lime-light....thank god, at last !

Shadow of Darkness

Occasional Pre-Show
As i unfold my thoughts about Sheamus on yesterday's SmackDown, I want you all to notice my point!

we saw Sheamus was given the upper-hand in smackdown, when he just kicked away not only christian but also the "superman wanna be" Randy Orton. Now it is sure WWE is changing , they giving the heels a time to explain their views.
now that brings me to my next point, those who think that WWE is making orton the next superman, forget about it. Just see in last 4 weeks Orton has been shown as a champ who wins because of the refree or because of backing and pushing of smackdown GM Long. He was defeated cleanly by Shemus, but was saved by christian. He pinned christian when christian had rope-touched. All these things eventually led to yesterday where Sheamus got portrayed himself as the next big thing. It is looking that wwe is trying to re-invent sheamus quiet like they did to Brock Lesner. They are perhaps trying to make shemus as the warrior who powers his way through to the world title.

what do u think?
hell yah!
i am very glad to see sheamus getting some highly deserved attention, he is great in-ring and interesting on the mic, he is a 2 time world champ and had great feuds with jomo, and triple hhh, i would love to see sheamus end up as WHC in the near future, and hopefully we see more of him instead of just christain and super orton.
As i unfold my thoughts about Sheamus on yesterday's SmackDown, I want you all to notice my point!

we saw Sheamus was given the upper-hand in smackdown, when he just kicked away not only christian but also the "superman wanna be" Randy Orton. Now it is sure WWE is changing , they giving the heels a time to explain their views.
now that brings me to my next point, those who think that WWE is making orton the next superman, forget about it. Just see in last 4 weeks Orton has been shown as a champ who wins because of the refree or because of backing and pushing of smackdown GM Long. He was defeated cleanly by Shemus, but was saved by christian. He pinned christian when christian had rope-touched. All these things eventually led to yesterday where Sheamus got portrayed himself as the next big thing. It is looking that wwe is trying to re-invent sheamus quiet like they did to Brock Lesner. They are perhaps trying to make shemus as the warrior who powers his way through to the world title.

what do u think?
hell yah!

Ok, the thread title suggests to me that you think Sheamus was on a comedown, when he's clearly not. Let me say this: the first rule of going from Raw to Smackdown is that your position on the card is probably going to fall a little. Unless you're going over to compete in the main event title scene, this is a near-cert. Yeah Sheamus had a badass showing on SD, but he's not just been sitting around. He's been carrying the US title and getting some mid card goodness under his belt. Working in the midcard is like taking your vitamins - it's not actually as good as eating food with that stuff in, but it'll good to take nonetheless. Sheamus was just fine, I knew he'd be back eventually. He's miles more over than Swagger for starters so he wasn't gonna end up like that. That said, I think Swagger may well come back to ME eventually. Just not right now, too much is going on.

Also, Sheamus is no Lesnar. They're not the same type of heel. Sheamus is not a monster heel, he's a heel who also happens to lean towards power wrestling/brawling.

I have to take issue with your wording on "Orton the next superman". See, what you really mean by superman is top face, which is exactly where Orton is, that fact is not made any less so just because Sheamus assaulted him at the end of SD. And also, top faces are supposed to win rather often, otherwise they look shit and don't get as over. I don't care if you don't like it, that's how it works.

"They're giving the heels time to explain their views" - They've always done this, but only when it's justified. Heels are either justified or unjustified, but either way, they can still get over or they can still suck. Example, Christian's great as either kind of heel as his character is completely different.

