Should Crimson & Morgan Have A Tag Team Name?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So Crimson & Morgan are the TNA champ's. good move I think putting these two "super powers" together. Hopefully they keep them together, and have a long healthy run in the tag division. Would make sense to give these guy's a name for their team.

We have no real idea if TNA reads these post's or not, but I have to believe that they search all of the wrestling news sites and read the posts of fans. So I think we should come up with a name that we could call these guy's as a tag team.

First & fore most I would like to have them named "THE GOLIATHS". Fit's them to a tee. They could be the new generation of the "THE SUPER POWERS" so to speak. These 2 guy's hopefully are going to make a long lasting tag team carrying these titles, that will make all tag teams want to beat them, thus reinvigerating the tag team division again.

So what other names could they come up with for the pairing of these 2 wrestler's?


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Ginger Print.

It takes Crimson's only stand-out feature, being his ginger hair and Matt Morgan's nickname of "The Blueprint" to form the team Ginger Print. Or, you know, could always name them something like "Those Guys Who We've Nothing Better For."
I liked IDR's name, "the Mega Towers"; definitely seems appropriate. Maybe if they continue to feud with Mexican America, they could call themselves American Titans or Renegades. Something to that affect.
I like Dragon Saga's idea but I would switch it up a bit and go
with something like Crimson Print or The Beasts. I really like the idea of these two together bringing a new energy to the tag team division, and while at first I really wasn't crazy about them as a team I do think that they were very entertaining in their win last night and could be what gets the division back on track.
I just watched an interview with these 2 as champions and CRIMSON said something pretty interesting in the interview. He said we are going to just keep steam rolling through all of them.

That would be a pretty cool name for them "STEAM ROLLERS" what do you think?
I would like to see them be called Gladiators, drawing upon Matt Morgan's background as an American Gladiator, and they can give Crimson the nickname of Carnage.
I said in the LD when they were put together jokingly that they should be the Mega Towers, obviously a play on words with the Mega Powers of the 80's, but honestly, I really do think it's a fitting name for them. They're both giants (Morgan more so, obviously) and are likely to rely on team strength to win them matches, so why not?

I'm always for the idea of naming teams because it adds to the factor of them being seen as one, rather than two, so anything other than "Crimson and Matt Morgan" or "Matt Morgan and Crimson" is likely to be OK by me.
I don't mind them being a Tag Team since this will give Crimson time to develop more and learn how to work an entire match. This will pick up the slack on him being so green in the ring too. Also this will help Morgan out to since at times it looks like he doesn't care and seems so sloppy in the ring. This is a good move and will help both these guys out and the lacking Tag Team in TNA.

As for a name I was thinking of Imprint's of Blood or something like that. They can leave every team they face in a bloody mess in the middle of the ring in which they would be called Imprints of Blood. It has a touch of Morgan in the name and Crimson too. I would truly make these guys a tag team for a long time and keep Crimson's winning streak going with it too. (If he still has it)

I am not the best name giver for teams so I hope they at least don't get a name in it involving INC because that would piss me off lol.

I don't think there should be a name for this 'unlikely' duo pairing, we know that they won't last after Crimson's streak is over. Did John Cena and HBK have a name? Did Sting and Angle have a name? Nope. Keep it simple, and just have them known as their respective names.
I really don't see this as a long term pairing. They're two singles competitors. I don't hate that they're a tag team or anything; I just think that putting them together for a short period as champs better serves to prolong their singles feud with each other as opposed to having them as the next strong presence in the tag division.

On that note, I wouldn't bother with a name for the team. I like Mega Towers best of all the ones listed, although for the most part, I thought the list had some good names. Team names are so poorly done nowadays; the brilliant creative minds just lazily throw together an element of each person's gimmick. Awesome Truth (with the Little Jimmy's Finale) has gotta be the worst, but the examples of Rated RKO and Beer Money also goes to my point. Regardless of the overall impact of the team, the names did induce a cringe upon first hearing them. If a team name is necessary for Crimson and Morgan though, it should focus on the team's size or intensity though, not each performer's individual gimmick.
for mrketing purposes i definately think a name is inc is no more, beer money is no more... i think something edgy like "made for domination" with m.o.d. shirts can sell morgan wears a white m.o.d. shirt with blue letters, crimson wheres a red mod shirt with black letters or m4d...or domination heights, ... blood print domination B.P.D. or for a tribute how about total nonstop domination.


Blood print
If they were going have a team name I;d say give them one. Here's my pick of how about a play off their nicknames "The No Mercy Blueprints" or The Blueprints Of No Mercy". No Shades of Purple could work as they don't sound dominating enough. The reason for Purple is that Blue and Red make it as Crimson is supposed to be Amazing Red's lil bro.
I don't know how much they really need a name. For one, I doubt they'll be a team for that long. Two, "Morgan and Crimson" rolls off the tongue pretty well on its own. I think it would add to their gimmicks in a way; two guys so badass and dominant that they don't need a name. But for the sake of contributing to the thread...

And BTW, props to whoever came up with "Mega Towers." That's tough to beat. Also sets up great for Hogan to show up at some point and interact with them.

Here's one idea I had, not great... "Code Red," a combination of DNA (biological code) and Crimson. It's the only one I thought of that I actually thought was worth posting.
Just because I am psyched about my dream team becoming a reality team, I'm going to suggest more names as I come up with them.

MAD - Men About Domination
Eh, I don't really look for them to be a team for all that long so I doubt TNA will name them. If this angle goes down as I'm guessing it will, they'll probably manage to hold things together long enough for them to be signed to a ppv match. I'm guessing that it'll all break down there with one of them ultimately turning on the other, causing them to drop the titles, then they'll be right back in the midst of their feud.
Crimson Blueprint. I do think they need a name, and I think they need to dominate the tag division for a while. RKO already said it, in a way that Crimson is still raw and needs to get more work in, in order to become the Main Eventer TNA wants him to be, and I think this is the best spot for him to get that work.

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