She married WHO???


King Of The Ring
This is certainly a new one for me....

Victor Cingolani is currently serving a 13 year sentence regarding the 2010 murder of then 20 year old fashion model Johana Casas. On Valentine's Day, Cingolani was given a day pass to get married....To Johana's twin sister, Edith.

Victor had previously dated Johana, but they weren't in a relationship when she was murdered. Her body was found dumped in a field, with two bullet holes in her head. Regarding the murder of her sister and her relationship with Victor, Edith said:

His relationship with Johana was casual, but he and I are in love. I want to start a family with Victor because I love him. He is innocent.

The couple were to marry in December, but presiding judge Marcelina Orellana ordered Edith to undergo a psychiatric evaluation before allowing the nuptials to take place. With no evidence of psychiatric disorder found, Edith was free to marry Victor. None of her family, unsurprisingly, attended the ceremony, and her father Valentin, said the following:

”For me, they are both dead. Johana is with God and Edith with the devil."

Most of the people who gathered for the ceremony did so to boo and throw eggs. Victor maintains his innocence, and claims that the man who was dating Johana at the time killed her.

Thoughts on this story?

How would you react if this was your family, and your daughter, sister, brother(etc.) married the man who was convicted of killing your kin? Could you go as far as disowning them?
I'll have to look up the particulars of the story you just posted but this definitely is not unprecedented in terms of baffling marriages. For evidence, look no further than Burt Pagach, a New Yorker whose ordered assault on Linda Riss, his former mistress, resulted in Riss having lye thrown in her face and going blind in one eye. Once he was released from prison for his involvement in her attack, Pagach and Riss restarted their relationship and married shortly thereafter (all of this is chronicled in the documentary Crazy Love).
Well, they say love is blind, right?

Maybe it's stupid, too.

But if Edith has absolutely no doubt her new husband didn't kill her sister, I suppose there's not much reason (in her mind) not to marry the guy. If the disapproval of her family doesn't bother her, she's gonna do what she's gonna do. It's not as if they have to worry about him showing up at family dinners for the next 13 years.

I suppose it would be even stranger that she was marrying the guy if she did think he murdered her twin. But even if that were so, it probably still wouldn't be the weirdest set of circumstances under which people marry.

If we live long enough, we'll probably read of things even more screwed up.
I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. As an outsider looking it, it just looks like this woman has gone completely off the rails. From her perspective, however, she believes that the man she's in love with is innocent of the crime and has been wrongly convicted.

In fairness, perhaps he was wrongfully convicted. Systems all over the world screw up sometimes, resulting in innocent people being sent to prison. But I don't know what the particulars of the case were, nor do I know what sort of evidence they had against him. So I don't know whether the guy's guilty or not.

As to the reaction of her family, I can't really blame them. I would imagine that her parents were present every day for the duration of the trial, so one would have to think that, based on evidence they heard & saw during the trial, they had to believe he's guilty. At the same time though, you have to wonder if the evidence was really all that. Sometimes, people are so grief stricken & angry that they just want someone to pay and will accept any sacrificial lamb if they feel it gives them some semblance of closure. If it was to ultimately turn out to be the latter, the damage has already been done. If a court overturned his conviction for whatever reason, I'm sure the family would still be outraged. Even if incontrovertible proof turned up that proved his innocence, maybe the family wouldn't want to accept it. Again, grief can be such that people just want someone held accountable no matter what.
I'm more baffled that she passed her evaluation than anything else. It's as if they watched a telenovela and got too hooked with it.

Yeah, I'd disown her too. It's hard to believe for me since they were twins. It's always been said there is a sort of link between twins which makes the lack of remorse quite shocking. Something's clearly wrong with her and the shrinks missed it.

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