Should Bad News Barrett be a face or heel?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So after his return from being injured, Barrett came out and took on Cesaro, seemingly establishing himself as a face- even though he worked as the bad guy in house shows. It made sense, as a face turn is the perfect way to go after a return from being gone so long (see Ryback). Although it was confusing seeing him use heel tactics to defeat Cesaro...who is usually presented as a jobber.

In fact, BnB is supposed to be a serious contender for the IC belt but he had to play dirty to overcome Cesaro, who was pretty much pwned by Ziggler...hmmmm....

But as of the last RAW, he was definitely the heel, not only stealing the IC belt from Ziggler, but using cheap shots and shaking hands with Kane. So he's a bad guy, disappointing everyone who wanted to see him perform as a face.

Should he have remained as a face? I'm actually glad he is still playing the villain, as 2013/early 2014 seemed to spend so much time dedicated to building up his villainy that it would all seem like a waste if he didn't have a long reign as a bad guy...Especially as I wasn't fond of those BnB segments and the persona only won me over once he stepped into the ring. Now the question is, what role will he play? When he came back last year, he was presented as a dominant force- albeit not an indestructible one. He was the last credible IC Champion (Ziggler keeps losing the damn belt, so sucks as the IC Champion). The way he got over by cleanly defeating Big E (when that mattered) and Rey Mysterio made him a force to be reckoned with.

Now though...he doesn't seem as impressive. He couldn't beat CESARO, of all people, clean and it looks like he's become just another guy who needs the authority to get anywhere. I like BnB as a heel, but I liked him as a heel who almost seemed to be getting ready for the WHC. Now he's being treated like a midcarded, not helped by Booker T pretty much pointing this out. I think he will make a great face one day though, presuming that WWE doesn't botch his booking and utterly ruin him Cesaro-style. I just don't think now is the right time.

But what do you guys think? Was it right to turn him heel? Are you satisfied with his current role?
Heel or face? How about just being Bad New Barrett? We've seen the character enough to know what it is about. This over catering to face or heel kills a lot of talents. Play the character and let the fans have fun with it.
That's a good point and it's one of the things I miss about the attitude era. I liked how everyone back then, good or bad, was much more morally ambiguous. Stone Cold, even if he was technically the face, was also kind of an asshole. The Rock, perhaps even moreso. Ambrose is probably the closest to what we've got today, although Reigns and Ryback shows shades of it. I don't like the word they use to describe it though...Tweener? Eck.

I'd be cool with Barrett just having his persona and not being afraid to tackle heels along with faces. They seemed to be going that route with Rusev, but it seems like Rusev is going the traditional heel path right now.
I want to see him as a heel that does just enough to get cheered by fans but not so much that he becomes a face; and someone that fights and delivers bad news to not just faces but also heels. They should avoid making him a full fledged heel, for (a) it didn't work with him in the past, and (b) it ruined Cesaro only last year. And yeah, stay as far away from The Authority as possible. I don't want to see him as just another piece on their side of the board, and neither do I think it will be a good idea.
He's the perfect tweener character and he could easily give Kane bad news next week or Triple or the faces.

I am sure the fans WANT him face and that before Bryan's return that was the plan, but Bryan being back means there is no room in that face area... Cena, Reigns, Ambrose, Ryback, Ziggler and inevitably Orton... it's too crowded.

What Barrett has done is clever, he's creating his own niche very quickly as the guy who doesn't care... if Trips bugs him he'll fight... if Cena does, likewise... but I think the reality is, as mentioned in other threads as a heel he has a strong chance of facing Jericho at Mania for the IC title and potentially feuding through MITB/Summerslam with him in one of those classic Jericho feuds rather than the Fandango or Bray Wyatt style...

Later in the year when he wins MITB (it's gonna be this year for sure) then he can play around a bit with being a face if Rollins is champ for example... or if he gets "in with the Authority" only to derail their plans... but for now he's basically back where he was when he got hurt and doing better than guys pushed since he was away are...
Heel or face? How about just being Bad New Barrett? We've seen the character enough to know what it is about. This over catering to face or heel kills a lot of talents. Play the character and let the fans have fun with it.

True! I never thought about that. That would make sense. His move set is versatile enough that he wouldn't need to cater to the crowd to get a reaction.

That would be funny to see him give bad news not only to faces, but to heels, their reactions would be priceless.
BNB is one of the select few athletes on the WWE roster that has "it." It seems they are trying to do with him what they did with the rock. Align him with the corporation or authority as it called now, let him go out ad do mic work. The more time on the mic, the more he will be liked. He is the guy that people pay attention when he comes out because we know he will say something funny and work his famous catch phrase in perfectly. He'll will work as a heel until the fans say he is a face.

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