Should Chyna be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?

Should chyna be inducted into the WWE hall of fame?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 82.4%
  • No

    Votes: 3 17.6%

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With the news that chyna's mother is still lobbying for her daughter to get inducted into the WWE hall of fame. We are having this discussion on the main page about if she should get inducted or not.

For me, I feel like the negative outweigh the positive. Sure she was a trailblazer during the attitude era by being the first women to wrestled men's and be the first women to win the ic title. But on the other hand, you have to take all the negative and backstage drama she created during and after her career ended. Just read her book if you want the lowdown on what a bad person she was. She fabricated the entire book because she wanted to get revenge on people that might or might not hurt her in her past. She pretty disrespected her trainer, killer Kowalski by saying how much of a bad trainer he was and that he did nothing to help her when in reality he one of the reason she got her shot in wwe.

Then their the whole alcoholism and drug abuse aspect of her life. I'm not going to put the porno stuff in their because it was a by product of the drug abuse and alcoholism. She tried to blackmail Vince when Vince didn't she the purpose of putting her with man anymore and she left with the women's title without telling anybody, then thought she was bigger then Austin and the rock when in reality she wasn't even near their league and try to get paid more then the top star in the company. She was a cancer backstage for the last few years of her career and was a constant headache for WWE ever since she left and even through she was badmouthing them throughout the years, they still try to help her out with her partying ways. So for me while think that she shouldn't be inducted in the HOF, I do see them inducting her in a few years when they are able to spin her induction in a positive way.
Well, one thing to remember is that the VAST majority of wrestlers aren't exactly saints. Many of our childhood, teenage and grown up favorites have a ton of skeletons in their closet ranging from drug & alcohol issues, spousal abuse, assault with a deadly weapon, accusations of sexual harassment, bullying, using leverage to sabotage the careers of others by holding them back or getting them fired, accusations of murder, etc..

Chyna had issues, her personal life was fodder for tabloids over the last decade or so of her life because of poor decisions she made. Again, I'm sure there are lots of our favorites who have things to hide, things they don't want to be made public that rival or even exceed Chyna's history of drug abuse and career as a porn star. I think it all boils down to whether or not the negatives of her personal life and backstage antics outweigh the contributions she made. Most women during Chyna's days were marketed as sex symbols and this was during a time when WWE encouraged any of its top female talent to pose nude for Playboy, which Chyna did and while Playboy isn't remotely as raunchy as XXX films, it does negate some of the negativity, in my opinion, as having women take their clothes off isn't something that bothered WWE and probably still wouldn't if it didn't go against the wholesome image Vince has spent the last decade or so trying to build for the company. So, for me, I can't just say "well she did porn, so putting her in the HOF is too much of an embarrassment" as things seem to happen all the time, usually of the company's own doing, that hurt the progressive image Vince wants. Personally, I never really found Chyna all that sexy even when she underwent various surgical procedures to actually make herself look...well, like a woman. Even after she cut back on the heavy weight lifting in favor of a more sleek, feminine look, she just never really did much for me but that's neither here nor there.
As far as her substance issues go, there've been a lot of talent over the last 30 years or so that've had problems with drugs and/or alcohol, or the use of steroids for that matter, including some of the best of all time. Up until the Benoit tragedy, Vince didn't really care what the wrestlers did to themselves or put into their bodies as long as it didn't affect their ability to do their job and, to be fair, that was the attitude of pretty much every other promoter going back as far as anyone can remember.
As far as her ego is concerned in regards to not getting paid what she thought she was worth, again, that's nothing new. Over the course of the last 10 years or so, I can't count the number of shoot interviews, podcasts or what have you in which some well known name from years' past slams WWE, or any other major company they worked for, because they didn't get what they felt they deserved. Shane Douglas has made an entire career out of doing that and in an industry where big egos abound, finding out that Chyna had one doesn't do anything to disqualify her from being in the HOF.

