Sheamus Is Mr. Money In The Bank - Keep It All Here!!!


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we all saw last night the "Celtic Warrior" pulled off the big win and became Mr. MIB (after some interference from Bray) - So my questions are: How do you feel about this decision, do you feel it was the best decision?! Do you think WWE is trying to build a new "underdog" (like Bryan) by snatching victory time and time again from Reigns/Ambrose?!
Given that Roman Reigns is about 6'2" and 260 pounds of jacked up Samoan stud, they're not gonna be able to portray him as an underdog. He's got too many cosmetic positives going for him to be a believable underdog. It's possible that they're portraying him as something of a sympathetic babyface who seems to be getting screwed out of opportunities time after time; still, it's not as effective as it might ordinarily be with someone who doesn't have his physical stature and/or good looks. At the same time, using this as an opportunity to build Reigns' reputation can't hurt but we got something of a glimpse of what'll happen when/if Reigns is back in the title picture and wins; when it looked as though Reigns was getting close to getting the briefcase or was the only one in the ring with a clear path up the ladder, a lot of fans started booing him. He had a lot of cheers, but there were also a lot of noticeable boos and I think a good number of fans will boo the guy if/when he becomes champion because, like Cena, he's got too much of the handsome, muscular powerful stud thing goin' on. Even though Reigns has won over a lot of people, I think some will go back to booing him just for shits and giggles.

As for Ambrose, it can be argued that Rollins needed the win last night more than Ambrose did. The one significant hiccup in Rollins' time as champion has been WWE's overuse of outside interference on Rollins' behalf. He had a great match with Ambrose that went north of 35 minutes in length, they both worked their asses off and Rollins retained the title clean; Ambrose is someone fans will embrace if/when he becomes champion, so I don't think there's any sort of worry there.

When it comes to Sheamus winning MITB, I have to say that I'm not all that crazy about it. Sheamus has been WWE Champion twice, though it's been quite a long time, but I would've preferred him to have been Intercontinental Champion for a while, had a strong run as a heel champion, dropped it to some hot babyface and then moved up into the WWE WHC scene. It just feels a little too soon for me seeing as how he's only been back for a few months, spent that time unsuccessfully pursuing the Intercontinental Championship and now he's all but guaranteed to win the WWE WHC sometime within the next 12 months. I've enjoyed Sheamus a lot more as a heel and I'm open to the possibility that my mind can be changed in the weeks and months to come as far as Sheamus being Mr. MITB.
I thought Welfare Check was a Ludvig Borga reference. Is this thing on?

Anyway, to your question. I wasn't angry that Sheamus won. In fact I was quite shocked. It came out of left field. Big Shame now leap frogs over Reigns, Orton, Wyatt, Ambrose, and Rusev.

With Lesnar poised for a comeback it's hard to see how Sheamus fits in. At what time between now and WrestleMania would a Sheamus title reign even make sense? Is this a Spring 2016 cash-in scenario?

All that said, WWE sees something in Sheamus. He has the look, the prowess, and cross-continental appeal to be world's champion. I get it.

Hopefully this leads to a WHC title program with Daniel Bryan. I'd love to see Daniel vs. Goliath one more time. Is this thing on?
my hope is that he's the first one to cash in and lose on a cash in where it's a surprise. i like heel Sheamus, but i feel that he's too dull at times to have a lengthy title run. look at future feuds he would be in if he wins the title. Cena (seen it), Orton (not again). the only fresh feuds would be with guys like Reigns and Ambrose and my guess is he cashes in on Reigns.
Last night, The Celtic Warrior Sheamus, won the Money in the Bank contract, which gives him the opportunity to cash in at any given time, for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Many people questioned WWE's move to give Sheamus the victory. Ok, we get. Sheamus is HHH's lad and that's why he won the WWE Championship so early in his career. In 2009. 6 years ago! (It's been so long?!). However, since then, in my book, Sheamus has developed so much and in my eyes he's one of the best performers on the roster.

