
CH David

A Jock That Loves Pepsi
So I normally don't post my personal goings ons with everyone in the Bar Room, usually just a handful of guys that I have been able to call friends. But right now, I just need support from whoever cares.

I got a call around 1:45 pm this afternoon from my friend Mandi. I find out that one of my best friends passed away this morning in his sleep. He was one of the best kids out there, fun-loving, never had a bad word to say about anyone. When he was 8, he had a brain tumor removed, and then 10 years later another one grew in a spot a few millimeters from the original.

Then back in March he had a stroke, and was placed under hospice alert at home. For the past few months he had been improving a lot. But this morning at 4:00 am, he passed away. Right now I just need support from anyone, so please, don't mock this situation.
Dave, that is horrible to here mate. I assume he was still in his teens when he died, and that is just horrible to hear about. I hope you were able to be with him during his last recent months to help him out. I hope you, his family, and friends grow strong over this, knowing that he is in a better place now.

I am here if you need me.
Damn, David, I'm really sorry to hear that...
I'm sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you, brother.
Dave, I'm really sorry for your loss. If he knew you, then he must have been a great person, take comfort that he is in a better place now. A real shame that his life has been affected so much from the tumor.

I'm here if you need be bud!
you are in my prayers bro, just think of the good times you guys had and take comfort that he is no longer suffering, you need to talk msn me bro
I don't know what to say, man. You know I always have some sort of advice for you but I am completely speechless.

All I can say is that I hope you are doing all right and that you realise that your friend has gone to an infinitely better place than us. I am so devastated for you Dave. PM me if you need anything.
Thank you guys. To each and every one of you. It is a horrible loss not only to his family, me or the rest of our friends, but to everyone he could have potentially met. He was truly one of the kindest souls anyone could ever meet, and him being in my life has helped me be a better person. He truly was a fighter, and one of the strongest people I have ever known. I really appreciate it, all of you.
While you are mourning the loss of your friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil. --John Taylor

While it hurts that he is gone from this mortal world, and your sadness will remain for a while, just know he is happy, healthy and being welcomed into the open arms of those who have wanted to see him again themselve.

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