some sort of career elevation for the winner.

The problem would be in the timing. In order to really keep 'The Big Four' spread out, MITB would have to move in to that SS November slot. MITB tends to promote a lot of hot shot title changes, and that could be a bit dangerous going in to the RR and Wrestlermania season if not done properly.

For this reason I already think MITB is too close to RR, WM. Unless the guy who wins MITB is the guy they want taking the title into Mania I would think MITB should either be at Wrestlemania or shortly after. This way the Summer can be about MITB and the fall and winter can be about getting ready for Wrestlemania. And honestly, I'm getting kind of tired of the pearl harbor style cashing in of MITB. It was once exciting, but now it seems a bit played out to me.
Let's rethink this whole Survivor Series as a top 4 thing.

The only reason why it was a top 4 is b/c there were only 4 PPVs. It was a way to get some extra PPV money from people who were home after Thanksgiving dinner. Also - it was a way to stick it to the NWA/WCW who had a free show running.

So I don't know how "big" it ever really was.

As for the 4/4 or 5/5 tag matches, the thing that made them so interesting (in theory, even if they really weren't, in execution) was that we saw matchups that we never would see on TV. Back then, there were only 2 hrs of TV (excluding Saturday Night's Main Event), which pretty much had stars/jobbers matches.

Today, we get PPV quality matches (at least in name, if not in practice) every week on Raw/Smackdown. So the idea of seeing 2 guys fight who we didn't think we'd ever see is out the window, since every match pretty much happens on TV.

So how do you make it better? The way you make every PPV better. Quality storytelling, angles that make sense, and high quality in-ring action.
I think WWE needs to revisit the tradition of Survivor Series instead of letting it slip out of the "Big Four". For all of us old time wrestling fans this event still has a huge nostalgia effect. For once a year they need to get away from having 2 world title matched and let some creative feuds develop. Let the champs captain against each other or against their rivals at the time and take the Championship out of the equation. Make it more about tradition and doing something different rather that seeming like almost every other PPV. Having a B or C team elimination match every year is getting stale.
raiden46 how does it devalue the world titles if im not mistaken mitb has been won by punk on several occasions and look at where he is now i think in all honesty it should be considered in the top 4 as it makes the winner a big success aka punk and miz as examples he two biggest winners of mitb in my opinion two of the best and biggest stars in wwe at the moment so yes in response to your question mitb should be top 4
I say that they need to save Survivor Series rather than nix it from the Big 4.
MitB is a good PPV, but not Big 4 material.

I think that Survivor Series does need some work though, it hasn't lived up to the Big 4 recently.
no, Survivor Series is an integral part of WWE history, if you have to destroy one of the big 4, use Summerslam. It is not a gimmick ppv, and August is a good time for somebody to win the briefcase, 8 months to cash in between then and Mania
raiden46 how does it devalue the world titles if im not mistaken mitb has been won by punk on several occasions and look at where he is now i think in all honesty it should be considered in the top 4 as it makes the winner a big success aka punk and miz as examples he two biggest winners of mitb in my opinion two of the best and biggest stars in wwe at the moment so yes in response to your question mitb should be top 4

Punk is the exception and not the rule. Look at Swagger, Del Rio, Mr Kennedy, and Miz. 3 of them won the belt, but virtually everyone agrees that those guys were not deserving of the belt at the time. MITB is a gimmick because it basically puts the world titles on a 24/7 rule where, as long as a referee is present, the contract holder could cash in the contract and attack the guy in his sleep and pin him. It's lame, bottom line. If MITB had a stipulation where the winner could cash in the contract, but ONLY in the event that the current champion has not previously wrestled that night, that would make it a little more meaningful. Even better, just make it so the MITB winner has to cash in at a PPV only. Having the world titles change hands on RAW/SD is yet another way to devalue the title IMHO. Top tier titles deserve the spotlight and shouldn't be thrown away on public access TV.
Punk is the exception and not the rule. Look at Swagger, Del Rio, Mr Kennedy, and Miz. 3 of them won the belt, but virtually everyone agrees that those guys were not deserving of the belt at the time. MITB is a gimmick because it basically puts the world titles on a 24/7 rule where, as long as a referee is present, the contract holder could cash in the contract and attack the guy in his sleep and pin him. It's lame, bottom line. If MITB had a stipulation where the winner could cash in the contract, but ONLY in the event that the current champion has not previously wrestled that night, that would make it a little more meaningful. Even better, just make it so the MITB winner has to cash in at a PPV only. Having the world titles change hands on RAW/SD is yet another way to devalue the title IMHO. Top tier titles deserve the spotlight and shouldn't be thrown away on public access TV.

