Shawn Michaels, and his WWE Legacy


Too Sweet To Be Sour
This is something I just thought of doing. I feel it might be something that I do often, if it works here. And I felt if we're going to talk about wrestler's WWE legacies, why not start with one of the greatest of all time, the HeartBreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels is a 4 time World Champion for the company. He has one the WWE Championship 3 times and the World Heaveyweight Championship 1 time. He carried the company straight into the Attitude Era before suffering his back injury. He (arguably) helped elevate Mankind into one of the greatest stars of the Attitude Era by having an amazing fued with him. He won two Royal Rumbles back to back in 1995 and 1996. He also cemented himself in history as WWE's first Grand Slam champion, gracing that accomplishment with his name. He also helped begin the Steve Austin era when he dropped the title to him. He helped create D-Generation-X, which was a stable that led the company into the Attitude Era, and was the face of the company when they needed him to be. He brought the ladder match into the WWE and made it a mainstream professional wrestling match. After being retired for four years with a back injury, he returned in 2002 and has a possible fued of the decade with former tag team partner Triple H. He had one of the greatest matches of all time at Wrestlemania 21 with Kurt Angle, and earned the distinction of being the man who retired Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 24. He has constantly put over younger talent since his return in 2002. He has earned himself the title of an icon and is certainly one of the faces of the WWE over the past 20 years and is one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time.

So, that is the WWE legacy of Shwan Michaels. Discuss.
i agree hbk has done some incredible thing, especially in the last couple of years. everyone seems to hate him because hes part of the kliq but he doesnt seem like the guy who cares if he wins or looses. survivor series 1997 was dumb but lets face it, if we were in that situation we would've done the same exact thing.
You are either going to look at Shawn Michaels one of two ways. A low draw in the mid 90's, success only through inclusion with the Kliq, a selfish guy who's ego keeps him from doing what's best for the company, a wrestler who is past his prime and doesn't want to work house shows because of his family and religious commitments, etc. Or one of the greatest performers of all time, a hard worker in his prime who held the company on his back through the tough competition of the main two years of the NWO, an innovator and profectionist in the ring, a guy who suffered injury only to come back and do some of the best (if not THE best) work he has ever done, a locker room leader and a man who can still steal the show with anyone on the roster.

Obviously I'm for the second option.
Shawn Michaels is an incredible in-ring performer and one of my all-time favorites. His transition from tag team wrestler to solo superstar was brilliant. At this point, it makes me a little sad to see him in these stupid DX skits (like the one where he was a cook and set the restaurant on fire), but he's incredible. He's at his best, in my opinion, as a heel. Too bad his religious convictions pretty much prevent him from taking that route any more.
HBK will go down as one of the greatest wrestlers of our time. He put on possibly the greatest Hell In A Cell match at In Your House '97 along with The Undertaker, and no matter how old he gets, he's always in top form come Wrestlemania time. Now I know back in the day he had a bad reputation backstage, and in the locker room, but since returning in 2002, he has changed his ways. But I wonder if people will ever get over what happened in Montreal. It seems everytime HBK goes to Canada he either gets booed out of the building, or gets the usual "you screwed Bret" chants. I also wish wish we could've seen Shawn be a world champion one more time. I know there was Survivor Series '02, but he lost the belt back to Triple H so quick, you really didn't have time to enjoy him being champ. HBK works a limited schedule for WWE, but I just wish we could see this one more time:​
HBK has pioneered some of the great matches, had some epic feuds, and have a large place in history.
The fact that I think makes him most iconic is that most people who take 4 years off from a sport / wrestling due to an injury such as a back don't last that wrong upon their return. HBK has been going strong for 7 years after his return and still have epic matches.
Finally, think of this. He was a star in the early-mid 90's. He was a star in the attitude era. He was a star in the middle of this decade. And he's still popular now in the PG era. He's a guy who has adapted to different eras and conventions of booking without missing a beat. Now that's impressive.
Personally, I love the fact that I remember him when he was a tag team phenomenon as the Midnight Rockers back in 1986! That was way BEFORE he went to WWE. Since then, I've actually had the opportunity to watch him grow into one of the most influential performers of MY generation. That's pretty amazing!
To me HBK will always b the MAN. a person who sufferred a career ending back injury, made his triumphant return and is now 1 of the top performers in WWE. He puts young stars over. Love him or hate him he deserves all the respect.
HBK is by far the best at what he does and that is entertain the masses and even with his convictions as they are I can see him turning heel one more time with the correct setup for him to do it and he is the equivelant of Flair still able to wrestle a better match than most of the younger guys and is twice their age so whats that tell you of our future superstars in the WWE now don't get me wrong there are a few that are bt far head and shoulders above the rest(I.E. Morrison, Benjamin, Punk, and finally underappreciated Haas) these guys can wredstle rings around their counterparts and for whatever reason can not get the qoute career break they need unqoute LOL
HBK easily will go down as one of the best performers in WWE history. The role he took in 1996 to lead the company was nothing no one had seen before. He was in some of the best matches of all time Iron Man wit Bret Hart Hell In A Cell with Taker and WM25 with Taker. He ushered in the Attitude era he is the attitude era in my opinion before Austin ran hot. And his in ring return in 2002 proved that HBK will go down in the history as one of the best seeing as he come off of a 4 year retirement. So HBK one of the best in the history
HBK should and will go down in history as the greatest in ring performer of all time, IMO. We can talk about his accomplishments and what he has done for and in the business, but when you do that, I feel like he hasn't done more than your average champion has.

