Should James Ellsworth Become A Cruiserweight Contender?

In one word, No way!

Attention to the division by a jobber like James Ellsworth? The division that already boasts of Neville, Austin Aries, Akira Tozawa, TJ Perkins, The Brian Kendrick, Gran Metalik, Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann and Jack Gallagher doesn't need someone like James Ellsworth to bring attention to the division.
Ellsworth is fine where he is. A boyfriend/manager for Carmella. It helps Carmella's growing character a little bit each week. He had enough attention already main eventing vs AJ Styles on SD.
No. They finally have people staying to watch after Smackdown and people are actually into Aries vs Neville. With that being said they still have guys that get bigger bigger than Ellsworth who can actually have good matches. Gallagher is at least near Neville / Aries despite him kind of being pushed aside for Aries. He had a great match with Neville not too long ago and actually got the crowd invested. He also manages to get better comedy angles than Ellsworth without doing nearly as much.

I rather them continue to slowly progress and continue to polish their overall show than get a guy who overstayed his welcome in less than a month who's less popular with much, much more TV time than 4-5 of the Cruiser weight wrestlers.

HoHo Lun is yet to debut. They are pushing that WWE x China agenda still, and he's a key signing they got for that. The Bollywood Boyz aren't being used. I think they were literally just on the debut episode of 205 Live. Gallagher can still be used within the main title picture post-Mania. Noam Dar, Brian Kendrick , Cedric Alexander, Swann, and even TJ are in a booking limbo when they can be used to heavier / better extents.

I rather them continue to do what they have done. It's safe, and a little slow but it has been working. I rather them not add a guy who AJ Styles and Ex-Shield member Dean Ambrose couldn't make interesting or funny for more than the initial gag.
When Ellsy finally gets too stale to justify any role on the main roster, they should let him go. But if they don't, I think if he went away, worked his ass off to build his body and change his hair, they could definitely make him a part of the division. If his work rate was on par anyway. But that really is a long shot. Now now. Not any time in the immediate future. Not as he is now.
Ellsworth was fine when he first debuted. He was hilarious against Strowman and when he paired with Ambrose against Styles, he was still entertaining, but the bloom came off the rose pretty quickly.

Now he's Carmella's gansta pal. He's fine where he is, doesn't get too much TV time and that's okay. His comedy routine has become stale so the less seen of him the better, all he does is echo was she says.

The cruiserweights are trying to grow the division, adding someone like him would take them back a few steps. He's just not good enough to go with any of those guys on that roster. Ellsworth has one move and thats the superkick, which means he's better off outside the ring. When they start picking people to future endeavor he'll be high on the list.
Ellsworth is doing fine where he is right now. He's harmless in his role as Carmella's lackey and isn't on TV a whole helluva lot so I'm perfectly fine with where he's at.

WWE has firmly established Ellsworth as easily the single least threatening member of the entire roster male or female. His time with Ambrose & Styles ultimately portrayed him as a hopeless underdog with comedic overtones that ultimately suggested that the guy was destined as a comedy jobber. The Cruiserweight Division is getting a lot of attention as it is, it's getting more positive attention right now than either the Raw or SmackDown tag team divisions, and the addition of a comedy jobber like Ellsworth to its ranks is, in my estimation, the very last thing that it needs.
I would not have an issue with Ellsworth entering the Cruiserweight division, perhaps at the request of Carmella after she has failed to win the Smackdown Women's title.

However, as with Styles/Ambrose, he should not be portrayed as an actual threat, either failing to earn a title match by never beating anyone or only obtaining a title match through fluke or Carmella's mouth, before proceeding to be massacred by Aries or Neville.

