Should John Cena turn heel?


Is a thin rope
In responce to Coco's post in the John Cena thread I decided that it would be best to create a thread in which to specifically discuss a heel turn from John Cena. This would prevent a discussion on whether ot not it should happen from being interrupted by people arguing about whether or not John cena sucks. Everyone else may i remind you that: this thread is solely for discussion of a John Cena heel turn. Discussion about anything else to do with John Cena should go in the official John Cena thread.

So I've said time and time again (or at least I will when discussion of Cena vs. Taker heats up some more) that if Taker is gonna face Cena at Mania that the big heal turn would really give a huge spark to the product heading into the new decade and that the Cena heel turn discussion is finally worth having. This is especially true if Cena is going to end the streak, one of kayfabe's last big mountains. If anyone is gonna end a streak people go crazy about like Taker's, it should spark something huge. A well-played Cena heel turn should be that thing, and they should be thinking at least a year in advance when it comes to Cena at this point if that's the case. They don't want to fuck this up.

Anyway, does anyone semi-suspect that maybe (PERHAPS?) the promos Jesse and Carlito have cut on Cena over the last two weeks are laying the ground work for such a turn? When I think about the Cena heel turn, I see him blowing his stack over getting shit on for so long over hogging the spot-light, being stale, being a guy with "the look", being a "goody-two-shoes", etc. Doing this against a guy like Taker, evil incarnate being worshiped indisciminately by the fans, seems like a story that should write itself. Am I the only one who a) thinks this is a great idea?, b) wants to see this?, c) thinks it will happen? I mean in recent weeks, something seems to have lit a fire under WWE's ass when it comes to new directions and building new things. Are we in for the biggest new thing of all at Wrestlemania?

The beauty is that people are so conditioned to blowing off thoughts of a Cena turn that when it happens, most people will be caught way off guard.

Personally I agree that if Cena vs. UT happens Cena will have to turn heel. The majority of fans will cheer for the deadman over Cena. UT consistently gets the biggest pops of the night. The WWE should recognise this and turn him heel, even if it's just short term while he's feuding with the pop magnet.

As for how he should turn, it could be done in any number of ways. He could give the Rock (or another fan favorite guest host) an attitude adjustment after setting him up in a big match that he doesnt like. followed by a promo on how 'the guest hosts are holding him back and making him wrestle people who arent worth his time. They could have 'Taker challenge Cena at 'Mania (and then Cena cut a promo/rap about how he's better than the deadman) or any other way. but he needs to turn to maximise the impact of a feud with the Undertaker at wrestlemania.
I don't feel it's necessary to build Cena as a heel going into the match. However, I feel that coming out of the match, especially if he wins, he should go heel. I've been saying for years that this is a pointless discussion, but the first time I feel as though all of the pieces are slowly falling into place.

WWE has been telling us for the last couple weeks, and I don't see it stopping here, that the current crop of main eventers are stale and that they hear what we're saying about John Cena. What better way to capitalize on this than by having Cena blow his stack and finally get fed up with it all against a guy who is pure evil yet never suffers any ill-thought from the audience? If they're going to end the streak, and Cena's the best candidate there will ever be for that, then it should spark something huge. You don't end one of kayfabe's last great holds on the wrestling audience, the thing that people (for reasons I can't explain) believe is the end-all/be-all of Taker's legacy, and just let it fade into the back-ground. For those who WWE's trying to win over right now by proving that it's not stale and that they do care, would anything win them over more than WWE begining the new decade by setting off a powder keg like this?

Cena winning by choking Taker out in the STFU would be ideal for me. The heat would be nuclear. You could easily have the show end with Cena laying in a savage beatdown on a victorious Undertaker, but it woulnd't have anywhere near the same impact as Cena ending the streak.

Taker has a great legacy and this won't erase it. Guys are meant to go out on their back, one gear gets taken out of the machine and another money making gear (Cena as a heel) gets put in. If Taker cares about the wrestling business, the steak will end one day.

Cena's the best candidate as he's the biggest name in wrestling and is the definition of a company man. Best not to waste it on some random up-and-comer who may leave or a guy like Kane who won't do much of value with the win.

New top faces? There are obvious rematches with Taker down the road, his matches with DX will seem fresher with him as a full blown heel, Orton could always go face and gets better pops than he has any right to, Christian, Kofi, and several other guys are heading towards the main event at a high speed, and Edge will likely return as a face. I think we're covered in the face department.

IMO, this discussion is serious worth having. As such, WWE should have the next year of Cena's career mapped out should they decided to pull the trigger. You don't wanna fuck up something this big.
Coco, you should be a judge for the DL. Easy way to build up post count.
I think Cena needs to stay face because of the fact that the WWE hasn't built up younger face talent. The problem with Kofi, Morrison, and other undersized wrestlers... is that they don't really have the "it" factor to carry a program. They are mostly undersized and I think get lost in the mix with the other 5-10 wrestlers just like them. It is their job to stand out, and until then Cena really can't go heel. If he does, who besides DX could actually carry a program as a face? Kofi's character is still in development, and Orton can't act as a face. So... my point is that unless another Stone Cold, The Rock, Mick Foley, or someone else comes along... he should not turn heel. The younger wrestlers are still in development....
Whoever moved this thread has made me proud. Your former leader values this.

That would be me. I could have sent it to the Trash, but I figure ... "Meh, why not allow these threads to stay open. Just not in the Main Section where they've been done to death." I have a tendency to send Rejected Threads from the Non-Spam Section here, where as at least they will stay open for the Thread Starter, as opposed to outright deleting them. I appreciate your comments, Ricky.

Now, back to Cena turning Heel.

Good move. Needs to happen, in my opinion. BUT, before it can, WWE needs a HUGE face to take his place. And I just am not seeing that person right now.

So unfortunately, now is NOT the time to do it.
I don't really care, he's ugly either way.
Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock have all turned heel when they were the top babyface, I think Cena could pull it off, and still be a huge draw/merchandise peddler.

But frankly, I hope he stay's face just to hear everyone bitch, moan, and complain :)
Well im suprised this thread hasnt been filled with ITS NOT RIGHT TO TURN JOHN CENA HEEL BECAUSE HE'S THE TOP FACE AND WWE WILL LOSE MONEY because that's all im hearing from anybody i ask the question to.I personally would start watching raw again if they turned him heel and go back to his old dr of thuganomics heel and do some hilarious treats to triple h or shawn michaels.

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