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How is there not a thread on this site yet about ROH DBD VIII? This was, HANDS DOWN, the single best professional wrestling SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN.

If you don't follow ROH, go to their facebook page and watch some of the hype videos for this PPV. Then, if you've never seen some of the guys in action, look them up on YouTube. This PPV is worth catching up to the characters, both in-ring and storyline wise.

Order this PPV. The Replay is on Monday. Seriously. I'm ordering the Replay because ROH fucking deserves the money and I want to see a replay. This PPV was incredible. The first match was GREAT, the next few were a little more dull, and the last three matches were absolutely incredible, with the Main Event being quite possibly the single greatest match I have EVER seen, fucking EVER.
Perhaps because it's ROH, which means it suffers from shitty production quality, piss bucket wrestlers, atrocious commentary, and a generally unentertaining product.
You are joking, right? Piss bucket wrestlers and a generally unentertaining product? I'm not going to try and defend ROH's production quality or commentary (although Cornette did do commentary for the main event tonight) but to say that their wrestlers and product are no good is pretty ridiculous. ROH has some of the best pure in-ring wrestlers in the world right now on their roster. Shit, Bryan Danielson was ROH's poster boy for almost his entire US-based career, and now look at the shit fit people are having because he got released from the WWE.

What makes you say that they have "piss bucket wrestlers"? I'd have to assume that your thinking that it's a generally unentertaining product stems from that.
You are joking, right? Piss bucket wrestlers and a generally unentertaining product? I'm not going to try and defend ROH's production quality or commentary (although Cornette did do commentary for the main event tonight) but to say that their wrestlers and product are no good is pretty ridiculous. ROH has some of the best pure in-ring wrestlers in the world right now on their roster. Shit, Bryan Danielson was ROH's poster boy for almost his entire US-based career, and now look at the shit fit people are having because he got released from the WWE.

What makes you say that they have "piss bucket wrestlers"? I'd have to assume that your thinking that it's a generally unentertaining product stems from that.
The fact the concept of psychology and believability escapes most, if not all, of the workers in the company, and they replace psychology and believability with random moves and random high spots, with no thought as to whether or not it actually makes sense in the context of the match.

I include Danielson in that category as well. At least he had a little time to train with the WWE, one of the best wrestling products in the world.
Why don't you get the hair out of your ass and make the thread? I'm sure somebody saw it.Or not.Probably not.:shrug:
I saw it, but I find that indy promotion forums here only get about 6 post so don't waste my time trying to discuss it. It was great, but not ROH's best.

I've heard good things about it, but I've watched 2 ROH shows and while good, they're not the be all end all that they're made out to be.
I've heard good things about it, but I've watched 2 ROH shows and while good, they're not the be all end all that they're made out to be.

Of the shows that I've seen from ROH, I find that the average episode of Smackdown is usually better than the "best" of ROH.
I saw Survival of the Fittest from last year and Final Battle where Danielson lost the title to Homicide. Again, decent, but nothing great. Nothing I'd want to watch on a weekly basis.
Of the shows that I've seen from ROH, I find that the average episode of Smackdown is usually better than the "best" of ROH.
So you'd rather go through two hours of listening to Jack Thwagger's accomplishments and watching a former ROH Champion beat up on a midget, than watch two hours of mostly great wrestling?

So you'd rather go through two hours of listening to Jack Thwagger's accomplishments and watching a former ROH Champion beat up on a midget, than watch two hours of mostly great wrestling?


No, not at all. But since ROH fails to provide even 10 minutes of mostly great wrestling, what choice do I have?
If ROH is as good as what's his face claims, what exactly prevents them from getting a decent TV deal? I mean, if TNA has one, then anybody can get 'em. Right?
So you'd rather go through two hours of listening to Jack Thwagger's accomplishments and watching a former ROH Champion beat up on a midget, than watch two hours of mostly great wrestling?


Like Sly said, if ROH could produce Ten Minutes of great wrestling, I'd watch it. Sadly, when the best match they've put out there involves Tyler Black (at his greenest), an over the hill Jerry Lynn, and somebody who's failed twice in TNA (Austin Aries), there's something wrong.

On the upside, you will soon be able to see all you're favorite epilepsie patients on national television. Namely, when the owners of ROH decide that they'd rather NOT lose all their money.
Wow, you guys are serious.

ROH can't put on more than 10 minutes of great wrestling? LOL, WHAT? We're clearly not watching the same programming.

Can somebody explain to me wtf makes ROH so horrible? I think I might be confused.
:lmao: As stated before the UFC card was much more appealing last night. Nothing wrong with ROH as some people say but I don't have that excitement level that I do to watch WWE or TNA.

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