Sheamus losing at ER equals push on Smackdown?


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Ok. Sheamus was put into a match against Kofi at ER last night and he lost. This this mean a push on Smackdown coming his way? Sheamus was a big star during the end of 09' and midway through 10'. Since then he won King of the Ring and dropped to the midcard division. That was a huge step down in bhis career as he became World Champ after pretty much debuting. Since then he has been main event status and now he has dropped to the midcard position. He won the US Title and his reign was pointless. Now he is on Smackdown. Losing the title is a good thing I feel. Now he can be pushed without a midcard championship holding him back. Arguably he is the biggest heel on Smackdown. I want him to be put into the mianevent picture along with Rhodes and fued with Christian and Orton.

Do you think losing to Kofi and getting rid of the US Title means he will be pushed on Smackdown.
i would look for him to get in the main event picture...but not win for a while christian and orton are the top faces on SD,many people say SD is lacking heels but you have Sheamus,henry,and even maybe Orton is due for a heel turn plus wade barret is still hanging around as the ic champ look for him to maybe drop that to Sheamus and maybe move into the top heel spot...filling the Del Rio void all though anyone can turn heel so who knows. It can go anywhere but i think christians going to hold on to the whc till at least fatal 4 way maybe drop it to orton or barret or even Sheamus.

Sheamus will probably fued with Sin Cara for now and then after losing to Sin Cara for a couple of weeks, he will win at Money In The Bank and cash in on Christian to win the title.
Sheamus dropped the title only because they wanted that belt on Raw. It didn't necessarily mean anything more. I do expect Sheamus to be in the main event scene of Smackdown soon.
I hope it is the start of his main event push, but i cant see sheamus feuding with christian for the WHC, they have no history, the last time they fought was when christian was ECW champ and sheamus was in his first WWE title reign. It could happen but i think that mark henry may get into a feud with christian also and he is probably first in line for the title shot if they do feud.
I agree with Bralwer, the only reason that he dropped the title to Kofi was to keep it on Raw. They couldve picked someone better to have him lose it to but oh well. But anyway I believe he was getting on such a role before he lost it that he will regain that momentum soon and I keep saying this but I really want it, Sheamus and Barrett feud. He does deserve to be in the main event, he's already shown that; but with Henry likely entering the world title range soon, and Orton right at Christian's heels they need some time before throwing Sheamus in there as well. Feud with Barrett(have him win by DQ so he gets the cred but can move on without taking the IC title) and then send him after the World Heavyweight Champion.
I hope it is the start of his main event push, but i cant see sheamus feuding with christian for the WHC, they have no history...

It's a good point, but a lot of the anticipation of people changing brands is that competitors who have no prior history can start making some. Through their past exploits, we already know who these guys are..... now they're ready to face wrestlers they never faced before. I think that's great.

In the case of Sheamus, I don't think there was ever a guy who needed a change of brands more than him. None of us are ever going to understand the WWE systems of rewards and punishments that can reduce a performer from main event status to........well, losing to guys like Evan Bourne.

As an example, people have recently been wondering what happened to the rumored push for Chris Masters. I can't tell if the company is still punishing him for those damn steroids several years ago, or whether they simply feel he has to wait his turn. Or maybe he pissed off a road agent and was shoved several steps down the ladder for that. Who knows how they do things?

Then again, Kofi is a good example of someone whom I felt saw his time as a featured performer come and go. I figured he had about as much chance of winning a WWE championship again as Scott Hall does. Yet, here he is. It's nice, but mysterious.

At any rate, now that Sheamus is on Smackdown, I hope they're planning to have him compete at the highest level of the brand. Whatever they were keeping him down for..... I hope it's over and done with. He's too good to be a jobber.
Who else could really fill the role of the top heel on SD? Khali? Henry? Barrett? Sheamus is in the perfect spot right now, he doesn't have much competition, I'd expect him to do big things on the blue brand, unless of course he goes on a job streak to end all job streaks.
I certainly hope Sheamus' trade to Smackdown indicates a push for him. And, look who he gets to face again -- Randy Orton. Will Sheamus finally get his one-on-one victory over the viper? Or will he return to being his punching bag? Anyway, the match at ER was alright, but Kofi Kingston winning the US title was a bit lame. It should have been a different opponent. Kofi just isn't exciting as a Champion. His latest IC title reign was forgettable. Sheamus has a great chance of freshening up though. It's only a matter of time before he becomes an asset on that brand.
I really hope Sheamus gets pushed back to the main event now that he's on SmackDown. I thought he was awesome in his early ECW days in 2009, and after he switched to RAW he got such a huge push, topped off with his win over Cena for the WWE title at TLC, and people (myself included), were so psyched to see someone different as champion, especially a guy we hadn't seen much of but definetely brought a certain level of excitement to the ring when he competed. And then...Sheamus sort of lost his thunder over the better part of 2010, and by 2011 he was walking around as the United States Champion and wearing red, blue and white ring gear to commemorate it. Really? So many wrestlers in WWE these days are under-utilized, and Sheamus is a guy who deserves a lot more than he's been getting as of late. WWE management, once and for all get your heads out of your asses and start booking guys properly. PLEASE!
Sheamus losing at Extreme Rules was so that Raw would still have a midcard title. I doubt it has anything to do with him getting pushed on SD! anytime soon. Not because he doesn't deserve it but because it looks like SD! is going in another direction with he and Daniel Bryans match on this weeks shows. They gave it at least 7 or 8 minutes. Could be wrong though. I'd like to see him in a program with the Undertaker seems like that could be interesting.

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