But, when you talk about Shawn Michaels, the performer, The Showstopper, The Main Event, The Icon, you put this man in a class that, IMO, no one has ever reached. His legacy should be his ability to have great matches with almost anyone he steps into the ring with. From his outstanding matches as a part of the Rockers all the way to his storied matches since his return in 2002. Shawn Michaels is simply the best performer ever.

I will always remember his titles and accomplishments, but when someone mentions Shawn Michaels to me down the road after he has retired. It will be his performances that I remember the most.
HBK could lose every one of his matches from today until the end of his career, and still go out as a legend. Some people may still hate him from the 90s when he was a self centered egotistical SOB, but he is one of the very few wrestlers who have openly admitted..."Hey, I was wrong" Has anybody stopped to think maybe if he weren't so brash and always pushing himself to the top back in those days, maybe we wouldn't have the HBK we watch now? Who's to say if he didn't push himself to the top, he wouldn't have been swept under the rug like the WWF\E has done so many times before with very talented wrestlers?
The guy will go as one of the greatest in-ring performers of all-time, this is despite having worked the last 7 years with a broken back, that's how good this guy is.
You have to wonder what he would have been like if he hadn't broken his back. The guy was made for the attitude era, his ring work was exceptional and we probably missed out on numerous classic matches in the 4 years he was away like HBK Vs Rock, HBK Vs Austin (minus the broken back) HBK Vs Kane (which I think would have equalled anything he did with Taker) HBK Vs HHH, HBK Vs Mankind rematch and the continuation of DX. You also eventually get Brock, Eddie and Benoit and a fitter Michaels to Jericho at WM 19, Angle at 21, Flair and 24 and Taker at 25. If the guy doesn't get injured, there wouldn't be any question over who the best in ring performer of the last 20 years is.
Now as a real wrestling fan, it always amazes me that people judge him on something they've never seen. Apparently the guy was a dick, he's admitted this, I don't really the only time I've seen him being a dick was in the ring, unlike other people who continually bitch and moan to the dirtsheets.
When its all said and done and Shawn Michaels hangs up his boots, he will go down in history as the greatest in ring performer of all time. He will be remembered as the guy who could have a great match with just about anyone. he went out there and gave it his all for 20 plus years. When he was a champion, he was one of the best. I hope he gets one last title reign with the WWE as either world or wwe champ. He will also be remebered as the guy who stayed loyal with the wwe when so many others took more money and went to wcw. I only got to meet Shawn Michaels one time, but he was totally a class act, we talked wrestling for over an hour. He will always be my favorite wrestler. Gonna be a sad day when he retires, I hope he gets the longest standing ovation in wwe history, he's earned it.
This is something I just thought of doing. I feel it might be something that I do often, if it works here. And I felt if we're going to talk about wrestler's WWE legacies, why not start with one of the greatest of all time, the HeartBreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels is a 4 time World Champion for the company. He has one the WWE Championship 3 times and the World Heaveyweight Championship 1 time. He carried the company straight into the Attitude Era before suffering his back injury. He (arguably) helped elevate Mankind into one of the greatest stars of the Attitude Era by having an amazing fued with him. He won two Royal Rumbles back to back in 1995 and 1996. He also cemented himself in history as WWE's first Grand Slam champion, gracing that accomplishment with his name. He also helped begin the Steve Austin era when he dropped the title to him. He helped create D-Generation-X, which was a stable that led the company into the Attitude Era, and was the face of the company when they needed him to be. He brought the ladder match into the WWE and made it a mainstream professional wrestling match. After being retired for four years with a back injury, he returned in 2002 and has a possible fued of the decade with former tag team partner Triple H. He had one of the greatest matches of all time at Wrestlemania 21 with Kurt Angle, and earned the distinction of being the man who retired Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 24. He has constantly put over younger talent since his return in 2002. He has earned himself the title of an icon and is certainly one of the faces of the WWE over the past 20 years and is one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time.

