Shelton Benjamin... what happened?

Simple, he stopped having matches with HBK, and started relying on high risk spots to get him over rather than charisma (which he lacks), ring psychology, or storytelling, the guy can't cut a promo worth a shit and botches about every other move he does, there is nothing special about Butterfingers Benjamin, nothing special at all, the reason the match with HBK was so good was because it was with HBK, the guy also managed to drag a decent match out of Chris Masters as well, HBK is one of the few guys who can drag good matches out of just about anyone he gets in the ring with
It's called Shelton Benjamin being content with where he's at. He's happy with being a US Champion and if he ever wanted to be pushed to the moon, he'd get it. Why? He can flat out wrestle, work the mic a little bit, and can draw some good heat, too. He was partners with Brock Lesnar as part of the Minnesota Stretching Crew in the OVW. Youtube some of those matches. Seeing those two freaks as a tag team would be scary as all hell these days.

And...he even help make Haas passable as a character when they were the World's Greatest Tag Team and with Team Angle.

He's content. That's what happened.
Simple, he stopped having matches with HBK, and started relying on high risk spots to get him over rather than charisma (which he lacks), ring psychology, or storytelling, the guy can't cut a promo worth a shit and botches about every other move he does, there is nothing special about Butterfingers Benjamin, nothing special at all, the reason the match with HBK was so good was because it was with HBK, the guy also managed to drag a decent match out of Chris Masters as well, HBK is one of the few guys who can drag good matches out of just about anyone he gets in the ring with

Did you actually watch the match? Shelton was carying HBK all the way through it. And if shelton has no ring psychology then why does he all ways do incredble things in the ring(im not talking about his spots either).
Did you actually watch the match?

Yes, I seen the match plenty of times it's one of Sheltons few good matches as a singles guy

Shelton was carying HBK all the way through it.

:lmao::lol::lmao:, that may be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read in my life, clearly you are a biases Benjamin fan, perhaps you need to go back and re-watch the match...

And if shelton has no ring psychology then why does he all ways do incredble things in the ring(im not talking about his spots either).

Like what?!, do you even know what ring psychology even is?, seriously please name one incredible thing Shelton has ever done that was not a spot
Um, he just came off of being U.S. Champion for 8 months. Pretty much the longest reign of any champion in the WWE for the entire year.

People who say that he's only good in matches with crazy spots like Money In the Bank aren't paying attention, or they're lying.

He's had plenty of really good matches over the past year.

The match against Matt Hardy were he won the U.S. Title was a really good match.

As was his short feud with the Undertaker leading up the Royal Rumble.

He also had a good match against Triple H.

Of course his rivalry with MVP was great.

I read that Vince was really pleased with his U.S. Title Reign.

Which means that Vince thought he made the most out of the time he was given.

I can guarantee that he'll be contending for a title wherever he goes in the Draft.

The biggest difference between that Shelton and Shelton now is that Shelton was a face, and it was easier for him to get noticed. Because he was in matches with HBK, and feuding with Evolution.

Like the poster above me said. Shelton is content with his position. He's not raising hell backstage. He's not badmouthing people like Triple H who can hurt his career. He hasn't been suspended, or been in any trouble of any kind. He's been a model citizen since his little rift with that Road Agent.

It also seems that Vince looks at Shelton to be the Role Model to the rest of the Black Wrestlers in the Locker Room for some reason. When MVP got into trouble with his lack of professionalism. Vince told him to be more like Shelton. The same with R-Truth.