As far as being a wrestler goes, she was never really anything to talk about. Before WWE went the route of sex symbol for her, she was mostly an oddity or...well, in some ways, a "freak" because of her masculine appearance and displays of strength when tossing around other women or referees or what have you. If you're going by talent or ability in the ring to tell a story or what have you, then Chyna certainly was never really anything to write home about. She was the first and only woman to be Intercontinental Champion but I find that more of a disservice to the title than anything else, I'm just not that much of a fan of intergender wrestling. I don't like seeing men winning women's championships and I don't care to see women win men's championships. However, with the growth of women's wrestling in WWE the past several years, especially the past year or so, then it's very easy to see how Chyna is and can be considered a trailblazer, retroactively, so that in and of itself may be enough to warrant her inclusion. I wasn't a fan of her being IC champ or beating up men, especially since the men she hit didn't lay a hand on her in return or were referees, but it's still memorable.

When it comes to the personal drama regarding herself, Stephanie and Triple H, then the water gets a little murky. Chyna never really got over the fact that Triple H left her for Stephanie, she was griping about it during interviews, including those exploitative ones she did with Vince Russo, any chance she got. Betrayal hurts, I know that as well as anybody but it's something that consumed her for pretty much her whole life to some degree. That bitterness itself isn't much of a factor but the accusations she made against Triple H are something of a different story; she came right out and accused Trips of being physically abusive. Even though she later admitted those accusations weren't true and even apologized for making them, that kind of stuff can really, really, really be traumatic to somebody no matter how many times someone apologizes for it. I've seen some, over the years, try to make excuses for Chyna due, at least from my perspective, because the accusations were made against Triple H because it's always fashionable to bash Trips or WWE brass in general and I think that's complete bullshit. So if Vince holds a grudge against her over those accusations, knowing how damaging they can be to a person's reputation as a human being, then I can understand that. I'm not saying it automatically negates everything she did during her time in WWE, but there are some things that can be too difficult to simply let go.

I think she'll wind up going in the HOF at some point. She hasn't even been dead for 3 years yet, however, so I think they might wait longer until memories fade a bit more and they have more of an opportunity to shade the truth a bit, or a lot depending on how they want to present her. Vince won't want to portray her in a light that will make WWE look bad while, at the same time, he can't try to portray her in a negative, exploitative sort of way just because she's no longer alive to defend herself.
So do the negatives of her life outweigh the contributions she made? For me, probably not but, again, I can understand Vince, Stephanie, Trips or all of them holding a grudge against her for the accusations she made; maybe that's not exactly fair but, then again, it's not exactly fair to be accused of abuse either. Ultimately though, I'd be okay with them putting her in; she's no longer around to make any more accusations, she can't do or say anything that embarrasses WWE or what have you so, at the end of the day, I think that'll be what makes them decide to induct her. It might not bein in 2019, but I do think it'll happen.
As far as just her in ring career then no question she has had a Hall of Fame career. She was the first and only female to hold the IC Championship. She was part of Degeneration X and long time manager for Triple in his early days. She had some crossover appeal with her being a Playboy cover girl and a number of a TV appearances and was very popular and over.

However it’s no secret about her falling out with WWE. I’m sure they don’t want to bring a negative light on Triple H and Stephanie. Triple H got a lot of heat for saying they are reluctant to induct her because of her career in porno post WWE a few years ago on the Stone Cold podcast but I think it’s a valid point.

I hope she does get in one day, I was a big fan of hers back in her prime. It would be a feel good moment and might help WWE push the “Women’s Evolution” by inducting one of the biggest Female Superstar ever. Hopefully WWE could reach out to her family and have someone accept the award on Chyna‘s behalf.
While discussing this subject with somebody, I realise that it's going to be harder for chyna to get in just based on the fact that she changed category as far as being inducted into the hall of fame. For years, fans have been clamoring for miss Elizabeth to be inducted into the hall of fame and WWE didn't want to induct her because of the controversial way that she died. Elizabeth deserve a spot in the hall of fame probably more so then chyna does at this point but because she died of a overdose they don't want to induct her. The same goes for chyna I feel, in my opinion, I think they are scared of inducting people that died in controversial fashion and chyna, while having a decent career that deserve in the eyes of some fans a place in The HOF, did died of underutilized natural cause which might scared them more then anything else.