So, that is the WWE legacy of Shwan Michaels. Discuss.

first off Steve Austin was the forerunner of the attitude era and everyone knows that...he was breaking barriers and charting new ground long before DX was formed.

Second, it was Undertaker who put Mankind on the map and Foley states that clearly in his book. Shawn had one PPV match with him, Taker had several and they feuded on and off for over two years.

I think Shawn has benefited from returning in 2002. I think if his career ended in 1998 he would not be as revered as he is now. He would certainly be remembered as great, but I don't think his legacy would be near what is is now.
HBK should and will go down in history as the greatest in ring performer of all time, IMO. We can talk about his accomplishments and what he has done for and in the business, but when you do that, I feel like he hasn't done more than your average champion has.

But, when you talk about Shawn Michaels, the performer, The Showstopper, The Main Event, The Icon, you put this man in a class that, IMO, no one has ever reached. His legacy should be his ability to have great matches with almost anyone he steps into the ring with. From his outstanding matches as a part of the Rockers all the way to his storied matches since his return in 2002. Shawn Michaels is simply the best performer ever.

I will always remember his titles and accomplishments, but when someone mentions Shawn Michaels to me down the road after he has retired. It will be his performances that I remember the most.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Shawn Michaels is and always will be the greatest professional wrestler of all time. Merchandise, Ratings, Money, those things fluctuate, and come and go. What matter most is the memories, and I guarantee, if Shawn Michaels is on the card, the match you will most remember is the match he was in. The Iron Man Match at Wrestlemania 12, The Ladder Match at Mania 10, The First Hell in a Cell with Taker, The First Elimination Chamber, His Hell in A Cell with HHH, The Unsanctioned Street Fight with HHH at Summerslam 2002, His Match Against Jericho at Mania 19, The Triple Threat Match at Mania 20, Mania 21 with Kurt Angle, Mania 22 against Vince, Mania 23 against Cena, Mania 24 against Flair, His feud last year with Jericho, and this year's Mania with Taker, which as I keep hearing everyone say, was one of, if not the only, good match at Mania this year. These are the matches and moments that will last a lifetime, and they all feature the Icon, Shawn Michaels. No matter who the opponent he can make them look good, He is in every match that can be considered a "first" in the WWE. He is an innovator, an inventor, he is Mozart in the ring. There is a reason that he has won a record 9, soon to be 10 when his match with Taker wins this year, PWI Match of The Year Awards, its because when it comes to in-ring performances Shawn is in a class all on his own, and in my opinion, those are what you will always remember the best. That is why HBK is the best of all time.
He will always be known as the inovator of the ladder, hell in the cell, iron man, and elimanation chamber matches. He was the first grand slam champion. He retired Ric Flair at Wrestlemania. He basically ushered in the attitude era. He was the face of WWE for 2 years. He was apart of one of the most inovative teams of all time(rockers). Won back to back royal rumbles. Screwed bret Hart. Started one of the most in your face groups degeneration x. And he also song his own theme music. But the thing that will cement him in WWE is him being Mr. Wrestlemania. No one and i mean no one can put on a show like old HBK at WM. WM 10, 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 he has stolen the show. Damn. And don't forget he's the Showstoppa, Headliner, the main event, the icon, the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels.
I agree with UT's#1fan. If we look at Shawn Michaels for his accomplishments then he is just the same as any other wrestler. If you look at the man behind the accomplishments, the performances he puts on---that's how I measure his legacy.