Sheamus' problem has always been creative ideas and promos. His accent screams heel, he's a heel now. And as far his gimmick goes, yeah, he had (and still has a lousy) one, however his look, is badass. I have enjoyed his work ever since his return. I belive he's killing it right now.

With a little character-twist, plus the MITB briefcase, his carreer could take a turn for the better. He's Irish and he's a heel. Why not give him an IRA gimmick? I actually took that idea from Sons of Anarchy show. But it's something that's never been done before. Celtic Warrior my arshe, we's not leaving in 2000 BC, that's the 21st century, Noone takes a "Celtic Warrior" seriously, not even children.

Sheamus, needs to be hated. Give him a gimmick that does that. Ta-da! Super-badass heel.

Why Sheamus was the right choice? Who else was there? Kane? Ziggler? No way. Kofi will never be World Champ and that "Freebird MITB rule" was just pure fantasy. It was never going to work anyway, while Big E. and Woods suck. Orton? Not a chance. Only Roman was the better option, but the WWE didn't want to have a re-watch of the 2015 RR. They want to keep Roman laying low, not getting huge-pushes, until he's 100% over as a babyface.

The only other option for me was Bray Wyatt. But the WWE won't trust him to be World Champ I guess.

Sheamus was the right choice for me and I'm looking forward to see him cashing in on Lesnar and going one-on-one with beast. That'll be a hell of a match.

Agree/Disagree and why?
i love it.
With all the talk of lesnar turning face am i the only one that thinks sheamus vs lesnar would be gloriously brutal?
the only problem is when it happens. i think rollins still has a lot of steam as his run can pick up now he has finally won clean and with lesnar, reigns and an almost inevitable shield triple threat match on the cards
either way the best thing for sheamus to do is announce his cash in in advance. the brash arrogance of it fits his character
Sheamus was the only other choice other than Reigns to win it.. They couldn't give it to Roman Reigns, he's finally starting to get over with the fans in a positive way. The whole Rumble/WrestleMania fiasco seems to be forgotten about. If they gave him another big match win like this it could hurt his popularity, they can't keep force feeding him to us and give him every big match WWE has. Sheamus is a great heel, they need more depth at the top of the card, why not build Sheamus as a top heel in WWE?... How are people questioning this decision? It was the best thing they could do.

It's just people don't like Sheamus, which is great. People are not suppose to like him.
Well I'm going to disagree with giving him the briefcase and I'll tell you why. Sheamus has been around for what seems like ever now. He is a main event talent, as proof he's held the title at least twice that I can remember.

He doesn't need the MITB contract to elevate him back into the main event ranks, because if he needed it now with his length of time spent already, then he didn't deserve it to begin with.

I see Sheamus as I see Orton, he can come in and out of the main event picture when they need him. The problem with Sheamus, unlike Orton though, is that he doesn't connect with the fans. For some reason he's never developed a following, I find him bland and boring. He's good in the ring, but outside of his in ring skills, there is nothing. Last night he didn't get cheered or boo'd when he won, there was a lot of silent people sitting there. That's never a good sign.

The MITB should be for someone that's up and coming and gives them a leg up. Sheamus doesn't and shouldn't need it, he's been around long enough. I heard the boo's when Reigns started to climb the ladder, so obviously he's not out of the woods yet either.

They might as well have given it to Kane for all I care now. Sheamus was the last person in that match I wanted to win. I mean isn't he rumoured to be going to film a Ninja Turtles or Star Wars film?
Well I'm going to disagree with giving him the briefcase and I'll tell you why. Sheamus has been around for what seems like ever now. He is a main event talent, as proof he's held the title at least twice that I can remember.

That's proof he was a main-event talent in 2010.. Sheamus is not a guy who can be pushed into the main-event scene whenever they want. The briefcase will certainly help with that.. WWE has struggled with building talent in the past. He's been a mid-carder since coming back and now he's being pushed back to the main-event, unless they scrap everything and have him loose when he cashes-in.