I think Vince is high on him, because he always seems to have gold around his waist. Probably the reason why Shelton isn't a Main Eventer, is because he doesn't want to be. Which worrys me, because I believe that EVERY wrestler should want to be a Main Eventer.
I'd have to say Shelton is one of my favorites out of all the rosters at the moment. He's full of potential - capable of putting on good spots and thrilling matches - and positive that WWE wants to shape him out to be a world champion - that is if he snaps out of whatever funk and realizes that all he needs to do is give alittle more and he'll be able to reach for any star he wants. His gimmick is absolutely brutal - Golden Standard - I think its about time we have another african american world champion - when was the last? Booker T? it'd really bring in the african american crowd to WWE.
He is a top notch performer but lacks passion and seems happy to stay in midcard status. He has the US/IC title around his waist fairly often but thats just a reason to keep him near the upper tier, there will come a point where WWE will say stuff it we've done all we can, if he doesn't want to take that extra step he can wollow in misery.

Can ya remember when he first went singles and moved to Raw, he beat Triple H 3 times in a row, they threw a huge bone to him and nothing came of it.
I hate the Gold Standard persona he's gotten but I'm still a big fan. I would actually like to see him wrestle Swagger in that amuteur wrestling only stipulation Swagger put on Dreamer. Shelton would undoubtedly be ECW champ then. Shelton was the one that finally ended Kofi Kingston's undefeated streak too. The thing about the top stars is that WWE is the majority of their lives, they base their priorities around the bussiness and put their whole selves into it. I don't think Shelton has that kind of passion for wrestling, I'm sure he likes putting on great matches and fan support. But how often does he make out of ring appearances? He likes the mid card status he's got and to earn World Championships he can't be comfortable with just mid card. Hell yea he has the talent but doesn't want to apply himself (flashback to highschool). Anyways for most of his fans we've gotten accustomed to his in ring performance so if he was to decide to finally step up his game then he would have to work harder then ever to get to beat the exceptional job he's been doing for almost the past ten years. And with all that hard work, this applies to every wrestler, comes chances at World Titles.
I'd have to say Shelton is one of my favorites out of all the rosters at the moment. He's full of potential - capable of putting on good spots and thrilling matches - and positive that WWE wants to shape him out to be a world champion - that is if he snaps out of whatever funk and realizes that all he needs to do is give alittle more and he'll be able to reach for any star he wants. His gimmick is absolutely brutal - Golden Standard - I think its about time we have another african american world champion - when was the last? Booker T? it'd really bring in the african american crowd to WWE.

The last African-American world champ was Mark Henry on ECW.
Um, he just came off of being U.S. Champion for 8 months. Pretty much the longest reign of any champion in the WWE for the entire year.

People who say that he's only good in matches with crazy spots like Money In the Bank aren't paying attention, or they're lying.

8 month reign how many defences?

MITB at WM25 also most f!#kd him self with the flip off the ladder by not rotating enough. messed up the powerbomb off the ladder waht could have messed up MVP.

what happened? he sucks.
Shelton needs to be in the ring with someone like HBK more often, even Rey, Evan Bourne, Jeff, Kofi, those guys are exciting to watch...

shelton is no good on the mic, he needs to wrestle his way to the top, not talk or anything else...he was better as a face character
It is a bit difficult to compare the Shleton Benjamin of 2005 in the ''Gold Rush Tournament'', to today's Shelton Benjamin. In 2005, Shelton Benjamin was a face that really got noticed and I believe he was the Intercontinental Champion at the time. Now, Shelton Benjamin is a heel and hardly gets noticed at all. If Shelton is involved with more high-profile matches, with more high-profile wrestlers, like HBK, then he can gain more credibility. If Shelton says that he does not want to be a main eventer, it still won't hurt him to have matches with main eventers and shows that he's still capable.

I think a little face turn would really help him. It would have to come completely out of nowhere, similar to his face turn in 2004. No one was expecting it. Shelton needs to be involved in a storyline that will get everyone's attention. Just because Benjamin doesn't have very good mic skills, it doesn't mean he can't get his point across. Some get their points across by talking, others do it by action. Shelton is more of an action guy.

