Should Lashley Get The Push ?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
On the WZ homepage there is an article on how Dixie Carter is holding off on the big push Bobby Lashley was suppose to be getting. Dixie doesn't want to give him the push because she feels his MMA career is a distraction. Instead she is high on pushing young and full-time TNA wrestlers such as AJ Styles, Hernandez, and Matt Morgan. I find this to be surpriseing, seeing as how Dixie was talking about Lashley as if he was best thing to happen to TNA during that interview a while back on IMPACT. Do you think Lashley has enough has enough mainstream appeal to put TNA on the map? I remeber Dixie saying in that interview, that the goal was to have Lashley as TNA world heavyweight champion, and an MMA heavyweight champion at the same time. Do you think we will ever see this happen? And despite what his intentions are with MMA, do you think Lashley should get the push?​
idk if he should at first when he came deff i thought he should jump right into a program with angle but then he was gone for a month. i think dixie is right, dont push lashley if he has the MMA going on...he could be the world champ then he gone for 2 or 3 weeks bc of the MMA then what u gonna do about building up the story line bc u know they just make lashely lose the belt. He needs to pick wa he wants to do TNA or MMA and plus im not all impressed with him in the ring...this choke hold is gay he gets no reaction from the crowd he should of just stayed with WWE he would of been main eventing by now and prob wuould of been WWE and or world champ already.
No, TNA has too many issues at this current time to put all the marbles behind a guy who is clearly more invested in his MMA career than pro wrestling. As for the man himself as a preformer, well he's not bad, but he's not that good either. Sure he looks like a million bucks, but his ring work is nothing to talk about really, kinda status quo big man and we all know what kinda spot the status quo big man type holds down these days, don't we? (big show, Umaga, Abyss, Kane, Khali,)

In order to be a top guy, in most cases you have to have a neck or at least something semblent of a neck.
Bobby looks a bit like ram man from masters of the universe, and I for one, thinks that works against him.
Then of cousre there is his mic.....(yawn), so dull, so very typical.
I"m not really a hater of the guy, he just seems very "middle of the pack" t me. I dont watch MMA and i've never seem him fight, he may well be great at that, but as a pro wrestler, I think he has a very clear ceiling in terms of his potential.

But despite what my opinon is of him, I think my first point is concrete company common sense, TNA needs to back a full timer.
Lashley isn't an established name. He's only a former WWE wrestler. He hasn't had a distinguished career that would warrent him being TNA's next big thing.
Should Lashley do well in MMA I could see TNA using him as it would be a big help to them. But unless that happens, no way.
Also remember, should Lashley get signed by the UFC his pro wrestling days are over.
Lashley isn't an established name. He's only a former WWE wrestler. He hasn't had a distinguished career that would warrent him being TNA's next big thing.
Should Lashley do well in MMA I could see TNA using him as it would be a big help to them. But unless that happens, no way.
Also remember, should Lashley get signed by the UFC his pro wrestling days are over.

Lashley was in a feud with McMahon for about Lord Knows how long.:banghead: Lashley was 1 of the top babyfaces in WWE next to John Cena at one point. Lashley was established without winning any of the big WWE 2 world titles. He was a man that WWE rammed down our throats, so he was definitely a big deal. The problem is that Lashley took too long to come to TNA & MMA after he left WWE. He wore off his name value by doing that but nonetheless you can't take away from his WWE starpower.

As for the decision, I feel Dixie is right. The level that Lashley is on is alright. But at the same time, I don't see how she can do that but yet sit in a sitdown interview on tv for the first time ever and make such a big deal out of Lashley.:banghead:
I think Dixie Carter is using good judgment...I personally don't find Bobby Lashley the least bit interesting. He has ZERO charisma and I can't imagine getting behind him or wanting to see him getting beat bad enough to get excited about a feud with him facing anyone. I do admit that the end of last week's Impact was exciting with Samoa Joe coming out and choking Lashley out, but I also have to admit that I liked it because it was a very "Joe" thing to do...this feud will be the litmus test for me...if Lashley makes this feud exciting, then maybe he'll be earning his keep...but truth is I expect Joe to do all the work and sadly the job.
I think that TNA probably regrets whatever inflated price they paid for Lashley. WWE tried to turn him into a new Brock Lesnar, but he had less charisma and less athleticism while carrying however much steroid muscle he has. I split WWE castoffs between WWE Rejects, who TNA should almost always give a shot to, and WWE Retreads, who had a legitimate shot in WWE and didn't pan out or outlived their usefulness.

