Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker 25


Pre-Show Stalwart
Just finished watching the Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 25 for the first time in about two years and it is still amazing. I remember watching this match live and saying it was the best match I have ever seen and I still think that to this day. My question to you guys is what your reaction was to the match when you first watched it and is it one of your favourite all time matches? Wow, I am really pumped for Mania right now
I was at Reliant Stadium that night... wow.

I've been to dozens of live events, Raw/SD tapings, PPVs, and local indy shows, and no match I've seen live even comes close to what HBK and The Undertaker did that night. I literally had goosebumps. I was in the club level seats, which had great line of sight and was close enough to where I could make out everything and everyone without the need for binos or staring at the tron the whole show. Thank the stars above that was the case. My eyes were glued to the ring. I felt like I was 6 again-- a total mark, buying into everything, holding my breath with every near fall, cheering "UN-DER-TA-KER!" until I was hoarse.

And the electricity of the crowd as a whole was something that you'd have to be there to understand. I'm sure others who've been to WrestleMania or maybe a Super Bowl or a big concert know what I'm talking about. You could seriously feel the energy of 70,000 people. Everyone in my section was going nuts. One guy was cursing his ass off, calling Shawn Michaels all kinds of slurs, while his wife/girlfriend tried to shut him up because there were kids around. We were exhausted when it was over, and to a man, everyone I talked to on the way out said that that should have been the main event. Cena, Edge, Big Show, Orton, and Triple H did their best, but nothing was going to top that or really get us all reinvested.

Like I said at the beginning-- wow.
My reaction when I first watched it: "This is a pretty good match, isn't it? I like that funny face Undertaker made."
Me too.... We may have crossed paths that day.... Getting to see that match live was something I'll never forget.

Never can tell, could have been in line or something right next to each other at some point. I'll hopefully be making the trek to 'Nawlins next year. If I'm still hanging around these parts perhaps I'll reveal myself and meet up with fellow posters. That is unless anybody wants to kick my ass for being a smarmy dick, which will be a distinct possibility after I've been here for a year.
Never can tell, could have been in line or something right next to each other at some point. I'll hopefully be making the trek to 'Nawlins next year. If I'm still hanging around these parts perhaps I'll reveal myself and meet up with fellow posters. That is unless anybody wants to kick my ass for being a smarmy dick, which will be a distinct possibility after I've been here for a year.

Maybe who knows. I sat only a few rows away from the ring, had amazing seats that were worth the money. I plan on attending 30 next year too, but a lot can happen in a year so who knows.
As far as WrestleMania "Hey, look at us kick out of one another's finishers five times and have an epic match!" matches go, I'd say it's easily my favourite. Probably on account of them getting me to buy a count-out spot, the sly devils.
I haven't really been a fan of the past few Taker WrestleMania matches. With the exception of last year's, which Shawn killed for me, they've been slower paced, indy style matches. If I wanted to watch that kind of match, I'd go to PWG or Dragon Gate USA and watch guys I actually like do it.
I didn't mark out for it like everybody else did at the time and I wouldn't say it's one of my favourite Wrestlemania matches but it was an amazing match though. I mean even the botches in the match looked good.

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