SES - Can they become a golden stable like JBL's cabinet?


Vipère Mortelle
Remember back in the day when JBL had a cabinet who had the All the SmackDown! titles.

Or when Evolution had all the male RAW titles?

I think SES has the potential to become a even better stable then it is now. I love CM Punk and he's so great at what he does... let's face it, who else can preach a positive message of Straightedge and make it seem like a sickening cult disease.

Someone else had posted a thread earlier saying it is Serena Deeb's time to shine with current top tier divas gone and out. She can destroy Lay-Cool and take the Women's Championship. She has a devastating spear and great in-ring ability. She can bring prestige back to the Women's Division and have a great rivalry with someone.

Luke Gallows and Mystery "Joey Mercury" Man can become Tag Team Champions.

Maybe Dashing Cody Rhodes will join SES/Maybe win the Intercontinental Championship (and follow in the footsteps of Randy Orton, faction-wise).

Lastly, CM Punk can win the World Heavyweight Championship to become a 4-Time Champion and have a solid title run for once. (I don't consider his first title run a success since he couldn't even defend it and lost it, the second one was a feud with Jeff Hardy which was an utter fail until he won it again and then lost it again...)

How do you guys feel about this sort of thing happening again in the WWE. When the previous faction title dominations happened with Evolution and the Cabinet, I was fairly young, close to 12-13 years old and I disliked it a lot because I thought they were title hogs, but clearly as I've grown older and started to see things clearer :lmao: I've grown to love devastating factions until they grow stale and boring. So yeah, what do you guys think? Discuss!
I think it could be the best thing ever!!! haha i love the SES im striaght edge myself and CM punk is my favorite. i think they would just absolutely kill with their promos of we are better than you cuz we are straight edge and we prove it every week when we hold these titles. these titles PROVE we are better than you. like i would watch smackdown for the rest of my life if we even got one of those promos. i think the SES is so hot right now, and if there is any time to do it, WWE should go for i now. actually if youre thinking cody rhodes then maybe not yet, wait for his gimmick to develop. but thats a great idea to add him in, i really love youre idea man, if only WWE could see this. and i dont think it would ever get boring. because punk has delivered the same promo 202843490 times and its still amazing.
While I'd prefer this to happen to Nexus, I think this would be a great idea. Serena is one heck of a wrestler, and if she won the Women's Championship she could have some great matches with a returning Beth Phoenix. I'd love to see that.

I really like Luke Gallows. He has a great look, isn't too bad on the mic, and has put on some VERY good matches, like his match with Vladimir Kozlov or with The Undertaker back when he was Festus. I don't know much about Mercury, but the fact that both of these men were tag team wrestlers before means that they could easily form a tag team now.

And of course I'd love to see Punk with the WHC again. He's the king of drawing heat, and is gold in the ring. I want him to face Rey MYsterio sometime in the future, since their matches were excellent.

Right now the storyline seems to be setting up for an SES vs. Brothers of Destruction feud. Imagine how great it would be if titles were added into the mix!

I'd love to see this happen.
I would love this! I've been waiting for another stable to come in and dominate a show. I would prefer it to be the SES because Punk is amazing at his promos and this would be perfect for their gimmick. They just need to unmask the "mystery man" and maybe add one other star too the stable and I think this would be a entertaining stable that can dominate the title picture on Smackdown so i vote yes let the SES win all the titles and keep them for awhile.
I've been calling for this on a regular basis since the SES first started! They need more members & they need to start dominating the title scene. Im hoping & praying that Rey winning the big-boy title is WWEs way of getting Punk the title w/o having him have to beat Swagger to get it. Punk gets his head shaved by Rey & in return Punk gets the title off of him. Makes sense to me- but im sure it wont happen unfortunately.

Once the NXT7 came along- I had a bad feeling that it ruined any chance I thought there might be for a larger SES stable. But ya never know what could happen. The NXT7 are all on RAW & SES is on Smackdown- so its still possible. Altho- not likely.

By the way: If that really was Joey Mercury as the masked man on last nights Smackdown...He's gotten himself into GREAT shape! I remember Mercury being a little chubby...well not chubby- but definately not cut like the guy I saw lastnight, in that mask. Good for him! Now lets get that damn mask off of him now!! He's had it for way too long. The suprise factor has worn off I think. Now Punk has his own mask & its just starting to look stupid with a 2nd masked man.

As for Cody Rhodes being added to SES: I dont think thats happening anymore, after lastnight. He's doin his own pretty-boy thing...& thats fine with me! Do your thing Cody!

As for who I personally would add into SES: Lets of now we have CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Serena & Masked Man#2. That gives us a main-eventer, a formidable tag-team & a anti-diva. So far so good.

Addition #1: I'd personally like to see another "bodyguard type" added to the stable. Not someone looking for any titles. Just someone whos main job is: to make sure CM Punk & the SES are safe at all times. To make this addition more of a "WTF moment" I want this to be a guy that NOBODY would believe would allign himself with Punk & SES. A guy that would never "bow down" to someone like CM Punk. That man is Mark Henry. Shave those dub-ass corn-rows off your head & bow down to your new savior! If it cant be Henry, then it should be a returning Ezekiel Jackson. But Jackson wouldnt have to shave his head & I just think it would mean more to watch Henry get his head shaved by CM Punk.

