Shawn Michaels screwing the fuck out of Brittish Bulldog at 1997


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What I have heard is that Shawn Michaels had a beef with Brittish Bulldog
(well Shawn was fucking everyone up at that time, he also got threaten by the Undertaker because he didn't want to drop the title to Austin.)

Shawn Michaels made Brittish Bulldog look like a fool 1995 at Royal Rumble.

Then at 1997, Shawn made Brittish Bulldog look like a bitch beating him in front of his dying sister..

I mean that goes beyond being f***king sick. What a jerk.
This is one of the more unsavoury aspects of what the WWE did... Let's get it straight though, this wasn't Shawn alone...

Vince knew he had promised Davey a lot of things over the years, including the WWE title and not delivered. The European title was supposed to be his "compensation" a belt for him to hold for a long time. BUT once the Bret situation began to develop, Vince was pretty sure that Davey would soon follow to WCW if he could and that WCW would likely "front the money" for that to happen. As impactful as Bret debuting would have been, taking Smith, Owen, Neidhart with him could have been worse.

Of course all this ended up happening but Vince's move at One Night Only, having Shawn go over reduced Davey's value enough that after the screwjob, WCW were "not" that bothered about him. He still had to buy his deal out but Bret had to lend him the cash.
It's no secret that Shawn Michaels was an asshole during he 1990s. Shawn Michaels was a shady guy in a shady business where people, whether it be wrestlers or promotes, went back on alleged promises all the time. Michaels was a lot more blatant than most, he also knew who he could ultimately screw with and who he couldn't and Smith was one of those he could.

Like I alluded to, however, Michaels certainly wasn't the only guy that was ultimately out for himself. More often than not, if you're someone that's made it as a top level star in pro wrestling, you've screwed over a bunch of other wrestlers along the way. Vern Gagne, Fritz Von Erich, Jerry Lawler, Vince McMahon, Jim Crockett, Sr., Jim Crockett, Jr. Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Bruiser Brody, Kevin Nash, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena and numerous others have had allegations or genuinely confirmed instances of screwing over others. I'd bet that for every instance we know about, or at least think we know about, there are probably a hundred others we've never even heard of. Not saying that it's right or really that it's even wrong because real life and just about any other business is full of people who do the same thing. If you're somebody who winds up being the screwed rather than the screwer, it definitely sucks.

In this particular instance, an argument can be made for HBK because there was a lot more money to be made with him. From an overall perspective, he was a much stronger pro wrestler than the Bulldog, he brought in more money than Davy Boy ever did and he was somebody that delivered almost every single time. That makes the fact that Michaels was an insufferable ass during the 1990s all the more infuriating. Few things are harder to stomach than an arrogant jerk who has talent, knows he's a jerk, relishes being able to get under others skin, yet is nearly untouchable because he has the ability to deliver.
Not strictly true in this case however, as the UK PPV concept was driven by Davey's popularity and had the true potential to outstrip many US gates... you could easily argue had Vince stayed the course and kept Davey strong and put him over Shawn as intended that PPV business in Europe would have been much bigger than it ended up being. Yes Austin and The Rock did drive it but Davey too would have been higher still.

But there were too many variables. Davey was more loyal to Bret than he should have been, more "high maintenence" in terms of keeping him out of trouble and was beginning a physical decline... but make no mistake, Vince felt BAD about it all... how many chances did he give Davey after...and paid for a lot of rehabs... when he died he was even headed back. The thing no one saw coming was Davey's life literally going to hell as a direct result of that loss... Bret mentions in his book how "the light went out of Davey's eyes" that night... Vince probably feels a bit of guilt for that and I am sure Shawn does cos Davey was always well loved in the back to the same level as Owen. Once that loss hit he lost his sister, his mum, Diana and had the WCW trapdoor injury all in quick succession... he was a shell when he had that last run but Vince put him in the main events against Rock anyway... cos he felt bad.

It's probably why Harry got a 2nd chance too after his big cock up wellness wise... many other rookies would have just been cut, much less pushed again...and he'll be back somewhere down the line too.
The Bulldog got well and truly screwed by WWF that night. Dedicating the match to his sister, champion in front of 'his' fans, chance to avenge the IC Title defeat to HBK a few years before that.