I think Shelton Benjamin is an amazing athlete and I will continue to be a fan of him no matter what. He is a loyal employee and doesn't like to get into trouble off-screen. He's a great role model for other superstars, which is why Vince McMahon likes him.
Here is the difference for Shelton Benjamin... He's on smackdown and the level of talent too be noticed i small... Dont get me wrong there is some great talent but they are all locked into fueds examples Edge is in something with Cena, Triple H is with Orton. MVP well he just got out of a thing with MVP so past that and Undertaker just got out of a spiff with HBK. Put him back on raw with the draft get rid of the Gold Standard gimmick make him face and have him fued with a Randy Orton and Legacy after Backlash and the title is back on Orton
If he can't make it as a heel on Smackdown then it's not likely he'll make it at all. It's easier to be a heel, if you can't get get people to hate you then you must be as inept as Vladimir Kozlov. Smackdown is also the show with a more varied mid card. Not many Smackdown mid carders go to Raw and get a weekly spot. But a move from Raw to Smackdown often means you'll at least get a short push, see The Brian Kendrick.
Um, he just came off of being U.S. Champion for 8 months. Pretty much the longest reign of any champion in the WWE for the entire year.

You mean the 8 month title reign where he rarely defended a meaningless title that no one cares about?

People who say that he's only good in matches with crazy spots like Money In the Bank aren't paying attention, or they're lying.

Or they aren't as delusional as all the Butterfinger Benjamin fans out there

He's had plenty of really good matches over the past year.

Umm not really, dude sucks

The match against Matt Hardy were he won the U.S. Title was a really good match.

That match was mediocre at best

As was his short feud with the Undertaker leading up the Royal Rumble.

He was working with one of the best workers in the history of the WWE, the only people who pull out shit matches with Taker weigh over 400lbs.

He also had a good match against Triple H.

I don't even remember him having a match with Triple H this year, if you can't even remember the match than it can't possibly be worth a shit

Of course his rivalry with MVP was great.

In which MVP carried his ass...

I read that Vince was really pleased with his U.S. Title Reign.

Vince also thought it would be a good idea to do an incest angle with his daughter

Which means that Vince thought he made the most out of the time he was given.

Once again Vince has proven time and time again that he is ******ed, therefore I couldn't give a shit less what Vince says

I can guarantee that he'll be contending for a title wherever he goes in the Draft.

:lol::rolleyes: yeah right, good one

The biggest difference between that Shelton and Shelton now is that Shelton was a face, and it was easier for him to get noticed. Because he was in matches with HBK, and feuding with Evolution.

Not really, being a heel should be far easier, I mean how hard is it to make people hate you?, all you have to do is take cheap shots and steal victories, attack women, etc.

Like the poster above me said. Shelton is content with his position. He's not raising hell backstage. He's not badmouthing people like Triple H who can hurt his career. He hasn't been suspended, or been in any trouble of any kind. He's been a model citizen since his little rift with that Road Agent.

It has been said many many times by many many different wrestlers, if you are not her to be World Champion, then you should just GTFO

It also seems that Vince looks at Shelton to be the Role Model to the rest of the Black Wrestlers in the Locker Room for some reason. When MVP got into trouble with his lack of professionalism. Vince told him to be more like Shelton. The same with R-Truth.

A mid-card spot..err make that botch monkey?

I think Vince is high on him, because he always seems to have gold around his waist. Probably the reason why Shelton isn't a Main Eventer, is because he doesn't want to be. Which worrys me, because I believe that EVERY wrestler should want to be a Main Eventer.

The US title was the first time he's had gold around his waste in years, WTF are you talking about
Shelton needs to be in the ring with more quality opponents if he's gonna make it. I personally think that they shoud just drop the Gold Standard gimmick, either keep him on Smackdown or move him to RAW & turn him into a face again & let him become a face who only wrestles his way to the top. Or if that idea doesn't pan out then just give him a manager(who has mic skills) to be his mouthpiece.
It turned out he had all the charisma of an empty bottle is what happened.

He's been given chances to be over. He was made Angle's protege and was half of a very successful tag team. He beat Triple H like 3 times when Evolution was at the height of his power. Was part of a comedy act with his "momma". Given a long US title reign. And he does death defying spots whenever he can squeeze one in. But he still gets fuck all reaction from the crowd.