So basically you want to take the surprise factor out of Mitb. Surprise is pretty much the whole concept of Mitb.

World title changes have been happening on free to air for years. For example. Between 29/6/98 and 8/10/01, the WWE Championship changed hands 7 times on free to air. Since the inception of Mitb at WresteMania 21, the WWE Championship has changed hands 5 times on free to air (I'm not including the World Heavyweight Championship here). Not to mention, only one change was a Mitb cash in. If anything or anyone devalued the title, it was the Attitue era, not Mitb.
You can't just replace a big four.. Survivor Series isn't a big four because it was just named as one of them.. It's one of the big four because well it was the 2nd biggest ppv to come after WrestleMania!

Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series are and will always be the top four! History says it all..
No. Money in the Bank is a good match but should really just stay at Wrestlemania. Survivor Series should go back to the classic format with just elimination matches. Without them, it's just like almost every other ppv. MITB isn't really worth a ppv of it's own.
Survivor Series has been around for over 20 years. It has far more history than Money In the Bank does, thus it is more important to keep around in brand name and the nostalgia it provides in the traditional elimination matches. Money In the Bank has already grown into a must-see show in my opinion, and the PPV itself is only 2 years old while the match concept has been around since 2005. However, it's too soon to consider making it into one of the big four though. Even if MITB had been its own PPV from the moment the match type was created, it would still be too young of a show to join the likes of The Big 4 who offer PPV event brands that are all 20+ years old.

The Big 4 are called that for a reason. Survivor Series might see low buyrates these days, but that is not enough to knock it down from the level it is at historically. Shows such as Elimination Chamber, Night of Champions, and Money In the Bank gain more prestige each year and will one day reach the heights that Survivor Series is currently at. This is a discussion we should be having several years in the future, not now. It's still too early. You cannot replace two decades of tradition with a show that had two memorable cards. If it were to deliver strong shows for the next 5 to 10 years, then perhaps it's time to start considering such a change, but even then, Survivor Series will have been around for over 30 years by that point. Nostlagia is a powerful thing and it will keep Survivor Series alive.
NO WAY! Not only is it one of my favourite PPVS but it is also one of WWE's, hence the reason why it has been around for more than 20 years. It is a great PPV and it would be stupid to get rid of it. It is a great way to set up feuds in the Elimination match, it is also a great way to end the feuds as well. It's always fun to watch and always brings out some good matches. Lets younger talent have some more time in front of the big time while also keeping the vets and the main eventers on the card as well. It has to stay.
No. Money in the Bank is a good match but should really just stay at Wrestlemania. Survivor Series should go back to the classic format with just elimination matches. Without them, it's just like almost every other ppv. MITB isn't really worth a ppv of it's own.

I agree. Giving it a card of elimination matches makes it stand out and it gives undercard wrestlers a rub by saying they eliminated one of the uppercard stars and can be used to set up feuds afterward. MITB helps out too as a way to get somebody into the championship matches without too much buildup but it really should stay as just a Wrestlemania thing.
No. You should never replace any PPVs from the classic Big Four. That's ******ed. its like changing history. Money in the Bank should have stayed at Wrestlemania, where it belongs and not as a PPV.
No you mongulated butt-wad survivor series is my second favourite ppv after summerslam and I'm keeping my faith that they're going to bring it back to its original format.
I don't even like the money in the bank ppv and sure as shit don't think its important.
no. Why would you even suggest that? First off they need to bring back the tradional Servivor Series. The WWE creative team are just stupid. Why would you creat Braging Right when you have Servivor Series? They are almost the same concept.
Anyway the MITB shouldnt even have its own PPV, it loses its prestige. I like it at WrestleMania and if not there, I wouldnt mind it moving to SummerSlam.

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