I would agree with Bret, if you look at how Bulldog's career went after ONO, it went into a quick and steep decline.

If there was a 'trust' issue, I'm sure he could have dropped the European title in the weeks that followed.
It was truly disgusting what Vince and the Kliq did to the Bulldog that night. It's one of those incidents I always point HBK fans to when they start making excuses for the guy in the 90s.
While I am not lauding what went into HBK winning that title, the win doesn't bother me too much to be honest. The way it was done, ye kinda, but they were a hot heel group DX, and were getting good heat. A win over Bulldog like that would have been great had there been a follow up or an attempt for Bulldog to come at DX; even if he would eventually not win it back.
It was one of the worst match outcomes I have seen right up there with Sting vs Hogan at starcade 97, The win I don't feel done very much for HBK but the loss done a lot for Davey Smith bad booking. It was kind of a must win that only ended up disapointing alot of the audience.
Bad booking? The strongest way they can book a defeat is for someone to not give up to a submission hold, after an 'injury' angle and outside interference. They booked the match to make Davey Boy look as strong as possible. Had the Montreal Screwjob not panned out as it did - let's say the Bulldog stayed and eventually won the title - we would be looking back at One Night Only the same way we look back at Austin's passing out at Wrestlemania 13.

Dedicating victory? In what is essentially theatre? And people aren't happy about that? How often does the dedicator actually win, unless it was Hogan or Cena doing the dedicating? It was designed to create heat - as was the match result - and it achieved its aim.

As an Englishman, Bulldog I hold in regard as the greatest English wrestler of all time; but I think the match result was perfect, as was the way it panned out.

As for the opening post, Bulldog was made to look a fool at the 1995 Royal Rumble? How, by going coast-to-coast with Shawn Michaels, numbers 1 and 2 in the match and the final two in it - with one of the most inventive finishes to a Rumble match ever? How is that making him look a fool? Apart from those directly in front of HBK, EVERYONE thought Bulldog had won, helped by the (incredibly smart decision to) playing of his music.

In fact, with all this evidence, plus their title match at the Beware of Dog ppv, which was a double-pin draw; the fact Bulldog turned heel by assaulting Michael's' running buddy a Diesel, and the fact Bulldog main evented 5 out of the next 10 ppvs, all but one of which was against Michaels or Diesel, leads me to think that the two actually got on very well (up until Montreal at least), and Michaels was actually HELPING the Bulldog's career.
Shawn Michaels probably used his "creative control`to do what he felt was best for business and send a message to Bret Hart`s click as to who held the power backstage. Wrestling has been filled with politicing and for years the `wrong person`has gone over someone who should have been the victor. Maybe Smith would have been a great champion, maybe he would have been a bust. Like the people have summarized. Shawn was Shawn and got away with way too much. In the end, the people who know how bad he was, will look down on his legacy.
Even as a Hart Foundation fan; I don't blame HBK for this. Bulldog had always won in the UK. It was a twist that made sense. It is regretable BB had said he would win it for his Sister. I believe the idea was to make BB come back in 1998 and win by getting his revenge on HBK.
In fact, with all this evidence, plus their title match at the Beware of Dog ppv, which was a double-pin draw; the fact Bulldog turned heel by assaulting Michael's' running buddy a Diesel, and the fact Bulldog main evented 5 out of the next 10 ppvs, all but one of which was against Michaels or Diesel, leads me to think that the two actually got on very well (up until Montreal at least), and Michaels was actually HELPING the Bulldog's career.

Am I wrong, or wasn't it Bulldog who supposedly saved Michaels when he got jumped at a bar and suffered injuries? I don't think there was personal animosity between these two.
Bad booking? The strongest way they can book a defeat is for someone to not give up to a submission hold, after an 'injury' angle and outside interference. They booked the match to make Davey Boy look as strong as possible. Had the Montreal Screwjob not panned out as it did - let's say the Bulldog stayed and eventually won the title - we would be looking back at One Night Only the same way we look back at Austin's passing out at Wrestlemania 13.