My personal feeling is that until Elizabeth gets inducted in the hall of fame, chyna shouldn't be inducted mostly because if it wasn't for Liz, they wouldn't be a chyna.
Mike Von Erich and Curt Hennig died of drug overdoses and were still inducted. There's also a whole roster of people they've let in who have badmouthed the company. It's flat out pettiness on WWE's part not to include her in their HOF.

It's a carny event anyways. On one hand they act like it's a pristine honor while on the other Drew Carey.
yeah but mike was inducted because of his family and it was more about Fritz,Kevin and kerry then the other von erichs. As for Curt, i got nothing really he deserved the spot and he got it. In the end i get that it's probably pettiness on WWE's part's but would you be petty if a former performer, that you tried to help by the way, drag your name through the mud for all theses years and never apologize for his or her action. I would. Plus if she was a difference maker as far as ticket sales where concern, she would have been inducted a long time ago, but let's face it, she'S not a big draw anymore as much as fans of her want to think she his. She was a flavor of the period she wrestled in and sadly, her popularity died after the attitude era ended as near the end of her WWE run, she was already starting to see a swing in her popularity and by the time she came to TNA, nobody cared anymore and Angle pretty much badmouthed her for being unprofessional through her time in TNA.

I'm not saying that WWE shouldn't induct her, but in WWE history or even in wrestling history, they're so many other performers that deserve to get in before her.
Speaking of big draws, Ivory went in this year.

Yeah but at the same time, who in the history of the women's division is still alive and deserve to be inducted? They already, inducted every major Women that are alive and has been a major part of the women's division history. That is outside of Sable. So Ivory made sense as they want somebody that's alive for that category. Like i mention before, Chyna as change category and is in a way tougher category then when she was alive. As a decease wrestler, she in the company of a lot of other way more deserving wrestlers then her, so while i get that some fans wants to see her get inducted, i doubt it will happen anytime soon.
when you have the like of fabulous moolah with everything going on about her right now, snuka (suspected murder), pete rose (enough said), henning (died from drugs), koko b ware + im duggen (they did nothing) Hawk from LOD turned up to perform drunk and died from drugs), mike tyson (erm been to prison), trump (breathing), savage (bashed wwe constantly and alligations of having sex with a under age steph), bushwackers (did nothing), sting (he was in wwe for 2 matches), kid rock (i should have just put on celebs)
so when people say why she shouldnt be in those above cover almost al your reasons then you have but she did porn yes yes she did and vince was ok with having basically soft porn on his TV every week for years so dont be a hypocrite did she have a hulk,rock austin run no not at all was she far more important than koko b ware yes if you base induction on what they did in wwe she goes in if you exclude people based on what they did after half inductees are out if you base it on being a a nightmare back stage then quite a few need t come out austin shawn so seriously just say we dont want to put her in its your company so show them grapefruits and just say you aint going in cause we dont want you in
Yeah but at the same time, who in the history of the women's division is still alive and deserve to be inducted? They already, inducted every major Women that are alive and has been a major part of the women's division history. That is outside of Sable.

Melina, Victoria, hell even Michelle McCool are all bigger names than Ivory and they're still alive.

So Ivory made sense as they want somebody that's alive for that category. Like i mention before, Chyna as change category and is in a way tougher category then when she was alive. As a decease wrestler, she in the company of a lot of other way more deserving wrestlers then her, so while i get that some fans wants to see her get inducted, i doubt it will happen anytime soon.

She only broke societal norms and was part of one of the most over acts in wrestling but sure. Ivory, the manager-turned-RTC member, is more deserving because she still breathes.