I have never seen anyone ever out perform Shawn Michaels. When it comes to the important encounters, he certainly brings out the best in himself and others. He's had amazing matches with just about anyone in the last decade. I am so glad he came back in 2002 as I feel wrestling would not be the same without him right now.

He was in the first HiAC match and the first Elimination Chamber. The man is just amazing in the ring. Even at his age he can still perform at a level that is matched only by few. He certainly will go down as one of the greatest of all time and will definitely be in the Hall of Fame.
He will always be known as the inovator of the ladder, hell in the cell, iron man, and elimanation chamber matches. He was the first grand slam champion. He retired Ric Flair at Wrestlemania. He basically ushered in the attitude era. He was the face of WWE for 2 years. He was apart of one of the most inovative teams of all time(rockers). Won back to back royal rumbles. Screwed bret Hart. Started one of the most in your face groups degeneration x. And he also song his own theme music. But the thing that will cement him in WWE is him being Mr. Wrestlemania. No one and i mean no one can put on a show like old HBK at WM. WM 10, 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 he has stolen the show. Damn. And don't forget he's the Showstoppa, Headliner, the main event, the icon, the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels.

see this is what i just don't get. How was he innovator of the Cell match? Taker was in there as well and since then he's been in more cell matches than anyone.If anyone is going to be remembered for HIAC it's Taker not HBK.There's a reason that the commentating always states that the Cell is Taker's speciality.

Same goes for Iron Man match, he wasn't in there alone, Bret was just as responsible for that match as he was, and Bret was the one who brought the ladder match concept to Vinces attention in the first place...the very first one was Bret and HBK at a house show in 1992. Yes Shawn popularized it at Mania but he didn't invent it.

you have to give credit to the guys in the ring with him for those matches, they were part of history as well and both Taker and Bret are legends.
Not taking anything away from Michaels, but wasn't Bret Hart the first Grand Slam Champ? Or does the Euro belt count? never thought much of that belt, but I digress.....

HBK will go down as what he was. Hands down one of the top 5 performers of all time. Forget the controversies, rumors, myths, etc... He's made a distinct mark in the history of pro wrestling and it aint a skid.
see this is what i just don't get. How was he innovator of the Cell match? Taker was in there as well and since then he's been in more cell matches than anyone.If anyone is going to be remembered for HIAC it's Taker not HBK.There's a reason that the commentating always states that the Cell is Taker's speciality.

Same goes for Iron Man match, he wasn't in there alone, Bret was just as responsible for that match as he was, and Bret was the one who brought the ladder match concept to Vinces attention in the first place...the very first one was Bret and HBK at a house show in 1992. Yes Shawn popularized it at Mania but he didn't invent it.

you have to give credit to the guys in the ring with him for those matches, they were part of history as well and both Taker and Bret are legends.

Alright, Along with HHH, no one owns the Cell more than Taker. I will give you that one, but here's the thing, HBK is the innovator of the Cell match, the Ladder match, The Elimination Chamber, The Iron Man match. There is a reason why he has been in THE FIRST of all those matches. It is because we know that he will set the standard for all of them. He will give us a match we will never ever forget, and then everyone else has to try and top it. Yes, Taker, and Bret were in the HIAC and Iron Man matches with him, but it was Shawn's ability that made them great.