Dedicating victory? In what is essentially theatre? And people aren't happy about that? How often does the dedicator actually win, unless it was Hogan or Cena doing the dedicating? It was designed to create heat - as was the match result - and it achieved its aim.

As an Englishman, Bulldog I hold in regard as the greatest English wrestler of all time; but I think the match result was perfect, as was the way it panned out.

As for the opening post, Bulldog was made to look a fool at the 1995 Royal Rumble? How, by going coast-to-coast with Shawn Michaels, numbers 1 and 2 in the match and the final two in it - with one of the most inventive finishes to a Rumble match ever? How is that making him look a fool? Apart from those directly in front of HBK, EVERYONE thought Bulldog had won, helped by the (incredibly smart decision to) playing of his music.

In fact, with all this evidence, plus their title match at the Beware of Dog ppv, which was a double-pin draw; the fact Bulldog turned heel by assaulting Michael's' running buddy a Diesel, and the fact Bulldog main evented 5 out of the next 10 ppvs, all but one of which was against Michaels or Diesel, leads me to think that the two actually got on very well (up until Montreal at least), and Michaels was actually HELPING the Bulldog's career.

Bullshit... Utter Utter crap... Shawn went out of his way from the moment he won the IC belt from Davey to stay ahead of him. Fate played a part in some eyes but who was Davey out with when Diana got hit on and he nearly killed someone in 96, killing his push? Shawn... Who was there when Shawn got mauled by the damn Marines? Shawn either did the worst thing and played Davey... or genuinely had no f'ing clue he was slowly but surely destroying the guy... but make no mistake, he was scum before... he got Jannetty fired just to avoid dropping the belt... only Curt Hennig shopping his lies to Vince got Jannetty a "Billy Martin". and the IC reign, but the damage was done... cos guys who get fired for no reason go and get hammered...

But by 97, Shawn, KNEW the power he had and the outcomes it could have rightly or wrongly he had the measure of Davey... arguably cos Bret was distracted by his Sunny Days... come one EVERYONE was f***ing Tammy, not just Bret and his eye was not on Davey, who didn't have Dynamite around like he did before...

Davey was always the "lunk", lovely, funny guy... bit "dim" perhaps but others who were either bigger fish or who could legit kill you like Tommy kept him from harm. Once Dynamite got his teeth punched out it was on his Hart/Bret connection and his jokes... Once Bret was going to WCW/unfocused, it was blood in the water. Much as Vince liked him, or the good he could do...Shawn just he DID...

Like I said, I am sure Shawn now regrets it bitterly, it's the one chapter on his life and career he has no excuse for and people will genuinely think badly of... people will ask him "Did you REALLY make Davey lose in front of his dying sister?" and all he can say is "Yeah, I was a prick then, but I found God (TM)" and it will ring hollow to them and him... it was terrible, needless and played a big part in ending a mans life. Shawn won't like that... but it'll be with him... in fact I'd wager a good sum THAT is why he knuckled down in 2002 right after Davey's death...

Davey wasn't a fool, but a normal guy in a business of sharks... and in 1997, Shawn was Jaws personified...
Am I wrong, or wasn't it Bulldog who supposedly saved Michaels when he got jumped at a bar and suffered injuries? I don't think there was personal animosity between these two.

Bulldog was being held back/forced to stay in the car depending on who tells the story.

But yeah he was there with Shawn. He most likely would have helped if he could.

It's not hard to imagine Davey could have a problem with Shawn given how Shawn was back then but who knows? The worst thing I've ever heard about Davey doing to anyone in the locker room was pulling ribs on people.

Maybe he just wanted to stay away from the negativity that others had.

I don't know if Shawn made the call to go over Davey in this situation but I do believe that Shawn could have played the politics game and talked Vince or whoever into making it happen.
While I am not lauding what went into HBK winning that title, the win doesn't bother me too much to be honest. The way it was done, ye kinda, but they were a hot heel group DX, and were getting good heat. A win over Bulldog like that would have been great had there been a follow up or an attempt for Bulldog to come at DX; even if he would eventually not win it back.

