share your ideas


Occasional Pre-Show
ok hi and hello. i made this thread so everyone can share their ideas of good story lines, gimmicks, superstars, finishers, basicly what you think should happen in todays story lines or make up ur own. so share your ideas for today matches rivalrys and all that.

my idea is how to make the undertaker and kane story line to continue and make up a legandary match at WM 27!

let the undertaker come back at royal rumble still with the dead man gimick during a kane match for WHC, and some how "KILL" or "DESTROY" kane. then the following week on smackdown just before the air goes off, a gong hits and the lights are off, so undertkers music is playing and no one comes out and that ends the show.
then the following week, near the end of a match, gong hits and music, but no one comes out, then a minute (when the fans are upset since he didnt come back) An updated "KEEP ROLLIN ROLLIN" the undertaker comes back with the motorcycle and beats the mid card match wrestlers. without saying a word leaves. backstage we see him and hes just pownding on every one he see's. then at the main event of the show its nexus vs smackdown supertsars. keep rollin rollin undertaker comes and just beats the nexus out of the ring and after that he even goes for the smackdown team. and that ends the show. then the next week taker says hes in elemination chamber and teddy long says undertaker is in. at elemination chamber he wins it, and after that kanes old school music hits and he comes back with the same attire he debut with and yes with the mask and with paul bearer. so he goes and breaks the cage door. (just like he did at his debut with hell in a cell) and attacks taker and hits tombstone. the next week on smackdown, taker talks about last sunday and that he is inviting hes demented brother to the show next week. and the next week kane does come with paul bearer to speak for him( just like the old kane) and they "blah blah blah" accept a match at WM!!!! and then undertaker says lets have a preveiw of whats gnna happen at wrestle mania nad kane goes to the ring and they brawl at it, takers getting the upper hand but bearrer distracts and kane hits choke slam and that ends the show. the next week kane has an inferno match with a mid carder and almost sets him on fire but undertaker saves him( since its pg and setting someone on fire is to violant) taker sets kane flying to the out side.

then at wrestle mania they have a classic match but the problem is i dont know who should win so

1. choose who should win and why

2. share your ideas

3. you can also change my idea.
i think that when christian comes back he should get a huge push... but as a heel. does anyone remember how much charisma this guy had when he was a heel in the E. idk why he seems so bland as a face, maybe b/c wwe wasnt doing anything with him. but i think a push and a heel turn will bring the old captain charisma back. and i love his moves and the way he works
Bring back quality wrestling period! Its not Entertainment anymore Vince, your wwe sux now! I remember a quote from Jim Ross "Its not your daddy's wrestling anymore, and we dont want it to be!" Well that wrestling in 80s and 90s was light years better than the PG crap you have now! I dont even watch RAW anymore! I wish they would bring back the name World Championship Wrestling, WCW sounds awesome, Vince you just dont have it anymore, give your fans what they want!
Nice storyline first of all. second I think Kane should dominate Taker basically like you said then At mania Uhndertaker destroys kane. Then for the next year Kane is out and around mania Taker and Kane reunites as The Brothers of destruction then Taker wairs the attire with the gloves and boots and they go on a rampage.
Survivor Series Results and followup:

Barret wins the world title after Cena accidently hits Orton setting up the finish and begrudgingly counting the 3 for Barret to win. Cena attacks Barrett and Miz comes out to cash in MITB. Then comes the swerve of the night with Riley attacking Miz and costing him the title, only to reveal that he has been a part of Nexus all along and has been used to keep tabs on Miz and his MITB to ensure Barrett gets the title. This allows Miz to complain even more and build him further as a legit title contender and a possible slow build face turn. Adds another solid in ring for Nexus while Cena remains face against Barrett and Orton can feud with Barrett and Cena further after his loss.
Survivor Series Results and followup:

Barret wins the world title after Cena accidently hits Orton setting up the finish and begrudgingly counting the 3 for Barret to win. Cena attacks Barrett and Miz comes out to cash in MITB. Then comes the swerve of the night with Riley attacking Miz and costing him the title, only to reveal that he has been a part of Nexus all along and has been used to keep tabs on Miz and his MITB to ensure Barrett gets the title. This allows Miz to complain even more and build him further as a legit title contender and a possible slow build face turn. Adds another solid in ring for Nexus while Cena remains face against Barrett and Orton can feud with Barrett and Cena further after his loss.

I'm really digging this you know. I'd like to see that happen man, nice one.

For me, once CM Punk & Bourne return, I'd like to see the US & IC titles be unified at RR, with Bryan beating Ziggler for the title. Then these four guys get involved in a great feud over the 1 title. There are different matches on Raw & SD each week, leading to a Fatal Four Way match at EC. To be honest, I couldn't pick a clear winner right now, as these guys would put on one fuckin' amazing match.
Here's an idea I had..I thought of doing a Book This.. y'all let me know what you think, if you want me to maybe pursue this further... Jickie has already seen my rough draft...but here goes.

This goes up to Survivor Series. Of course, same old sh-tick. Cena is being bossed around by Barrett and Nexus. However, on RAW, Orton is the reigning WWE champ. Meanwhile, he's being managed by his Midwest Mafia Miss, Lisa Decker, (Kansas Girl..his Missouri Man connection.)

Over time between the threats of Nexus on him, and Lisa at various times, Barrett finally gets his match at Survior Series with the Nexus members being banned from Ringside and with Cena as special ref. Orton is not sure if he can trust Cena or not, and Cena is still faced with the Free or Fired. Then its Survivor Series time.

The match is going on as regularly planned, Nexus banned from ringside. However, R-Truth comes out and wants to try to help Cena, against Cena's wishes. As the match has gone on enough, Cena is distracted by R-Truth and trying to get him to leave the ring area, while doing that, a hooded/masked figure dressed all in black runs down to the ring and strikes Orton with a foreign object, and then hides under the ring. R-Truth is escorted out thru the crowd, and Cena see Barrett making the cover, and counts the 1-2-3 pinfall. The new WWE champion is Wade Barrett!! Cena raises Barrett's hand in victory. The rest of Nexus comes running down to congratulate him as Orton is being checked on by medics and wheeled out. Everyone in the arena is confused as to what happened, even Nexus looks at each other confused, wondering what just happened.
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