Sheamus- Moved to Raw way too early.

He's been on ECW for a decent amount of time. He wasn't really on ECW. I don't like the way he was brought over and anything but Sheamus is a solid edition to RAW. I think he's got the skill to elevate himself to the top, plus yeah.. HHH being his mentor pretty much helps him out. Sheamus can feud with alot of people on there, if they don't want him feuding with the main event yet then there's plenty of mid-carders on RAW to slap around.
Why am I getting this feeling that he's going to end up like 2 other certain 'monster-heels'?


He's certainly following the same path....debut against a jobber, and will probably win against a few more dudes who no one gives a crap about...
Does anyone else think that Sheamus has been rushed onto RAW too soon? Sure he was starting to impress on ECW and had a solid debut feud with Goldust. But his programme with Shelton Benjamin was just getting going and his promos still needed a bit of work.
There also doesn't seem to be a gap for him to fill really as the mid-card heel section already has Miz, Swagger, Carlito, Chavo and to a lesser extent Rhodes and Dibiase.
In my opinion I think it would've been better for Sheamus to have stayed on ECW for a little longer continued his feud with Benjamin to its natural conclusion and then maybe started something with Christian before debuting on RAW or Smackdown after the next post-Wrestlemania Draft.
Anyone else got any thoughts on the subject?
Well RAW is kinda heel they need to add some. I think Sheamus can fill a mid card heel role until he gets a bit more seasoning.

Throw him in the water...sink or swim. He's got tremendous upside.
i agree and disagree. i would have liked to see him finish his program with benjamin and maybe get an ecw title reign under his belt. he got 0 crowd reaction when he came out on raw and thats never good. but i think his character is developed enough for him to be on raw. i dont think raw is heel depleted but as long as they give him an meaningful feud i think he will do good on raw
I agree. I wish he had finished his program with Shelton first, then go off to Raw. But as mentioned before, Raw is heel depleted and this would be a nice move. Sheamus still needs some work, so hopefully he won't sink on Raw and he'll get a good program with someone soon.
The way I see it, if it's his time then it's his time. It all depends on the impact he's made since joining the main roster. Judging by the crowd's reaction when he comes out from the curtain and when he grabs a microphone, I think he's ready.

He's been given plenty of time to showcase his skills (i.e. wrestling ability, mic skills, charisma). I think he has all of the tools necessary to be a mainstay on the main roster. He's a very large athlete with an extremely unique, memorable look. Plus, he was in OVW and FCW for a long time before the WWE brought him onto television. This gave him plenty of experience in the ring and on the mic and it definitely shows.

I'm looking forward to the impact he'll make on Raw.
i definitley think they were jumping the gun, the only thing this guy brings to the table right now is pale jokes for the commentary guys..i like sheamus and think he can be a good heel but its just early to me..i definitely would have liked to see him sneak an ECW title win from christian and then possibly move on but oh well.
Yes and no. It should have been good to let him finish his program with Benjamin, but I think he has a lot of potential, even more than Swagger. I realy would like to see him climb to the top, based on what I have seen so far, I think he has what it takes.
I don't think he's ready at all. He's been getting no reaction, and his mic skills have been nothing but passable. His bicycle kick is a bad finisher, too. The uranage-backbreaker was way more painful looking.

Do I hope he can make it on RAW? Absolutely, but I really just don't like the guy as of right now. He's done nothing to prove himself to me as of yet.
i agree its a sink or swim situation more likely with him going back to ECW or Smackdown by next year. although i would say there is room available as i cant personally see carlito, primo and jamie noble on raw for much longer and i reckon there is a chance of perhaps a miz or swagger face turn in the future (I personally find them funny and they could become a dark horse).
I wanted 2 see the rest of the Sheamus/Benjamin feud, he still has to prove himself. He hasn't really beat anybody of value yet.
I don't think he got a reaction on raw just because he had a match also on ecw as well. If raw and ecw are still together on the same night, then Sheamus would of already of came out before, so they probably didn't care the second time he came out. The same thing happened with the Carlito's, except it was wwe superstars instead of ecw they fought on, and Carlito and Primo fought in back to back matches i believe.
I don't watch ECW mainly because it's on tv here at a time when I'm not home. I had no idea who this guy was and certainly the crowd didn't either. It was expected I supppose.

It's common sense the WWE needs to develop their talent more and bring guys up for the future, but clearly from reading a few comments that it sounds like he just arrived in the WWE and needed more time to develop in ECW.
That's a lot of the issue as well...people who watch RAW...don't necessarily watch ECW and Smackdown. They aren't WWE fans...they are RAW fans. Granted it's probably a small margin, but I think next week you have to let Sheamus kind of develop his character more. Give him an extended promo in the ring. You can even have one of the mid card/lower card faces come out and make fun of his accent or his lack of tan...then you have Sheamus destroy them. Basically trashing the fans in the process. Maybe even making the claim that he wants Cena (granted it won't happen yet because of Cena's program with DX)...but it sows the seeds in case Sheamus does take off with the crowd.
The silence was deafening! It was unbelievable... I think I heard about 6 people trying to get a boring chant going but noone cared enough to even manage that. It was awful.