That may have been true if HBK actually cared about the European Title but he didn't there were actually moments that he was sarcastically mocking the title and his reign. Sure he initially got heat beating Bulldog in his home country but he turned the title into a joke and consequently Bulldog's inaugural title reign and losing effort at One Night Only.
The problem was that Davey was told initially that he would be going over Shawn... that's why he made such a big fuss about dedicating the match (and potential victory) to his dieing sister in the British media.
On the day of the match Vince changed the finish after Shawn has a word In his ear.... as Bret says in his book, Davey was devastated.

Worse still was that Shawn didn't even treat the title seriously... it was a trophy belt for the Bulldog.... but Shawn treated it as a prop, giving it away as a prop in a jokey non-match the Hunter.

The crowd were furious too! it was unheard of for Davey to lose in the UK... upsetting the audience no end.
Despite being a good match it was so political its sad to watch
Although it was a shitty way to book the ending of that match, Michaels only followed what the script and planned finish was given to them. Yes the entire plan was for Smith to go over and retain the European Championship against HBK, but DX was in its infancy and having Michaels lose would have dented the huge run they were commencing. What better way to get the sort odf heat they were after then to destroy the Bulldog in his home country??? It was the Attitude era, well the commencement of it and this was one of the major catalysts for this period. Yes to look at it in a real life way it sucked, but WWE was fighting for survival during this period and Bulldogs was being paid a bloody handsome sum.......he didnt complain about eating dog food and being choked out at Summerslam the month earlier???? Vince had given the Bulldog a great run, dual title holder, main events on Raw against Austin and Foley......Bulldog only had himself to blame for his drug and other issues.
Bad booking? The strongest way they can book a defeat is for someone to not give up to a submission hold, after an 'injury' angle and outside interference. They booked the match to make Davey Boy look as strong as possible. Had the Montreal Screwjob not panned out as it did - let's say the Bulldog stayed and eventually won the title - we would be looking back at One Night Only the same way we look back at Austin's passing out at Wrestlemania 13.

Dedicating victory? In what is essentially theatre? And people aren't happy about that? How often does the dedicator actually win, unless it was Hogan or Cena doing the dedicating? It was designed to create heat - as was the match result - and it achieved its aim.

As an Englishman, Bulldog I hold in regard as the greatest English wrestler of all time; but I think the match result was perfect, as was the way it panned out.

As for the opening post, Bulldog was made to look a fool at the 1995 Royal Rumble? How, by going coast-to-coast with Shawn Michaels, numbers 1 and 2 in the match and the final two in it - with one of the most inventive finishes to a Rumble match ever? How is that making him look a fool? Apart from those directly in front of HBK, EVERYONE thought Bulldog had won, helped by the (incredibly smart decision to) playing of his music.

In fact, with all this evidence, plus their title match at the Beware of Dog ppv, which was a double-pin draw; the fact Bulldog turned heel by assaulting Michael's' running buddy a Diesel, and the fact Bulldog main evented 5 out of the next 10 ppvs, all but one of which was against Michaels or Diesel, leads me to think that the two actually got on very well (up until Montreal at least), and Michaels was actually HELPING the Bulldog's career.

I agree with this. Totally. Except one thing, you really think Bulldog is the greatest British wrestler? Over Dynamite Kid? Hmm.. I think Dynamite and Regal are both better than Bulldog.

But yeah, dedicating a win in a predetermined contest, that was totally done for heat. And I don't think that loss ended Bulldog. The idiots in WCW with the trap door in the center of the ring crushed Bulldog's spirit.
I agree with this. Totally. Except one thing, you really think Bulldog is the greatest British wrestler? Over Dynamite Kid? Hmm.. I think Dynamite and Regal are both better than Bulldog.

But yeah, dedicating a win in a predetermined contest, that was totally done for heat. And I don't think that loss ended Bulldog. The idiots in WCW with the trap door in the center of the ring crushed Bulldog's spirit.

Davey absolutely is the greatest British wrestler to cross the pond. For all the Big Daddy/Mick McManus's who never made it over or Dynamite or Mark Rocco's who had their biggest successes in Japan, Davey was the one who "cracked" America. He was hugely over with the American audience as well as the British, he sold out the biggest ever non US show WWE has put on and is the first name 99% of people will remember... think of selling 80k people out in a foreign country... unheard of before or since for the WWE, and that he was part of still the joint best match in history is even more icing on that cake.