Sheamus was the right choice and everybody knows it. Nobody in that match was in a good spot to be pushed to the top of the card besides Sheamus and Reigns. A great heel winning this match is always more intriguing anyways.
That's proof he was a main-event talent in 2010.. Sheamus is not a guy who can be pushed into the main-event scene whenever they want. The briefcase will certainly help with that.. WWE has struggled with building talent in the past. He's been a mid-carder since coming back and now he's being pushed back to the main-event, unless they scrap everything and have him loose when he cashes-in.

Sheamus was the right choice and everybody knows it. Nobody in that match was in a good spot to be pushed to the top of the card besides Sheamus and Reigns.

Why can't he be pushed into the main event scene whenever they want? What's stopping them. He's not Neville or Barrett, he's been around, and he's been up there, and has hovered around feuding with main event talent for a while now. If Bray Wyatt is considered main event talent, then I would assume Sheamus would be a shoe in.

What the fuck, here I am defending Sheamus of all people. Good God.
Sheamus should be absolutely nowhere near world titles, IMO. I see no difference between him and Warlord. They're both tall, jacked-up guys who look silly and were never able to maintain consistent spectator interest. The complete and utter lack of any audience response for Sheamus entering, wrestling or winning spoke volumes.
kpgreece said:
His accent screams heel, he's a heel now. And as far his gimmickWhy not give him an IRA gimmick?


So he's Irish, so he must be a heel.

He's an irish heel, so make him a member of the IRA!!!!!:disappointed:

i mean let's not stereotype eh?:banghead:

john Cena is Mr usa, so let's make his character one that attacks his target, but he always ends up hurting loads of innocent people.

An IRA character???:disappointed::disappointed:
I would have preferred Kane win and either cash in the same night or use it as an insurance policy for the Authority. At least that would have been somewhat fresh. I don't have a problem with Sheamus holding the briefcase as long as it's cashed in quickly. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm tired of seeing the case being carried around. After Rollins held it for almost a year I was looking forward to a quick cash in so we can give the gimmick some rest.

As long as Sheamus cashes in within the next 3 months I'm okay with him as a winner though I agree that he doesn't really need it.
After his first premature push to the moon, it was finally Reigns' time. Giving him the briefcase would have injected some fun drama into the Reigns/Ambrose friendship and the Reigns/Authority angle but no...Sheamus, who absolutely doesn't need the briefcase, wound up with it. There are very few who will be on the edge of their seat waiting for him to cash in while Reigns will be wasted getting booed against Bray Wyatt for the next 3 months in feud that will never end up making sense.
Sheamus was the right choice out of who was in the match. He's an actual heel that got a heel reaction from the crowd and social media last night. I believe he can be a great heel in the main event scene.
Sheamus winning was the best choice, and a VERY welcome surprise over the only likely possibilities of Roman Reigns or Neville.

What I see happening is that when Brock Lesnar wins the title again, Sheamus will immediately cash in on him, decimate Lesnar, and take the title. That will give Lesnar his contractually guaranteed 6 months off before his next match.
So you want the WWE to promote an IRA style angle, jeez that is possibly one of the most pathetic ideas I've ever heard.

I couldn't agree more, "based on what I've seen on sons of anarchy, we have a bad irish guy, he should be in the IRA"......a history lesson is needed I think.

In regards to sheamus I think it's great he won it although surprising, his return as heel has been what he needed, but they've still booked him too weak in my opinion, far to many loses. Book him strong to build the heat.
I like it. I've been a face of Sheamus since his return. His mannerisms are more over the top. And he just has that air of intensity about him that only a few other people in the company have, like Lesnar and Rusev. So a potential WWE world title run for him might be a good thing, especially since he's fresh and hasn't really been "the man" in a while. I'm enjoying the drama with the Authority, but Rollins isn't a legit champion. I don't think he was ever meant to be. Sheamus would be. He'd be the type of champion that not even Lesnar would be able to defeat without some difficulty.