Addition #2: I'd really like to see another anti-diva added into the mix. I love Serena- & I dont want any attention taken away from her or anything. I just think it would be entertaining to see the 2 ladies kinda trying to impress Punk by one-upping each other all the time. Most likely the SES wouldnt be able to last too long with 2 females- so I wouldnt make it last for too long. Mabye this could be a way to actually get Serena out on her own & let her grow her hair back. As for what female I want to see join...I dont really know yet. Part of me wants it to be Jillian. Shes been doing nothing in WWE for a long time & I think she really is a good worker. Give her something more main-stream to do! Or what about probly the best female performer WWE has rightnow- Gail Kim? Im not sure I want Gail to shave her head- but it would be something different for her- besides being in random diva tag-team matches. Or- maybe you bring another FCW girl like AJ Lee up to join the group.

Addition #3: The SES needs a guy that can contend for the US/Intercontinental titles. Yet again- it would just be better TV, for it to be a guy that nobody would ever believe would side-up & take orders from CM Punk(just like Mark Henry). How about a returning Bryan Danielson!?!! The storyline is already in place to use. CM Punk got him back into the WWE by convincing him that it was drugs & alcohol that made him violent enuff to choke out a ring announcer & beat up a commentator. PLUS: this would totally set up a beautiful fued between Punk & Danielson after a good amount of time working together.

As you can tell, by the legth of my CM Punk/SES posts...this is my favorite thing happening in the WWE rightnow. I just wish they would take more advantge of the situation ASAP. Punk is GOLD. Use the SES to its FULL capibilities NOW!! PLEASE!!
I love the idea of having two divas but one upping each other really would hurt SES more than help it... and if theres two divas it might make the impression more tag team like and with the Women's Championship being shared right now, and Blondetourage on the scene, another double diva team would really send the Women's title into a Tag Team title which is something I don't really like the idea of.

I like the idea of a bodyguard type, or just expanding SES to the max though. Great discussion guys :D
I really like the bodyguard idea for the SES also but i dont know if i would want it to be Mrak Henry. Also if Ezekial is gonna be out for much longer i say they should find someone else as the bodyguard. Someone who isnt really doing much on Smackdown and needs something to stay relevant. I think Shad can play the bodyguard role pretty good and they can make it believable saying Punk saved Shad from his Cryme Tyme ways.
Well- I wouldnt want the Divas one-upping each other from the start. I shoulda made myself more clear there. They would work well together at the begining & then slowly start it happening. Maybe Serena starts thinking that "X" is just getting too close to Punk. Closer then shes ever been. So she starts to get jealous. Possibly with the exchange ending in Serena leaving the SES to become herself again. Possibly a really good babyface diva at that point. It was just a thought.

I'd do the same thing with Danielson & Punk also. Have them start off working really really well together. But after 9-12 months or so (yes- I want this SES angle to last for a long time- like 2 or more years) probly Danielson start thinking that Punk isnt the savior that he says he is. Kinda goin back & forth for a bit, culminating in a great fued between the 2 of them.

My main point is to make this stable bigger and badder!! It should happen! It needs to happen!! Make it happen Vince!!
i love the SES but they need to add 1 more person to the stable, and it will be a dominant stable, i would say add another young wrestler and it would probably be the best stable since evolution
Yes...this would be huge...but I don't see it happening at the moment...they aren't that kinda dominating stable...they need something...i'm not sure what it is..but they are missing something...

Firstly...Punk needs the world champion...i think the stable will go on for a long that could happen maybe after summerslam...

secondly...the masked man needs to reveal himself, so the stable is REAL...

thirdly, i don't see Gallows with the IC i would say he and masked man should get the tag titles...then they need a new member anyone who is already he could be their secondary champion...
tonight at a house show in portland they attacked the hart dynesty after the harts won there match.then kane came down and beat them up.but after the event when the wrestlers all leave luke gallows was backing up and crashed into the car the hart dynesty was driving.almost hitting a civic center employe.when they were talking to luke gallows about it they were all laughing.weird seeing them off tv like that.
The SES is getting ready to become a golden stable. I think with a couple more members it would be perfect. CM Punk is the first guy who's come along with that sort of heel leader charisma that JBL had, with a workable gimmick. I'm a big fan of stables in general. The nWo was really what kickstarted the late 90s wrestling boom (with Hogan's heel turn being a big shock) along with Stone Cold inventing the Austin 3:16 catchphrase (I believe that was later in 96), although in the end it was a big cause of WCW's downfall also (when the stable overtook almost the whole roster and neglected other storylines and talent).
I don't think it will come close to The Cabinet or Evolution and it will because of Punk. The main focus of Evolution and The Cabinet was to have HHH's and JBL's back and the one thing they both had was a long title reign. I don't know if they will trust Punk to do what HHH and JBL did and be the focus of a brand for a long period of time. At least they have a female member in their stable so that's different.

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