Should Great Khali turn heel?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I want to ask this becuase in 2007 i started watching wrestling and i saw the great khali as a huge bad guy. I thought to my self how is someone suppose to beat a guy that size and strenght let alone break the CLAW. Great khali had the upper hand vs people like Batista, he was supirior for to him in his tittle run. Khali was hated by all and had a great heel character.

I went back to his promo video vs batista and he looked great.

i think he should return as a heel.
He does make more sense as a heel. Just simply has that look. Also easier for a heel to get away with being as stiff as he is. But there is a reason few people think of as to why he is a face and why he is constantly on TV over better workers.

Actually there are over 1 Billion reason.

Khali is huge in his home country of India. I actually spent two weeks in the country in 07 when Khali was champion. I worked with 12-17 year old kids. When they learned my group was from america they wanted to know about two people: John Cena and Khali.I was floored how popular WWE was there, the kids gave all of us wrestler names when we got there (I was beyond giddy when I was dubbed HBK). WWE does a phenomenal job in India and he is a huge reason why

At the end of the day WWE is a business, and India is one of the most coveted, and difficult to reach, markets. Khali as a face sells there, no matter how stiff, how bad he is.

To answer your question. I think Khali has something to offer as a heel. Way more than as a face. I'd be shocked if WWE went in that direction though.
Khali is for sure a better heel.. but he's so one dimensional that he gets boring either way, real quick.
Well I can see how Khali could turn heel:

Khali has been partnering with the Big Show a lot lately and it's been random. Khali even went over Rhodes(cleanly) on Smackdown this past week. It's kind of clear that he's getting some kind of push. Why not have Rhodes lose to Show at Extreme Rules tonight, and then have another tag team match with Khali/Show against whoever. During or after that match, Khali turns on Show. Easy heat since Show is so popular. Khali doesn't have to beat Show for the strap, but he could and maybe bring in someone as his mouth piece(maybe bring back Daivari or Singh). Maybe even align Khali with Laurinaitis in a body guard/brute role. That's how I'd book it.
I guess I'm one of the few in North American who liked Khali when he joined the WWE as a heel.

Like the OP said, it was one of those aw factors and you are wondering how he could be beat. Obviously, in pro wrestling, it usually comes down to the other guy being a bit faster, chopping down his legs and if you can actually get the big guy to fall he's basically out like a light!

Anyway, I understand Khali is slow and doesn't have very much of a moveset but c'mon what's wrong with that once in a while?

WWE has kind of been bad for having even their athletic guys put on great matches and there have been too many squash matches and pointless matches BUT if they were doing it right with their athletic talent (like they have in the past) I actually like seeing a big guy like Big Show and Khali as faces because it puts the cocky heels in their place.

Call me crazy but I get a kick out of the heels standing in the ring seeing Big Show and Khali come down the ramp and being all nervous about fighting them and then getting in the ring with them and getting chopped down. That's entertaining to me.

Yes, I would get tired of it if it was every singe match like that but it isn't. So I imagine that's why Khali is still around and still popular in India and to some people.
I don't think at this stage it will really make a difference, He wasn't super over as a heel the first time around and now with a few years under his belt as a comedy character its pretty much a lost cause. I don't think people could take him seriously as a legit threat to a top face or a title for that matter. I mean look at the guy, he looks like he can barely walk when he makes his way down to the ring. He can speak next to no English and what he can isn't easy to understand. Khali would likely be released before the time came that they wanted to do something serious with him again.
The Great Khali was an excellent heel (not wrestler) back when he debuted and should always be a heel. The problem is his body is degenerating very fast. WWE will keep him in the public eye for the Asian market boost that he brings but it is very sad to see him falling apart right in front of my eyes.
i figured so that the fans out their idolize khali and all so thats a main factor but to the mayority of fans will intrest more a heel khali. Like people said the looks their the size and what not. Carlito, primo and epico are all from puerto rico and their heels but when they come here they still get a outstanding pop.
Honestly it still amazes me that Khali has stayed with the WWE for so long. When he first came in I really thought he would be a 1-2 year guy that would come in, cause some ruckus, hold the title, play the big baddie, then leave.

He's kind of useless now. They have enough big guys at the moment with Kane, Show and Henry so he's just kind of a filler midcard guy that is the most awkward face we've had in years. Yeah, there's too many prominent heels so maybe him as a heel right now isn't good, but really what can you even do with him as a face? He's boring to watch and the only reason why fans like him is because hes big and awkward and unintentionally funny.