Fuck out of here with all that. They induct druggies and dead people all the time. Hypocritical.
To be honest I was never that big of a fan of Chyna I thought her against males was unrealistic and she was a bit too big and dominant for the female division, I do believe there's a lot more deserving than her as other than being HHH's bodyguard her actual wrestling career was quite short, I'm not opposed to it though and would not be surprised if she was inducted someday. If she's not getting in solely on her behaviour outside of wrestling the WWE are complete hypocrites, Can't really ban one for having drug problems when most of the names in it have had problems with drugs. Would possibly be uncomfortable for Stephanie and HHH with HHH's history with Chyna who knows what the WWE's reasoning. Personally the most deserving name not in the hall of fame is the Dynamite Kid but can't see that ever happening.
Of course she should. She was a major part of the best era in pro wrestling, was a member of one of the most over stables in WWE history, and was the first woman to compete in the Royal Rumble and to hold a men's title.
If we're going to be stupid and say she shouldn't be inducted because she made a few porno flicks, I'd like to point out that Sunny starred in porn as well, and is still in the HoF. Scott Hall, Verne Gagne, and Jimmy Snuka fucking killed people and are still in the HoF. Mike Tyson, a convicted rapist, is still in the HoF. The Fabulous Moolah ran a prostitution ring and is still in the HoF; hell, the even named a Battle Royal after her until public backlash forced them to change it. Pete Rose is such a piece of shit that he's been banned from professional baseball and is still in the HoF. Steve Austin is a wife-beating spousal abuser, and he's in the HoF. Abdullah the Butcher never even wrestled for WWF/E, and has been going around knowingly transitting Hepatitis, and he's in the HoF.

All those things didn't keep anyone out of the HoF or have them removed from it, but you're gonna tell me Chyna should be kept out because she took a few loads to the face? Give me a break.
BUMPED due to latest developments:


Chyna is going in, and there's talk about going in as an individual as well-

Triple H on ESPN:

"Look, people believe what they want to believe. When I said a few years ago on the Austin podcast, or show, or whatever you want to call it, there’s complexities around it. But absolutely, definitely deserves to be in there. It’d be tough to pick a female that was more impactful on the business. She did something that was completely so out of left field that it wasn’t even being considered when we first brought it up for her to come in. It wasn’t even a consideration... it wasn’t an easy thing, and against all odds she did all of that. She earned everybody’s trust. She won over the fans. She won over the boys. She did all of it.

From that standpoint, absolutely 100 percent deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, and should probably be more than once -- as a group, but individually as well. There’s more complexity to that than meets the eye, but here we are. I’m just happy that it’s here. I’m happy for her family, the people that she was close to, that hopefully this is super meaningful to them. I know it would be to her. It’s a great thing -- very deserving.”
he also mention how complex the situation is with her, not saying that someday she won't be getting in on her own but for now, fans of her should just be happy that she gets inducted as part of the group. For me personally, i don't mind this as much because i thought this was her best period of her career before all the self doubt and ego came into play. She never was my favorite wrestler in the world in fact, if i'm being honest, i really hope she never gets in as a solo act, but at less inducting her that way will please both her supporters and her detractors and she deserve to be inducted as part of DX because she was a big part of the early success of the group.
If you were watching wrestling at the time and got to see Chyna's career as it took place like I did. In my opinion she was a ground breaker and stood out from the valet's of the past up to that time and the direction women's wrestling had gone in WWE. Not saying everything that was done with her was all good or bad but it was often entertaining and she deserves the HOF. She deserved to go in on her own but I think this is the best she will get. The Adult films argument seem like excuses for personal issues HHH/Stephanie/Vince or the company have had with her since she ever left. And now that she was gone it sadly makes it easier for them to put her in under the umbrella of all these people going in on the same time. You could argue Sean Waltman even deserved his own induction first for his influence/longevity/career accomplishments. Even someone like a Billy Gunn is comparable to the Godfather/Hillbilly Jim, if you remember his Tag Title runs all the way back to the Smoking Gunns and being a 10 time tag champ including Chuck/Billy. Also being give the IC Title and KOTR.

It is very political the WWE HOF and they want to stay away from controversy. Which is sadly why someone like a Miss Elizabeth is probably not in yet. But it is also sad when someone is around like Chyna/Vader/Ivan Koloff and would be honored to go in and they don't induct them. There are still alot around in that situation like Demolition or a Rick Martel. They should get these people let them have their speech and time in the spotlight before they are gone.
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It's like how they wouldn't honored her when she died and just did a video to appeased her fanbase that was bitching about them not be willing to honored her. They bury it in the end of the show and never brough it up again. That feel like the same situation here. It's a way for them to bury her induction by putting it in he group setting like what they did with her tribute video.

As far as demolition is concern, they really aren't on speaking term with WWE from what i've heard from a recent interview they did on sean mooney's podcast. So i would love to see them be inducted before they die but in the end, it's on them if they want to accept the invitation.

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