Sheamus is impressive and he could be a major asset to any show on WWE... I personally feel he should have stayed on ECW until Wrestlemania at least.

On the flip side of things, with Kofi looking to move onto a main event class feud with Randy Orton (And doing it very well too... who'd have known) So there is a spot on the roster for another mid carder... Sure, Evan Bourne would have been there to claim it but lets face it... he's a more high profile waste of time than Jamie Noble.

The problem was it was handled really badly. Noble shouldn't have been given a chance. They should have 'Lesnarised' Sheamus. Make him destroy Noble. Give him no chance. Match done with inside a minute. Instead we get a sloppy beginning which saw Noble taken out of the ring and then Sheamus stopped by the referee from going out the ring to get him, thus killing all momentum his hyped 'Raw Debut' had gained him... if it had gained any at all.

I'm English and so I don't feel like this is a racist or discriminatory comment but our accents don't work. William Regal is Ok, Burchill is awful. Even Davey Boy had a problem on the mic. But Drew McIntyre and Sheamus just don't come across well vocally. Drew is alright in what he says, very confident but not at all convincing. And Sheamus' irish accent is, stereotypically, a nice Irish voice. I have known plenty of Famous Irish Bastards (Roy Keane for example) who spoke beautifully but their actions were at times awful. It sounds weird. So his 'I'm on Raw to make an impression' line just felt very weak. Don't mean to offend any Irish guys who are looking to become the Celtic version of The Rock in the future but you will have a job on your hands. One guy has mastered it and one man alone... Roddy Piper. After all, Kingston is getting his push now... after dropping the Jamaican accent... hmmm!

Sheamus needs to be a silent monster. A bit like Mike Knox... only good!
I think we are all in agreement that Sheamus was pushed too early without actually beating someone of notoriety. I would've liked to see him win the ECW belt first. When I first saw him, I thought impressive but green. Once he's fine tuned, he could be a major player; but until then, too soon for RAW. I see WWE as you start in ECW; then go to Smackdown; then go to the flagship show RAW. You don't just skip to RAW without paying your dues. Yes, they are in need of mid-card heels, but give the kid some experience before throwing to the wolves.
As someone had mentioned, if he came in ala Lesner and just destroyed Noble, he would've been more impressive.
Depends, I thingk he was getting good at ECW as it is, also there are a lot heels at Raw (counting they usually use the tag champions to one on one matches), but lets see what does he brings to the table, hopefully he does not get lost in shufle and ends like Masters.
simply he is ok, yeah he will get a mini run as a heel. but what they should do is leave him against shelton benjamin but bring shelton back to raw and make him a heel again. for shamus or however u spell it, this guy needs some more battles in ecw before they move him to raw or smackdown and he obviosly missed the memo bout what time he can use the tanning bed cause sometimes he blends in with the mat.
Do you guys realize why Sheamus is getting a push and got moved to Raw the reason is three letters HHH.

Triple H just got done touting Sheamus in some interview and thus he was moved to Raw it really doesn't matter if the crowd wants Sheamus they are getting Sheamus.

Do you really think that HHH will admit he is wrong by halting his push ? Highly doubtful and for those who dispute his backstage pull it's real and it's there this is pretty evident.
First of all people say that he should have more battles in ECW. Who could he possibly face to make a name for himself. Tommy Dreamer, ever since he lost the championship he's basically jobber. He did have a feud with golddust but seriously has he ever been a big star at all. Oh and he's basically a jobber now. I actual thought he should get a shot at the ecw championship considering he's undefeated. Also he seriously needs a new finisher for christ sake. That stupid backbreaker is really overrated. Now in FCW he had a godly finisher called the fiery red hand or something like that. I also think he should have a submission as a finisher. He has that ruthless look to him that makes him look like he could really hurt someone.
Anyone notice that all the guys triple h gets pushed are really boring and suck on the mic.

Sheamus bores me so much that i immediatly change the channel everytime i see him, drew too.
I do not watch ECW, and when I heard about the guy for the first time a couple of weeks ago I believed based solely on his appearance that he was face. Had no clue he was a heel. Now that I've heard him speak, I think that he would absolutely do better as a face than a heel, and I think the changed should have happened just a couple of months before Wrestlemania while still being signed to he ECW roster.
I don''t think sheamus is ready and personally, I don't think he ever will be. On Raw, Sheamus got not reaction at all and while should he. Sheamus was in the middle of his first ever fued and they trade him to Raw? Not a good idea! I think he will become a jobber after a month or two and he would have been booked alot better if he had stayed on ecw
So he becomes anoher Snitsky or Mike Knox....

Notice how those who are supposed to be monster heels in the past few years debut by beating up cans ultimately amount to nothing?

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