Now how can I say that? I can say that for one simple fact. I have seen bad Undertaker and Bret Hart Matches, I have never ever seen a bad HBK match. Even if his matches aren't spectacular, they can never ever be characterized as bad. You put someone else against Bret in the Iron Man match, will it be called "The Greatest Match of All time"? Hell No. You put someone else in the Cell against Taker, and will it be the standard setter that we all know and love? I don't think so. It was Shawn's involvement in those matches that made them so great, and innovative. Plain and Simple. I mean, he was the first guy to go off the top of the cell, lets not forget that.

In terms of the Ladder Match, there is a reason why it was first introduced at a house show, and there is a reason why Shawn was put in the second one, and NOT BRET. They could have easily made Bret vs. Owen more personal and made it a ladder match, but they didn't, they gave it to Shawn. Why? Because they knew, just as we all know that Shawn would make the match great, Shawn would be the innovator of the match, and do things with the ladder that Bret would never ever have the nuts to do. Do you see Bret jumping off the top of the ladder? I sure don't. Bret may have introduced the concept, but it was Shawn that took the ball, and ran with it. It was Shawn that scored the touchdown. That is why the Ladder Match is, and forever will be, SHAWN's MATCH.
Shawn is the guy who got me into wrestling in the first place. I ignore all the backstage stuff and see the guy for what he is on TV and that is Mr Wrestlemania!
Yes Bret Hart became the first grand slam champ in 1993, he had won all the titles and the King Of The Ring that year, and it was a full four years before the European Title came into existence.Bret was alone in that category for three full years before Shawn won the WWF title at WM12.
Ok I like HBK but I'm not going to grovel over his "greatness" like some other people on here are. I don't think he is anywhere near the best ever but that's not what this thread is about.

I personally have a high level of respect for him especially for not title hogging (cough cough Triple H) and also putting over younger talent. It's hard to swallow your pride enough to be able to realize that you don't deserve the main strap anymore. Look at Triple H he can't let go he will be a 17 time world champion something that is unnecessary and impedes the company's progress.

HBK is a great performer..... when he wants to be lots of people know he dogs a fair share of matches but does give his all at Wrestlemania. The main issue I have with him though and this thread to be quite frank is the failure to mention Shawn's denial about his involvement in the Montreal Incident. He needed to own up to it instead of writing books and years later admitting it sorry I have no respect for that.
i agree with redevil and i see his point. but first of all, in my honest opinion, austin get alllllll the credit for the attitude era, and he really shouldn't to be honest with you. everyhting that he did and made famous where bieng done by shawn micheals and diesel while he was still the ring master with ted debiases. i.e sticking up middle fingers and cursing out management. Steve austin just took the plane the founded and turned it into a rocket ship, which is great and all credit to the power of austin to do that, but the foundation was completely laid by shawn, thats a fact.

And as for him having those gimmick matches with bret and taker,t hats true they deserve credit for those matches too, but the reason shawn is credited with those matches is because he wa salways the most memorable of the opponants,a nd thats proven by the fact if you bring up hell in the cell, iron man match, ladder match, who's match do they bring up? shawn's. how many hell in the cells and iron man and ladder matches have there been since the originals? and the majority always recall hbk's. well it's usually his hell and the cell and mankinds because of that hellaciouse spot mick foley took off the cage, but other then that it's always shawns matches they remember. Hell i don't even recall all the other matches in the cell taker had.

And thats shawns legacy. He's just amazing in the ring. Like i have a friend, despises shawn michaels, i actually have a few friends who despise shawn michaels, and they all say the same thing "i think he's a dick, i think he's great in the ring, but i think he's a dick".

And stop judging his wrestling character based off what you heard and your feelings towards his personality. what does that have to do with his wrestling? his legacy is entirely based off his on camera character and entertainment value.

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