Lashley is a WWE Retread. Couple that with splitting time between TNA and MMA, and he's a lot less attractive. And if he doesn't do well in MMA, he's useless to TNA.

That said, if he does become champion in an MMA league, they should give him the belt then.
When Lashley first came back at the pvp i was like "wow thats a person I haven't seen in ages" he wasn't that bad in wwe If he would have stayed a few more months he would have been a big champ and would i guess prob be the big "face of smackdown" even to this day if he was still in wwe.

BUT his ship sailed in the wwe and it honestly has in TNA give him a few decent matches but i agree holding off on his push was a great idea if they would have done it over the first few weeks he came into TNA he would have prob already been champ by now.

I will be interested to see what he does against Joe at BFG it will be his first "real" match and as much as they push joe as being unstoppable it should be a decent match as long as everything goes right..

TBH he doesn't deserve a push period maybe give him the crappy legends title or something.. hes a name for TNA to use and they have used it okay so far and will continue to but I don't see him ever being a true world champ trying to juggle MMA and TNA.. he either needs to pick one now or just give up with wrestling full time and stick with MMA which is why he quit wrestling in the first place..
Lashley is like Hogan as far as wrestling moves go. He is big and invincible with the same basic 4 to 5 moves. The problem is Lashley isn't even in the same league as Hogan or has the charisma. I think Lashley made a huge mistake not staying in WWE to make a name for himself. He could of been as big as Cena or Lesnar. Now we will never know because he is wasting his career in MMA just like he is in TNA.

Lashley shouldn't receive a huge push because he hasn't done anything to deserve it. He can't cut a promo to save his life, or wrestle a decent match. Lashley is too concerned with MMA to be effective in TNA. If UFC calls him or MMA offers him some sort of lucrative deal, we will never see Lashley in TNA again. We might see him after he totally bombs and gets his ass kicked in MMA or UFC.

This guy is just another body building freak with no charisma or talent. If he wasn't as big as he is, we wouldn't even be talking about him.
Lashley was in a feud with McMahon for about Lord Knows how long.:banghead: Lashley was 1 of the top babyfaces in WWE next to John Cena at one point. Lashley was established without winning any of the big WWE 2 world titles. He was a man that WWE rammed down our throats, so he was definitely a big deal. The problem is that Lashley took too long to come to TNA & MMA after he left WWE. He wore off his name value by doing that but nonetheless you can't take away from his WWE starpower.

As for the decision, I feel Dixie is right. The level that Lashley is on is alright. But at the same time, I don't see how she can do that but yet sit in a sitdown interview on tv for the first time ever and make such a big deal out of Lashley.:banghead:

Ok....and? Anyone who thinks Bobby Lashley is such a great wrestler/personality that they'd watch TNA to see him is taking someone else's medications. You are right that he was RAMMED down everyone's throat. US title, ECW what? He was crap on the mic and crap in the ring. WWE is better off that he quit.
I think Lashley should be built up more before actually being in any major feuds over titles. Also its actually smart that Dixie is not pushing bobby that much cause if there was a chance for him to go to ufc or Strikeforce full time I think he would go and leave tna.
I'm not surprised Dixie Carter is starting to feel this way regarding Lashley. To be honest, I had a feeling that she might go down this road after she really came to realize that TNA is ultimately going to play second fiddle to Lashley's MMA career. I think it's a good decision because there may be times that Bobby Lashely will be gone from TNA for months at a time to train for an upcoming fight. Because of that, you can't really put a title on the guy.

Lashley is decent in the ring, he's a big powerful guy with a great look to him. However, he's not nearly as good as TNA has tried to hype him up to be. Personally, I feel the way TNA handled his build up was awful. To listen to them talk, you'd think Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock was coming to TNA and Lashley is nowhere near that level. Lashley is decent in the ring, but he's far from great. Also, he doesn't have nearly the degree of star power that TNA has made him out to have.

As of now, Lashley is just another failed attempt on TNA's part to generate ratings and interest by bringing in someone that was pretty well known in the WWE. The only real difference between Lashley and most of the other former WWE stars is that Lashley is much younger and hasn't accomplished nearly as much.
I just have never been able to really like lashley, i know he has all the physical tools in the world but he has never really had a memorable match and is terrible on the mic. He would benefit greatly from a mouthpiece. The most important thing is where is his heart truly at? If the UFC called tomorrow and offered him a contract he would give up wrestling in a heartbeat. Is that the kinda guy you want to push to the moon?
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