Even non wrestling fans have heard of The British Bulldog and many are stunned to hear he is dead.

Remember too that Davey was main eventing on UK TV at 15... teaming with Big Daddy... Wrestling used to get 10m plus viewers regularly at that time so he was ALWAYS a star.

He didn't get the World title, but he was the most decorated UK star, he won everything else including the Hardcore belt and was part of the true innovators of the tag division... you can keep your Road Warriors, it was Davey and Dynamite who really changed the game.

Regal, Barrett, Finlay and Dynamite all had success but nowhere near to the levels of Davey... who on at least 2 occasions could have had a World title in WWE and was pretty much robbed of it in WCW in 93. Barrett could surpass him if WWE gave him fair chance in time.. as good as they all are, only Regal is close but even he would doff his hat to Davey as the better man and bigger star. Billy Robinson could be seen as close too but he never had the success Davey had. The sad thing is what Davey still could have done as a trainer/agent etc... if Regal is good, Davey would be equally good.
I can see what your saying but like many have pointed out, it wasn't just Shawn making the choices, and he didn't have final say on things either, Vince did. Vince also was dead set on making Shawn Michaels the face of the company ever sense the stars from the 80's left, and he beat Bret Hart for the WWE title at WM12. It wasn't until Shawn hurt his back, was a mess in his personal life, and Austin got white hot that Vince finally moved on to the next thing.

Also I think I remember reading, that WWE had to move away from the British Bulldog as their possible top guy over the whole steroid scandal that hit them in the 90's, but that could've been a different time period I'm thinking of. I think I read it in the book, "Sex,Lies, and Headlocks" Anybody else know what I'm talking about?
Davey absolutely is the greatest British wrestler to cross the pond. For all the Big Daddy/Mick McManus's who never made it over or Dynamite or Mark Rocco's who had their biggest successes in Japan, Davey was the one who "cracked" America. He was hugely over with the American audience as well as the British, he sold out the biggest ever non US show WWE has put on and is the first name 99% of people will remember... think of selling 80k people out in a foreign country... unheard of before or since for the WWE, and that he was part of still the joint best match in history is even more icing on that cake.

Even non wrestling fans have heard of The British Bulldog and many are stunned to hear he is dead.

Remember too that Davey was main eventing on UK TV at 15... teaming with Big Daddy... Wrestling used to get 10m plus viewers regularly at that time so he was ALWAYS a star.

He didn't get the World title, but he was the most decorated UK star, he won everything else including the Hardcore belt and was part of the true innovators of the tag division... you can keep your Road Warriors, it was Davey and Dynamite who really changed the game.

Regal, Barrett, Finlay and Dynamite all had success but nowhere near to the levels of Davey... who on at least 2 occasions could have had a World title in WWE and was pretty much robbed of it in WCW in 93. Barrett could surpass him if WWE gave him fair chance in time.. as good as they all are, only Regal is close but even he would doff his hat to Davey as the better man and bigger star. Billy Robinson could be seen as close too but he never had the success Davey had. The sad thing is what Davey still could have done as a trainer/agent etc... if Regal is good, Davey would be equally good.

So, I'm not British so I don't claim at all to be an expert on this... but I agree 100% with Rob here^^.

Regal and Dynamite may have actually been better workers overall in the ring, (not to slight Davey), but Davey was by far the bigger star in North America.

Now, I'm Canadian... So I couldn't even speak for how Americans felt about him in the 90's. But my impression of him was this big, charismatic, lovable babyface that was ALWAYS over.

I have no idea how he compares to others in England. But from my Canadian perspective he was always a legitimate main eventer. He never got the run with the World title, but he was always a guy you could put in the main event with Shawn, Bret or Kevin and he never felt out of place. Even in 1999, he could have believably had a short run with the title.

Post-1995 Vince often kept him heel, but I always saw him as a babyface. Owen and him would always tease a split during the tag reign, and fans would go nuts for Davey to turn on Owen and be a good guy again. And I agree, I think fans really wanted to cheer for him even when they were forced to boo him. He just had that charisma and star power.

