Should Mark McGwire be in the Hall of Fame?


Excellence of Execution
This is a topic that gets me upset every time I hear about it, because so many people, in my opinion, have the wrong opinion.

Should Mark McGwire be in the Hall of Fame?

Career statistics:

.263 BA
583 HR
.588 Slugging
1414 RBI

For years, it was said the magic mark for HOF is 500 HR, and McGwire has that one easily. And yet, many people predict he won't be in. Why? Because people THINK he took steroids. Nevermind the fact that NO ONE has been able to prove it, and even if he did, he did it in a time when it wasn't against MLB rules to use it. In America, there used to be something called "innocent until proven guilty".

In my opinion, Mark McGwire deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, both for his career statistics, and for being credited as helping to bringing the game of baseball back.
Of course Mark McGwire should definitely be in the hall of fame. His numbers speak for themselves. The homerun chase between him & Sammy Sosa brought lots & lots of fans to the baseball parks & made other fans watch it from home. He is in the same type of situation as Barry Bonds except Bonds broke Hank Aaron's record. I don't think whether you took steroids or not should be the reason to get into the hall of fame.
McGwire does deserve to be in the MLB HOF, but I don't think it'll happen becasue the baseball writers seem to forget that they are suppose to be inducting people based on what they did on the field and the impact in that they made on the game, McGwire is one of the guys that with the HR race made baseball relevant again, without him there may not even be a league anymore, so I'd say he made a pretty huge impact on the game, and one that is worthy of a spot in the HOF
When I hear this question, there's two numbers that come to my mind: 1998, and 70. McGwire, and Sammy Sosa to a lesser degree, put on the greatest performance in the game's history in 1998. Were they on steroids at the time? Likely, but if you're a baseball fan, there's no way you didn't enjoy that. That's the summer that got me hooked on the game. The sport was in trouble after the strike and those two took it on their backs and saved it. I could care less about what he did or didn't do. McGwire should get in for saving the game.
Ok, you know what I really tend to notice about these kinds of things...our generation is the one that supports these guys but the people voting (who are mostly old guys from "back in the day") don't. That's not to say I don't respect what the players of old in baseball and all sports did..but this is the era that these younger guys were a part of, it is what it is. And in baseball it was the steroid era where it seems not just some or a sizable portion, but MOST of the players were probably taking steroids which would then eliminate most competitive advantages. I find the same thing true in music and film, with these older style movies getting the nods, but some of the better ones don't even get a mention (ala Dark Knight's lack of Oscar nominations).

Anyway, did Sosa and McGwire take steroids? I like to think they didn't, but truthfully with their change in body size and just the sheer amount of home runs during that season and especially the magical summer of '98, it seems they did. That hardly means it's true though..for God's sake give the guys the benefit of the doubt. You don't want them in the Hall...then prove they did something to not deserve, because it's pretty damn obvious that their career IS their case they they do deserve it.
On his stats at face value, yes he should get in. When you take into account that the Baseball Writers are stingy bastards and simply won't want to be known as the guys that let the cheaters in. And yes sly, this is america, and this is freedom of blah blah blah, innocent until proven guilty, but Major League Baseball is not America. The Hall of Fame is not Major League Baseball. It's voted upon by independent writers, not by members of congress. Innocent until proven guilty means nothing, the court of public opinion is the only thing that matters, and McGwire certainly didn't help himself at Congress.

If guys like Bonds, Palmeiro, and Sosa get in, along with guys like Clemens on the pitching side, then most certainly McGwire should be in. If this is universal and across the board that those guys aren't getting ni, then I have no problem with McGwire sitting out. Hell, if Pete Rose, the games Hit King, can't get in for what I consider a lesser offense, then certainly the homerun juicers don't deserve to be in.
without a doubt, Big Mac was one of the greatest power hitters to ever play the game. In 1998, Baseball was working its way out of a slump and it took two guys to put on a show of a life time, and if it wasn't for that chase baseball wouldn't be the same.

anyways, i dont even think its about the steroids, i think its about what he did at the congressional hearing, the man did beat around the bush, but to be fair i dont blame him, he was trying to save his name, and the name sake of professional baseball.

If i can recall McGwire admitted to taking creatine, which at the time wasn't illegal, so with his numbers and some "false" accusations i believe Big Mac deserves to be in the HOF.

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