They should turn him heel though. The WWE needs to do a lot of face/heel changes this year and if they played it right they would have enough prominent faces so a guy like Khali could go back to playing his big baddy role, maybe even bring back the punjabi prison match? Sorry, I just laughed at myself for even mentioning that.

But yeah, put him as a dominent heel after they move henry to RAW(if he isnt already? lol) and then give him new faces to feud with.
My vote is to fade him out of action entirely. Not because I think he's a bad worker, but because it's obvious that he has the knees of a 90 yr. old. I cringe every time he takes a hard step. I'm just waiting for him to kind of crumble to the ground. He already walks like Frankenstein. In fact there was a thread on what to do with Jinder Mahal, well how about have Jinder officially end Khali's career, that would give Mahal something to hang his hat on.
Personally, I don't really care. Heel or face, The Great Khali will still be the least entertaining guy on the roster, and I still won't waste my time watching him.
I agree with another poster that said it wouldn't make much difference at this point. He has been getting stale fast either way. He is a way better heel though. When he first came in he definitely had the how can he be beat look. It worked way better than as a face.
Khali was MUCH better as a heel. Granted his push followed the generic boring monster heel formula until he got fed to Cena and Batista, then he needed SOMETHING to do in order to stay relevant. I can understand why they turned him face. That doesn't mean I agree with it though. His face run has been awful and nothing short of an embarrassment to sit through. The Khali Kiss cam, the Punjabi Playboy? Come on!!!! At least when he was a heel World Heavyweight Champion he played a role that made sense for him.

I would much rather he get future endeavoured, but that obviously will not happen. He is too popular in other countries so it makes sense to keep him around while they still can. I would settle for Khali turning heel and remaining one for the rest of his career. I find it difficult to come up with any reason to ever cheer for him. He was always meant to be a monster and sucks at doing anything else. Whether they turn him heel again or not I just hope to not have to sit through too many more of his matches.
I think a better question is, Should the Great Khali be future endeavored? and the answer to that question is yes.

As for whether or not he should turn heel, I think he should. I liked him more as a heel and he was way more believable as a heel.
Khali has relegated to nothingness since those days, so I don't see why becoming a heel would do anything for him at this point. He's quite simply not the threat that he used to be booked as. Remember when he easily beat Rey Mysterio? Hell, remember when he just kicked Undertaker's face to pin him? Now you look at a tall giant that can't even manhandle 5% of the roster. Of course, if guys like Big Show, Mark Henry and Kane were able to temporarily redeem themselves, then the same could apply to Khali. I'm not sure he'd be as over as the aforementioned guys though be it heel or face. Nobody really seems to care.
Um he should leave the WWE and never be involved ever again. Heel/face he is terrible so i'm going to say stay as face simply because Big Show is heel and it is a good contrast. Plus it is an easy way to book a heel in a troublesome situation by placing him in a match with Khali.
Eh, Khali's only purpose at this point is to give live crowds something to cheer for. Why make him a heel? Either way, he'll be barely relevant. He can't wrestle long matches and you sure as hell can't put him on the microphone. Khali is what he is. Live crowds pop for him so he brings something to the card.

The problem is that Khali's completely useless on television. Every segment he's in is brutal. In a live crowd, seeing the biggest guy come out is a rare treat. On tv, we've already seen it, every week for years. He's best used in non-tv roles as a live attraction.
Making Khali a heel at this point in his carrer would make zero sense. The dude can't even handle the two minute squash matches their giving him on SmackDown!

With Ryback, Mark Henry, Kane, and now Big Show;we need NO more monster heels. Plus, the only reason they keep Khali around is that hes their only way to get the Indian audience invested in WWE programming,making him a heel would elimanate that goal.
The Great Khali has had his time in the WWE, both as a heel and a face. He's irrelevant and lucky to still have a contract.
Anyone else remember Khali kiss cam? Unfortunately I do.
i dont understand why hes popular in any country he does 3 moves lol hes barely a wrestler or entertaining which wud be World WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT? so not sure why he has a job
I doubt most people care what Khali does. Seems to bore most people and if he retired today, no one would care. The guy has no charisma and is argubly the worst worker of all time.

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