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She's still got "IT"


Occasional Pre-Show
Yeh yeh yeh.. as evidenced by the wonderful little youtube clip posted here on Wrestlezone, The Daughter fo Darkness.. LUNA VACHON has STILL got it goin on! Attacking a promoter then dropping the f-bomb on him?!?! TRULY AWESOME!!!

Now see, I had this whole scenario planned out for Undertaker's return at SummerSlam where he would come back with a manager. This manager would say that while the Undertaker is STILL a phenom, that he has "lost that edge that made him untouchable" and that this manager was "taking him back to the darkside"... and bring KANE along with him! The manager would have been revealed to be LUNA VACHON and The Undertaker would have reverted back to his unstoppable persona where he would feel no pain and just STEAMROLL the opposition.

Along the way Luna would have managed Kane and Taker to the tag team titles, keeping them "tied to their darkside personas" the entire time. They would win the tag titles at Royal Rumble then lead them to something The Undertaker has NEVER done... a TAG TEAM TITLE VICTORY at Wrestlemaia (which would keep his winning streak intact, natch)

Kane and Taker would assist Luna in her quest for the one thing SHE never accomplished in the WWE.. winning the Womens Title!! (She could EASILY run roughshod over 95% of the "divas" in the wwe right now!) and "The Army of Darkness" would be the "Big Faction"" in the WWE.

However, we ALL know this didnjt, and more thanlikely WOULDNT have come to pass anyway, but its a HELLUVA lot better than the dreck we're being forcefed right now.

Yet, PART of it can still come to pass. KANE'S career needs a DEFINITE shot of adrenaline, and maybe hooking him up with "The Goddess of Pain.. The Freak from the Future" Luna Vachon COULD be a boost that he needs. Luna has a way of "unlocking the inner monster" that the wrestlers have, and if Kane were to be unleashed and let run rampant.. nobody short of The Undertaker COULD be capable of slowing him down.

Picture this.. Luna re-emerges, guiding the career of Kane, and she also then takes under her wing THE ANIMAL.. Batista! You'd have two VERY VIABLE contenders for pretty much ANY title you could send them after. Remember, Luna DID guide Bull Nakano to an impressive and convincing title win over Alundra Blayze, and Nakano held the belt for an impressive FOUR MONTHS before dropping it back to her... so she knows a thing or two about managing a champion.

And I STILL believe Luna could win the WWE Womens Title in a heartbeat... McCool would have no defense against LUna's viciousness, Mickie would give her a SLIGHT run, but Luna would have the edge on her in experience.. but LUNA/BETH PHOENIX for the womens title would be an INCREDIBLE match! Also, keep in mind that Luna is also the mentor of Natalya.. so Nattie wouldnt hesitate I think to assist LUna if needed.

This would DEFINITELY add a new and interesting twist to more than just the womens division.. Luna gunning for the Women's Title.. leading Batista and Kane to the World, or US, or IC (hell or even TAG titles).. it could be HUGE!! ESPECIALLY if say, Batista and Kane were shipped to ECW and Luna appears there! it COULD make ECW a definite "must watch" show!
No offense to the OP but this thread should be closed. Luna Vachon is too ugly and too old for the WWE, and she will never work there at least in the PG era. Vince like 20-30 year old ripe blonds and brunettes for his Women's division, with the approval of King Pervert Lawler to drool over like a horny old man. Pairing her with a guy like Kane would work, but this is a discussion in futility.
Pretty much ANY "fanboy wishings" concerning the WWE or any OTHER federation/promotion is "a discussion in futility" fool... and there's a chance she could come back.. after all Vince DID shell out the cash to hire a private investigator to bring her in at WM9 when he wanted her to work for him.... and she is the FIRST female performer thats worked for vince that he's let go, then brought back.. in fact, he did it THREE TIMES with luna... you cant deny her heritage (mad dog vachon is her uncle and butcher vachon her father.. and her aunt is vivian vachon.. and yeh i know that MORE THAN HALF of the posters to this board have NO IDEA who these people are i am talking about.. go look it up, watch some footage, and LEARN THE HISTORY of wrestling before you spout off) and she's got more TALENT and KNOWLEDGE in her friggin pinky that 99% of the entire "divas roster" combined.

sure, vince may like the silicone bleach blond ho's that parade around the ring all the time, but he KNOWS TALENT when he sees it.. which is WHY luna was brought into the federation to begin with. the simple fact that you started your reply with "shes too ugly and too old" leads me to believe that youre PROBABLY about 14 or 15 years old and are sneaking nto the internet when youre SUPPOSED to be paying attention in school.

oh and for your "brilliance".. if you TRULY think jerry lawler has "approval" of which women vince puts in the ring.. then i maybe overestimated your age bracket

i'd take luna in a match vs pretty much ANY member of the wwe women's division.. with the possible exceptions being MAYBE natalya and beth phoenix.
If Vince were to bring Luna in, i think a different direction would be cool. The whole Divas division is lipstick, why not have luna put these chicks over? I mean it's a slight on the beauty n da beast thing but it could work. Luna being infuriated that all the Divas are covergirl pretty n such...Luna could pull this off and well. A tie in with Kane could work in there as well.....the demonic duo, marriage made in hell, union of atrocity...call it whatever...might be fun....would never happen....but fun to ponder while my laundry dries
Tsull....there is no need to jump dpwn someone's throat for having fun imagining what could happen. I'm sure the OP knows his thread is fantasy and is just having fun. Don't piss in people's cornflakes. Acting like you're smarter than everyone else over pro wrestling is moronic.
you might not have seen it but it WAS me who is the OP of this thread. the person who replied #3 is the person i was referring to.

and your idea.. i found myself nodding my head in agreement, it WOULD work having luna put the fluff girls over... but shes DONE that before with sable etc, thats why she hooked up with the oddities.

but hows this for a little twist... luna managing kane, she has a GOOD run for the womens title and beats the "lower ranked" competitors (ie: gail kim, maryse, mc cool, katie lea, jillian) but manages a win here and there over mickie, melina..etc.. enough to earn her a title shot (battle royal victory perhaps?) and she faces the current womens champ but CLOSELY loses the match.

in frustration, she unleashes her anger on the DIVAS RANKINGS ripping thru them (eve, layla, bellas, alicia, etc) and after decimating them she gets a shot at the divas title and being pissed that she's FINALLY getting a title shot but annoyed that its a DIVAS title shot instead of the "REAL WOMENS TITLE" she dismantles the champ and wins the divas title... and each week she defends it not because she WANTS to or that shes PROUD of it.. but because its the ONLY title shes won in the wwe and a 4th rate title is better than none at all. she does EVERYTHING she can think of to bury the title but ends up winning and retaining more often than losing a match all the while "raising the respect" for the divas title

in the end, the divas title gets dropped and luna gets handed the newly re-instated HARDCORE TITLE instead LOL!
This is some of the worst fantasy booking ever written. Are there no rules against this?

The Divas are not going in the direction you'd like to see them. Fine. Vince McMahon's vision and your vision are very different my friend. Virtually no one is tuning in to see women's matches for the matches themselves. I personally enjoy the break to see some beautiful women every once in awhile.

I almost spit out my water that you were impressed that she "dropped the f-bomb" on him. How edgy!
My bad Tsull. Yeah, I can see her with Kane. I think he needs a little pick me up, gettin a bit stale. But lets leave the Oddities in the history books.
Lol, I don't ever see the hardcore title coming back but your idea sounds pretty good. I'd like to see Luna beat the ever livin hell outta Mctaker and Co.

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