You're seeming to me to be quite against the current climate of the company, but not really giving any reason why. You don't like Orton? Tough, he's the top face of SD. Go watch something else because chances are Orton will be at the top for a long time. And why shouldn't he be? He's over as fuck.
I'm glad they're making Sheamus look strong. He's my favorite wrestler so far in the PG era. What I would love to see is a Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger feud. Sadly, they're on different shows, so that's unlikely to happen.
I love seeing Sheamus getting more recognition, he's one of my currents favorites in the WWE and I definitely see a World Heaveyweight Title reign for him in the next two years. I really enjoy watching Sheamus's matches with Randy so I am itching for this feud between Randy and Christian to be over so we could get Sheamus in there with the champ.
I was very happy to see sheamus he is my favorite in the wwe. I hope he does win the mitb but if not once chirstan stops hogging the #1 contenders spot I think sheamus may get a title shot.
I hope first Christian gets a proper world title reign and then when he's on his way to drop it, Sheamus cashes in MITB (assuming he wins) and takes the championship for his first WHC reign. The likes of Cody Rhodes get their time in the soon to come future and Orton is one who doesn't need the championship. I am not worried about the 'superman' shit many talk about. Orton has been hurt many times in the recent shows and been the guy laying on his back in a number of Smackdown shows. That's unlike Raw where Orton was rarely ever on his back in his final appearance since the one and only Nexus beatdown he got a couple of weeks before EC.
Yes! I was so happy when I seen him do what he did last night. He never deserved to be dropped into the shadows a few months ago now I am glad to see him back in the ME picture and hope he wins the World title and has a good reign and stays in the ME picture.
As far as ability, I believe it's unquestioned that Sheamus has what it takes to be at the pinnacle of his profession. Just about everyone is able to muster an effective repertoire of offense while wrestling; the much harder part is being able to sell the other guy's moves. Many guys fail in the latter category (ex. Cara, Sin).

Then, the people in the company who evaluate talent have to look at how well a wrestler works with others in the ring. Does the opponent constantly have to cover for him? Does he hit his spots? Does he work smoothly while making it possible for his opponent to hit theirs?

In answer to both these factors, Sheamus stands tall. He puts on top-quality matches, works extremely well with others, and looks good whether he's the title holder.....or a jobber.

The question is: Why was a guy of his caliber being used as a jobber in the first place? Is it really true that WWE demotes performers if they do something that displeases high-ranking members of management?

I'd hate to think it's true; but seeing Sheamus' career path kind of indicates that it does. He was at the pinnacle of the profession, and was then unceremoniously dropped to jobbing to jobbers. Through it all, he seems to have remained a good soldier.....and his natural ability and hard-work ethic has made it inevitable he would make his way back to the top....and now, he has.

Someday, though, I'd love to find out what really goes on backstage that causes the company to "punish" a performer.....and what they really have to do to get themselves in the doghouse like that.

Meanwhile, good for Sheamus; he did his penance, held his ground.....and is now back in the limelight, where he belongs. It's great to see it.
Hehe, Orton isnt the next SuperCena, people just get paranoid every time they see someone getting a descent push, specially if its someone that doesnt go over well with the internet fans.

As for Sheamus, he never really left the lime-light, so to speak. After winning the WWE title he was a King, then a US champion, and now hes in the main event mix on SD. I get what you mean though, Sheamus has been losing momentum for a while now and that run in by him made it clear that Smackdown isnt just about Orton and Christian. I expect Sheamus to win the WHC sometime in the future, and then have Orton play the stellar role of the championship chasing predator.
I loved what Sheamus did on Smackdown. He looked really strong and badass. That is a type of heel that is not often seen in the WWE and it was refreshing to see. He had a motive to attack both men as Christian had beaten him in a match that would have gotten him into the main event at Capitol Punishment while Orton had punted him after the match. What this also does is make all three men look equally good in the leadup to what will probably be a triple threat match for the World Title at MITB.

I don't think that Sheamus will be a World Champion anytime soon but he has convinced me that he would do a good job whenever he is given the ball to run with.
I do not think at any point Sheamus was on a down low as he?

He simply got punted by Orton and hasn't been on T.V in something like two weeks so I don't know how this is him out of the limelight. He was never left the limelight and even during his brief dip in the midcard he was still very dominant in the midcard and got on T.V. Now I am glad that he is appearing dominant once again however I truly believe he was always as dominant as people made him to be. I think that he is quite frankly a very good talent and he will remain in the limelight. Hell he even virtually retired Triple H. So it may not be that he left the limelight but he is looking more dominant again.

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