Perhaps in the long run, Ellsworth's future is an intergender match against Carmella (which he loses).
No that's a really bad idea. Ellsworth is a jobber's jobber. Have him be comedic relief and be in a role like Santino. Just be go out there, be silly, and allow him to get squashed by literally anyone on the card depending on who needs a win over an enhancement talent the most at that particular show. If this means the cruiserweights can defeat him too, fine. Neville, Aries, and the rest of the 205 Live guys could benefit from that. Ellsworth could job to anyone but he should never be anywhere near a title shot of any kind again, and that includes the Cruiserweight Championship.
I have no idea what he is capable of doing. I assume he is a better wrestler than what we have seen. I also assume he can improve his wrestling. If he can do that then I see no problem with joining the Cruiserweight Division and contending.

What he is doing now is just fine though.

Edit: this is the Cruiserweight Division we are talking about. I don't care what they do with it. Put the title on him, or me, doesn't really matter.
I think the Ellsworth craze is pretty much over by now, he'S great in his current role with carmella and i can't wait to see what he will do at mania has carmella'S manager/friend/boyfriend but in no way, should he go even near the cruiserweight division at this point. The division is already looked at as a joke by some fans, bringing in another comedy character in the division would pretty much killed it instead of helping it.
That would seem like it would bring some attention to the division.


The guy is a joke. I never got his appeal. He's not even good for comedy. He and Carmella aren't even a thing. They're a weird pairing that legit do nothing. Whoever gave him a 2 year contract wasted the company's money. In a division still trying to solidify itself and find its own identity, bringing in a nobody from the main roster would be poison. I legitimately can't think of a worse idea for the Cruiserweight division than to bring in Ellsworth. He's Ellsworth-less. You can't even bring him in for comedy because he already does that on Smackdown and he sucks at that too. Santino Marella was good for comedy. He was absolutely fantastic. Please never bring up Ellsworth again.
Last time something like that happened, an entire division died. Yeah Hornwooglie, whatever way your name's spelled, I'm talking about you.

To put it simply, just the slightest chance that Elsworth is going to hold that belt even for a mere second just because he sells merch, makes me want to say, no thank you!

Seriously, entertainment is fine, but please put some sport in it.
I just see him as a "comedy jobber." Comedy jobbers have a long history in professional wrestling. There's no point in making him a contender for the cruiserweight title. Just keep up his comedy jobber status.
No Ellsworth is just a jobber. He should never be nothing more.

If you want the division to be taken seriously, don't include the biggest comedy jobber in the company.
One thing that hasn't helped things is that most of the CW Division is made up of guys that fans hadn't had an opportunity to bond or invest in before they hit the main roster. Almost none of these guys spent any real time, or really any time at all really, in NXT so that's made it harder. However, if wrestlers brought up from NXT were placed in the division, guys that fans have had some time to invest in, at least to some degree, then that may cause attention to ultimately go up in a positive way. Maybe guys like Andrade Cien Almas, Oney Lorcan, Roderick Strong and Hideo Itami, if he can stay healthy, could be a solid benefit to the division late this year or early next year, depending on what's going on with them by then, like Tyler Breeze, Sami Zayn and Enzo Amore.

In my opinion, any or all of these men would be of far greater use to the Cruiserweight Division than James Ellsworth could almost ever be. I say "almost" because the only remote chance I could see is if Ellsworth disappeared for 6 months, came back repackaged with a different look, a different character and had hit the gym really hard all as part of reshaping his image. A complete overhaul of the guy inside and out, top to bottom is the only way he'd keep from being, as someone else mentioned, the next Hornswoggle of the Cruiserweight Division.
NO!!! Honestly, James Ellsworth is great on Smackdown as the manager of Carmella and if they "break up" i think he should manage another woman. he's great in that role as he's best as a pesky heel manager type who gets picked on by JBL. JBL is really funny whenever he bashes James Ellsworth and he shouldnt leave for RAW. that and he'll be and odd fit for the Cruiserweight division. the Crusierweights are getting much better with Aries and even if Aries never wins the title, the great news about this division is that it got Aries on the spot he should be on.....the main roster!!!! to the people who want a CM Punk match or chant CM Punk, well, Aries is very similar to Punk.

but back to the main topic, leave Ellsworth on the show and have him take funny bumps from women while JBL cheers on.

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