Simply put, when Shelton isn't wrestling he's horrible to watch. And since main eventers only spend about 50% of their time wrestling, if that much, Shelton will never be a main event star.
Everything that's wrong with Shelton Benjamin starts and ends with him. It seems he doesn't have the determination or passion to do better than where he already is. He seems complacent and that should be for somebody at the end of their career as opposed to at the prime of said career.

That match against HBK was his best match and that was four years ago. He hasn't had one memorable win since. His U.S. Title reign was ok, more better than MVP's in my opinion. He has no ring psychology whatsoever and botches all the time. Like others have stated, it is easier to be a heel than a face and if Benjamin can't get decent heel heat especially on Smackdown, then he's not going to get it anywhere else. I can see a face turn in the near future because I believe it will be a whole lot better for him. He has the potential but he has to wake up and realize that instead of just settling.
Crikey some of you are talking out your backside. Shelton is one of the best athletes in the WWE, has more talent in the ring than most of the roster and has had some very good matches (and no not just four years ago).

The only thing that is keeping him from challenging at main-event level is his lack of charisma on the mic. They have tried giving him air time to improve that on ECW and SD but he just hasn't got that in him. What he needs is a manager to do the talking for him. He has that and he can go all the way.

True he does botch a few moves but so does Jeff Hardy, and so do a lot of the guys. Someone says he almost broke his neck with the flip from the ladder at Mania, well so did Taker diving over the top rope.

Shelton has had a good feud with MVP which has seen some solid wrestling. After dropping the US title, I expect him to come over to RAW where hopefully he'll be given a mouthpiece. I don't expect 2009 to be his year but in the next few years, Shelton will be a much bigger player.
despite all the haters out there shelton is the best in the business. i think with him droping the u.s. tittle he will once again face main eventers on what ever brand he gets drafted to. he deserves to be wh or wwe champion more then punk, hardy, edge, nd kane. he i s way more talented then all those guys combined
your definitely right about Mark Henry being the last african american world champ- and hear me out - I hate to say this but the ECW title isnt important as the WWE or WHC - its terrible that it isn't. Glad you made that correction for me - but we need an african american highlighting ppvs - Shelton B. or R-Truth seem to be the only ones who could pull that off - I guess some would say MVP, but I still think he's mid-card.
I am actually a huge fan of Sheldon Benjamin. He is an incredible athlete with a less than steller gimmick. I dont know if he is content or what, but I do know he desrves at least a shot at a title. It's kinda ridiculous to see someone like CM Punk come up and surpass Sheldon when he has nowhere near the talent Sheldon has nor the ability. I think it's about time. The natural progression from Mid Carder to Main Eventer is right there for him to take. Another run at the U.S. or the I.C. championships will only stall his career even further than it already has been stalled.
Sheltons downfall is that WWE creative don't seem to be able to come up with anything for him, he's only ever been shelton and the gold standard gimmick isn't even a gimmick, he just has blond hair. Raw and Smackdown are 25% commercials, 50% promos and 25% actual wrestling and the commercials always run during matches, so a guy like Shelton who has all the in ring talent anyone could want, will never be able to shine in WWE because he doesn't have much in the way of charisma or mic skills, and they don't allow him enough time to put on the amazing matches everyone knows he is capable of. Shelton is too good to succeed in WWE unless they cut down on the crap and give more time to wrestling, afterall it is (supposedly) a wrestling company, correct me if im wrong.
The problem with Shelton Benjamin in comparison to then is that his matches aren't with Shawn every week. That match is one of my favourites, I think it's easily Benjamins best match, and it was entertaining. I'm a big fan of Benajmins ability, but I don't think he has the charisma to make it to being on the same level as HBK/Cena/Orton etc.

That match was a classic example of /shaen being able to pull great matches out of anyone. I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't praise Benjamin at all for it, simply that he benefitted from working with someone like HBK.

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