So I'll be watching this to see where it goes. Hopefully some potential good matches between Sheamus, Rollins, Lesnar, Reigns, and maybe Ambrose are the results.
After some thinking, I don't mind Sheamus winning it, tho at this point, I am in the dark as to when exactly he will cash-in and on whom in order to make it worth it when it happens.

That said, I was hoping that Bray Wyatt would have bizzarely taken the case after taking out Roman Reigns. That would have left some huge questions going into RAW tonight and would have been great way to make Bray Wyatt prominent again.
Imagine Bray entering into a feud with Reigns, getting into his head and then handing the case to Reigns for use just because. That would have been some bloody awesome programming to look forward to going forward, lMO.
This is a very strange decision on the part of WWE. Sheamus has been a solid midcarder, but this really feels like a last minute decision. Sheamus aint turning face. Rollins better not turn face. If Brock beat Rollins, will Sheamus try to cash in on him? Will he keep it for over 6 months? Ugh, hopefully he doesn't remind us that he is the winner every 2 lines.

Then again, Sheamus is often booked very oddly. He was also a midcarder when he won the Royal Rumble. I'm not really criticizing the decision as much as I am just confused by it. I guess we just have to see where WWE takes this surprise angle.
I wasn't thrilled with Sheamus winning either. As others have mentioned, he really has no fan presence. They don't cheer... They don't boo... It's just silent. He hasn't connected with me in the past and it's unlikely he will in the future unless they start making him relatable

I was going for the New Day to be MITB winners. That would have been fun. Oh well.
Sheamus was an ok choice but it seems he was given it due to a lack of options. They didn't want to go to Orton again. Reigns didn't really need it and was the obvious choice. Ziggler is about on the same level so it would be splitting hairs.

My big worry is that they are setting up The Authority turning on Seth and having Sheamus rise as Champ. There have been rumours of a Seth face turn and that sounds stupid. 1+1 = 2 and Sheamus is the new champ and the top heel.

I suppose there is something with Brock. Sheamus acting like Del Rio with Brock being Punk from 2011. That might be ok especially if it sets up Sheamus/Brock which sounds fantastic. A match I would love to see.

Ultimately, he was an ok choice. I would have rather they gone with someone else but the fact he is heel (as is the champ) intrigues me. Maybe he will lose his cash in. Indeed, maybe he will actually lose the briefcase - they have already foreshadowed to a feud with Ambrose. The idea of Sheamus as champ doesn't really excite me especially if it's at the expense of Rollins.
I was glad to see Sheamus win the briefcase because I've been wondering what Creative has been doing for him since he returned from his long absence. After that amount of time, I figured they'd bring him back with a bang; that a change in his look and attitude would bring about a rejuvenation of his career.

Instead, we've been watching him battle on even terms with midcarders, losing cleanly to people like Dolph Ziggler. Even so, I hoped they'd get around to finding something to prove Sheamus wasn't done as an elite performer, which I feel he is.

Of course, just winning MITB doesn't guarantee much of anything. The same built-in malady befalls MITB as King of the Ring: you can wear the trappings of your achievement, yet lose most of your matches.....which ain't gonna get anyone to main event status.

Yes, we already know who Sheamus is and a plastic title isn't going to focus attention on him. Still, it's something, and if Sheamus can garner some crowd noise while parading around with his briefcase, it will hopefully lead to better things down the line.

Heaven knows, the main event section of the roster can use some more good people.
I'm happy for Sheamus. He's one of my "guys", so to speak, and I've always thought he was ready to make that jump to the main event again since his return. The crowds are reacting to him (despite what some delusional people may think), and he, along with Rollins is one of the only true heels on the roster. Fluid on the mic, great in the ring, and he seems to have his gimmick down pat. However, I don't know if he will actually win the title. The title scene seems a little full at this point and I don't know where a Sheamus championship reign would fit in. I'm kind of worried that he'll be the third man to unsuccessfully cash in his MITB contract.

Hopefully he doesn't hold it too long either way.

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