Should he have gone over Shawn at this event? Yes. He should have. It wouldn't have hurt Shawn at all and most people in America wouldn't have even noticed that it happened. It was a power play backstage... And Davey jobbed to Shawn I think every single time they faced off.
I can see what your saying but like many have pointed out, it wasn't just Shawn making the choices, and he didn't have final say on things either, Vince did. Vince also was dead set on making Shawn Michaels the face of the company ever sense the stars from the 80's left, and he beat Bret Hart for the WWE title at WM12. It wasn't until Shawn hurt his back, was a mess in his personal life, and Austin got white hot that Vince finally moved on to the next thing.

Also I think I remember reading, that WWE had to move away from the British Bulldog as their possible top guy over the whole steroid scandal that hit them in the 90's, but that could've been a different time period I'm thinking of. I think I read it in the book, "Sex,Lies, and Headlocks" Anybody else know what I'm talking about?

Davey was collateral damage in the Warrior's release in 1992 along with a lot of other guys. Vince had to cut anyone who looked roided at the time and allegedly Warrior ratted that Davey had hooked him up with the supplier, which most agree was bullshit. It was Vince covering his ass and Davey got the short end... again another time where Vince seemed desperate to "make it up" over the years...

As I said in the previous post, Vince will screw someone over in a heartbeat if he thinks they deserve it or its to save his own ass, but if he finds they didn't really deserve it or he's been played will go out of his way for them.

Look at it this way, a LOT of guys who were bigger disappeared at the same time... The Warlord, Hercules, Paul Roma. All looked "roided".

Warrior was able to point out that the guy in charge of the testing at the time said under oath neither he or Davey were fired for actual violations. Of course with Warrior there was so much other stuff there, but within 18 months, Davey was back, and consistently pushed for the rest of his life, only when the screwjob with Bret got in the way was there a blip.

If you're going into the "salacious" rumors of the time like those, then by then Shawn was one of Vince's "boy toys" and thus did have some real stroke. He totally could have said "I'm winning cos I can...and if you don't do it, the consequences will be bad..." There is a lot of bullshit and rumor. To say Shawn didn't have power in late 1997 is wrong, he could call his spots...after all this is the man who to that point had only jobbed a title clean to Sid and Jannetty, one as punishment. Even from 1992 and that first IC title, Shawn didn't lose titles...he got suspended etc...

The bottom line is that Davey in 1992 was as over, if not more so that Shawn and could have been the #2 guy in the WWF or even got that push Bret got. Warrior's release and the roid trial put paid to it. Had it all not kicked off to that level, sure you could argue Hogan would have still been there, but if he was "passing it on" then Davey was the template... big, charismatic, a great worker and with the burgeoning PPV business in the UK, money... Vince didn't want to nuke Davey cos those PPV gates were GREAT business and would have grown... the window was lost but ultimately the WWE is still there cos of the change of direction in 1992/93.
Also I think I remember reading, that WWE had to move away from the British Bulldog as their possible top guy over the whole steroid scandal that hit them in the 90's, but that could've been a different time period I'm thinking of. I think I read it in the book, "Sex,Lies, and Headlocks" Anybody else know what I'm talking about?

That was 1992 shortly after Davey dropped the IC title.
By 1994 Vince was acquitted at the Steroids trial.... and there was less pressure on Vince afterwards... no surprises that Davey was re-hired shortly afterwards around Survivor Series '94.

This UK only PPV event was another 3 years later.... and funnily enough Davey had actually dropped in weight from his early 90s 270 to 250.
In 1997 there was no reason 'not to push Davey' because of his size.

His drug intake was the problem.... and falling victim to politics
Shawn Michaels is the biggest douche in pro wrestling.

He was the biggest jerk, way to over-glorified by WWE as well when he retired.

He's on a top 10 list, but not close to be the best ever.
Even by 1995 Davey boy had plenty of mileage on him, Japan, England, Europe, Canada, WCW, WWF..... he was also part of one of the greatest angles, Shockmaster!

It's like they also created a belt for him in the European title which was prestigious back than, as much as Foley owns the Hardcore title, Davey boy owns the European title in my opinion.

Shame about DH Smith, I remember hi having a real solid debut, as respect to his old man he was so over when he wrested for the E in the UK.

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